1979-02-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes -111:::::rr _ZCRAFT.C.02. _ Appearance Commission- Village of Buffalo Grove , Ill. Thurs . , Feb 8 , 1979 1 . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order on Thurs . , Feb. 8, 1979 at 7 :44 P.h. 2 . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : Gibbs , i`ailill6, Holland ,Paolillo and Hardt . Also Dominic Sayiano, Bldg.. Dept . Absent : Kirby and Knaak , QUORUM PREoENT 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were tabled until a later date. 4 , OLD BUSINESS a) Stan' s Standard Service Station Arlington Hts . Rd . and Rt . #83 Ar. Rudd and. Stan Ozimek Color rendition was presented and a new site plan ,,,as used to show the location cf all signage . It was agreed to reduce the height of the Pylon sign to 20 feet and it will be 5 feet off the ground. The actual surface area of the top oval/f.lame.!is 95 sq:ft . '' Calculated in a. full rectangle it is 128 sq . ft but since it is that close, the Commission agreed to accept it as presented. The reader portion of the sign will have the price of gasoline/type at all times . The bottom line will say At Car Wash Island or abbreviation of same . In view of the fact that there is a great improvement in the total signage , Com . Hardt suggested a variance be granted to allow the Logo (Standard ) . Motion to approve the ground sign was made by Corn. Pao) i1.lo : I move we accept the Standard Oil Pylon Sign with the following stipulations : 1) Height not to exceed 20 feet . 2) Coloring as depicted or the color rendition. 3) Lower illuminated sign have changeable fifteen inch let -ers showing trice of gasoline AT ALL TIMES. • . • i 4) Below the price in changeable copy will be the type of gas , Regular, Diesel or Unleaded ; and the remainder of that portion be unchangeable cony reading "At Car Wash Isle" or similar abbreviation 5) The base plate to be level with the ground with possible plantings at the base such as ground cover or fitzers . Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the 1'iotion-Passed unanimously. Plans were signed filing. The remainder of the signage was reviewed as to placement and copy. Mr. Ozimek stated that all signs would be Changed at the same time the new pylon sign is erected . He will change • the color of the OPEN-CLOSED sign to .match .Car :Wash sign. He agreed to remove the Car Wax sigu The building signs for the Car Wash will match the Island. ID signs . Photos of all signs were submitted . Exit sign from Car Wash will be blue plastic letters. The site plan was marked with all stipulations . Commissioner Gibbs made the following motion: • I move we accept the accessory signage • for the Standard Station as denoted on the site plan with the further stipulation • that the 2 pylon signs will be removed prior to the installation of the new ground sign. All excess signage will also be removed . The sign across the street will also be removed as soon as weather permits . • The motion was seconded by Com . Holland. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed unanimously. b) Standard Pacific - Highland Point, Unit 7 Tex Guggemos , President Ch. Hardt excused himself from the discussion because his company is doing the soil testing for the Village on this projects . The Village is back-charging the developer so therefore Mr. Hardt left to prevent any conflict of interest . Com . Gibbs took the Chair. Mr. Guggemos agreed to comply with the Forester's report and replace the Maples with White Ash and SepOless Green Ash. He noted that it would be difficult to comply with • the request for. 50' intervals for the street trees because of double driveways . Trees could end up on property lines so he requested a 60 ft . minimum with the stipulotion that they would work with the Public Works Dept . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 8, 1979 - Page Two • • Com. Holland made a motion to arprove the Parkway Plantings for Highland Point , Unit 7 . Location to he dptormined at field time of planting . Trees will be 2 to 3 Caliper - Unstaked . The Forester' s Report will be . followed by replacement of the Sugar Maple and Red Maple with the Seed 1 Ass Green Ash and White Ash . Distance will be as close to 50 ft . apart as possible . Forester' s report to be included with the plan for the file , Section 7 - Parkway Planting. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion . Motion Passed . Detention area was noted on the Forester' s report . He has requested more than seeding, but Mr. Guggemos said "No" that the Annexation Agreement specified Hydro seed with 15% of land set aside . He would consider additional landscaping at a later date and asked that the matter be left open. Agreed . Mr. Hardt returned to the Chair. c) Home Federal - Signage ; Phase Il of Villa Verde Bud Mayo- Brim/Braun and. Mr.Sherwin Braun Request for three ( 3) Wall Signs and two (2) low ground signs at the entrance and exit of the Drive in facility. Three wall signs will be Bronze with illuminated white letters . Ground signs - Off White with red lit letters . • The sign code was reviewed as to the lineal distances required for signs and the signs requested are within • these limits . Three signs are needed because of the design of the building. Letters on wall signs will be Helveitca style.. Total lineal footage of the 3 signs is 75 ft . maximum (approx. 22' x 24' ) with 212'total frontage. The entrance-exit signs are dark with tubes inside to light the letters . These are in accordance with the Code; but the Commissioners felt the Home Federal name is un- necessary. Mr. Braun agreed to delete the name from the directional signs . and reduce the size to 12 sq . ft . Ground cover will be planted at the base of the signs. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: • • I move we approve the wall signs and the directional signs for Home Federal Savings as eubm1tzted with Vile stipulations : a) Three wall signs as seen on the site plan. Ivory - Back lit . b) Two directional signs for the Drive-In - Entrance and Exit only. The name H.F.S. to be deleted and the size to be 12 sq . ft . maximum; and the same general format as presented ; in the same location. c) Opague baked enamel in metal housings . Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call- Vote was Aye unanimously. Motion Passed . Mr. Braun said the Eagle/Osco and other signs needind repair would be fixed . APPEARANCE COMMISSION b) FULTE - Formerly Green Knolls • Daniel L. Star, Ron nellson - Project •Manager Jim Hoskins - Sales Manager Pulte Home Corporation, Ill. Div. qre Contract Purchers of the Green Knolls subdivision. The proposed homes were presented and a general description was given. They have planned to build two houses each with 4 alternate front elevations . One is a Split level,the other a Bi-level. • 1. Beginning with the split level, some generalities were discussed and details were noted as follows : a. Roof vents are on the back only, any • exposed will pa.inted out to match the roof (black) . b. Chimneys are B-vents and will be painted • out to match the roof (black). - It was noted that on' Aug. 25, 1978 the Green Knolls development stipulated that all their chimneys and fire- • places f: oulc. be masonary brick and would match the front the houses ; and the chimney pots would be fabricated brick housings and be painted out the color of the roof . Ch. Hardt said that this would be discussed after the presentation was finished . • c . Shutters are to be aluminum, either pre-finished or painted. d . Gutters and Downspouts will match the trim or the siding; also corner boards . e . Facia - Wood , pine with two coats of paint . f . Muttons - removable (possibly Dart of . the windows later) g. Garage doors - Paneled , not all white • The color scheme packages were presented with a poesi.bie variety of colors resulting in 300 different combinations . Ch. Hardt asked if they would meet the Monotny Code in B. G . and the Pulte people said their Monotny Code was probably more stringent than B.G . 's but some of the Commissioners felt that the yellow and green colors are not compatible with Green 1Lnolls homes Earth tones . It was discussed for a time and it was felt that 3 houses are needed to meet the Monotny Code but it was felt that considering the number of homes to be built and because some Green Knoll homes are already built they could work around the code . A checker board pattern could be used . The AC .can recorr.mend to the Village Board that a 3rd model be added. APPEARENCE COMMISSION Feb. 8, 19T9 - Page Four • • • h. On Elevations 2 & 3 - the Posts are wood , they have had no problem in the past with rotting .bases . 1 . Brick window and door sills with aluminum under • the wooden kickboards on the doors . The side and rear split-level elevations on corner lots were discussed . The AC Commissioners asked that side exposures which face the right of way have Shutters and Muttons on the windows . No more than 8" of concrete can be exposed . The chimneys were again discussed . Pulte said that if masonary is used the cost is about $3,000 extra as against 42,000 for pre-f abs inside and out . Total area is between 2,000 and 2,200 square feet. All trim will be painted to match the color package - doors may match or be trim color. Because the Pulte homes will be inter-developed with the Green Knolls lots the schemes will be compatible, .stated Mr. Star. However the AC Commissioners did not agree that masonary and pre-fab chimneys were not compatible . Also Mr. Star said that with only 39 lots to be developed a third model would not be good . They were asked to surrl y a p],at showing all the Green Knolls lots already sold . After discussing the various difficulties between the two sub-divisions , Mr. Bob Bogart , Trustee stepped forward to . ask if the Village Board or the Planning Commission knew of the project change? It is a major change and he sug- gested tabling the presentation and referring it to the Plan Commission first . Ch. Hard.t ,asked for a motion to table, based upon the problem of meeting the monotny code , colors being uncom- patible with Green Knolls , masonry chimneys much different than pre-fabs . Materials are needed to be reviewed and a plot plan is required, to show swales and drainage. Commissioner Holland made the motion to table . It was seconded by Com . Paolillo . Roll Call Vote was Aye to table unanimously. Chairman Hard.t apologized to the Pulte people for taking their time and suggested Mr. Star call Mr. Balling to arrange further details of procedure . • APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Feb. .8, 1979 - Parke 5 DRAFT COPY DOMINICK'S FOOD STORE - LANDSCAPING Representatives - Jim Coconas, Kenroy, Inc. Ken Chapin - Landscape Architect Mr. Coconas presented the proposed landscaping for the Four (2 ) Homeowners adjacent to the Dominick's portion of the Buffalo Grove Mall. Due to the nine foot encroachment, the five parking spaces proposed previously proposed have been eliminated. The area in front of the fence (South Side) will be planted with 11 Norway Maples. To compensate for the encroachtaent the Home- owners have signed agreements for additional landscaping on their side of the fence as per the drawing submitted, for a distance of 9 feet into their yards; Specifically Buckthorns, Armour Maples and Norway Maples. Mr. Chapin has met with Mr. Paige, Consultant Forester for B.G. and some changes have been made in the plantings at the entry ways. Plums will be used instead of the proposed trees. Mr. Coconas presented the signed statements from the Homeowners accepting the proposed trees and granting permission for work men to go onto their property. A one year guarantee will be given the Homeowners on the trees. Mr. Hardt asked if the Homeowners were aware of the..height of the building. Mr. Coconas answered that the height of the build- ing is now up as high as it will go and the Homeowners are satis- fied. Mr, Gibbs asked what about large delivery trucks that will be going in back close to the trees. Mr. Chapin answered that the bank slopes upward and also that as the trees mature the trunk is high enough for the branch structure to miss the top of any trucks. Also in cases such as this the trucks themselves will trim back the smaller limbs, but will do no. damage to the trees. Mr. Chapin added that the plantings that were added t:d. the Home- owners property were correlated with the existing shrubs. Mr. Hardt commended Kenroy, Inc. on the plan and he said he felt the plan solved the problem in the best possible way for the benefit of all parties and the Village. Concerning a parapet to screen the roof top units, Mr. Coconas expressed concern that the Homeowners were already satisfied that the wall is as high as it is supposed to be and he did not want to have to go back and tell them a parapet would be added. He prefers to paint out the roof top units as stipulated in previous meetings. He repeated the consent agreements are signed. Mr. Hardt said that from an aesthetic point of view a parapet is the best and that it would have to extend far enough so that it would block out the roof top units; as well as deaden noise. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 8, 1979 Page A-S ix After some discussion, Mr. Bob Bogart, Trustee suggested the Appearance Commission recommend the parapet to the Village Board and if they chose to have it, it would be the responsibility of the Board to inform the Homeowners and find out their desire. In this way Kenroy, Inc. would not be responsible. The Homeowners should have the opportunity to choose a higher wall or painting out of the roof top units. Mr. Hardt said this was an agreeable solution and added to the . fact that the parapet is better looking and the trees will hide it as they grow. He contended that all those people knew that a shopping was located behind their homes. He asked for a motion. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we recommend approval of the landscaping for the Buffer Zone relative th area between Dominick's Food Store and th Homes to the North as presented with the stipulation that: a) The trees be of 22 caliper, and we further recommend approval of the changes of variety along' the entry way to Plums; and with the Forester's recommendations ; and that the trees are to be of 3i to 4 inch caliper along the right of ways. Commissioner Paolollo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion- Passed Unanimously. A second motion was made by Commissioner Holland, as follows : I move we recommend consideration of screening of the roof top units on Dominick's Food Store via either the construction of a parapet wall which would extend from the West Building Line to a point sufficiently East to prevent view from the Eastern most point on the Eastern-most House adjacent to the property; or as an alternative at the descresion :.of the Board, that the said roof top units be painted out as per the previous minutes of the Appearance Commission. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. 5. ADJOURNMENT APPEARANCE COMMISSION The meeting was adjourned at 11 P.M. Feb. 8, 1979 - Page B Page Seven Respectfully submitted, DRAFT COPY Shirley Bates,, ecretary. sb