1994-10-20 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING I . CALL TO ORDER A Special Meeting held at the Alcott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive , was called to order at 7 : 40 P.M. by Chairman Richard Gordon on Thursday, October 20, 1994 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A. Viehman, M. Cea, R. Lundine and R. Gordon QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : F. Weissman and S. Trilling Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Jeffrey Braiman, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 13 , 1994 - Tabled. September 22 , 1994 - Remain Tabled. IV. BUSINESS A. Country Court Shopping Center - "For Lease" Sign 125 - 165 W. Dundee Road Representative not present . Deferred until end of meeting. B. Yaskawa - Ground Sign Face Change 1067 Johnson Drive (Formerly Johnson & Johnson) Mr . Tony Pappalardo, Manager of Administration, 2942 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Northbrook , IL 60062-2028 made described the proposed ground signs which will replace the panels in the Johnson & Johnson ground signs . The main double-faced identification sign will have a white polyurethane background with black vinyl copy and corporate blue logo. The sign is surrounded by evergreens . The single faced non-illuminated directional sign will be located on the west side of the driveway. The arrows indicate the directions to the docks on the right and visitor parking on the left . The aluminum panel will have black copy on a white background. The frame and posts will be repainted black. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Yaskawa ground sign face changes as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Lundine , Cea , Viehman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. B. Town Place - Revised Elevations and Sign Face Changes : Entrances on Route 83 and on Buffalo Grove Road Mr . Brian Hoffman, V.P. of Red Seal Development Corporation, 425 Huehl Road, Building Eighteen, Northbrook, IL 60062 made the presentation. Red Seal will develop the remaining 45 con- dominiums and 35 townhomes . 1 . Revised Townhome Elevation Mr . Hoffman said they have re-designed and enhanced the D-unit of the townhomes (depicted on Page A-13) by adding a bay which provides a sitting area in the master bedroom on the second floor and a breakfast area in the kitchen on the first floor . The revision improves the aesthetics of the exterior of Town Place and greatly improves the interior of the units . Bays are not atypical for the subdivision and they create symmetry that is in keeping with the overall architectural character of the units . The materials are consistent with the existing buildings . The brick will be carried around the end of the building to the bay. The C-unit floor plan has also been changed. There was no distinctive break between the breakfast room to the dining room to the living room. The unit was not viable and needed transitional space to distinguish the kitchen from the great room. The master bedroom has been moved to the upstairs , the bathroom wall has been expanded and the roof lines have been changed (depicted on Page A-11 ) . Two windows have been added to the first floor . The unit , which was not marketable, is now habitable. Mr . Hoffman said the materials are the same, with the exception of the chimney covering. It has been changed from glue-on brick to dryvit. This was done after consultation with the previous general contractor and the current residents. The stick-on brick was inferior and did not weather well . There were complaints of leaking and flashing problems , so some of the chimney material on the condominium building has been changed to drivit . Actually, the drivit is a superior product and will be used to remedy any subsequent problems to the previously buildings . It is used extensively. Com. Viehman had no objection to the proposed use of drivit if it improves the quality of the units . He recalled that there was a slight architectural difference on the second Manchester condominium building. The drivit will blend with the other materials and will not be noticed. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the elevation changed as submitted for the Town Place Townhomes . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Lundine, Viehman, Cea and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 20 , 1994 - Page Two 2 . Sign Face Changes Mr . Hoffman described the proposed temporary construction signs that will replace the two existing signs on Route 83 and Buffalo Grove Road. The signs will be repainted , using simple basic colors - white background with black lettering, red logo and accents . They want to change the impression people have of Town Place and they want to use the Red Seal logo for identification. The sign basically includes the name - Town Place - and base price of $159 ,900. The use of the price has been discussed with their attorney and they have been advised that is not considered false advertising. The sign will draw attention to the project and they are prepared to handle purchasers who come in to look at the models. They want to get the project going before Thanksgiving. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the repainting of the two existing Town Place temporary marketing signs , on Route 83 and Buffalo Grove Road , as presented. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. Mr . Hoffman thanked the Village and the Appearance Commission for scheduling this special meeting. It means a lot to them. A. Country Court Shopping Center - "For Lease" Sign 125 - 165 W. Dundee Road Mr . Schar informed the Commissioners that Mr . David Rhodes , Property Manager with Brian Properties , 2045 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights , IL 60004, had telephoned to say he could not attend this meeting. He was present at the meeting that was cancelled on October 13 , 1994 and had brought a photograph of an identical sign that is located at Dunell Center , west of Country Court . If the Commissioners have no objections , a recommendation can be made at this time , or the sign will be rescheduled for the next meeting, October 27th. The 4' x 4' sign is divided and the background of the top half would have a cream background with brown lettering and the lower half would have a brown background with white copy. The post would be brown. The sign would be located across from the "Furs by Michael " building and installed within the grassy area between the sidewalk and the parking lot . The height of the post was not shown on the drawing, but it should be at least four feet (4' ) to the bottom of the sign to eliminate any line-of-sight problems. The height would be subject to Village Engineer review and approval . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 20, 1994 - Page Three There was a discussion about the duration of this type of sign and Trustee Braiman made a suggestion that some time limita- tion be included in the revised Sign Code. There are too many "For Lease" signs on Dundee Road and Lake Cook Road. One suggestion was to permit the signs for one ( 1 ) year with a one ( 1 ) year extension. Then the owner would have to submit the sign for Appearance Commission review and pay another permit fee for an extension. The Building Department has no record of what shopping center spaces are rented and how many are available. There are always some vacant stores . Trustee Braiman would not object if these signs were eliminated from the Sign Code and only window signs were permitted. There are many "For Rent" window signs now. The Commissioners did not object to the Country Court sign. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the "For Sale" sign as submitted for Country Court , with the stipulation that the post be a maximum height of five feet (5 ' ) to the bottom of the sign, subject to the Village Engineer review and approval . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Lundine, Cea, Viehman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 :40 P.M. Mr . Schar thanked the Commissioners for coming out on short notice. Respectfully submitted, • Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 20, 1994 - Page Four