1994-08-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE (X1YMISSION AppiRovEl . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IZLIINOIS y TBURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER Com. Richard Gordon called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thrusday, August 11, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: F. Weissman, R. Gordon, A. Viehman, S. Trilling and R. Lundine Commissioners Absent: M. Cea Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Edward Schar, Deputy- Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Jeffrey Braiman, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 14, 1994 - Motion to approve was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Corn. Lundine. No additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Viehman. Trilling and Lundine NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman Motion Passed - 5 to 0, 1 abstention. July 14, 1994 were approved as submitted. July 28, 1994 - Tabled. IV. BUSINESS A. Manchester Greens, Condominium Development, Phase 2. Full Review: Elevations, Materials, Colors, Lighting Sales Trailer, Signs and Landscaping Mr. John Green, President, Systems Design Group, Ltd. (SD:,) Architects, Planners, Engineers, 1051 Perimeter Drive, #1110, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 (413-0300) made the presentation. Mr. Frank Morel i i, Scarsdale Homes, Inc. , 1608 Barclay Road, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (808-8568) was also present. Mr. Green described the site plan and explained that the proposed condominium building is the second building in the final phase of the development. This is Building #4 and the existing condominium is Building #5. Buildings #1. #2 and #3 will not be constructed because the Manchester Villas are being developed on that site by Red Seal and Jacobs Homes. Building #4 will be east of the pool and clubhouse. west of Manchester Drive, just north of the northern row of townhomes. The front entry of Building #4 will face north and the front entry of Building #5 is facing south. OE- u:ifilt% 1. ELEVATIONS, MAIhIALS AND COLORS: A colored drawing of Building #4 and photographs of Building #5 were distributed for comparison. Building #5 consists of 36 units and Building #4 will have 39 units. Building #5 was constructed three (3) years ago and different codes and regulations were in effect. Building #4 will be constructed under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). Therefore, the interior of the units had to be reconfigured. The bathrooms, kitchens and doors were all changed. The hallways were also moved. The main entryway was also redesigned. The open corridor has been eliminated and replaced with a unit. The stairs and elevator have been moved to the front portion of the building. The footprint of the building had to remain the same in order to meet the required setbacks and maintain the distance between the villas, so the exterior elements had to be reconfigured. The HVAC units were moved to the outside of the building. The public areas conform with ADA requirements. The outdoor parking areas were not changed. Mr. Green said the two buildings will be identical in outward appearance. The height will be the same, grading conditions will be the same with a 2' to 3' berm around the building. The garage is at the same grade level to prevent problems such as power failure and flooding. The balconies are from 6' to 8' above grade for security purposes. The bays and ends of both buildings will be recessed. Chimneys will now be furnaces. The front entrance of Building #4 will be different but will match the rear entry of Building #5 so, the front and rear storefront entries of Building #4 will be identical. Samples of the materials, per the attached list, were presented and described. The colors will be the same, but some of the manufacturers may be different: a. Brick - King size, same color and texture. b. Dryvit wall panels will replace the stone because it is more economical and more practical. The stone has not been effective. The dryvit will be the same color and will have the same sand texture as the stone. Dryvit weathers better and the stone discolors. c. Sills - Smooth finish limestone d. Windows - Casement style frames will be painted Off-White and the glass will be clear. e. Storefront - Same material, same color. f. Iron rails - Same painted Off-White color, some of balcony shapes will differ. g. Lighting - S'ame fixture for all balconies. h. Coping and Cap - Aluminum, same color, Off-White. i. Louvers - Added because of exterior furnaces, will be painted to match the brick. j. Fireplaces - Will be flueless gas units. k. Furnaces - Have a fresh air intake. 1. Garage doors - Recessed and painted the same color APPEARANCE COMISSION August 11, 1994 - Page Two Com. Gordon asked the height of the lower dryvit panel from the ground and expressed concern about maintenance. Mr. Green replied that the height ranges from 4' to 7-1/2' from the ground, depending on the grading. They prefer to keep the material the same at the top and the bottom. Com. Gordon noticed the 3rd floor windows of Building #4 do not have the arched eyebrow tops. He prefers them to the straight tops. Mr. Green explained that the top floor of Building #5 has 9' ceilings and the other floors have 8' foot ceilings. Every floor of Building #4 will have 8'6" ceilings. Com. Viehman said he agreed with Com. Gordon that the arched windows are attractive, but he understood the reason for the change. Considering the location of the building away from Checker Drive and the fact that only people living on the top floor of building #5 will ever see the top of the windows. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations, Materials, Colors and Light Fixtures for Building #4 of the Manchester, Condominium Development, Phase 2, as presented. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon ,_ NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. B. TF1fFORARY SALES TRAILER AND SIGNS: Mr. Green said that the 12' x 50' Temporary Sales Trailer will be located on the north side of the parking lot at the west end of the site. It will occupy an area of eight (8) parking spaces and permit access during the construction of the build- ing which will be about fifty feet (50') away. There is an existing landscaped island between the trailer and Building #5. A photograph was distributed showing the island with evergreen trees and some shrubbery. The island will provide screening for the trailer. The trailer will meet all ADA requirements and will be landscaped along the south side in accordance with Staff recommendations. Some existing vegetation will be relo- cated and some vegetation will be added per the landscape plan. The sales trailer will have a blue canopy with white lettering and there will also be two (2) signs. Sigh B is the existing 3' x 5' vertical sign next to the guardhouse off of Checker Road. It will be repainted blue with white lettering. Sign A is 4' x 8' and will be located at the east end of the island adjacent to the trailer. The telephone number will be changed to 459 11CME. APPEARANCE CCIWISSION August 11, 1994 - Page Three Mr. Ray Rigsby's Landscape Review, dated August 10, 1994, states: "The concept used in developing the plan is acceptable and the plant material proposed is acceptable. The typical foundation plan can be approved providing the plant material illustrated on the General Landscape Plan (February 9, 1989) is planted according to the plan. " Mr. Green agreed to complete the original plan as recommended. After the trailer has been removed, the island will be land- scaped and the missing plantings on the east and west sides of Building #5 will be installed. Com. Gordon asked about the transitional landscaping between the condominium buildings and the villas? Mr. Green explained that the transition was considered when the landscape plan for the villas was submitted. The plans were consistent with the General Landscape Plan and the plantings were integrated into it. Mr. Schar informed Mr. Green that complete construction draw- ings will have to be submitted to the Building Department before a permit can be issued for the sales trailer. Can. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Manchester Greens, Condominium Development, Phase 2, Temporary Sales Trailer with the accompranying Landscape Plan, as submitted. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Can. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Temporary Signs as submitted, per Drawings A and B: Sign A is double faced, mounted four feet (4') above the ground and Sign B is single faced, mounted two feet (2') above the ground. The wood posts and back of Sign B will be painted blue to match the background of the signs. Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. APPEARANCE calMISSION August 11, 1994 - Page Four C. LANDSCAPIAG: Mr. Green said they were limited by the parking lot on the north side and by the boundary line between the building and The Villas on the south side. The distance is approximately 20 to 25 feet from The Villas to Building #4. Most of the landscaping is around the perimeter of the building. Low shrubbery softens the facade of the building and includes evergreens, spires, dogwoods, etc. Rolling Hills Nursery surveyed the existing plants and they will match these materials. The evergreens have been located under the balcony areas where there is limited sun. The is a large number of various accent shrubs around the base of the building. Larger trees will be consistent with the trees around Building #5. Mr. Green explained that less than the specified number of plants were placed around the base of Building #5 but now that the plants have matured, it looks quite nice. The plantings for Building #4 will be the same quality- and reflect the original plan, but the quantity is less. They will comply with Mr. Rigsby's comments regarding acceptance of the plan. Com. Trilling asked if they would consider additional trees to mask the furnaces? Mr. Green said the chimneys protrude a distance of five feet (5') which only leaves about a seven feet (7') area for - planting. They have proposed larger trees, 3" to 3-1/2", caliper. Building #5 had two inch (2") trees. Trustee Braiman asked if the fence constructed by Red Seal along the south side of the property, next to the golf course, will be continued? Mr. Green responded that the ornamental iron fence will be continued as agreed to by Scarsdale when The Villas were approved. It is not shown on these landscape plans. Cam. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan armaimemielawammesemswoar for Manchester Greens Condominium Development, Phase 2, as submitted, subject to the recommendations of Mr. Rigsby, with the stipulation that final landscaping will be done in conjunction with the General Landscape Plan submitted for the original Manchester Greens Condominiums including the modifications made by the adjoining Red Seal Development, with regard to the ornamental iron fence and interfacing of plantings. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon. NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 11, 1994 - Page Five V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. The Sign Code revisions wi l l be discussed at the August 25, 1994 Appearance Commission meeting. The Commissioners were asked to submit comments or suggestions in writing. Trustee Braiman said the Staff review process was started two (2) years ago and three (3) Trustees have also been involved. The Appearance Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals have been asked to submit comments. These comments will be discussed by Staff and the recommendations will be submitted to the Village Board for final review and adoption. The Sign Code will be improved by the amend ments. 2. Can. Gordon noted one aspect that relates to Town Center wall signs. Whereever a business was located on a corner of the one of the buildings, it was necessary to obtain a variance because they did not have frontage on thy (2) streets. Mr. Schar said that corners are defined by the ordinance, but landlords consider the corners of a building, not street frontages. The Village has better control when a variance is required. 3. Com. Gordon commented about the mound of dirt, sand and gravel that has been near Buffalo Grove Road at Town Place many years. It is an eyesore to the Village. Mr. Schar informed Can. Gordon that Town Place is in the process of being sold and the property is going to be developed. A pre- liminary meeting was held and proposed plans for townhames were reviewed. They will be submitted to the Appearance Commission soon. 4. With regard to the proposed movie theater at Town Center, there was a Staff plan review and sane recommendations were made, but so far nothing more has been submitted. The developer was seek- ing financing. VI. ADJOURNMENT Cam. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Cora. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8:52 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE CCIWISSION August 11, 1994 - Page Six