1994-07-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JULY 14 , 1994 I . CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Richard Gordon called the meeting to order at 7 :34 P.M. on Thursday, July 14 , 1994 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: A. Viehman, M. Cea, S. Trilling, R. Lundine and R. Gordon Commissioners Absent: F. Weissman Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Edward Schar, Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 23, 1994 - Motion to approved as submitted was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Lundine. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Viehman Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention Minutes of June 23 , 1994 were approved. Minutes of May 26 , 1994 remain Tabled. IV. BUSINESS A. 1322 to 1362 Barclay Boulevard - Tenant Sign John B. Mc Carthy, Account Executive, Kieffer & Co. , Inc. , 1322 Barclay Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (465-6473) presented and described a colored rendering of the proposed sign. The aluminum cabinet will be painted PMS 9C - Cool Grey. The reveals will be painted PMS 3000 - Blue. Copy, including custom letter styles and logos, will be routed out and backed with #7328 White Plexiglas. The base will be aluminum covered with simulated granite panels with aluminum numerals finished with Glass Black enamel. The tenant panels will identify Kieffer & Co. Inc. ; Records Management Services, Inc. and Buffalo Grove Gymnastics. The tenant panels are removable and can easily be changed. If there are more than three (3) tenants, the panels could be divided in half. The proposed sign will replace an existing sign that is surrounded by a ten foot (10 ' ) area of Daylillies. The new management company is providing the sign and will maintain it. Mr. Schar informed Mr. Mc Carthy that Sign Code, Section 14 .20 .050 - Industrial District permits: A. One ground sign indicating only the name and nature of the occupancy for each developed parcel. " The proposed sign appears to be a tenant (or directory) sign and possibly requires a variance. Mr. Mc Carthy described the existing sign. It is a vertical sign with three tenants listed on it. He did not know if it was permitted by variance. Mr. Schar will research the history of the existing sign and will inform Mr. Mc Carthy if a variance is necessary. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the ground sign submitted by Kieffer Sign Company as presented with the following stipulation: If it is determined that a variance is required, the Appearance Commission recommends to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board that a variance be granted. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Roseglen - Temporary Signs Checker Drive and Checker Road Ms. Kathy Eiben, The Kirk Corporation, 201 Juniper Circle, Streamwood, IL 60107 (830-8300) requested approval of three (3) temporary ground signs for the Roseglen subdivision. She presented colored renderings and described the site plan. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14 , 1994 - Page Two 1 . The double-faced 10 ' x 12 ' main identification sign will be constructed of plywood, positioned perpendicular to the corner of Checker Drive and Checker Road. Colors will be rose and dark green on a White background. Total height of the sign will be 16 ' and the cedar posts will be painted white. The price is indicated on the sign and if it changes, the sign is to be repainted. 2. Double-faced 4-1/2" x 7 ' sandblasted redwood sign will be perpendicular to the entrance on Checker Road. Copy will be the same colors as the main identification sign. Total height of the sign will be 7 feet and the posts will be painted white. 3 . Double-faced 4 ' x 6 ' sandblasted redwood sign will be located in front of the entrance to the sales trailer. Copy will be the same colors as the main identification sign. Total height will be 7 feet and the posts will be painted white. One side will identify the sales center and the reverse side will say "thank you. " The Commissioners agreed the sign is very nice looking and that maintenance is important. Ms. Eiben said the marketing director is responsible for keeping the sign in an appropriate condition. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the three (3) temporary signs as submitted for the Roseglen Subdivision at Checker Drive and Checker Road. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Mr. Schar said he would have location of the main identi- fication sign referred to the Village Engineer for a line- of-site review and the petitioner will be notified if the location is not acceptable. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14 , 1994 - Page Three 3 . Checker Place - Buffalo Grove and Checker Roads Full Review - Architecture, Materials, Colors, Landscaping Mr. Bernard Gold, B/G Associates, 540 Frontage Road, Northfield, IL 60093 (446-6620) reviewed the site plan. Checker Place will be a 6-1/2 acre development located at the northwest corner of Checker and Buffalo Grove Road. The property is long and narrow with one street running from Checker Road through to Buffalo Grove Road. Buffalo Grove Road is right turn-in and right turn-out only. Checker Place will be comprised of nine (9) buildings consisting of 60 town- homes. There will be some 4-unit buildings and some 6-unit buildings. The 2-story units are located in the center of buildings with 2-flat units on the ends of the building. The floor plans can be changed so there is variety within buildings. Each building will be mixed and matched, so the elevations and character of the buildings will be varied. 1 . Architecture/Materials/Colors Mr. Gold described a typical building. The roof lines vary creating shadow lines. There are numerous large windows on all elevations. All buildings have brick on the first story with brick returns to the entryways and siding on the second stories. All elevations appear to be front elevations. There are brick quoins at the corners. A units have a patio. B units have a cedar balcony. All other units will have patios. All units have 2-car garages. Driveways are asphalt with concrete aprons. Buildings have ridge vents. Samples of the materials and a color chart were presented. There are two (2) different color packages. The color schemes are harmonious and will be alternated from building to building. a. Brick colors: #1 - Old Williamsburg; #2 - Callaway Mod. b. Siding colors: #1 - Monterey Sand; #2 - Cape Code Grey. All siding will either all be aluminum or all be vinyl. c. Roof shingles: #1 - Driftwood; #2 - Estate Grey d. Cedar trim: #1 - Monterey Grey; #2 Navajo White Decks, garage doors, gutters and downspouts will match the trim. There are windows in the garages. e. Window frames: All off-white vinyl, some casement windows and some sliding windows. . f. Fireplaces are optional. Some are internal and some are have exterior chimneys with cedar siding. g. Skylights are optional and only occur on B-units because there are many windows in all other units. APPEARANCE COMMISISON July 14 , 1994 - Page Four h. Front doors are metal and will be a complimentary color, such as dark green. The eaves are cedar. Only the rear of Building #8 will be seen from Buffalo Grove Road and there will be a landscaped berm that will screen it. There will be an association to maintain the exterior of all building. Each unit has space on the driveway to park at least 2 cars and visitor parking spaces have been provided. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Architecture, Materials and Colors, as submitted for Checker Place. Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2. Landscaping: Mr. Dave Waden, Ralph Burke Associates, 1480 Northwest Highway, Suite 408, Park Ridge, IL (297-1172) made the presentation. Mr. Waden had met with Ray Rigsby, Village Forester, to discuss the landscape plan. Mr. Rigsby' s Review, dated July 13 , 1994, states: "The changes discussed have been included in the plan and I would recommend approval of the landscape plan as submitted. " Mr. Waden described the overall landscape plan. Berms will screen the buildings from Buffalo Grove and Checker Drive. The berms will range in height from 3 ' to 5 ' and the slopes will be planted with a variety of deciduous trees, ornamentals, evergreens and shade trees. The patios and walkways at the rear of the units will be planted with a variety of vegetation, and additional plantings will be included where there are pockets along the units adjacent to Buffalo Grove Road. Each unit has a courtyard and different plants will be provided for each unit. The patios will also be screened for privacy with deciduous shrubs, ornamentals and evergeens. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14 , 1994 - Page Five Plantings have been included that will shield car lights from the units entering and exiting the subdivision. The existing berm separating the residential property to the west has some plantings but extra vegetation will be provided, but it will not be as heavy as along the roads. There is an existing redwood fence along the north and west property lines. Mr. Schar noted that this fence seems to be inside the Checker Place property lines. Six foot (6 ' ) privacy screening will be provided between the patio areas. There are walkways from the interior street out to Buffalo Grove Road between building nos. 7 & 8 and between building nos. 8 & 9. Com. Gordon suggested additional plantings to fill in the bare patch to the rear of building #8. Mr. Waden responded that there is enough space between this unit and Buffalo Grove to provide an undulating berm that steps down. This is a detention area and drainage swale where only certain types of plants are permitted. There is about seventy feet (70' ) from the street to the building and he did not think additional plantings are necessary. The street trees meet the Village Ordinance and the ornamentals along Checker Road will be kept lower, for easy maintenance and they will not interfere with the power lines. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping Plans as submitted for Checker Place. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Com. Viehman commented that the Checker Place development will be very attractive, but the sign is not aesthetically pleasing because it is not consistent with the quality of the project and has not been completed in accordance with the Appearance Commission' s recommendation to paint the posts and rear. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14 , 1994 - Page Six Mr. Gold explained that the marketing sign was on Buffalo Grove Road for 4 years and was used for telephone purposes. He will have the sign painted when the deck and handicapped ramp at the sales trailer are painted next week. The ramp has been reconstructed in compliance with ADA standards. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Com. Viehman asked about the status of the CDW "Open To The Public" window signs. Mr. Schar informed him that steps are being taken to have it removed but it is taking some time. The Village Manager is involved and compliance is expected. 2 . Mr. Schar presented a slight change in the OUTBACK sign on the west elevation. There will be a slight separation between the two words because of a beam. The Commissioners had no objections. Com. Gordon noted that the background of the sign does not appear to be stained a wood color, but it is not completed so it is difficult to say what the final color will be. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Com. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 :54 P.M. Respectfully submitted, .,2 Shirley Bates Recording Secretary After the meeting, Mr. Schar distributed a check list of the items that are required for Appearance Commission submittal and Section 2 . 22 . 160 of the Municipal Code that gives the Appearance Commissioner authority to make recommendations to applicants for changes as well as determine whether a proposed request is compatible with the character of the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Schar encouraged the Commissioners to review the Appearance Plan and make appropriate suggestions. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14 , 1994 - Page Seven