1994-05-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROWL . ILLINOIS FHLRSDAi . MAI b . I . CALL 10 ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 F . M. on Thursday . May 26 . 1995 at the Village Hail . 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : Weissman . Viehman . Cea . Trilling . Lundine and Larsen QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : Gordon (Arrived at 8 : 05 P . M . ) Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Mr . Edward Sonar Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Mr . Jeff Braiman . Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 12 . 1994 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com . Viehman and seconded by c.om . Trilling . Roll Cali Vote : AYL. - Vienman . Weissman , frilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - Cea Motion Passed - 5 to 0 , i abstention. IV . BUSINESS A . Dominick ' s - Revised Elevations and Signs Chase Plaza - 1160 Guest Lake Cook Road Mr . Ira Carpman , Supervising Architect for Dominick ' s Foods . 333 Northwest Avenue , Northiake . IL 60164 ( 312-56 -1000 . X2i50) described the proposed remodeling project . 1 . REMODELING: There will be a total interior remodel with she new fresh Store concept . A new entrance vestibule will be constructed and one of the departments wiii be increased out underneath the existing canopy . They will expand the existing canopy to the side of the east tower and bring it out so there will be a continuous walkway between the retail stores at each end . Construction materials wiii be the same and a new Dominick ' s sign will be installed using the new corporate colors . The Food ana Drug signs will remain and the white Dominick ' s wiii be changed from white to red neon . The sign will be smaller . Over the entrance vestibule will be a Fresh Foods backlit sign. This remodeling has been completed in Vernon Hiiis and Orland Park and is being done in Barrington and Arlington Heights . The Commissioners had no questions or comments . Com . Lea made a motion to recommend approval of the remodeling of the elevations of the Dominick ' s store at Chase Plaza . using materials that are similar to the existing materials . as submitted . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. koii Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Cea . Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to U . 2 . WALL SIGNS : Food and Drugs will remain . Dominick ' s will be the new standard orange with clear red neon. Stripes will be orange and green. Ch. Larsen recalled that when the original sign was put up . several neighbors called to report that the sign was too bright and interior vinyl was added to dull it down . Mr . Carpman said they would do the same with the new sign . Mr . Schar informed the Commissioners that the Fresh Store would require a variance because it would be an additional 4th sign on the store . Food and Drug was granted a variance . Dominick ' s and the logo would be one sign . Mr . Carpman described the location of the sign which would be under the canopy and over the new .east entrance It would be in the transom area where it would be visible from the parking lot . He said he would apply for a variance . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the new Dominick ' s . Food and Drug signs as submitted . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman . Lea . Trilling . Lundne and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to U . Mr . Carpman described the "Fresh Store sign - The transom areas will be filled with aluminum panels with routed out back lit Fresh Store letters . At'rF.AkA\LL COMMISSION May 26 . ib9+ : - Page 'Iwo Ch . Larsen explained that the Sign Code limits signs to Name and Nature which is covered under Dominick ' s Food and Drugs . Mr . Carpman said Fresh Store describes the new Dominick ' s concept of fresh products with the expanded food and deli departments . Ch . Larsen commented that the sign is subdued and the Appear- ance Commission can recommend that a variance be granted . Mr . Carpman understood and asked for the recommendation. Com . Trilling made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board that a variance be granted to permit - Fresh Store sign to be constructed over the east Dominick ' s entrance at Chase Plaza . The sign would be dark bronze anodized aluminum with white routed out copy. Com . Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Lea . 4rilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon (Arrived during discussion) Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . i abstention . B. Checker Place - Sales Trailer with Landscaping Checker Road . west of Buffalo Grove Road Mr . Bernard Gold , Project Manager . G . S . Building Corporation , 540 Frontage Road Northfield , IL 446-6620 . described the site plan for the temporary Checker Place Sales Trailer with landscaping and parking area . Checker Place wiii be located on the northwest corner of Checker Road and Buffalo Grove. Road and the sales trailer wiii be positioned at the northeast corner of the site . The Designer EX' trailer has metal siding with a canopy surrounding it . It will have a handicap ramp and there will be a small canopy over front entrance . Some landscaping has been provided on both sides of the front entrance . Mr . Rigsby ' s Landscape Review , dated May 25 . 1994 . states : -Plant material proposed wiii provide adequate screening of the trailer skirt . Plant material should be added around the parking iot and drive . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 . 1994 - Page Three Mr . Gold described two problems : 1 ) The area is very small and they would have to avoid the sanitary sewer and the storm sewer because they have not been installed : 2 ) There is no water on the site . Water would have to be brought across Buffalo Grove Road . It will be difficult to maintain the landscaping that is proposed . by the time there is on-site water . the models may be constructed . The trailer will be in place sometime in June . They have calls every day in response the temporary sign and the preliminary sales are expected to be good . They want to begin construction of Building 8 next to the sales trailer as soon as the engineering and architectural plans are approved . Com . Lundine observed that there is a second trailer shown very close to the sales trailer . Mr . Gold explained that there will not be any construction materials in or around this trailer . it wiii be used as his temporary office for until the model building is finished The actual construction trailer will be at the other end of the site . There will be a secondary road next to the main street into the subdivision . They expect to have the sewer line put in and the water test- ing done within 2 to 3 months . Com . Gordon suggested adding iandscaping as soon as water is available . This is a prominent location and should be screened . Mr . Gold responded that they will be putting in the berms with landscaping as soon as they can but additional plantings could be installed around the sales trailer . They want the area to look nice so that people will be attracted to it . The awning will be made of dark green fabric and will project out about 4-1 /2 feet with a white Checker Place sign on it . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Checker Place Temporary Sales trailer as submitted . with the stipu- lation that the landscape plan is also temporary and that additional plantings will be installed when there is access to water after the sanitary and storm sewer drainage systems are completed . The petitioner has agreed to comply with the Village Forester ' s Landscape Recommendation at a later date . Com . Truing seconded the motion. Roil Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Gordon . Cea . Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 2d . 1994 - Page Four Corn . Vienman informed Mr . Gold that the posts and back of the Checker Place temporary sign have not been painted . The sign company was not represented on May 12 , 1994 when the Appearance Commission reviewed the sign and recommended approval with this stipulation . Mr . Gold was given a copy of the May . 2 , 1994 Appearance Company minutes and he was asked to have the sign company contact Mr . Schar . C . 750 Hastings - Lot 1 Pines Resubdivision Office/Warehouse - Full Review : Elevations . Materials; Colors, Lighting_and Landscaping Mr . Seth Pines . Architect and President of Ladehoff/Pines . Inc . . 1300 Skokie Highway . Suite 101 , Gurnee . IL 60031 (336-2121 ) made the presentation . The site is located at the northeast corner of Commerce Center and it is the last lot to be developed . The spec building is proposed to be a 9 . 000 square foot light industrial building with room for a 9 . 000 square foot (plus or minus ) expansion . There will be a sixteen ( 16) car parking lot with room for an additional sixteen ( 16 ) car expansion . The full masonry building will be approximately nineteen ( 19 ) feet in height . It is a i-story building with a storage mezzanine over the office area . The glass sections have been designed to give some light into the storage area and make the building look more like an office facility than a manufacturing facility . 1 . Elevations/Materials/Colors : a . Brick - Utility size . charcoal grey/brown color . b . Glazed brick - lighter color 8 " x 8 ' used for 'accent c . Glazed utility size brick - Recessed course around most of the perimeter of the building - Bluish Green d . Glass - Green tint. e . Aluminum clear anodized finish f . There is a pipe colonnade that runs across the front of the building to create shadows . The columns will be painted white to give contrast , or green to blend with in with the color scheme . They are set on three foot ( 3 ' ) brick piers . g . Expansion wall will be concrete blocks . painted to match the bricks . h. The parking lot is curbed . i . Overhead doors will be painted to match the brick . Roof top units are not proposed but , depending upon the use . there could be a condenser on the roof that would be typicaiy be small and set back far enough so that it would not be seen from the street . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 , 1994 - Page Five If roof top units are ever installed . Mr . Schar requested that either Mr . Pines return to the Appearance Commission to discuss screening or permit the Building Department to review the aesthetics and make a decision about possible screening . There are residential districts to the north (past the ComEd right-of-way) and to the west across the road (which is about 100 feet away) . If necessary , Mr . Pines agreed to discuss future roof top units with the Building Department . There is a possibility that two tenants will occupy the building , if it is expanded . Com . Trilling commented that should the mezzanine area be used for storage , boxes , etc . could be seen and asked if something shouldn' t be installed behind the glass? Mr . Pines responded that they would probably put something . there that would read like a piece of spandrel glass but it would appear the same from the outside . Ch. Larsen observed that the windows face another building and would not be very visible from the entrance driveway . Typically dumpsters are kept inside the building . If there is an exterior area , it would have to be enclosed . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations , Materials and Colors as submitted for the spec building at 750 Hastings Lane . Com. Weissman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon (He is related to petitioner . ) Motion Passed - 6 to 0 , i abstention. 2 . Lighting : There will be three wail pacs over the mandoors and one ground. flood light aimed toward the front of the building . Since there is a mix of high pressure sodium and metal halide lights in the area , Mr . Pines agreed to match the light source of the closest neighboring property . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as submitted for the spec building at 750 Hastings Lane . Com . Viehman seconded the motion . Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman . Cea . Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 1 abstention APPLARANCE COMMISSION May 26 . 1994 - Page Six 3 . Landsca_pi_ng.__ The Landscape Review . dated May 24 . 1994 , states that revised drawings be submitted that additional plant material along the north and south building elevations . Mr . Pines was advised to submit the revised plans to the Building Department . if they are reviewed and accepted by Mr . Rigsby . the Appearance Commission could approve them at the next meeting and Mr . Pines would not have to be present . Com . Cea made a motion to Table the Landscaping . Com . Weissman seconded the motion . Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously D. Rosegien Subdivision - Checker Road Full Review : Phase I - Architecture , Materials , Colors . Landscaping ,_Lighting_ and Sales Trailer Phase II Site Trustee Jeff Braiman summarized the history of this parcel which is contiguous to the Buffalo Grove Golf Course . In 1974 it was originally zoned to consist of 140 to 160 units . Nothing was done until 1988 when the plan was turned down by the Village Board and this led to litigation . An appeal is pending and will go to trial in June or July of this year . The Village has been trying to resolve the situation for the last several months and the parties have come to a possible proposed settlement with regard to zoning , number of buildings and unit size . The Village Board will act on the proposal at the June 6 , 1994 meeting . Trustee Braiman asked the Appear- ance Commission to review the aesthetics of the project and make a recommendation to the Village Board in order to facilitate the scheduled time table . Mr . John P. Carroll . The Kirk Corporation , Sr . Executive Vice President , 201 Juniper Circle . Streamwood . IL 60107 (830-8339 ) made the presentation. 1 . PHASE I - ARCHITECTURE . MATERIALS AND COLORS : Mr . Carroll described the proposed Rosegien Subdivision which will consist of sixty-two (62) townhomes and four (4 ) single family custom homes . The multi-family ( Phase I ) will consist of five (5) 4-unit buildings and seven ( 7 ) 6-unit buildings . The colors of all the buildings will probably be the same because this will be a small community with only three cul-de-sacs . The first floor will almost be ail Rustic color brick and the rest of the building will either be Alcoa Desert Sand aluminum or vinyl siding . Alcoa makes a heavy gauge vinyl siding which. because of the proximity to the golf course , may be more durable than aluminum . The samples are identical . but they have not made a final decision. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 , 1994 - Page Seven Exterior trim and garage doors will he Glidden Outside White . The raised panel garage doors will be pre-finished masonite . Driveways will be asphalt . The gutters and downspouts wilt match the trim . The front doors will be Glidden Smokey Suede - Gloss . The roofs will be Owens Corning Barnwood . The windows will have flat wood frames with insulated doubie glazed panes . Mr . Carroll said he has not seen and has no knowledge of plexiglas windows . Skylights are optional . Chimneys will match the siding material . Air conditioning units will be located at the rear of the buildings . The possibility of golf ball damage was discussed . The exist- ing trees and plantings along the golf course are very dense . The purchasers will be asked to sign. a disclaimer statement acknowledging that they know they are next to the golf course . The 6-unit buildings have an end unit with a condominium on the first floor and a condominium on the second floor with separate entrances . The second floor units will have a cedar wood balcony painted to match the trim . All other units will have concrete patios . The roof over the bay window will be the shingle material . Roof construction will meet the BOCA Code with regard to fire separation wails . There should not be any roof projections . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations materials and colors as submitted for the Rosegien Subdivision The Appearance Commission recommends that one type of siding be used throughout the development . The choice will be left up to the petitioner after a determination has been made about which siding will require the least maintenance . Com . Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon , Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . 2 . PHASE I - LIGHTING : a . Standard Village street lights will be located on Checker Road at the entrances of the three ( 3 ) interior streets which will not be dedicated to the Village . b . Coach lights on the front of each unit will be hot wired into the electrical system and will be controlled by photo cells . The Association be responsible for replacing these lights when they burn out . c . Coach lights at the rear of the each unit and at each entrance door will be controlled by the homeowners . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 , 1994 - Page Eight A total of 124 coach lights throughout the subdivision wilt be evenly spaced across the front and rear of each building . House numbers will be located on the garage doors where there will always be light and where they will be most visible . C.om . Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Rosegien Subdivision Lighting Plan as submitted . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman , Gordon, Cea . Irilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . 3 . PHASE I - LANDSCAPING: Mr . Carroll distributed three landscaping plans which had not been submitted with the architectural plans . There is an overall site plan, a typical building plan and a plan for the area around the sales trailer which will be temporary . There is no separate Phase II landscape plan because there will only be four (4 ) single family lots and individual plans will be developed for each home . There will be parkway trees , some existing trees and some scrub trees that will be removed . There is a flood plain storage area between Phase I and Phase II . There is a fiber optic transformer at the corner of Checker Road and Checker Drive . Since the Village Forester has not seen these Landscape Plans . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Carroll that the Appearance Commis- sion ' s recommendation will be subject to Mr . Ray Rigsby ` s review and approval . The Landscape Plans , prepared by Burridge Associates , A. S . L. A . 949 W . Park Avenue . Libertyville . IL 60048 , comply with the Village ordinances . a . Overall Site Plan - The plan does not show any foundation plantings . The trees on the parkways and around each of the courts are spaced the same as they are typically spaced on Village streets . There are low berms on the parking islands which will be planted with some deciduous and ornamental trees . In order to conserve the existing trees on the golf course . a 2-1 /2 to 3 foot retaining wail will be constructed of inter- locking masonry blocks . Some of the existing trees are inside the woven wire fence that runs the length of the property . The parkway trees are 2-1 /2 inch caliper ; trees planted along the rear of the property are typically two inch ( 2 ' ) caliper . The ornamentals will be ten feet ( 10 ' ) to twelve feet ( 12 ' ) in height . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 , 1994 - Page Nine Open spaces have been left adjacent to the golf course to give property owners a view . There will be some low pines and some deciduous trees in this area . There is a seeded dry detention area rimed with Alders at the east end of the property . There is an off-site storm sewer that drains out to the golf course . Ch . Larsen informed Mr . Carroll that Mr . Rigsby requires Austrian Pine trees to be a minimum of seven feet ( 7 ' ) in height . Com . Viehman observed that the 7th tee is very close to one of the units . He suggested additional screening for this lot to give the homeowner some privacy because there will be golfers standing around waiting to tee off . Mr . Carroll agreed to provide some additional 'pines in this area . The bike path will be continued along Checker Road . An additional four feet (4 ' ) of asphalt will be provided to widen Checker Road , then the curb and standard eight foot (8 ' ) bike path will be installed . The units will have groups of centralized mail boxes installed on concrete pads . They want to keep the number limited as much as possible , but they want them to be serviceable . The condominium association will be responsible for snow removal . There will be additional off-street parking areas where snow can be piled . b . Individual Unit Landscape Plan: The typical foundation planting scheme can be applied to both the 4-unit buildings or the 6-unit buildings . There are low windows in the rear , so plantings have been kept low . The entire perimeter of every building will have plantings and there will be small islands between each building that will have an evergreen with some mulch to dress up the garage area . The air-conditioning units will be at the rear . Areas that have no windows will have higher bushes and this is where the A/C units will be located . The concrete patios are about 10 ' x 10 ' which is relatively small . An expanded patio could be an option because there is sufficient room between units . Com . Viehman cautioned Mr . Carroll that the planted islands between the garages could be a snowplowing problem for the association . The cost of shrubbery replacement should be considered . The area could be used for summer plantings . APPEARANCE COMMISSION �✓ May 26 . 1994 - Page Ten The streets will be built to Village specifications but they will not be dedicated for legal reasons . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Overall Roseglen Landscaping Plan and Individual Unit Plans as submitted , all subject to the Village Forester ' s Review . Recommendations and Confirmation of what has been submitted . Petitioner agrees to provide two (2 ) additional Austrian Pines to screen the 7th tee box area . as well as any additional plantings or material changes recommended by Mr . Ray Rigsby . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Gordon . Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . 5 . Sales Trailer Area Mr . Carroll presented a colored rendering of the Sales Trailer which will be located at the northeast corner of the site . The trailer will be set into the ground so there will be no need for a handicapped ramp . The awning will be back lit and there will be lights on each side of the door . There could be ground lights for the winter months . There will be a gravel parking area in the front . They do not contemplate building models and they do not anticipate any marketing problems considering the location next to the golf course . Some of the sales area plantings will remain when the sales trailer and parking lot are removed and they will be tied in to the completed berms shown on the overall site plan. The trailer will be used for sales and service until all the buildings are completed . The buildings will be constructed from east to west after all three cul-de-sacs and the parkway trees are put in. Com . Gordon asked why the entrance is not off one of the new streets? Mr . Carroll responded that traffic will be re-routed after the streets are in and he agreed that people prefer to park on a paved surface . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Roseglen Sales Trailer including the illuminated canopy and the landscaping plants , as submitted subject to the same restrictions regarding the Village Forester ' s approval of the planting materials as stated above . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon, Cea . ` 1 Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 . 1994 - Page Eleven SIGNS will be presented at a future date . 6 . PHASE II - Site Plan Custom homes will be constructed on the four (4 ) single family lots west of the Sales Trailer . There will be sloped ground between the trailer and the site that will be a flood plain storage area . The bike path will continue and it will be tied into the existing bike path. The four foot (4 ' ) extension of Checker Road will not be continued past the townhomes . The parkway trees will also continue along Checker Drive . The lots will be graded in such a way that the existing large trees will be preserved . Scrub trees will be removed . The smallest lot is 14 . 600 square feet so the houses will be set back from the right-of-way . Since these are custom houses , the landscaping will not be reviewed by the Appearance Commission. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Parkway Landscaping of Roseglen Subdivision - Phase II consisting of the four (4) custom lots , east of Checker Road , as presented . Com . Gordon seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Gordon , Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS Removal of the Computer Discount Warehouse signs is being pursued by the Building Department . VI . ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Com . Weissman and seconded by Com . Gordon. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 10 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted . Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26 , 1994 - Page Twelve This being Ch. Eddie Larsen' s last meeting . cake and coffee were served in appreciation of his faithful service .