1994-04-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY , APRIL 14 , 1994 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P .M. on Thursday . April 14 . 1994 at the Village Hail , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman , R. Gordon , S . Trilling , R. Lundine and L . Larsen QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : A. Viehman and M. Cea Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of March 24 . 1994 were Tabled . IV . BUSINESS A. The Claremont Rehab and Living Center Ground Sign at 150 North Weiland Road Mr . George Woock , White Way Sign Company , 1317 Clybourn Avenue Chicago , IL 60610 (312/642-6580) made the presentation . Mr . Bruce J . Lederman, Vice President and General Counsel ; and Ms . Judith A. Perry , Administrator of The Claremont Rehab and Living Center . 150 N. Weiland Road . Buffalo Grove . IL 6008E (465-0200) were also present . Mr . Woock described the proposed sign . When the sign was reduced to 32 square feet to meet the Sign Code requirement . the design was changed and the border shown on the drawing will be eliminated . The aluminum face will be PMS 343 deep green with routed out copy backed up with white neon . The logo will be painted burgundy with white C and design that will appear white at night . Landscaping at the base of the sign was approved with the building plans . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the The Claremont Rehab and Living Center ground sign as submitted with the modifications specified and the stipulation that an accurate drawing be submitted to the Building Department with the permit application . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon, Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 B. Rogers Centre For Commerce East Ground Sign/Directory Sign on Barclay Boulevard George Woock , White Way Sign Company . 1317 Clybourn Avenue Chicago , IL 60610 ( 312/642-6580 ) made the presentation and Ms . Kathi Rogers . represented Arthur J . Rogers & Company . Mr . Woock presented a drawing showing the proposed double- faced ground sign and the Avital ground sign which are located in the Rogers Center for Commerce East . The tree on the entry island will be transplanted to the berm next to the island . The side of the sign facing north will identify the Rogers Center For Commerce East . at the top and includes one tenant : Arthur J . Rogers & Co . . Corporate Real Estate Services , with additional copy reading : Models Available , Leasing & Management Agent on Site and the telephone number : 541-3600 . The side of the sign facing south will be a non-illuminated tenant identification directory . There is a similar sign across the street in the Rogers Centre for Commerce . The construction materials . size and shape of the two sins is the same . The top is bronze aluminum with white copy and it is illuminated . The Arthur 3 . Rogers copy and directory on the south face will have a metal background with white vinyl letters and wiii not be illuminated . Ch . Larsen explained that the proposed copy actually makes the sign a temporary sign because it contains leasing information. Pursuant to Sign Code , Section 14 . 32 . 020 , a permit could only be issued for a six ( 6 ) month period with two ( 2 ) extensions permitted at the discretion of the administrator . Should the property be sold or leased , the sign would have to be removed within three (3) days . Ch . Larsen described the sign as a permanent sign with temporary copy. It would be more expensive to replace the sign than it would be to have an identical sign that matches the one across the street and have a plywood leasing sign with the Arthur J . Rogers copy on it . Ms . Rogers stated that they always expect to have spaces for lease and they want the sign as submitted . She understood that the sign might have to replaced in a year and a half . The possibility of a variance was discussed and Ch. Larsen expressed doubt that the ZBA would recommend in favor of a variance . They abide by the Name and Nature limitation of the Sign Code . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 . 1904 - Page Two Com . Trilling commented that it would look better to have one nice ground sign . than to have a temporary plywood sign in the same proximity . He recommended permitting the sign with one ( 1 ) six month extension. Com . Lundine confirmed the fact that Rogers Centre is responsible for maintaining the tenant directory . so the lettering will always be the same and he asked if there is lighting in the vicinity for night visibility? There is street lighting and they may add flood lights . The copy should be visible from fifty feet ( 50 ' ) . The logo color will be rust with a white R. Com. Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the entryway sign by Rogers Centre For Commerce East , with the directional sign on the south face and the word " Directory' on the street end , as submitted . Approval for the north face is recommended as a temporary sales and leasing sign pursuant to Sign Code , Section 14 . 32 . 020 which stipulates the 6 month time limitation and possibility of two ( 2 ) extensions of like periods with Zoning Administrator approval . Com . Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Gordon . Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C . Avital Technologies , Inc . - Recommendation for Variance Ground Sign at 1535 Barclay Boulevard Mr . George Woock , White Way Sign Company , 1317 Ciybourn Avenue Chicago , IL 60610 ( 312/642-6580) made the presentation. He submitted a more detailed drawing the described the construc- tion of the sign. It will be black enamel with routed out acrylic copy . The heavy bar above the name is a small channel painted purple on the inside with purple neon . The ends are packed so the neon does not flow out the ends . The bar stops in the middle of the letter A . The balance of the lettering is white . In response to Ch. Larsen' s suggestion to paint the bar purple so it could be seen during the day . Mr . Woock said he would consult the client for a decision. The double-faced , illuminated sign will be perpendicular to the street . The base of the sign will be black and will be located within a flower bed . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 . 1994 - Page Three Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the design and construction of the Avital technologies , Inc . ground sign as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Gordon , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D . Carlyle of Buffalo Grove - Prairie Road Indian Creek of Buffalo Grove - Port Clinton Road Off-Premise Directional Signs - Edward Schwartz & Company Mr . Edward Schwartz , 1110 Lake Cook Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (537-2600) requested the addition of directional signs that have been attached to the existing Carlyle and Indian Creek subdivision development signs . The models are located at Carlyle and the Indian Creek Sign directs customers there . The Carlyle sign directs customers to the Indian Creek site . The colors match the colors of the existing signs . Because the existing signs are the maximum 120 square feet in size , several options were discussed . After some discussion , the signs were withdrawn for further review and resubmittal . Com . Gordon made a motion to Table the signs to permit further review with the Building Department . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon . Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . E. Indian Creek - New Model and Additional Whitehall Elevations Port Clinton and Prairie Roads - Edward Schwartz & Company Mr . Edward Schwartz , 1110 Lake Cook Road , Buffalo Grove . IL 60089 (537-2600) requested approval of a new model , the Gran- ville with three (3 ) elevations , and two additional elevations of the existing Whitehall model . He said it is necessary to add models to give the project fresh interest . The same color packages and materials will be used for construction. 1 . The Granville has from 2 , 750 to 3 , 200 square feet and is offered with several options including a bonus room on the second floor . Ali three (3) elevations are different . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 , 1994 - Page Four 2 . The Whitehall - Elevations A and B are now being offered Elevations C and D are new . The Commissioners reviewed the elevations relative to the Monotony Code and it was determined that Elevations A and D are similar , so they could not be constructed next to each other . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the three (3 ) elevations of the new Granville Model as submitted for Indian Creek ; and elevations C and D of the existing Whitehall model at Indian Creek with the stipulation that elevations A and D are considered to be similar . Com . Gordon seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Gordon . Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . F . The Coves of Buffalo Grove Park View Terrace - Edward Schwartz & Company Mr . Edward Schwartz , 1110 Lake Cook Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (537-2600) described the site which is located next to Frenchman ' s Cove on Dundee Road in Arlington Heights , IL. He presented photographs of existing Frenchman' s Cove units . The property is owned by the bank and is being purchased by Mr . Schwartz . The Coves of Buffalo Grove will be south of the bank , fronting on Park View Terrace . Three buildings will be constructed . A/B units are stacked flats with the A entering on the side as a ist floor unit and the B entering on the front as a second floor unit . 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS : The colors at Frenchman' s Cove are basically beige and earth- tones , but the adjoining Covington Manor townhomes are white and grey with red brick , so The Coves will have complimentary colors : a . Brick - Red b . Roof - Grey shingles c . Trim - White painted pine , not treated d . Balconies - Wolmanized wood e . Garage doors - Masonite with routed panels with arched windows at the top f . Aluminum siding - Greyish White g . Windows - Wood with built in muntins and insulated glass . Storm windows are not provided , but would be permitted with association approval . h . Skylights - Optional ; permitted on rear or front APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 . 1994 - Page Five There is a condominium association that will maintain the property , including repainting of the wood . If any garage doors need to be replaced , they will have to match the existing doors , even if they have to be specially made . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of The Coves of Buffalo Grove , elevations and materials , as submitted . Com. Trilling seconded the motion . Roil Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon . Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: a . Foundation Plantings - Mr . Schwartz referred to the photographs of Frenchman ' s Cove and said The Coves will have identical plantings . The last paragraph of the Village Foresters Review . dated April 13 , 1994 states : "The Potentilla deciduous shrub selected to be planted in the islands is a hardy shrub and may do well in this situation. I would prefer to see something that will lay flat during the winter to avoid extensive spring maintenance of these beds . Perhaps Daylilly of Purpleleaf Wintercreeper would be more suited to this environment . " Mr . Schwartz did not agree with Mr . Rigsby ' s suggestion to plant Daylillies , because they tend to be slippery. The Potentillas are doing well at Frenchman' s Cove and they have had no problems with them. Com. Lundine commented that Covington Manor was represented at the Plan Commission ' s public hearing . They have no objection to the buildings , but are quite disturbed about the density and about the use of asphalt for the driveways . Com . Lundine displayed a colored diagram showing how the driveways would appear . All the green areas are at the rear of The Coves and the front would look very dark . The trees shown on the landscape plan will not be full grown for many years . He asked Mr . Schwartz to change the drive- ways to concrete to match Covington Manor . Mr . Schwartz responded that the cost of concrete would be substantially higher . The developer of Covington Manor was a concrete contractor so the cost was much less . He noted that Com. Lundine ' s drawing appears much blacker that the asphalt , which is more greyish in color . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 , 1994 - Page Six Ch. Larsen asked about the incline of the driveways . If there is not much incline . the driveways would only be seen from the second stories across the street . It would appear darker after topping is applied , but it soon fades . Asphalt is a legitimate building material accepted by the Village . The Appearance Commission does not dictate what developer ' s can do and cannot do . Concrete would necessitate higher prices . Ch. Larsen said the minutes should reflect Com . Lundine ' s strong objections to the asphalt driveways . He took a straw poll of the Commissioner ' s opinions : Com. Weissman : Preferred concrete . not just for appearance but because it would require less maintenance by the Homeowner ' s Association. Com . Gordon: No preference , but he understands Com . Lundine ' s concern . Com . Trilling : No preference . Com . Lundine : Preferred concrete . Ch. Larsen: No preference . He said there are asphalt driveways at the Crossings and he has only sealed his every four or five years . The poll indicated three (3 ) Commissioners had no preference and two (2 ) Commissioners would prefer concrete driveways . Com . Lundine asked why there is a walkway from the street to the bank? People will use it to walk their dogs and there is a problem because Covington Manor pet owners are not keep- ing the area cleaned up . Mr . Schar said that the police department should be called to report problems with pets . Mr . Schwartz stated that the walkway was included because it was requested . He would be happy to remove it . The Village Planner ' s memo . dated April 8 . 1994 and attached . states that the Plan Commissions recommended approval includes the stipulation that the landscaping along the east and west property lines needs to be ' enhanced ' from what is depicted on the Concept Landscape Plan dated March 23 , 1994 . " Ch. Larsen noted that the Village Forester ' s Review . dated April 13 , 1994 appears to incorporate the Plan Commission ' s recommendation to continue the screening . The park adjoining Fenchman ' s Cove is maintained by the Buffalo Grove Park District even though it is located in the Village of Arlington Heights Mr . Schwartz agreed to confer with Mr . Rigsby and provide whatever screening is necessary . They have added plantings along driveways at Frenchman ' s Cove for privacy . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 . 1994 - Page Seven The proposed six foot ( e ' ) stockade fence along the north property line would not comply with the five foot ( 5 ' ) limitation of the Fence Code for separation of residential property . The church and fire station are zoned Residential . The bank is zoned Commercial and would qualify for an eight foot (8 ' ) fence . Mr . Schwartz said he would reduce the height of the fence to five feet (5 ' ) along the north property line . The berms will meet the requirements of Mr . Richard Kuenkler , Village Engineer . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan , as submitted for The Coves of Buffalo Grove , subject to Mr . Ray Rigsby ' s recommendations and stipulations with the exception that the use of Potentilia will not be changed . The petitioner has agreed to construct a five foot (5 ' ) cedar stockade fence along the north property line . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roil Cali Vote : AYE - Weissman . Gordon , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to U . Mr . Schwartz thanked the Appearance Commission for their consideration and approval of The Coves of Buffalo Grove . N% ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Jaycee ' s Christmas tree trailer has been removed . 2 . The CDW temporary sign has been removed . 3 . A revised landscape plan , including additional plantings , was submitted for American Needle and Novelty . (AC approval was recommended in April 1992 ) . Mr . Rigsby approved the plan and they have been put in the Appearance Commission file . 4 . The proposed Town Center theater will be reviewed by the AC on April 28 , 1994 and this will be an important meeting . 5 . Ch. Larsen said April 28 , 1994 will be his last meeting . He plans to resign with twelve years of service . VI . ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Com . Weissman and seconded by Com . Gordon. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 50 P . M . Respectfully submitted , Shirley Ba-ar Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 14 . 1994 - Page Eight