1994-03-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPLARANCL COMMISSION VILLAGE OF lLFFALu GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY . MARCH 24 . 1994 CALL 10 uid)E1 in the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen . Commissioner Richard Gordon chaired the Appearance commission meeting . He called it to order at 7 : 30 P .M. on Thursday . March 24 , 1994 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A . Viehman , M. Cea . S . Trilling . H. Lundine and H. Gordon. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : E . Larsen and F . Weissman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: James Kelly . Building Inspector Ill . APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 10 . 1994 - Motion to approve was macxc by Com . Viehman and seconded by Com . Trilling . No additions or corrections . Roil Cali `vote : AYE - Viehman . Triilin2 . Lundine and Gordon NAY - one ABSTAIN - Lea Motion Passed - 4 to u . I abstention Minutes of March 10 . 1994 were approved as submitted . IV . BUSINESS A. Berkson A, Sons - Leasing Sign Plaza at Buffalo Grove on Buffalo Grove Road Presentation was made by Mr . Herman Hefter , Speedy Sign-A-Rama 80 W. Dundee Road , B.G . , IL 60089 ( 215-1535 ) . Mr . Hefler presented photographs of the existing ground sign and described the location of the proposed leasing sign. It will be located south of , and lined up . with the existing Plaza of Buffalo Grove ground sign at the entrance on Buffalo Grove Road . There is no berm along Buffalo drove Road so visibility will not be affected by the trees . The sign will be constructed of Omega board with vinyl copy and it will have a white trim cap around the edge . Inc colors of the top portion will be white with black copy and the lower portion will be orange with white copy . it will be 4 x 8 mounted on green metal posts . The posts will not be painted because they are low and green wiii blend better with grass . \-1 There are only two empty spaces at the Plaza so the sign is not expected to be up for an extended length of time . Temporary signs are given permits for a period of six months and the administrator can grant two extensions . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the teasing sign for The Plaza at Buffalo Grove as submitted . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Cea . Trilling . Lundine . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Busch Grove Professional Center Ground Signon Route 83 at Busch Road Mr . Dean Kelley . Vice-President . Abbott Land & investment Corp . . 1892 Techny Court , Northbrook . IL 60062 ( 291-9440) made the presentation. Mr . Vic Laska , North Shore Sign , 1925 industrial Drive . Libertyville . IL 60048 ( 816-7020 ) was also present . Mr. Kelley requested that the sign be revised because they have decided to make it smaller . instead of an 8 ' x 10 ' sign , they would prefer a 6 ' x 10 ' sign. The design and materials would remain as submitted . except for the roof . They would like to change the white painted roof to a copper roof . Mr . Laska described the materials . The sign will constructed of aluminum with steel posts . The background of the top portion identifying Busch Grove Professional Center is white with black day/night piex copy . The lettering on the tenant panels will either be blue or red . but never both colors . The double-faced , internally illuminated sign meets the size and placement requirements of the Sign Code . The Children ' s World sign is located on the east side of the property which fronts on Busch Road . and the Professional Center sign will be on Route 83 . There will be landscaping around the base of the sign. Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the sign submitted for Busch Grove Professional Center on Route 83 at Busch Road as revised , with the stipulation that the base of the sign is landscaped . The height of the sign face will be six feet ( 6 ' ) and the posts will be eighteen inches ( 18" ) . The tenant panels are to be one color . either blue or red . Com . Viehman seconded the motion . APPEARANCE COMMISSION `-/ March 24 . 1994 - Page Two u u \,../ Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Cea . Trilling , Lundine . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C . The Coves of Buffalo Grove - Edward Schwartz & Company Subdivision Development Si_gnon Park View terrace_ Mr . Edward Schwartz was present . Mr . Bernie Wasmer , Duo Signs . 94 E. Dundee Road . Wheeling . IL 60059 ( 537-6220 ) submitted a revised site plan . The V-shaped sign is to be located at the corner of Park View Terrace at the south end of the fire station property on Dundee Road . The 5 ' x 10 ' sign will be made of 1 / 2 inch MDO plywood . The colors will be the same as Frenchman ' s Cove west on Dundee Road in Arlington Heights . They will be Pantone - Cool Gray 2C , Pantone 209 C - Burgandy and Pantone 425 C - Charcoal Grey. The back of the sign will be painted grey to match the front of the sign. The entire sign , front and back , will be seal-coated . Mr . Kelly informed the petitioners that the setback of the sign must meet the requirements of the Sign Code with reference to Residential Districts and placement must be approved by the Building Department . Shrubbery is not required at the base of temporary signs . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the subdivision development sign as submitted for The Coves of Buffalo Grove , with the modification of the location and the stipulation that the location be approved by the Building Department . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Cea . Trilling . Lundine . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS i . Mr . Edward Schwartz asked if he could present plans for a new model at Indian Creek , but he was informed that the AC cannot review something that has not been submitted to the Building Department . Mr . Schwartz agreed to bring in plans for review at the next AC meeting . He will also submit complete plans for The Coves . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 24 . 1994 - Page Three U u 2 . the Jaycees ' Christmas tree trailer is still up . Mr . Kelly said he has tried to call but there is only an answering machine . 3 . The CDW` s temporary sign has not been taken down. VT ADJOURNMENT Com . Cea made a motion to adjourn . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously . Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 10 P. M . Respectfully submitted . 2 Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 24 . 1994 - Page Four