1994-03-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , MARCH 10 . 1994 I . CALL 1O ORDER In the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen , Commissioner Richard Gordon chaired the meeting of the Appearance Commission and called it to order at 7 : 37 P . M. on Thursday , March 10 . 1994 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon , F . Weissman . A. Viehman and , S . Trilling . QUORUM. R. Lundine arrived at 7 : 55 P.M. Commissioners Absent : E . Larsen and M. Cea Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner ITS . APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 10 , 1994 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com. Weissman. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Weissman . Viehman , Trilling and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . Minutes of February 10 , 1994 were approved as submitted . February 24 , 1994 - Tabled . IV . BUSINESS A. Plaza Verde Revised Sign Criteria Presentation was made by Ms . Barbara Berg . Property Manager of Plaza Verde with Malet Realty , Ltd . , 1217 W . Dundee Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 ( 708-577-0277 ) . Changes to the following sections were requested : 1 . Size of letters - Was lb changed to not over 22` . 2 . Additional colors are to be permitted . Tenants will be permitted to have two colors on a sign with the stipulation that only one color per word is used . Landlord approval is required . 3 . Signs may not extend closer that two feet ( 2 ' ) from the demising wall of the next space . Regarding logos . Mr . Schar noted that the words "nationally recognized' were omitted from the revised sign criteria and Ms . Berg agreed to add this phrase and re-submit the criteria . Shields . crests and insignia are not permitted and nationally recognized logos are only permitted with the Landlord ' s approval . .Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Plaza Verde Sign Criteria as submitted with the stipulation that the words "nationally recognized" be added to the paragraph regarding logos . Com . Weissman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Viehman . Trilling and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to U . B. Swimmers Edge - 1235W. Dundee Road at Plaza Verde Mr . Larry Krick , represented Swimmers Edge (253-9440) . The sign had been 'fabled on February 24 . 1994 because it did not meet the former sign criteria . The fetter style has been approved by the Landlord and two colors now comply with the revised sign criteria but the 23 " letters still exceed the 22 ' letter height and the 14 ' iength of the sign also exceeds the specified two foot ( 2 ' ) distance from the demising wails . The store frontage is 17 ' and the proposed sign is 14 ' in length making it 1-1/2 feet from the demising walls . Mr . Krick agreed to reduce the height of the letters from 23" to 22' and shorten the sign from 14 ' to 13 ' so it will meet the provisions of the revised sign criteria . Appearance Commission recommendation is not necessary . C . The Coves - Edward Schwartz & Company Parkview Terrace (South of Dundee Road) Elevations/Materials/Site Plan Mr . Schwartz was not present so the item will be Tabled . Commissioner Lundine arrived at 7 : 55 P . M. D. Tetra Pak - Ground Sign at 1287 BarclavBoulevard The ground sign submitted by Kieffer Signs , 1322 Barclay Blvd . Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 has a cool grey aluminum frame . The background is brushed aluminum with PMS Reflex .Blue and PMS Warm Red copy . Letter style is Switzerland Bold . Com . Viehman noted that landscaping is shown around the base of thesign as required by the Sign Code . but plants are not specified . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 10 . 1994 - Page Two Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Tetra Pak ground sign at 1287 Barclay Boulevard as requested with the stipulation that base of the sign be landscaped . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roil Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Trilling , Lundine and Gordon. NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Com . Lundine reported that the Jaycee ' s Christmas tree sales trailer is still sitting at The Plaza at Buffalo Grove . Mr . Schar said he is aware of this and plans to inform them to remove it . 2 . Com. Viehman reported that the CDW temporary construction sign has not been removed . Mr . Schar said he told Mr . lion Poole that it has to come down. Mr . Mike Krasney would like to keep it up for identification. Mr . Krasney would also like an additional wall sign on the south side of the building . but it has too much copy . Ch. Gordon noted that small circles with TM designating trademark , have been added to the CDW signs and they were not approved by the Appearance Commission . It is not known if the trademark identification is required . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com . Trilling seconded the motion. Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 10 P. M . Respectfully submitted . Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 10 , 1994 - Page Three