1994-02-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 , 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen, Commissioner Richard Gordon chaired the meeting of the Appearance Commission and called it to order at 7; 30 P.M. on Thursday, February 10, 1994 at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: R. Gordon, F. Weissman, A. Viehman, M. Cea, S. Trilling and R. Lundine Commissioners Absent: E. Larsen Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Edward Schar, Deputy Building Commissioner Trustee Jeffrey Braiman was also present. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 13, 1994 - Com. Cea made a motion to approve. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. No additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Trilling and Lundine NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 5 to 0 , 1 abstention Minutes of January 13 , 1994 were approved as submitted. January 27 , 1994 - Com. Lundine made a motion to approve. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. No additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Trilling, Lundine, Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman and Cea Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 2 abstentions Minutes of January 27, 1994 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. Emmerich Park Ballfield Lighting Lake Cook Road Ball Diamonds Mr. Dale "Duke" Ducommun, Superintendent of Parks, Buffalo Grove Park District, and Mr. Tom Voltaggio, Senior V.P. of Environmental Systems Designs, Project Architect, 55 E. Monroe St. , Suite 1660, Chicago, IL 60603 (312-372-1200) made the presentation. Mr. Ducommun described the site plan and requested approval to change the existing 64 light fixtures, which were installed in 1981 that are now out of date `./ technically. The Park District wants to install new fixtures that make use of higher technology. They will eliminate the problem of glare from Lake Cook Road. The new light fixtures will be mounted on the existing poles and they will not create additional light. Mr. Voltaggio described the differences in the two type of fixtures. The existing fixtures, known as sports lights, have a spun aluminum reflector. They have a parabolic shape and they were made to throw as much light as possible out onto the playing field to cover as much area as possible. The new fixtures are made with the same basic spun aluminum reflectors, but they have been modified by Qualite so that the lamp is tilted inside the fixture. They have internal baffling and a visor that redirects the light down onto the playing surface. One aspect to be is considered is the spillage onto adjacent properties. This can be minimized by the aiming and design of the fixture. Another concern is glare. The baffling and design of the reflector in the internal assembly helps to minimize the impact of glare. Creative ways have been devised to accomplish this and drivers traveling from from the east to the west will see a different situation. They will see the lights but the discomfort level will be reduced. Mr. Ducommun said there will be the same amount of light on the playing field. The purpose of the new fixtures is to upgrade the system and improve the visual character- istics of the lighting requirements. Com. Viehman asked, "With the redirection of the lights and additional intensity on the playing fields, how much more intensity will also be created in the neighborhood on the other side of the playing fields? APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10 , 1994 - Page Two Mr. Voltaggio responded that the object is to maintain similar levels of light on the playing fields without spilling out onto adjacent surfaces. There are a number \./ of ways to do this. Fixture counts can be reduced, but this particular fixture is designed to not allow light to spill out as it has in the past. There has been some degradation in terms of the footcandles on the playing surface over the years as the existing fixtures have aged. They get dirty, and the lamps and ballasts deteriorate, so in a sense, some of the light will be restored to its original specifications of the fixture. The idea is to produce better results on the perimeter of the field with respect to the surrounding property. Com. Viehman asked if the number of fixtures is being reduced? Mr. Voltaggio replied that this could be done. At this time, the same number of fixture is being proposed, but they are being distributed on the poles differently. Com. Viehman asked if the people on the back side of the playing fields will likely to be more impacted, less impacted, or remain the same in terms of light? Mr. Voltaggio said that in this case they will be the same or less impacted. These lights will give the fields a much more sharply defined line between where darkness takes over on the playing surfaces. If you were flying over and took aerial photographs of the fields, there would be a sharply defined cutoff of the light. There is also less glow on the horizon. The dome of light that you would traditionally see is diminished to a great extent due to the way the internal baffling redirects light down toward the playing surface. The exhibits show that the light poles are from 50 ' to 80 ' in height. Com. Weissman asked if lowering the dome of light would create a safety factor for the players? As a manager, he was concerned that balls hit into the air could be lost in the darkness then come back into the light. Mr. Voltaggio replied that the cutoff is not that precise. These lights have been installed on ball fields in about six (6) other locations and conditions have been improved. He cited Park Ridge, Glen Ellen, and Bloomingdale as examples. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10 , 1994 - Page Three Ch. Gordon observed that the photometrics stop at the boundary of the baseball fields. The neighbors have been traditionally concerned about noise, the PA system, and the lights so the Village needs to be assured that the light level is not going to be any worse than it is right now. It was Mr. Voltaggio' s opinion that the neighbors will experience improvement. That is one of the primary forces behind the proposed change of the light fixtures. The lights shine toward the baseball fields and the spill values have been given at the property along Raupp Blvd. and Lake Cook Road. It is a fact that taller poles are better for spill because you get more vertical orientation of the fixture and that helps to reduce the amount of spill light onto adjacent properties. As you reduce the pole heights, the aiming angles have to get more horizontal in order to reach farther out into the playing surface and when that happens the light continues on and to strikes adjacent properties. Having the poles higher will help because the aiming angles will be in a more vertical direction and less in a horizontal direction. Com. Lundine asked when the lights would be installed? Mr. Ducommun said they opened bids and that is why they need the recommendation from the Appearance Commission and Village Board approval as soon as possible. They want to have the lights before the 1994 baseball season starts and would like to have the work done while the ground is still frozen. Trustee Braiman said it was his understanding, from the previous discussions with the Park District, that the whole purpose of the new lights was to reduce the footcandles on the neighboring properties behind the ball diamonds. He asked if this system will be an improvement over what we now have. Mr. Voltaggio responded that this is a fair characteriza- tion of the proposed light fixtures. Trustee Braiman brought up the question about the photo- metrics not showing what will happen beyond the poles around the baseball diamonds. Mr. Voltaggio explained that is because their major concern was with the Lake Cook Road traffic. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10, 1994 - Page Four Trustee Braiman informed Mr. Voltaggio that the main concern of the Village Board were the residents and said photometrics would be have to be made available before Village Board approval is given. Mr. Voltaggio said that it would simply be a matter of turning on the lights and using a meter to take a reading. Taking the reading now would give the worst possible case scenario because the snow reflects more light but grass absorbs light. Snow will exaggerate the conditions. There was discussion about whether to table the presentation until the next AC meeting on February 24 , 1994 and send it to the Village Board on March 7, 1994. Trustee Braiman informed the Commissioners that there is a Special Village Board meeting scheduled for Monday night, February 14 , 1994 and if the photometrics can be made available tomorrow, he would see if the item can be added to the agenda. He advised that the proposed lighting be recommended subject to specific conditions. The Commissioners agreed with this suggestion. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the changes submitted for the Emmerich Park Ballfield Lighting, subject to submittal of a more detailed photometric study showing the light levels along the residential property lines, and that readings of the current lighting levels also be submitted for comparison. Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Com. Viehman added the comment that the Appearance Commission recognizes this lighting change is an improvement and the Park District is to be commended for what is being done to upgrade the system. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Note: Commissioners Weissman and Gordon both stated that they are involved with the B.G.R.A. program but their votes are not influenced in any way. Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Mr. Ducommun was directed to submit the new photometric readings, including the existing light conditions along the residential property, to the Building Department, as early as possible on Friday, February 11, 1994. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10 , 1994 - Page Five B. Outback Steakhouse Revisions of Elevations, Signs and Landscaping 720 Lake Cook Road at Weidner Road Presentation was made by Mr. Greg Pradun, AIA, GPA, Inc. 2219 Chestnut Street, Northbrook, IL 60062 (192-1744) . 1. Ground Sign Mr. Pradun described the revised site plan showing the the sign at the southwest corner of the property. The sign was originally centered on the property frontage, but since distance between signs is not a factor, the AC had suggested that it would have better visibility at the corner. The AC had also recommended that the sign be opened up at the bottom, but the client prefers a solid base because it needs this type of base to rest upon. Plantings surround- ing the sign will will soften the brick structure. The sign was originally twelve feet (12' ) in height and it was situated on top of a berm, set back ten feet (10 ' ) from the curb at the street. It has been redesigned and the height is now fifteen feet (15 ' ) to the peak of the triangle. The brick base is seven feet (7 ' ) and the total height of the sign is eight feet (8 ' ) . At the new location, the sign will be set back fifteen feet (15 ' ) from the property line. U Mr. Pradun asked for the option to position the sign on an angle, or perpendicular, to Lake Cook Road, whichever will give it better visibility. Mr. Schar said the sign would be sent to the Village Engineer for a line-of-sight review. Mr. Pradun agreed to abide by the Village Engineer' s recommendations. 2 . Wall Sign on Front Elevation The secondary sign on the east elevation has been eliminated. The background of the sign on the front elevation will be cedar siding and it will be stained a natural color. The developer was pleased with the Appearance Commission' s recommendation to change the background from brick to cedar and they will keep the sign looking clean and inviting to solicitate business. The sign on the front was originally shown in a box on a raceway, but the Commission preferred no raceway, so the developer agreed to mount the letters directly to the cedar. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10, 1994 - Page Six Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the ground sign and wall sign as submitted. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. `/ Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 3 . LANDSCAPING: The landscaping around the sign has been modified from the front to the corner and some of the trees have been moved pursuant to the Commission' s recommendation. Mr. Schar informed the Commissioners that the revised plan was sent to the Village Forester for review, but he has not sent any recommendations. The motion should be subject to the Village Forester' s Review. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Revised Landscape Plan submitted for Outback Steakhouse, subject to the Village Forester' s Review. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. U V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Com. Lundine inquired about the Nissan cars that are parked in the public park? Trustee Braiman said he did not know what or if there has been any agreement with the Park District. 2 . Com. Viehman noted that the Seigle' s secondary sign box has been removed. VI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Lundine. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 22 P.M. Respectfully submitted. Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 10 , 1994 - Page Seven