1994-01-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY . JANUARY 27 , 1994 1 . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Ch . Eddie Larsen , Com . Richard Gordon chaired the meeting of the Appearance Commission and called it to order at 7 : 40 P . M. on Thursday . January 27 . 1994 in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R . Gordon . A. Viehman , S . Trilling and R. Lundine QUORUM.. Commissioners Absent : E . Larsen. M. Cea and F . Weissman ( Ch . Larsen was delayed in traffic . ) Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 13 , 1994 - Tabled . IV . BUSINESS A. Arboretum Golf Course Locker Room - 401 Half Davr Road Mr . Jack Weyrauch, B. G . Special Projects Representative , and Mr . Rick Reed . Superintendent of the Arboretum Golf Course , made the presentation. Mr . Weyrauch described the site and the proposed construction which will consist of a shower and restroom modular building . It will have a deck with a stair/ ramp access on the south side of the building . The existing patio area will be doubled in size . A tent will cover approximately 3/4 of the patio area during golfing season , from early summer through early fail . Site utility work will include water . sanitary sewer and storm sewer . 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS : The building will be 28 ' x 44 ' and comes in two sections that are bolted together . a . Siding : Vertical T-111 wood , The color , Niff-Corr Rawhide , will match the brick on the clubhouse as closely as possible . b . Trim : riff-Corr Royal Brown (darker than Rawhide) c . Roof : Asphalt shingles GAF Timberline - Driftwood d . Deck : Woimanized wood . e . Patio pavers will match existing pavers . f . Walks and bike path will be asphalt . g . Tent will have removable storm awnings on two (2) sides and screens on the other two ( 2 ) sides to help eliminate blowing rain. The Village is purchasing the structure which has a 5-year life expectancy and hopefully use of the course will increase enough to justify building a permanent structure . The exist- ing clubhouse is the Fiore sales office and is not compatible with the use because it does not have any locker or shower rooms and limited bathrooms facilities . The new building will be handicapped accessible . The height of the structure will be lower that the clubhouse . The interior is completely finished , but the decking will be site built . It will be constructed on concrete piers per manufacturer ' s specifications . Photographs of the clubhouse and existing landscaping were distributed . There are large trees along Half Day Road that screen the view from the shopping center and additional plant- ings will be added to screen the residential area to the east . Com. Trilling commented that the structure needs to have some kind of trim to help take away the "box look . " He suggested some wood bands around the windows . Mr . Weyrauch explained that cost is a big factor . The price went up considerably when he asked about a wider overhang that would resemble the clubhouse . It would also require more lead and follow cars , reduced speed , etc . The Commissioners recommended shutters , a trellis in front , some type of I - x 4" banding around the windows or a different painted look to make it look better . Mr . Weyrauch made no commitment to add any trim but said they would see how much money is left . Much of the price of the structure is the interior plumbing . He said it might be possible to extend an awning over the deck and walkway. Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the temporary locker facility as submitted for the Arboretum Golf Course with the recommendation that after the structure is built something might be done to help "dress it up . ' Com . Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Reed described the landscaping on the south side of the new building . The ramp area includes Juniper shrubs , Dogwood trees , one Crab , some ground cover and an annual flower bed . The practice tee , not shown on the plan, will remain . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 27 , 1994 - Page Two The east side of the building will have Current bushes , a Maple tree and some ground cover . Nothing will be added to the east side of the tent area which. is heavily screened , but a River Birch and some ground cover will be planted at the southwest corner of the tent area . The three or four island areas , south of the practice green, will be planted with White Pines and ground cover to screen the Woodlands residential buildings . The ground slopes so the landscaping will be kept on the high areas . The path leading to the back entrance of the clubhouse will have a barrier of trees , shrubs and ground cover to help keep golfers from tracking mud into the clubhouse . The narrow area between the clubhouse and locker rooms will have a split rail fence to deter people from going through. Food will have to be carried around the north side of the locker facility when large crowds are served in the tent . "There may be a wood chip path but it is not certain . Ch. Gordon suggested additional foundation plantings on the north side of the new building . Com . Viehman commented that not all of the trees are shown on the plan. The area is very shady , so nothing will grow well . He suggested additional Dogwoods because they are fast growing and , within 5 years , would screen the end of the building . Com . Lundine made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted with the stipulation that foundation plantings be added to the north side of the locker room facility. Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman . frilling . Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . The clubhouse and landscaping should be installed by June 1st . B. Starbucks Coffee - Wall Signs at The Grove on Lake Cook Road Mr . George Woock , White Way Signs , 1317 N . Clybourn Avenue . Chicago , IL 60610 (312- 642-6580) made the presentation. Mr . George Sarafatty , Starbucks ' architect , was also present . Mr . Woock presented photographs of the Dickster ' s signs which will be replaced by Starbucks Coffee on the south and east elevations . The color of the individual letters will be Holly Green and the window logo will be Holly Green with white stars and the inner circle is black with a white pictorial . Mr . Woock explained that the management company , RRLEF Funds , prefers to have the sign on the raceway so that the wall will not have to be penetrated for each letter . The raceway would be painted out to match the brick background APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 27 . 1094 - Page Three Mr . Schar verified that various colors are permitted , so the Holly Green is acceptable . Appearance Commission review is required because the Sign Criteria specifies individual letters and the proposed sign is shown on a raceway . Mr . Schar advised the representatives that it would be advantageous to have the Sign Criteria amended because it states that Appearance Commission and :Management approval are both required . There were no objections . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommence approval of the wall signs submitted by Starbucks Coffee at The Grove , as presented . Specifically , the letters wiii be mounted on a raceway as shown on the diagram . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman . Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C . Chatham Place - Temporary Signs on Weidner Road Mr . Anthony Failegiardo , Chatham Place Condominiums , 760 Weidner Road , Buffalo Grove . IL 60089 representing the Chatham Home Partnership , requested approval for two 3 ' x 6 ' Sales/Rental signs on the east side of Weidner Road . The property is owned by and maintained by the Manor Homes of Chatham Condominium Associations #i , #2 and #3 . They signs are single faced and wiii be positioned perpendi- cular to Weidner Road . The signs were originally installed on the west side of Weidner Road . They have been repainted and are low directional signs . they will be removed after ail units have been sold . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the two temporary sales signs for Chatham Place as submitted . subject to the setback requirements of the Sign Code . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION .January 27 . i994 - Page Four D. The Villas at Manchester Greens , Revised Information Sign Mr . David Reinsdorf , 425 Heuhl Road . Building 18 B . North- brook . IL 60062 (272-5600) represented Red Seal Development . He requested approval for the addition of two green banners , to modify the existing Information. Center sign located on the east side of Manchester Drive , south of Old Checker Road . at the main entrance . They will differentiate The Villas single family homes from the existing condominiums and townhomes . They are painted plywood double-sided signs . The setback will not be affected by the height of this sign because Manchester Drive is not a dedicated street . It will be considered a temporary sign on private property . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the additional banners as submitted for The Villas Information Center on Manchester Drive . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roil Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman . Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS - None . ADJOURNMENT Com . Trilling made a motion to adjourn. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Chairman Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 35 P.M . Respectfully submitted . Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 27 . 1994 - Page Five