1994-01-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JANUARY 13 , 1994 I . CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Fred Weissman chaired the meeting until Ch . Eddie Larsen arrived . Com . Weissman called the meeting to order at 7 : 45 P . M. on Thursday . January 13 , i994 at the Alcott Community Center . 530 Bernard Drive . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman . A. Viehman , M . Cea . S . Trilling and R. Lundine . E . Larsen (arrived at 7 : 55 P .M . ) Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Scnar , Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 28 , 1993 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com . Lundine and seconded by Com . Viehman . Voice Vote : AYE - Unanimously Minutes of October 28 , 1993 approved and will be placed on file . December 9 , 1993 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com . Viehman and seconded by Com . Lundine . Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman . Trilling , Lundine and Weissman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Cea Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention Minutes of December 9 . 1993 approved and will be placed on file . iV . BUSINESS A . Hav-A-Bash-Ery/Advance Creative Products Ground sign at 701 Dartmouth at Commerce Court Ms . Laura Tinoco , Style Sign Company , 3265 S . State Street . Lockport . IL 60441 ( 815 ) 722-7822 described the proposed double-faced low monument sign to be located at the corner of Dartmouth Lane and Lexington Drive . the sign face will be sandblasted and the ends wiii be boxed-in . The Hav-A-Bash-Ery portion of the sign wiii have hot pink copy on a white back- ground . Colors of the ACP portion of the sign will be red and black on a white background . The border and boxed-in plywood base wiii be painted dark grey . Concern was expressed by tne commissioners that the wood base . in direct contact with tne ground , would deteriorate and the paint would peel . Ms . Tinoco explained that the wood would have a MDL finish that is guaranteed for 10 years . She agreed to use aluminum for the base and the ends of the sign . The landlord will be responsible for installing landscaping at the base of the sign in compliance with the Sign Code . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the ground sign submitted for Hav-A-Bash-Ery . 701 Dartmouth at the Commerce Center , as presented with the stipulation that the base and edges of the sign will be covered with aluminum . Com . Lundine seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Cea . Trilling . Lundine and Weissman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 1 abstention Eddie Larsen chaired the rest of the meeting . B. James Kaplan Companies . inc . - For Rent Sign East of Entrance on Dundee Road at Plaza Verde Ms . Michelle Kaboff . James Kaplan Companies , Inc . . 1750 North Clark Street . Chicago . IL 60614 ( 312 ) 664-3300 described the proposed For Rent sign. The single-faced sign will be located east of the Burger King entrance at the west end of Plaza Verde . It will match the existing signs on Arlington Heights Road and at the east entrance on Dundee Rd . The metal posts will be painted maroon to match the border . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the "For Rent sign at Plaza Verde as presented by James Kaplan Companies . Inc . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Cea . frilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to O . C . Seigle ' s Home Center - 225 Mc Henry Road Ground Sign Face Change (Drive Through Lumber Yard) Mr . Harry Seigle , President of Seigle ' s Home and Building Centers . Inc . 1331 Davis Road . Elgin . IL 60123 and Mr . Scott Deem , Sales Manager of the Buffalo Grove store at 225 Mc Henry Road . (808-8900 ) were present . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 13 , 1994 - Page Two Mr . Seigle requested a change of copy on the existing sign that was approved for the Drive Through Lumber Yard . It would highlight the three ( 3 ) major products : Aristokraft Cabinets , Marvin Windows and Kohler Plumbing Fixtures . Colors are indicated on the diagram . Ch. Larsen explained that the Sign Code prohibits advertising of specific products on signs . Other petitioners have been denied similar requests . ( i . e . Zimmerman' s True Value Paint - paint would be allowed but not the brand name . ) The only way the sign could be permitted would be it a variance was granted by the Village Board of Trustees . The Appearance Commission could recommend - in favor of or 'opposed to' the variance and it is highly unlikely that the Board would grant a variance . Mr . Seigle said they are familiar with the ordinance and made the analogy to auto dealers naming of cars and the banks use of Cash Station signs , etc . to advertise ATM machines . Ch . Larsen affirmed that some businesses have been granted variances , but he was not sure of the purposes given for the requests . They could have been for additional signage . The Appearance Commission has not recommended approval for any advertising signs . Window signs are permitted to have advertising as long as they do not cover more than 1 /3 of the windows area . Ch. Larsen suggested submitting something more generic or directional with business hours . Com . Weissman said they could change the signs to read : Kitchen/Bath Cabinets or Windows or Plumbing Supplies , etc . Mr . Seigle said he appreciated the advice . Com . Larsen complemented Mr . Seigle on the store and said the AC has no intention of being adversarial . No action was taken. D. The Wheatiands (Formerly Barclay Station) - Face Changes of Existing Si is on Deerfield Road and Milwaukee Avenue Mr . Ken Poulsen, Trammell Crow Residential , Suite 550 , 9450 W . Bryn Mawr Avenue , Rosemont , IL 60018 (465-8585 ) requested a change of copy for two existing temporary signs on the property . The name of the development has been changed from Barclay Station to The Wheatiands . Now Leasing will replace Leasing Spring of 1993 and a new phone number . Materials will remain the same : Medium Blue Vinyl Letters on a White Background . The posts are white . The letters will be peeled off and new letters will be applied . Ch. Larsen said that when the letters are removed they will leave a residue that cannot be cleaned off and the changes will be obvious . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 13 , 1994 - Page Three Ch. Larsen added that the Commission wants to avoid a patched look and the sign would be permitted for six (6) months or more . Mr . Poulsen said they expect to be installing the permanent signs within the next two months . They are applying for a variance for one entrance sign and other new signs have been approved . The temporary signs will be removed as soon as the permanent signs are fabricated . The Commissioners had less of a problem if the time is short . but Ch. Larsen cautioned that when the vinyl letters are removed with a heat gun, the residue will remain and the colors will have faded . He asked Mr . Schar to inspect it . Com . Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the sign face changes as requested for the Wheatlands , with the stipulation that Mr . Schar inspect the sign to make sure it is acceptable . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . E . North Shore Gas/Gate Station - Ground Sign 1050 E. Lake Cook Road at Chevy Chase Business Park West Mr . Ken Vanselow , Supervisory Engineer , North Shore Gas , 3001 Grand Avenue , Waukegan, IL 60085 ( 336-7400 Ext . 311 ) described the proposed sign . it will be a non-illuminated single-faced metal sign mounted on metal posts . The copy will be blue and the metal will probably be unpainted . Ch. Larsen doubted if the metal would be left unpainted and speculated that the sign would be as depicted on the diagram , blue lettering on a white background . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the sign as presented by North Shore Gas for the B.G . Gate Station. Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . F . Wallaby Station - Ground Sign 730 Hastings at Commerce Center Mr . Randy Ziemann , Sign-A-Rama . 80 W . Dundee Road . Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 ( 215-1535 ) described the proposed ground sign. It will be 3 ' x 3 ' in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance . Section i7 . 48 . 020 : Special Use (C . 14 . c . ) : APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 13 , 1994 - Page Four The retail use does not require outside signs or storage . other than an identification sign not exceeding ten ( 10) square feet , and otherwise in accordance with the sign ordi- nance of the Village . ' The double-faced sign will have green copy and border on a white background . There will be a skirt around the posts . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Ziemann that the posts must be set 42" in the ground . not 24 as shown on the diagram. Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the ground sign as presented for Wallaby Station. Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman, Cea . Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . G. Telular - Ground Sign Face Change ( Formerly Hitachi ) 920 Deerfield Parkway at Covington Corporate Center Mr . Randy Podolsky , SIOR . President of Podolsky and Assoc . , One Westbrook Corporate Center , Suite 400 , Westchester , IL (531-8200 ) made the presentation. Ms . Sheryl Eshkenazi , Director of Administration was also present . U Mr . Podolsky described the proposed sign face change of the former Hitachi ground sign. The existing face of the internally illuminated ground sign will be replaced with new routed aluminum faces . The drum of the sign wiii be repainted blue (PMS 360) with blue copy and logo on white plexiglas . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the face change of the Hitachi ground sign to Telular Corpor- ation as submitted . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman . Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . The January 27 , 1994 Appearance Commission meeting will be held at the Alcott Community Center . 2 . The BAGELS panels on The Plaza at Buffalo Grove ground signs are a different color . Mr . Schar will inform the sign contractor . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 13 , 1994 - Page Five 3 . The Mobil station at Dundee and Buffalo Grove Road has replaced the Dunkin' Donut sign with the original $1 . 00 - Car Wash sign. It will not be necessary to submit it for AC approval . 4 . Boston Chicken is open. There was a mobile billboard sign parked in front over a weekend . but Mr . Schar had it removed . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com . Cea seconded the motion. Ch . Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 37 P. M . Respectfully submitted . • Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 13 . 1994 - Page Six