1993-12-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , DECEMBER 9 , 1993 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting of the Appearance Commis- sion to order at 7 : 40 P. M. on Thursday . December 9 , 1993 in Room 24 of the Aicott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman, R. Gordon, A. Viehman . S . Trilling , R. Lundine and Eddie Larsen Commissioners Absent : M. Cea Bldg . Dept . Liaison : Edward Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 28 , 1993 - Tabled. IV . BUSINESS A. Reservoir #1 - 345 S . Arlington Heights Road Building Mounted Lettering and Logo , Pump House and Reservoir Motion to defer until after Item C was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com. Gordon. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. B. Confetti Party Rental - 1157 N. Arlington Heights Road Sign Face Chang (Formerlyly Century 21 ) The owner , Mr . Hrach , was present with Mr . George Schlangen , AG Signs , 573 N. Wolf Road , Wheeling . IL 60090 (520-4388) . Mr . Schlangen described the construction of the proposed sign . The existing raceway will be used , but the sign will be attached to a new sheet of aluminum . Mr . Martin Norkett , owner of Cambridge Shopping Center has approved the letter style because it is not consistent with the Sign Criteria. There are two existing cans that were used to identify the Century 21 office . Mr . Hrach would like to use both cans . One would be the company logo with balloons and the second sign would be the company name . The channel letters would be white with black trim caps and the logo within a box would be white with PMS purple . The balloons would be shaded . Ch. Larsen advised Mr . Schlangen that the strokes in the lettering would have to be thickened in order to use neon. Mr . Schlangen said the signs are made by computer and he would be able to widen the strokes to two inches (2" ) . Com . Gordon questioned the need for both signs and asked if the box sign could be elongated and centered? Mr . Schiangen said there is a tree in front of the building and logo sign is too small to be seen from the street . so the letters on the raceway are for visibility . The box sign further describes the type of business , which is a party rental store . Ch. Larsen suggested connecting the signs into one ( 1 ) sign. Mr . Schiangen said the signs were about 6 , - 7 ' apart and he could box them in together . The Commissioners had not questions or objections . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Confetti Party Rental sign , as submitted with the modification that the minimum stroke width of the neon channel letters be two inches (2" ) and that the logo portion be connected to the raceway with fabricated metal components . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Weissman , Viehman , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to O . C . Outback Steakhouse - Weidner and Lake Cook Road Full Review: Site Plan/Elevations/Materials Lighting/Landscaping/Signs Mr . Greg Pradun , AIA . GPA, Inc . , 2219 Chestnut Street , Northbrook , IL 60062 (291-1744) made the presentation. 1 . Site Plan, Elevations and Materials Mr . Pradun described photographs that were submitted with the elevation drawings . One photograph depicts an existing Outback Steakhouse and one is a rendering of the proposed building . The interior photograph conveys the feeling of a traditional country appearance that is carried over to the outside elevations . Neon will not be around the BG building . Samples of the materials were described . The brick and mortar will be identical to the Zierk ' s Furniture building . The utility size (4" x 12" ) brick is Carolina Ceramics - Chestnut Ironspot Wirecut . The roof will be similar to Winberie ' s Restaurant which is west of the site . Clear glass will be used , and the windows on the south elevation will have a slight tint to reduce sun glare . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 9 . 1993 - Page Two The trim will probably be white , but beige is being considered to highlight the brick and give the building a light appear- ance . At the request of Mr . Timothy Beechick . of Hamilton Partners , the siding that is usually used for the gable in the front has been changed to brick to conform with the standards of the Buffalo Grove Business Park . They will probably use a brick tile which is lighter and does not have to be supported with steel . Com . Gordon commented that even the brick appearance of the gable would give the building a very heavy look . Mr . Beechick was also concerned about the tenants at the 750 Lake Cook Road building to the rear , so the trash enclosure , which is usually drivit or concrete , will be bricked to make it look monolithic with the building . The service doors on the north elevation will be cedar , painted to match the brick . The plans call out white , but this is not correct . The front and side entry doors will be cedar . but the stain will be lighter than on the rear doors . The gable material was discussed at length. Com . Gordon suggested that the gable be made of cedar , also stained to match the brick . He was concerned with the appearance of brick being held up by the 8 x 8 posts . Structurally it can be done , but it would give the building a very heavy look . Mr . Pradun agreed with Com . Gordon' s statement about the aesthetic appearance of the weight of brick , but said a dark stain would give the cedar the same appearance as brick . The color would have to be lighter . Other available materials would be drivit , cement plaster (stucco) or siding material , but Mr . Beechick was specific about using brick to give the building continuity with the surrounding buildings . The wide soffit band of white has been continued around the building to offset the brick . The sign with the wide louver also takes away about one half of the brick appearance . Com . Trilling said he would prefer to have the stained western red cedar because it would carry the rustic interior feeling over to the outside . The overhang is about three feet ( 3 ' ) in width on the sides and rear elevations . It projects out about seven feet ( 7 ' ) over the porch on the front elevation. There are brick rowlock and soldier courses that continue around the building . similar to Zierk ' s . The brick rowlock course will project out where there are windows to create a sill . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 9 , 1993 - Page Three Ch . Larsen said he agreed with Com . Gordon and Com . Trilling about the brick gable giving the building a heavy look . It will not add to its appearance . Com . Viehman agreed that cedar would establish some character to the restaurant and would accomplish the "country" purpose . Mr . Pradun responded that it might be possible to keep the brick on the rear elevation for the sake of the 750 Lake Cook tenants and change the gable on front elevation to wood cedar siding with a natural stain that would match the light range of the brick This would achieve the objectives of the Appear- ance Commission as well as his client and Mr . Beechick . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations and materials for The Outback Steakhouse as submitted , with the modifications of the gable as agreed to by the architect , Mr . Greg Pradun. Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman , Gordon, Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Mark Hunner , V . P. of The Brickman Group , Ltd . . distributed a revised Landscape Plan , dated December 7 , 1993 . It includes parkway trees along Lake Cook Road as recommended by Mr . Ray Rigsby . per Landscape Plan Review , dated December 1 , 1993 . The Review also states : "Foundation plantings should be con- sidered in lieu of sod to reduce the hand mowing next to the building . " Mr . Hunner noted that the revised plan calls for mulch under the overhang because nothing would grow there . With reference to the requirement of parkway trees along Weidner Road , Mr . Hunner said he did not add any trees because there is not enough room for them. Extensive landscaping was installed along Weidner Road when the Buffalo Grove Business Park was landscaped by The Brickman Group . There is berming , with shade trees and shrubs , along the west side of Zierk ' s . They want to preserve the existing plantings and carry out that general , rather natural approach , into the unlandscaped areas . All of the existing trees will remain along Lake Cook Road and Weidner Road . The one Honey Locust tree that is within the parking area will be transplanted . It wiii be moved forward closer to Lake Cook Road . There will be a low Alpine hedge along the front porch of the building with some Dwarf Junipers at the entrance and they hope to be able to include some Cutleaf Sumac at the southwest corner of the building . The front area is very tight . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 9 , 1993 - Page Four The sign is shown within a bed of perennials , west of the entrance to the restaurant . but the location of the sign has been changed to the middle of the property , so this bed of perennials will also be moved . All lawn areas will be sodded and they will probably tap into the existing irrigation system on the parkway. Com . Gordon questioned whether additional parkway trees would block the view of the building from Lake Cook Road. Mr . Hunner agreed and explained that this is the reason they did not show any parkway trees on the original landscape plan. They were added in compliance with the Village Ordinance . Ch. Larsen observed that there are trees on the island on Weidner Road . He asked about the height of the berm? Mr . Hunner said the berm is about two feet (2 ' ) in height from the parking area rising to about three feet (3 ' ) in height along Lake Cook Road . The intent is to block the headlights of cars from the residential area to the south . For mowing purposes , the slope could not exceed 25% and the width of the area will determine the height . Trustee Kahn recalled that the berm was a requirement of the Plan Commission and the Village Board concurred that it is important to screen the car lights from traffic on Lake Cook Road as well as the residential area . Mr . Rigsby has not seen the revised plan , so the AC' s recom- mendation will be subject to his review and approval . Com. Gordon repeated his concern about the number of parkway trees . In his opinion, there are too many for the space . The parkway is about ten feet ( 10 ' ) in width between the sidewalk and the curb . There are parkway trees in front of Zierk ' s but there are no trees to the west , i . e . in front of Winberie ' s , or the hotel , or around the detention pond . Com. Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan submitted for The Outback Steakhouse , subject to Ray Rigsby ' s review and approval . Com . Weissman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon, Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to O . APPEARANCE COMMISSION `*/ December 9 , 1993 - Page Five 3 . SIGNS Mr . Pradun said it is his understanding that the Sign Code requires a separation of 250 feet between ground signs so they have relocated the main identification sign closer to center of the site . They will position the sign accurately. Originally , the sign was proposed to be thirty feet ( 30 ' ) in height by twenty feet ( 20 ' ) in width . with a center pole . The sign has been redesigned as shown , and Mr . Pradun said he is open to the Appearance Commissioners ' suggestions . Ch. Larsen confirmed with Mr . Schar that Weidner Road is a dedicated street at the intersection and the 250 foot rule would only apply to the Zierk ' s sign. Therefore . the sign could be located closer to the corner . Based on the property frontage , the size of the sign would be limited to one hundred square feet ( 100 sf . ) and the changeable copy portion, shown on the drawing , would not be permitted in Buffalo Grove . Mr . Pradun said they would much prefer to relocate the sign nearer the intersection where it would identify the entrance . The sign would be redesigned to eliminate the changeable copy portion and perhaps increase the size of the upper portion. He said he would like to keep the sloped top to be like the building . Ch. Larsen proposed that the material for the background be changed from metal to cedar so it would also match the building . Metal or steel letters would provide the backing necessary for a fire barrier . With the sign moved closer to the intersection, the brick base could be opened up and the sign be could be constructed on two ( 2) brick columns . Mr . Pradun agreed that these were excellent suggestions and said the landscaping could flow through and around it . The sign would be perpendicular to Lake Cook Road and with size of the top portion increased , it would be more visible . Mr . Schar informed Mr . Pradun that the Village Engineer would have to review the line-of-sight with regard to the location of the sign. There is also a street light at the corner . Mr . Larsen said there would not be a headlight concern at the corner , so the berming could be diminished . The height of signs is measured from the curb level . Mr . Hunner commented that the corner is already landscaped and there is no berm at this point . They would have to relocate some of the plantings and add some shrubs . He agreed that the suggestions were good ones . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 9 , 1993 - Page Six Mr . Pradun asked if the background of the top portion could be metal instead of wood because cedar would be more costly . Ch. Larsen commented that with the neon around the edge of the sign, it would be better to have a metal background . He recalled that Barry ' s had a fire when they had a wood sign with exposed neon tubing . The color of the background was discussed . The plan shows a white background , but Mr . Pradun said this was changed to a dark bronze . Com . Gordon said he would prefer to have the color of the sign to match the gable of the building . Signs are shown on the south, east and west elevations of the building . When informed that the sign on the east elevation would require a variance , Mr . Pradun said to eliminate it for now. After discussion , he agreed that the signs on the front and west elevation would match. Because the signs have been redesigned , new drawings will be submitted . Motion to Table the signs was made by Com . Viehman and seconded by Com . Gordon. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. 4 . LIGHTING Photometric tables with cut sheets of the proposed parking lot and wall mounted light fixtures were described and discussed . There will be soffit lights on all sides of the building , but there will not be neon around the roof as shown in the photo . There will be wall mounted architectural light fixtures on the west elevation and on each side of the front doors . There will be wall mounted security lights on over the service doors on the east side and rear elevations . The photometric drawing has been designed specifically for the site and was supplied by a independent lighting contractor . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Pradun that the parking lot light fixtures must be shielded so that the light shines downward so no glare can be seen from the second floor of the houses to the south. Mr . Beechick is familiar with this requirement . The plan shows HPS light fixtures . but Ch. Larsen recommended using Metal Halide which gives a whiter light . Mr . Pradun agreed to match the existing parking lot light source (not the fixtures) at Winberie ' s . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 9 , 1993 - Page Seven Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as submitted for The Outback Steakhouse , with the stipulation that the light source match Winberie ' s . The plan is subject to the Village Engineer ' s review and approval of the photometrics . Com . Viehman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Weissman , Gordon , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . A. Reservoir #1 - 345 S . Arlington Heights Road Building Mounted Lettering and Logo Pump House and Reservoir Mr . Schar explained that the Village would like to change the color of the existing aluminum letters , on the wall at Reservoir #1 , from dark bronze to Satin Brite Aluminum. Motion to recommend approval of the color change for the Reservoir #1 wall signs as was made by Com . Gordon and seconded by Com. Viehman. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Schar announced that the next meeting will in January 1994 . The remodeling of the Village Hall may be completed by February. Ch. Larsen wished everyone a Happy Holiday Season. He added that he and Mrs . Larsen will be going to vacation in Florida next week. He will be looking for a place (near a golf course) where they can move next spring , hopefully in March. He will remain chairman of the Appearance Commission until time for them to move . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Chairman Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 15 P .M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION �,f December 9 , 1993 - Page Eight