1993-10-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , OCTOBER 28 , 1993 i . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P .M. in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive on Thursday , October 28 . 1993 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman, A. Viehman, S . Trilling , M. Cea , R. Lundine and E. Larsen. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 14 , 1993 - Motion to approve was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com . Lundine . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Trilling , Lundine , Larsen NAY - None t./ ABSTAIN - Cea Motion Passed - 5 to 0 , i abstension Minutes of October 14 , 1993 were approved . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Chatham Place - Sign Face Changes Dundee Road and Weidner Road Mr . Bob Barrett , Sr . and Mr . Bob Barrett , Jr . , 760 Weidner Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (520-5868) were present . The Chatham Place Condominium signs have been repainted . Basic colors are yellow with teal copy and white borders . The signs were ail previously approved per Sign Code , There were no questions or comments . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the color face changes for the previously existing Chatham Place signs , per Sign Code , Section 14 . 32 . 010 , Subdivision Development Signs , as submitted. Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman. Viehman. Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS A. Rolling Hills Subdivision on Aptakisic Road Scarsdale Development - Full Review: Site Plan/Elevations/Materials/Lighting/Landscaping Presentation was made by Mr . John P. Green , President of Systems Design Group , Ltd . 1051 Perimeter Drive . Suite 1110 . Schaumburg , IL 60173 (413-0300) : Charles D. Schmidt , V. P. of Product Design , Systems Design Group : and John C . Martin, Vice President of JEN Land Design , Inc . 5507 N. Cumberland , Suite 406 , Chicago , IL 60656 ( 312-763-3320) . Mr . Green distributed diagrams of the exterior elevations of the basic models with a modified separation schedule based on the renderings . The Rolling Hills Subdivision will be located on Aptakisic Road , approximately 2 ,000 feet west of Buffalo Grove Road . It was formerly part of Long Grove , but has been annexed to Buffalo Grove . 1 . SITE PLAN : The site consists of 139 lots . It is a PUD, classified R-3 , There are 3 minimum lot sizes : R-3 sized lots are 80 ft . wide . 10 .000 min. sq . ft . R-2 sized lots are 90 ft . wide . 15 , 000 min. sq . ft . R-1 sized lots are 100 ft . wide . 20 ,000 min. sq . ft . Roiling Hills is not a typical subdivision. The homes will be semi-custom , with 60% - 75% customized from the base models . The houses will range in size from approximately 2 . 400 sq . ft . to 4 , 500/5 , 000 sq . ft . Price range will be $300 , 000 and up . 2 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS: Exterior Elevations were all previously approved standard Scarsdale models for Westchester I & II and Parkchester . They are classified Americana , Contemporary , Victorian , French Colonial (Normandy) . Manor and Ranch. Mr . Green described the elevations and floor plans of each model with options and basic materials . All houses are available with optional 3-car garages . Each elevation is significantly different . All models may be customized , but they must conform with the Scarsdale construction standards and with materials that are approved by the Village . Creativity is encouraged . Garages can be turned and the driveways can be altered from key-hole to circular . etc . At this time , over 40 lots have been sold and approximately 25 purchasers have met with the designers to customize their home . The list of 28 minor alterations is consistent with the past modifications . Exceptions are that skylights will not be limited to rear elevations ( #13) and stucco will be permitted in place of siding ( #28) . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 , 1993 - Page Two Relative to the Monotony Code , the Ranch styles #806 and #1406 are similar and will not be constructed next to or across from another ranch. The models are flip-flopped . Ch. Larsen expressed concern that 3-car garages should not appear to be added on , such as Model #202 . Mr . Green responded the developer is also concerned about the streetscape and these garages have purposely been stepped back to break up the length of the front elevation. Scarsdale expects most houses to have 3-car garages and some will even have 4-car garages , which can also be turned so they have a side swing away from the street . Cul-de-sac lots will have to be entered from the street , so they will be staggered . Ch. Larsen observed that the Victorian model is all siding. Mr . Green confirmed that statement and added that no one has ever asked for the brick option that is available . Material Display Boards were presented and described . The same basic bricks that were approved for Westchester II will be used at Rolling Hills , but some have been discontinued. They will be replaced with similar bricks and two speciality brick are being added. The number of white brick has been reduced because they are not available . Matching bricks and/or matching materials are not permitted on adjacent lots . Similar white bricks are allowed . The sales people are aware `../ of this know and they how to market the materials . Siding stains are supplied by Olympic or Sherwin Williams and a wide variety of tones is available . Olympic also offers the same colors in solid and semi-transparent finishes . Roofing shingles are the same as Parkchester & Westchester II . Matching shingles cannot be used on adjacent lots . They do not use any aluminum siding . Drivit or stucco panels on foam would be permitted with masonry , and if they are selected , Mr . Green will submit the colors for approval . All chimneys are masonry. All trim matches the stain color . All front doors and garage doors are white . Basic garage doors are metal , but there is an upgrade to stained planked doors . Street light standards will comply with the existing Buffalo Grove Ordinances , as depicted as Exhibit No . 603 . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations Materials , Color Selection Packages and Lighting submitted by Scarsdale for the Rolling Hills Subdivision , as presented. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman. Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 , 1993 - Page Three 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Martin submitted revised Landscaping Plans based on Mr . Ray Rigsby' s Review dated October 28 , 1993 . He presented an overall exhibit of the site and described it in detail . The average spacing of the parkway trees is 45 feet and they conform with the Village ' s list of recommended trees . The 50 foot buffer section, separating Buffalo Grove from Long Grove , complies with the Annexation Agreement . The first 15 feet is the utility easement and the remaining 35 feet is landscaped with required shade trees , ornamentals and shrubs . All the plant materials along Com Ed ' s right-of-way at the northeast section of the property and the Park District ' s area which was part of the Roiling Hills Nursery will remain. The parking area and walkway along Beverly Lane will be plant- ed with shrubbery , ornamentals , evergreens and shade trees . There is an 18" - 24- retaining wail along the north side of the parking lot that will help screen it from Lot 122 . Shrubbery and shade trees will screen Lot 123 . Mr . Martin said from 30 - 40 large Norway Spruce trees and a 25 foot Colorado Spruce have been moved to screen the Com Ed right-of-way from the rear of the bordering lots . A trans- planting plan was submitted . Much of the smaller left over \./ plant materials have been added to the Com Ed buffer zone. The tree line on the east property line will remain intact . Some trees were removed from the side yard of Lot 132 per the Plan Commission' s recommendation, and trees will be removed from the area along Lots 138 and 139 to permit construction of the sewer line . Mr . Rigsby ' s memo recommends replanting of the hedge row and Mr . Martin said they would comply . Additional parkway trees will be added along Beverly Lane per Mr . Rigsby ' s review and the stub on the neighboring property will also be landscaped per the Plan Commission. The cul-de-sac islands will be landscaped as shown. Spirea is the typical shrub that will used with ornamental trees . The bike path meanders through the property from Brandywyn back to Aptakisic Road . The rear property lines of the bordering lots will be landscaped . There is a pond on each side of the entrance . On the west side of Twin Oaks Boulevard . there is an existing grove of Walnut trees , situated on a 20 foot knoll . This will be the focal point of the entrance . The slopes of the knoll will be reinforced with Holy Boulder stone walls and a variety of plantings to fill in the areas between the stones , etc . There will be a playground on the east side of the knoll . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 1993 - Page Four An overlook deck will be constructed on top of the knoll that will cantilever out over the Holy Boulder walls . To prevent shoreline erosion, the embankments of the ponds will have an enkamat base (a mesh that will hold plantings) interspersed with stone rip wrap , planted with ground cover , low spreading shrubbery and ornamentals . The entrance area from Aptakisic Road is more formal and was designed to draw attention to the knoll at the rear . The entry island will be low enough to permit emergency vehicles to turn around . It will be planted with year around ground cover and protected from road salt with some field stone boulders . Entrance monuments are not being proposed . The . 7 acre wetland area at the north end of the ponds will be reconstituted and planted with bulrushes and water lilies . Scarsdale expects to complete the subdivision in 3 to 4 years . When the project is completed . the lakes and entrance area will be dedicated to and maintained by the Village . The tot- lot and bike path will be dedicated to the Park District . Mr . Green informed the AC that the County Highway Department has requested that the entryway be moved 130 feet to the east to maintain maximum distance between the Brandywyn Lane and the Temple . This change will not effect the lakes . etc . Ch. Larsen questioned why the drive has been named Twin Oaks Boulevard when the Walnut Grove is going to be the prime focal point of the entrance? He proposed Walnut Hill Boulevard . Mr . Green responded that the knoll may be called Walnut Park . The hill was a great discovery and the entry was redesigned around the knoll but restoration is necessary for its salvage . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plans for the Rolling Hills Subdivision , as submitted , with the stipulation that the petitioner has agreed to comply with Mr . Ray Rigsby ' s Recommendations , per his review dated October 28 , 1993 . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman . Weissman , Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 , 1993 - Page Five B. Concord Glen - Route 83 ; Concord Development Corporation Full. Review: Site Plan, Elevations , Materials , Landscaping Mr . Douglas Buster , Sr . Vice-President . Bloodgood Sharp Buster 3436 N . Kennicott , Suite 260 , Arlington Heights . , IL 60004 253-0404 made the presentation. Mr . James E. Vanderploeg and Mr . Scot Oitho . represented Concord Development Corporation 1540 E . Dundee Rd . , Suite 350 , Palatine , IL 60067 ( 776-0350) . Mr . Robert LaHaie , Puglsey & LaHaie . Ltd . Landscape Architect , 24414 N. Old Mc Henry Road , Lake Zurich , IL 60047 (438-0013) was also present . 1 . SITE PLAN : Mr . Buster described Concord Glen as a 6-1 /2 acre transitional infill site located on Route 83 . It is a buffer zone between Cherbourg , a multi-family subdivision, and the Highland Point single family homes . The development will consist of 26 units and about 1/2 of the houses have been sold . It will be a cluster community of smaller homes . ranging in size from 1 , 850 square feet to 2 , 300 square feet . The prices range from $220 ,000 to $270 . 000 with options and up-grades . They have given the community a country-look by creating elevations and color combinations that work together to give continuity. 1 2 . ,'ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS : Slides of similar models were shown and described . Only 2-car garages will be available at Concord Glen. The stacking of rooms over the garage and to the rear make the 40 foot width of the houses possible and gives them a larger appearance. Details include various front porches , window masses and com- binations of roofs and gables . There are 4 models . each with 3 elevations , totaling 12 significantly different elevations . Exterior color packages , totaling 50 possible material combin- ations , were presented and described . Materials include aluminum siding with cedar siding accents . Stone and brick fronts are offered as options . The trim around windows , columns and railings is painted cedar . The windows have white muntins . The fascias , soffits and breakboards are maintenance free aluminum that match the cedar trim color . Four color boards were presented and described . Colors have been kept similar with subtle changes . Purchasers must select from the developer ' s approved list of material combinations . There are 23 siding/roof combinations , 23 brick and 4 stone packages to choose from. There are 6 different roof colors and 8 different siding colors ; 12 different bricks . 9 differ- ent entry door colors and 9 shutter combinations , 3 soffit colors and 2 different trim colors . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 . 1993 - Page Six Various porch columns add to the individuality of the houses . Doors and shutters can be accented with various colors . Brick can be turned around the front corners . Top portions of some of the windows have transom glass . Interior slides were shown and the floor plans were described . Kitchens . breakfast rooms and family rooms have been combined and there is much open space within the houses . First floor optional den/bedroom choices are also available . With regard to the Monotony Code , they have not tried to create totally different elevations for the 26 units . Each house is 40 feet wide with various gable and roof massings . Ali the houses have a porch inset from the garage that gives them a courtyard feel . Mr . Buster pointed out that roof lines are similar and that design is intentional to give the product a community look . He said that Concord Glen has restrictions that would not permit the same house or the same color package to be used on adjoining houses . Com . Weissman commented that Concord Glen will be next to Cherbourg where the buildings are similar with different color combinations to give variety. Ch. Larsen explained the intent of the Monotony Code and how it prohibits similar elevations of houses from being constructed next to or across the street from each other . After discussing the diagrams , it was concluded that the Traditional and Classic elevations of The Somerset and The Hampshire models are the same , with differing window treat- ments . However , a Somerset Classic and Hampshire Traditional , and vice versa , would be permitted next to each other . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations and materials as submitted for the Concord Glen subdivision, with the stipulation that the Traditional and Classic eleva- tions of The Somerset and The Hampshire models are similar . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman , Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Bob La Haie described the Landscape Plan. The kind and sizes of street trees are approved by and spaced according to Village Ordinance , including the buffer along Route 83 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 . 1993 - Page Seven In keeping with the small community aspect of the development . standard landscape packages will be offered . There is a different plan for each house and each elevation with two plant lists from which to choose . There are 12 plans with 24 plant lists for the 26 houses within the development . The Village Forester ' s Review . dated October 27 . 1993 , recommends that if Pine trees are used for the entry way of model 300 , they should be planted far enough away from the structure to allow for growth. Mr . La Haie agreed to comply. The developer wants Concord Glen have a mature look by the time the subdivision is completed . The lots will be sodded , front and rear . All the common areas (retention ponds . berming and cul-de- sacs) will be maintained by an Association, but there will be no restrictions on homeowners to limit their landscaping. The streets will be dedicated to the Village . The small section at the south end of the property does not belong to Concord . They will save as many of the existing trees near this corner on Route 83 as possible . A preservation study is being done and it will be submitted to the Village for approval . They want to continue the berm on Route 83 to maintain the quality of Cherbourg . but the final berming plan along Route 83 is dependent on the final grading plan. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Concord Glen Landscaping Plans as submitted , including the parkway and common areas , and the individual entryway treatments , subject to the Village Forester ' s recommendations and approval of the final grading plan, including the actual location of plant material along the Route 83 berming area and the plan to save the existing cluster of trees at the southeast corner of the property. Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman. Viehman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 4 . LIGHTING: The exterior light fixtures were described . There will be a Thomas #9479-7 coach lantern at the front entrances and a Thomas #9222 fixture at rear entrances . Each unit will also have an identical coach lantern , without the tail , on a black pole at the corner of the front walkway . APPEARANCE COMMISSION �✓ October 28 , 1993 - Page Eight Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Concord Glen light fixtures for the front and rear of each unit , plus the similar coach light fixture on a pole , as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman. Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Schar informed the Commissioners that the KGK International Corp . ground sign requires a variance because it is within 250 feet of the Motorola ground sign, He asked for a recommendation. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees and the Zoning Board of Appeals that a variance be granted for the KGK International Corp . ground sign. Com . Lundine seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 43 P. M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 28 . 1993 - Page Nine