1993-08-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , AUGUST 26 , 1993 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P.M. in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center at 530 Bernard Drive , on Thursday, August 26 , 1993 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon, F . Weissman, A. Viehman, M. Cea , R. Lundine , S. Trilling and E. Larsen. Commissioners Absent : None . Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 12 , 1993 - Com . Trilling made a motion to approve as presented . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - F . Weissman, M. Cea , S. Trilling, E. Larsen. NAY - None ABSTAIN - R. Gordon, A. Viehman and R. Lundine Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 3 abstentions BUSINESS A. Silkcorp - Wall Signs at 1227 W. Dundee Road Plaza Verde Sign Criteria - Color Green Mr . Tom Paulak, Impact Products , requested approval of the color green for the signs to be installed on the east and north elevations of the store at Plaza Verde . Green is not included in the list of approved colors , but it has been approved by Mrs . Barbara Berg , Property Manager of Malet Realty, 1401 W. Dundee Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 . Mrs . Berg was present and Ch. Larsen advised her to submit a revised Sign Criteria eliminating the color requirements . The Appearance Commission and Village Staff do not enforce leases . Colors are approved by the owner and managers . The Commissioners had no objections to the criteria amendment . Mr . Paulak described the construction of the letters . They will be illuminated with either white or green neon. The letters are nationally manufactured for Silkcorp by the Impact Products Company and they are installed by Majestic Neon. Ch. Larsen suggested using a 60 milliamp transformer with 60 milliamp electrodes so the neon will light in the winter . Mr . Paulak said the specifications exceed the Plaza Verde construction criteria. The sealed letters have aluminum fronts and backs with plywood in between for strength. They `./ have UL approved components . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the green colored letters requested by Silkcorp , 1227 W. Dundee Road , with the stipulation that the Shopping Center submit a letter of approval . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Cea, Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . B. Malet Realty , Inc . - Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road Temporary Rental Signs at Plaza Verde Mrs . Barbara Berg , Property Manager for Malet Realty, 1401 W. Dundee Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (708) 577-0277 requested two (2) 4 'x 6 ' leasing signs to be located on Dundee Road and on Arlington Heights Road . They will be V-shaped with plywood posts . There are approximately 6 empty spaces on the east end and about 7 or 8 empty spaces on the west end . The signs would be installed near the entrances . The ground signs will match the window signs which are smaller . Ch. Larsen informed Mrs . Berg that signs would be permitted under Sign Code , Section 14 . 32 . 020 and would be permitted for a six-month period with two (2) extensions granted with Village approval . They must be removed when 95% of the stores are leased . He asked that the posts and backs of the V' s be painted white . Mrs . Berg agreed to these stipulations . She said they are using the message center to advertise "Space Available . " Com. Viehman made the following motion: I move we recommend approval of the Plaza Verde temporary leasing signs as presented , with the stipulation that the posts and backs are to be painted white Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Larsen, Trilling , Cea , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Two C. Computer Discount Warehouse - Wall Signs Chevy Chase Business Park West Lake Cook Road (south) and Hastings Lane (west) Mr . Don Puhl , Vincent Signs , 307 E. Lincoln Avenue , Bensenville , IL 60106 , (708) 766-8855 requested approval of two (2) wall signs to be installed on raceways on the south and east elevations . The raceways will match the background of the building . The letters will be red with red neon, black trimcaps and sides . The signs will be installed approximately nine feet (9 ' ) from the southwest corner on the east elevation and approxi- mately forty-one feet (41 ' ) from southwest corner on the south elevation. Ch. Larsen said the letters on a raceway would be acceptable but the logo can be attached directly to the wall . This method will require less holes in the wall than a raceway and the signs will be more attractive . If the arrows and letters are eight inches (8" ) deep , the transformers can be put behind the plastic with the neon. Only one hole in the wall is necessary for the main source of power and the arrows and letters can be wired together . The sign will be neater because there is no raceway showing. It is difficult to match the raceway to the background color . Mr . Puhl agreed to install the logo as recommended , but said he would need CDW' s approval . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the two (2) Computer Discount Warehouse wall signs as presented with the stipulation that the logo be installed as described: Sections to be 7" to 8" deep with self contained neon transformers , and no raceways . Letters (CDW) next to the logos are permitted to be on a raceway with the raceway painted out to match the background (building color) . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Three D. The Wheatlands (Formerly Barclay Station) 1 . New Signs on Deerfield Parkway 2 . Relocation of Swimming Pool with Deck `-/ 3 . New Entrance Lights Mr . Ken Poulsen, Vice President of Construction, Trammell Crow Residential , 9450 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue , Suite 550 , Rosemont , IL 60018 ; (708) 671-2888 made the presentation. 1 . New Signs on Deerfield Parkway Mr . Poulsen described the construction of the new entrance signs . The two main entrance signs (A) will be 9 ' x 3 ' 6" and will be constructed on a masonry base with an aged copper roof . The brick will match the building . See Submittal A. These signs will have overhead soffit lights . The secondary sign (B1 ) will be 7 ' x 2 ' 6" on 2 ' posts . The signs will all be single faced sandblasted redwood with aluminum letters with baked-on enamel . The background will be Dark Blue Teal and the letters will be Brilliant Gold. The logo will be Rust and Yellow Cream on a Black background . There were other signs depicted and the site plan designated each location, but these signs did not require AC review. Ch. Larsen asked if Deerfield Parkway is a dedicated road? Mr . Poulsen said that it will be and for that reason he understands a variance will be required. Ch. Larsen informed him that only one of the main entrance signs needs a variance because it will be within 250 feet of the other sign. They have enough frontage to permit the sign at the secondary entrance and the size is acceptable . The construction of the main entrance signs was discussed . The design has been modified by the removal of the masonry wing walls . The signs will be smaller and easier to landscape. The Commissioners agreed the new design is better but the height and design of the roof was deemed to be at a dangerous height because of the pointed metal edge . Mr . Poulsen agreed to increase the proportion of the base and the posts by eighteen inches ( 18" ) so that the height will be 6 ' 8" at the point of the copper roof . Entrance Signs A ( 1 and 2) and Entrance Sign B1 and Sign C2 will require AC approval and permits , with a variance for distance between Al and A2 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Four Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of Signs Al , B1 and C2 as submitted for The Wheatlands , and recommends to the Village Board and Zoning Board that a variance be `./ granted for Sign A2 on Deerfield Parkway. Signs Al and A2 are approved with the stipulation that the wing walls will be eliminated pursuant to the petitioner ' s request and the height will be increased by eighteen inches ( 18" ) . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea, Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . 2 . Relocation of Swimming Pool with Deck Mr . Poulsen described the location of the swimming pool . The pool was not submitted for approval when Barclay Station was reviewed. Originally they intended to construct a pool with a concrete deck attached at right angles to the building, but the design has been modified to an off-set pool with a rectangular concrete deck and a raised wedge-shaped wood deck . This will provide additional seating for the residents . These plans have been submitted to Springfield for review pursuant to the swimming pool requirements and written approval was received today (August 26 , 1993) . A copy will be forwarded to the Village of Buffalo Grove . The Commissioners had no objections , but a question was raised concerning the six foot (6 ' ) fence which exceeds the five foot (5 ' ) height limitation of the Buffalo Grove Fence Code . Mr . Poulsen said the fence height was required by Springfield. Mr . Schar will review the fence height and inform Mr . Poulsen if a variance is required. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the relocated , deck and fence as submitted by The Wheatlands , with the further recommendation of a variance for the height of the fence to be six feet (6 ' ) for safety reasons . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Five The six foot (6 ' ) fence will surround only the pool . There is 3 ' 6" fence around the deck with the height raised to 4 ' 6" as it goes up the handicapped ramp. 3 . New Entrance Lights : Mr . Poulsen described the lights that were previously approved. There were four entrance fixtures that were globes attached to an arm and building light fixtures that were on brackets . They want to switch the entrance lights so that they are similar to the building lights . They will be 100 watt HPS. The poles are fiberglass . There were no objections . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the substitution of the Heritage entrance light fixtures for the "C" fixture and the Richmond poles as requested by The Wheatlands . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman. Gordon, Cea , Trilling, Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0. E. Woodland Commons - Amended Sign Criteria Mr . A. E. (Bud) Babbitt , Vice President of Operations , The Zale Companies , 100 Lexington Drive , Suite 100, Buffalo Grove , IL 60089-0931 (708) 537-9191 requested the following changes to the Woodland Commons Sign Criteria, per attached letter dated August 13 , 1993 : 1 . That the baselines for TSC - 1 and TSC - 2 be amended to permit the height to be 12 ' 9" for both. The letter sizes would remain as they are and the TSC - 1 would become TSC - 2A. 2 . Amend the sign approval authority from Project Architect to the Property Management Company for Woodland Commons Shopping Center . 3 . The required sign color , 8060 Red is no longer available . They would like to amend the criteria to be able to use a color red that is comparable to the discontinued color . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Six Mr . Babbitt explained the problem that is occurring because of the two sign heights . There are two line signs , one line signs , signs with 36" letters and others with 24" and 30" letters . They are not consistent . He would have all the TSC - 1 signs moved down to the 12 ' 9" baseline . The Commissioners agreed this would be a good modification. Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the amended Sign Criteria as submitted for Woodland Commons pursuant to the letter , dated August 13 , 1993 , and accompanying draft : Change the baseline of TSC - 1 to 12 ' 9" and make it TSC - 2A; leave the existing letter sizes as designated ; and change the sign approval authority as requested . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Cea , Trilling , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Lundine Motion Passed - 6 to 0 , 1 abstention. F . Harris Bank - Expanded Parking Facility Commerce Center at 700 East Lake Cook Road. WITHDRAWN. G. Landis & Gyr Powers , 1000 Deerfield Parkway Ground Sign at Covington Corporate Center Mr . Dan Salamone , ASI Sign Systems , 4147 N. Ravenswood Ave . , Chicago , IL 60613 made the presentation. The sign will identify the newly constructed Learning and Conference Center that is located just west of the headquarters building . The design of the proposed sign is very similar to the main ID sign. It is smaller , but it has the same colors and the same graphic layout . The colors are blue , pearl grey and white . Ch. Larsen asked that the posts below grade be adjusted from 36" to 42" to get below the frost line . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the sign as submitted by Landis and Gyr Powers for the Learning and Conference Center . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Cea, Trilling , Lundine and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Seven V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Com. Weissman noted that the middle section wall of the moving and storage company on Busch Road needs another coat of paint because it looks dull and makes the building look like it is striped . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, j)4\A'ALet Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26 , 1993 - Page Eight