1993-08-12 - Appearance Commission - Notice APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , AUGUST 12 , 1993 i . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 P .M. in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center . 530 Bernard Drive , on Thursday , August 12 , 1993 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman , M . Cea , S . Triliing and E . Larsen QUORUM PRESENT ._ Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon , A. Viehman and R. Lundine Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 22 , 1993 - Tabled by unanimous consent . IV . BUSINESS A. Konami - Temporary Sign on Busch Parkway Mr . Scott Shaivis , KLLM Architects , 2157 N . Damen Avenue . Chicago , IL 60647 (312) 235-8700 described the proposed double-faced temporary sign that will be located on Busch Parkway at the corner of Deerfield Parkway . It will announce the future site of the addition to the development center which will be north of the existing building . The sign is 6 ' x 4 ' mounted on 3 ' white posts . It will have a white background with Konami ' s corporate colors red , orange and gray ; Obayashi ' s corporate colors green and blue ; and black lettering . The Commissioners had no questions or objections . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Konami temporary sign as submitted . Com . Weissman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling , Weissman . Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Indian Creek - Subdivision ieveopment Sign Mr . Bernie Wasmer . Duo Sign . 94 L. Dundee Road . Wheeling . IL 60090 (708 ) 537-6220 made the presentation. The two double-faced plywood signs will be 15 ' x 8 ' mounted on 4 ' posts . One sign will be located on Port Clinton Road and the other sign wilt be located on Prairie Road . They will be 12 ' in height , set back 12 ' feet from the property lines . Copy colors will be PMS 306U - Blue and PMS 2577C - Purple on a PMS 148C - Cream background . The posts will be treated wood (not creosote ) and will be painted black or to match the background . The ends will be boxed . The Commissioners had no questions or objections . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the two Indian Creek development signs as submitted , with the stipulations that the ends are to be boxed and the posts are to be painted to match the background color or black . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling , Weissman, Cea , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Touch of Health, 985 South Buffalo Grove Road - Sign Mr . Joe Cheney . Jr . . North Shore Sign , 1925 Industrial Drive , Libertyville , IL 60048 (708 ) 816-7020 . Mr . Joe Ciolino , Co-owner , Ciolino Chiropractic Clinic . 47 W . Dundee Road . Wheeling , IL , was also present . Mr . Cheney said they have deleted the A. B, C ' s from the tenant panel section of the sign to reduce the clutter . Colors of the sign wiii be Aged Copper and Medium Bronze . The colors have been converted to PMS colors . The top portion and address will have routed out copy and the tenant panels will be white piexigias with medium bronze lettering . The three foot (3 ' ) base will be medium bronze . The sign area is 72 square feet . The sign will be 20 feet in height and it will be set back 20 feet from the property line . Ch. Larsen asked how often the tenant panels would be changed? Dr . Ciolino responded that the doctors are signing leases and they do not expect the names to be changed very often. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 12 . 1993 - Page Two Ch. Larsen suggested eliminating the tenant panels to further reduce the cluttered appearance of the sign. Com . Cea agreed that the sign is too cluttered . Com . Trilling commented that drivers traveling on Buffalo Grove Road would not have time to read the names . Mr . Ciolino said they want to advertise the various doctors names for people who are looking for them. Referring to Dr . Steven Ciolino , Director . on the top portion of the sign , Ch. Larsen said the Sign Code specifies signs shall include only the Name and Nature . "Director" does not meet the intent of the Code . Mr . Ciolino explained that the business , Ciolino Chiropractic Center , has been located in Wheeling for eight (8) years . The name is being changed to the more generic TOUCH OF HEALTH because they are getting a mix of different health care services , but many people know the name Ciolino and they want to keep it on the sign . Ch. Larsen asked how the business license reads? If it reads : Touch of Health . Dr . Steven Ciolino . Director , could be inter- preted as the NAME of the business and it would be legal . It is not necessary to have the NATURE identified . Mr . Ciolino replied that the building is still under construc- tion and they do not yet have a license . but he agreed to use the name as suggested by Ch. Larsen. Trustee Kahn said final determination would be made by Staff . A similar sign is "Michael the Furrier ' s" on Dundee Road and doctors are identified by practice . Ch. Larsen suggested moving Dr . Ciolino ' s name down to the tenant portion of the sign, but Mr . Ciolino objected because they want to separate the Director from the other individual tenants and they do not want to lose the 5th panel . Dr . Steven Ciolino is a practicing chiropractor . Com . Cea noted that the base of the sign should be landscaped . Com . Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the "Touch of Health , Dr . Steven Ciolino , Director" sign as submitted with the color changes from Dark Bronze to Medium Bronze and from Green to Aged Copper on the sign: and from Salmon to Medium Bronze on the base , with the elimination of the A , B, C. D, F letters . New drawings are to be submitted with accurate colors . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 12 , 1993 - Page Three Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Mr . Cheney asked to be informed when the next Village Board is scheduled . There could be a special meeting on August 30th or the next regular meeting would be on September 13th (2nd Monday) because of Labor Day. V . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Schar reported that a meeting is scheduled concerning the Broasterie . The owner has been in the hospital and his son is coming in next week to discuss the signs and other issues . VI . ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com . Weissman. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 06 P . M. Respectfully submitted . Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 12 , 1993 - Page lour