1993-07-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JULY 22 , 1993 I . CALL 10 uxuLR Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 34 P . M. on Thursday , July 22 , 1993 in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman, R. Gordon, A. Viehman , S . Trilling and E. Larsen. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : C . Cea and R. Lundine Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Postponed until after the business meeting . OLD BUSINESS A. Condell Medical Center - 150 Half Day Road Wall Signs - Recommendations for Variance Mr . Vic Laska , North. Shore Sign , 1925 Industrial Drive , Libertyville , IL 60048 (816-7020) and Mr . Jay Justice from Condell Medical Center , were present . Mr . Laska presented photographs of the Condell Medical Center and described the proposed signs : I . South elevation - Remove existing letters and replace with two lines of copy , reading : ACUTE CARE CENTER 24 HOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT Letters will be non-illuminated . flat cut out aluminum . 2 . East elevation facing the Woodland Commons Shopping Center and West elevation facing the Fire Station: 24 HOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT Letters will have aluminum faces and they will be silhouette lighted sith illumination thrown across the back of the letters . Mr . Schar said all three signs require a variance . The one on the south elevation exceeds the size permitted for a business with a ground sign. The signs on the east and west elevations require a variance because they do not face a right-of-way. Ch. Larsen questioned the effectiveness of a wall sign on the east elevation next to the fire station? Mr . Laska responded that it can be see from a distance of about one hundred feet ( 100 ' ) after a driver has passed the trees . Mr . Justice explained the need for additional signs . He said even with the ground new sign , people still come in and say they know where the building is but they do not know how to get there . If they had a curb cut on Route 22 , they would not need the signs . They understand that if a building is constructed to the west of them . the sign on the west elevation would be blocked , but until then . they would like to have the identification. Ch. Larsen commented that the sign on the south elevation could be eliminated because the ground sign is in front of the building . Variances would be needed for the other two signs . Com. Viehman recalled the AC complementing the architect on the design of the building and he is concerned that the build- ing will lose aesthetic value if it has too many signs on it . Com. Trilling works for the construction company that built the Condeli Medical Center and so he will abstain from voting . He recalled that during construction , they recognized the lack of direct access to the building . Adding illuminated signs to the building will not help solve the problem . People will still not be able to get to it . Com . Gordon agreed . He did not object to the proposed signs but he did not think they would resolve the situation . Mr . Justice said that since the Fire Station has opened up the access road , they have two ways to enter the property and they have helped . in Ch. Larsen' s opinion , they are putting too many signs on the building . He recommended two lines of smaller letters . reading "ACUTE CARE CENTER - 24 HOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT" be located at the south end of the east and west elevations . They would only comprise 20% of the wall space and would eliminate the need for variance for the size of the sign. The signs would still require a variance because they do not face the right-of-way . He expressed doubt whether the ZBA would grant three variances and the sign on the south eleva- tion is not illuminated so it would not be seen after 4 P. M. in the winter months . The letters could be about 21 " in height and people could read the two lines faster than a long single line . The sign band is 66 ' x 5 ' = 330 sf . and the signs would be approximately 66 sf . so they would not need a variance for size , just the number of signs . If the petitioners agree . new drawings would have to be submitted . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 . 1993 - Page Two Mr . Justice thanked Mr . Larsen for the suggestion and said they want to improve the situation. Mr . Laska had no objections and agreed to submit new drawings for the ZBA public hearing on August 17 , 1993 . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend to the Village Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals that a variance be granted for the Acute Care Center that would permit two (2) additional sets of reverse channel letters with neon halo illumination be installed toward the south ends ( toward Route 22) of the east and west elevations . Copy to be two ( 2) lines of 18" to 21 " letters reading : ACUTE CARE CENTER 24 HOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT The AC also recommends that the sign on the south elevation of the one story building be removed , but does not object if the sign is permitted to remain . Com . Wiessman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Weissman , Viehman and Larsen • NAY - None ABSTAIN - Trilling Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention Mr . Laska submitted a drawing of the double-faced ground sign that was replaced by the new ground sign on Route 22 and requested that it be installed at the rear of the building in place of the existing eight foot ( 8 ' ) identical single-faced pylon sign. There were no objections , but Mr . Schar said a variance may be required because they are replacing an existing sign. The size may also exceed what is permitted for the frontage . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the substitution of the existing eight foot (8 ' ) single-faced ground sign at the rear of the property with the previously approved double-faced ground sign that was in front of the Condeil Medical Center on Route 22 , as requested . Site to be at the northwest corner entranceway at the rear . This motion includes a recommendation to the Village Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals for variance , if it is deemed necessary by Mr . Frank Hruby . Director of Building and Zoning . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon. Weissman , Viehman, Larsen NAY - None TRILLING - Abstain Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 , 1993 - Page Three IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Bennett and Kahnweiller - Temporary Sign Lexington Drive and Hastings Lane Mr . John Johnson, C. Johnson Sign Company , 9615 Waveiand Ave . . Franklin Park . IL 60131 (678-2092) described the proposed sign. It will be 4 ' x 8 ' mounted on wood posts . The colors of the left half will be blue with white copy . The three stripes at the bottom will be light blue . yellow and red . The right half of the sign will be white with black copy . At Ch. Larsen ' s request , Mr . Johnson agreed to paint the posts white . The Commissioners had no comments . ' Com. Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the temporary sign for Bennett and Kahnweiller on Lexington Dr . , as submitted . Com . Viehman seconded the motion . Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman . Gordon , Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Movers International - Ground Signs Commerce Court and Busch Parkway Approval and Recommendation for Variance Mr . John Johnson, C. Johnson Sign Company , 9615 Waveland Ave . . Franklin Park , 60131 (678-2092) presented diagrams of the proposed signs and described them : 1 . A 4 ' x 4 ' cube with the gold and black MI logo and Movers International on all four sides to be located in front of the building on Commerce Ct . The cube will be constructed of cut out aluminum letters mounted tight on clear anodized aluminum . The base will be a concrete pedestal . Ch. Larsen observed that the letters in the photograph appear to be about 1/2 inch in depth and stand off . Mr . Johnson will verify this from the specifications and the sign will be constructed accordingly . 2 . An identical cube , 3 ' x 3 ' will be moved from an existing facility in Itasca and relocated at the corner of Busch Pkwy . and Commerce Court . It will be mounted on a post within the landscaped area . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 , 1993 - Page Four 3 . An address plate - 30' x 16-1/2' - with the numbers 1051 will be mounted to a large rock , to be located at the entrance across from the large cube . Ch . Larsen informed Mr . Johnson that if the number plate is no larger than two square feet ( 2 sf . ) it will not require a permit and needs no recommendation. Mr . Johnson agreed to meet this stipulation. Ch. Larsen asked if the company would consider placement of the larger cube on Busch Parkway away from the corner and set back ten feet ( 10 ' )? If so , it would not be construed to be on Commerce Court and would not require a variance because there is enough frontage to permit two signs and it would be on a different street . Mr . Schar said a variance may be required because there is a PACE sign across the street . The Sign Code states that signs shall be 250 feet apart on the same side ofthe street . The interpretation will be discussed with Mr . Hruby. Ch. Larsen also suggested that the larger 4 ' x 4 ' cube be located at the corner on Busch Parkway and that the 3 ' x 3 ' cube be mounted on a similar concrete base at the entrance . The Commissioners agreed with this recommendation , Mr . Johnson had no objection to making the proposal to the company and said it will be to their benefit to have more exposure . If they object , he will resubmit the signs to the AC for approval . Ch. Larsen explained that the sign on Busch Road would have to be located past the truncated corner and advised Mr . Johnson to work with the landscaper so that the sign is not obstructed Com . Weissman made a recommendation to approve the signs submitted for Movers International as discussed : 1 . The 4 ' x 4 ' cube to be located at the intersection of Busch Parkway and Commerce Court , favoring Busch Parkway. 2 . The 3 ' x 3 ' cube to be located at the south drive entrance to the property on Commerce Court , with the stipulation that the base be concrete similar to the base of the larger cube . Petitioner agrees to return to the Appearance Commission if the developer does not approve of the proposed recommendations APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 , 1993 - Page Five Com . Viehman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling . Gordon , Weissman , `-/ Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C . Manchester Greens - Sign and Awning. Color Changes Mr . Schar described the proposed color scheme for the V-shaped sign located on Checker Road . The background will be changed from green to black with gold , pink and blue/green letters and gold underscores . It was noted that the logo and developers names , at the bottom of the sign , in reverse white letters . The color of the canopy at the sales center will also be changed from dark brown to black . The Commissioners commented that the black color is unusual . They had no objections to the color changes , but they did not approve of having the price on the sign because it would be changed from time to time and the colors do not always match. The color of the base on the diagram is designated beige and Ch. Larsen suggested that it be changed to grey to match the sales trailer . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the color change as submitted for the previously approved Manchester Greens sign, with the stipulations that the price be eliminated , the copy be repositioned , and the color of the base be changed from beige to grey. Also recommend approval of the color change of the canopy from beige to grey to match the sales trailer . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Weissman , Viehman , Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 , 1993 - Page Six D. Village of Buffalo Grove Construction Sign Village _Hall Expansion - Raupp Boulevard Mr . Schar described the proposed sign. It will have the typical Village logo and the copy will be black on a cream background . including the names of the construction manager and architect , and the band will be red . The posts will be cream. The height of the sign will be eight feet (8 ' ) above the grade and it will be set back ten feet ( 10 ' ) from the sidewalk . The Commissioners had no comments . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the installation of the Village construction sign as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling . Gordon , Weissman , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : June 24 , 1993 - Com . Viehman , Chairman of the meeting corrected grammatical errors on Pages 2 and 3 . Motion to approve as corrected was made by Com . Gordon and seconded by Com . Weissman. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling , Viehman . Weissman and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention Minutes of June 24 , 1993 were approved . B. The Broasterie has the windows covered with signs again and Mr . Schar said the Village will probably take them to court . C. Ch. Larsen expressed appreciation for the Commissioners ' thoughts and prayers during his surgery and recuperation. The doctor said he is doing well and he went back to work this week . VII . ADJOURNMENT Com . Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 40 P .M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22 . 1993 - Page Seven