1993-06-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JUNE 24 , 1993 i . CALL I0 ORDER In the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen , the meeting was chaired by Commissioner AI Viehman. He called the meeting to order at 7 : 33 P.M. on Thursday , June 24 , 1993 in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A. Viehman , M. Cea , S . Trilling , R. Lundine . F . Weissman arrived at 8 : 00 P. M. R. Gordon arrived at 8 : 08 P . M. Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tabled until after the business meeting . IV . BUSINESS A. Fireside Terrace - Grove Drive Ground Lights for EntranceSigns. Mr . David Graham , Crescent Electric , 1040 S. York Road , Bensenville , IL 60106 made the presentation. He requested the installation of two flood lights to illuminate the Fireside Terrace entrance signs . He described the Progressive lighting fixtures #P5221-31 with 300 watt quartz halogen bulbs . They will be approximately two feet ( 2 ' ) off the ground and project the light upward . The fixtures will be shielded with a visor to direct light up onto the signs and not out toward the driveway or street . The lights will be on a 24-hour timer and the fixture on the west side will have a GFI receptacle . Regarding the possibility of vandalism , Mr . Graham said the fixtures are well-made , sturdy and rainproof . The Homeowner ' s Association will be responsible for maintenance after the lights are installed . Mr . Schar asked if the fixtures could have additional shielding to prevent light from radiating under the signs onto the drive- way? Mr . Graham said he did not anticipate this happening because of the way the signs are angled on the driveway and the way light is directed toward them , but if necessary , it might be possible to install a lattice across the bottom in back of the signs . Com . Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the lighting proposal for the Fireside Terrace entrance signs on Grove Drive , to consist of two ground light fixtures , as submitted . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trillng , Cea and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. A Touch of Health - 985 S . Buffalo Grove Road Temporary Construction Sign___,_ Dr . Joseph Ciolino , Ciolino Chiropractic Center , 47 Dundee Rd . , Wheeling IL 60090 , co-owner of the new 2-story office building that is under construction at 985 S . Buffalo Grove Road , between Cambridge Park and Cambridge Commons . He requested a double- faced temporary sign to be located at the entrance to the project . The new name of the business is "A Touch of Health" and a permanent sign will replace the temporary sign after the building is completed . The insert will then read , Dr . Steven Ciolino , Director , with the other doctors ' names . The sign will be 4 ' x 4 ' with a 4 ' x 1-1/2 ' panel identifying Schoengart Associates , Inc . , Architects and Planners . The total height of the sign will be eight feet (8 ' ) from grade . Letter- ing will be cream color on a green background . The building will be salmon color brick with aged green metal work on top. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the temporary construction sign as submitted for "A Touch of Health" at 985 S . Buffalo Grove Road . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . C. Condell Medical Center - 150 Half Day Road Signs - Recommendation for Variance Tabled until the next Appearance Commission meeting at the request of the petitioner . D. 5-6 Middle School - Aptakisic Tripp , District #102 Brandywyn Lane and Prairie Road - Full Review : Architecture , Materials . Landscaping , Lighting , Signs Mr . Charles Cohen. Business Manager of School District 102 : introduced Ms . Therese Hodges , Attorney ; Mr . Gerard Moons , Board President and Mr . Douglas M. Wickstrom , Project Architect . Fanning/Howey Associates , Inc . , 114 York Street . P. O. Box 854 . Michigan City , IN 46360 (219) 872-0635 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 , 1993 - Page Two Ms . Hodges gave an overview of the proposed Middle School in District 102 . They have been working with the Village and the Community to obtain approval for construction of the school . The process of annexation has begun. The plans have received a favorable vote from the Plan Commission and a public hearing will be held before the Village Board on July 12 , 1993 . They are here seeking a recommendation for approval from the Appear- ance Commission. Mr . Wickstrom described the site plan. There are two (2) drive- ways off Brandywyn Lane that separate the staff and bus parking from the visitor parking with a service driveway for trucks . Playfields , on the east side of the site , are located near the gymnasium and lunchroom. The water detention area , on the west side of the site , meets the current Ordinance . There is an area on the west side of the building has been set aside for future expansion. The building has one ( 1 ) and two (2 ) story sections with the high mass toward the rear of the building . There are two small residential buildings on the site . One will be removed immediately and the other will be used as a construc- tion office until the school building is completed and then it will be removed . 1 . ARCHITECTURE AND MATERIALS: A sketch of the building was distributed and described . The 1-story administrative area is located in the front of the building with the science and art sections . The 2-story academic area is in the center of the building with a 1-story cafeteria and gymnasium on the east side . Horizontal brick and limestone banding gives the building a linear appearance . The hip roofs and window treatments give the building residential character . Materials : a . Utility size red brick with natural mortar . b . Limestone will be used for window sills , bands , and low walls . c . Fiberglass shingles will have a earthtone range . d . Window frames are medium dark brown anodized aluminum with clear triple plated thermal glass . e . Mechanical units will be screened with a masonry wall with a heavy wooden gate . They are not visible from Prairie Road . f . Gutters and downspouts are dark bronze aluminum . g . The exterior insulation and finish system (Sto or Drivit ) , is limited to the fascia and soffit areas . It will probably be grey to match the limestone . h. There are interior vents under the roof between the insulation and the nailable surface below the shingles . i . There are some small exterior kitchen vents . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 , 1993 - Page Three Ch. Viehman commended the architect and commented that the building is compatible with the residential neighborhood . Com . Lundine made the following motion: I move we recommend approval of the Site Plan, Architecture and Materials for the Middle School in District 102 on Brandywyn Road , as submitted . The plan is appropriate and aesthetically pleasing . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Viehman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 1 abstention. 2 . LANDSCAPING: There are many trees on site and they will save as many as possible . Berms with pines and birches will screen the residential property to the north. There will be berms around the foundation of the building to lower the scale The detention areas will not retain water but will allow water to flow into the drain sewer . The Village Forester ' s Review , dated June 23 , 1993 was discussed . The first item regarding the protection of existing trees does not apply because these trees are going to be removed . Mr . Wickstrom objected to the second item regarding replacement of the Bloodgood Japanese Maple with a Columnar Cultivar because of aesthetic reasons . He will discuss this with Mr . Rigsby. The size of the Bradford Pear as well as the height of the Douglas Firs and Austrian Pines are cost effective items . Since larger trees are more expensive , they will have to get prices from the bidders before they can agree to Mr . Rigsby' s recommendations . Mr . Wickstrom also wanted to discuss the remaining items , i . e . screening of the residential units . the relocation of the evergreen landscreen north of the detention basin, and the alternation of parkway trees , with Mr . Rigsby before submitting a revised plan. Com. Trilling questioned the use of pea gravel next to the building because it could become a sandbox for the students . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 , 1993 - Page Four Mr . Wickstrom agreed that pea gravel tends to get scattered but larger gravel can be destructive . Nothing will grow under the overhang of the building and for drainage purposes the school `-/ district chose pea gravel over mulch, which has to be replenished , or some sort of paving material . Pea gravel is a softer material that has the advantage of being difficult to run in and there is an edging that will help keep it in place . Com. Lundine asked if any fencing is proposed to screen the three (3) existing houses shown at the northeast corner of the site plan? Mr . Wickstrom replied that there are some Birch trees and a berm that will help screen the area. The landscape plans have not been finalized because there are still some drainage issues to be resolved . The landscaping is not fully developed in this area and there will be some additional plantings , but fencing is not required at this time . Mr . Cohen explained that the three (3) houses are models . The School District has made a commitment to the Plan Commission and to the Village to maintain as many of the existing trees as possible . They want to have a picnic area and a playground area , but these additions will depend on how the bids come in. He said they have been meeting with the residents very dili- gently for the past five (5) months and these residents do not want the playground area to be completely shielded because it could become a haven that would be hidden from the police . A lot of their landscape dollars have gone into completely screening the parking lot with evergreens because the residents requested it . A letter , dated June 8 , 1993 . from Mr . Edward Schwartz , President of Edward Schwartz & Company . 1110 Lake Cook Road , Buffalo Grove , IL (537-2600) was sent to the Plan Commission and the Appearance Commission. It requests that adequate land- scape screening be installed along the north property line of the school property where it abuts the Carlyle subdivision. Mr . Schwartz also expressed concern that any active recreation facilities be located as far south as feasible from their property line . Regarding the sale of the models , purchasers will see the school and know what they are buying . The school district will work with their future neighbors to provide bushes , or whatever is required , just as they did at the Aptakisic-Tripp School . Com. Gordon commented that the purchasers of the models could always put up a fence or plant bushes to screen their property. Because the school will not be opened until September 1994 , Mr . Schar recommended that the Landscaping be Tabled until final plans have been developed . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 , 1993 - Page Five Com . Cea made a motion to Table the Landscaping submitted for the Middle School on Brandywyn Lane . L./ Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon, Cea . Trilling , Lundine and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . When the revised Landscape Plans have been accepted by Mr . Rigsby , Mr . Schar will submit them to the Appearance Commission for review and approval . This will not affect Village Board approval of the other elements . 3 . SIGNS : Mr . Wickstrom described the Sign Details and Sections Plan , Sheet G4 . 1 as. designated on the Site Layout Plan , Sheet G1 . 1 . There are no letters on the building. The typical directional signs are low ground signs made of anodized aluminum mounted on two columns . They may vary. The main identification sign will be constructed with the same brick and limestone used on the school building with dark bronze anodized aluminum letters . The school has not yet been named . The sign is about fifteen feet ( 15 ' ) in length and about five feet (5 ' ) in height . Com. Lundine made the following motion: I move we recommend approval of the sign proposal for the Middle School in District 102 on Brandywyn Lane . as proposed , recognizing that appropriate lettering will occur at some point . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon. Cea , Trilling , Lundine and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 4 . LIGHTING: Perimeter lighting consists of pole lights and fixtures that meet the requirements of the Village . They will be placed at the specified intervals . The poles will be 24 feet to 26 feet in height . There will be lower standards (about 12 ' to 14 ' in height ) with shoe box fixtures that will be located in the parking areas . A plan will be submitted showing specific locations . There will also be entry lighting and soffit lighting , but no exterior fixtures that would throw light up against the building . Their intent is to light only the parking areas , walkways and entrances to the building . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 , 1993 - Page Six The ball diamond and multi-purpose area will not have any lighting . They are for daytime use only . Com. Trilling made the following motion: I move we recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as proposed , with the stipulation that a site plan is provided showing the location of all the lights . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon. Cea , Trilling . Lundine and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Ch. Viehman thanked the School District representatives for the presentation and commended them for sharing this important community development with the Village . On behalf of the School District , Mr . Cohen expressed apprecia- tion to the Appearance Commissioners for taking their time to review the Middle School plans . They have learned from the procedure and added that the Plan Commission made some valuable recommendations during the process of their reviews . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 . June 10 , 1993 Com. Gordon made a motion to approve as submitted . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Trilling , Lundine , Viehman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman and Cea Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 2 abstentions 2 . April 22 , 1993 - Com. Gordon made a motion to approve as submitted . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon . Cea . Trilling , Lundine NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman and Viehman 3 . Minutes of May 13 . 1993 and May 27 . 1993 remain Tabled . VI . ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com . Weissman. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 50 P. M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24 . 1993 - Page Seven