1993-06-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JUNE 10 , 1993 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen, the meeting was called to order and chaired by Commissioner Al Viehman at 7 : 36 P.M. in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Bernard Drive . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A. Viehman, R. Gordon, S. Trilling and R. Lundine . Necessary quorum of 4 present . Commissioners Absent : E. Larsen (will have open heart surgery) , F. Weissman and Mel Cea Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 27 , 1993 - Commissioners present at that meeting are absent . Motion to Table was made by Com. Trilling ; seconded by Com. Lundine . Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. BUSINESS A. House of Anthony - Cambridge West , South Buffalo Grove Road Revision of Sign Criteria Package Mr . Herman Hefler , Speedy Sign-A-Rama , 80 W. Dundee Road , B.G. represented Antonio Gagliardo , purchaser of the Cambridge West Shopping Center and owner of House of Anthony. The original sign criteria , approved 7/26/90 , allowed each tenant one 1 ' 2" x 8 ' 0" single face illuminated box sign to be installed on the brick above the doorway. Copy color : Red on an ivory background . Mr . Hefler submitted a revised Sign Criteria that includes the above paragraph, but also provides for tenants with more than one space to be allowed "an additional 1 ' 2" x 8 '0" sign for each space rented to be incorporated into a single box sign. " Same colors : Red letters on ivory background . Mr . Schar suggested the word contiguous be inserted to clarify that the spaces are next to each other . Ch. Viehman observed that letter style is not specified and asked if the lettering could be script? Mr . Hefler said the signs are within a box and it would be possible to have a store with a logo . As a sign person he would advise against script because the lower case letters would be very small . Block letters are much more readable . All signs must be approved by the landlord. Com . Gordon observed that signs could be sixteen feet ( 16 ' ) in length. Mr . Hefler responded that if there was no sign criteria, the length falls within the regulations of the Sign Code . One reason the criteria is being changed is because the new owner will be occupying two spaces and the name of the business is : "HOUSE OF ANTHONY - HAIR DESIGN. " The sign will be sixteen feet ( 16 ' ) but the space is thirty feet (30 ' ) in length. In perspective , the sign looks fine . It is better for the Village to have the written criteria that requires all box signs because of the brick face and it will benefit the owner . The original sign criteria was restrictive . Ch. Viehman verified the addition of the word "contiguous" in the third paragraph, so that it reads : "Tenants with more than one space shall be allowed an additional 1 ' 2" x 8 '0" of signage for each contiguous space rented to be incorporated into a single box sign. Com . Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Sign Criteria for Cambridge West as amended. Com . Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon. Trilling , Lundine and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. B. The Grove (Shopping Center) - Ground Sign on Lake Cook Road Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals for Variance Mr . Matthew J . Roberts , Chicago Suburban District Manager , RREEF Funds , 2625 Butterfield Road , Suite 147 E, Oak Brook , IL 60521 (571-2300) requested a ground sign for The Grove on Lake Cook Road that conforms with the style and shape of the existing sign at the entrance on Mc Henry Road . It is smaller and they are requesting Walgreen' s to replace Shoney' s below Jewel /Osco. Both shopping centers are owned and managed by RREEF Funds . The sign will be 6 ' x 7 ' 6" mounted on a 4" concrete base . It will be 8 ' in height and the base will be landscaped . The brick and colors will match the existing ground sign. The Grove will be dark green, Jewel-Osco will be red/orange and Walgreen' s will be red . The double faced sign is approximately 60 sq . ft . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10 , 1993 - Page Two The setback was discussed . Mr . Roberts said the property line is behind the sidewalk and the sign cannot be setback twenty five feet (25 ' ) or it would be against the wall of the building. He proposed a setback of five feet (5 ' ) to six feet (6 ' ) from the sidewalk but no close to the road than the Shoney' s ground sign at the corner of Lake Cook Road and Route 83 . There is more than 250 feet between the proposed sign and Shoney ' s sign to the west and the Steepleview Condominium sign to the east . The sign will not obstruct the windows of Dickster ' s restaurant or westbound traffic . Three Crab Apple trees , located in front of the building , will be transplanted to another area of the property and the sign will be constructed in the middle of the brick wall . The existing "For Rent" sign will be relocated to the west . This sign is limited to six month time periods , with renewals . The two small entrance/exit signs were discussed . They are 2 ' x 2 ' and will be located on the triangle shaped median. It is hoped that they will be helpful in reducing quick turns into the shopping center . They should be single faced . Mr . Schar asked the height of the signs from grade to the top. The Sign Code limits the height of entrance signs to four feet (4 ' ) but it may be necessary for them to be reviewed by the Village Engineer . Signs are not permitted in the right-of-way and state law may prohibit certain words . It may necessary to change to one double-faced sign. Mr . Roberts did not know the height of the grade but the agreed to comply with the Village Engineer ' s recommendations . If it is found that they interfere with the line-of-sight , they will be eliminated. He will work with Mr . Schar to determine what is permitted . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend to the Village Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals that a variance be granted for The Grove ground sign as submitted . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Gordon, Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10 . 1993 - Page Three V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Mr . Schar presented a revision of the Humana Michael Reese Health Care wall sign on Mc Henry Road . Matocha Associates has requested that the existing sign be removed and replaced with only HUMANA. The color will be the same - Green. Mr . Schar asked the Commissioners if they consider this a minor change? If so , he can issue a permit immediately. If not , a motion recommending the approval of the Village Board would be necessary. Because the sign is being reduced in size , the Commissioners agreed this was a minor change . A permit can be issued . 2 . The Building Department is following up the signage problem with the Broasterie . 3 . Mr . Schar said the whole Building Department is concerned about Chairman Larsen and wish him well with the surgery . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Trilling made a motion to adjourn. Com. Lundine seconded the motion. `./ Ch. Viehman adjourned the meeting at 8 : 15 P.M. Respectfully submitted , c Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10 , 1993 - Page Four