1993-05-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , MAY 27 . 1993 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting of the Appearance Commission together at 7 : 37 P.M. on Thursday . May 27 , 1993 in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : M. Cea , R. Lundine , S . Trilling and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon, F . Weissman and A. Viehman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Also present : Frank E. Hruby , Jr . . Director of Building and Zoning Carol Berman, Permit Coordinator III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 13 , 1993 - Commissioners present at that meeting are absent . Motion to Table was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Lundine. Voice Vote : AYE Unanimously April 22 , 1993 minutes remain Tabled . BUSINESS Ch. Larsen asked for a motion to remove Item B from the Agenda. The Appearance Commission Presentation will be given by Mr . Hruby after the regular business has been completed . Motion to remove Item B from the Agenda was made by Com. Lundine and seconded by Com. Cea . Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously A. Manchester Greens - Phase 2 - Villas Full Review: Architecture/Materials Landscaping/Fencing , Sales Center/Signs Presentation was made by Mr . John Green. Systems Design Group , 5999 New Wilke Road . Suite 208 , Rolling Meadows , IL 60008 (708-439-5800) and Ken Geno , Geno Landscape Co . , Mundelein, IL 566-4546 . Mr . Jack Taipala , SDG Architect , was present Mr . Brian Hoffman and Mr . Michael Larsen of Red Seal Develop- ment , 425 Huehi Road , Bldg. 18 , Northbrook , IL 60026 were also present . A complete booklet of plans was submitted and Mr . Green described each section beginning with the site plan. Phase 2 of Manchester Greens will be located between Church Road and Checker Road , just north of the Buffalo Grove Police Station. The existing Manchester condominium building is adjacent to the 9th hole of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course . Originally five (5) condominium buildings were approved. One condominium building was constructed and one 3-unit townhome was constructed next to the single family homes . One more condominium will be built , but it is not part of this presentation. The balance of the site (about 11-1/2 acres) will consist of 58 Villa-units which are single family condominiums . This is a new product for Buffalo Grove . There are no individually owned lots . The Villas are separated by ten feet ( 10) and they are clustered so that every 3rd or 4th unit will be separated by 18 to 20 feet . The bike path which was part of the first product will be continued to the west and south perimeter of the site to tie into Church Road which then ties into the bike path that goes to the Clayton Municipal Campus . Manchester Drive is a con- tinuous road with 29 parking spaces that are unassigned. Each unit has a 2-car garage with space for parking 2 cars on the driveway. Mr . Green described each of the Villa plans . There are five (5) different unit types and there are pre-assigned sites . The A and C units have front entrances and they have the same perimeter footprint , so they are interchangeable , but the floor plans are different . There are about thirty (30) A and C units . The B and D units have side entrances and they are located on the outside corners of clusters , or where there is a separation between clusters . There are about twenty (20) B and D units . The E unit has an inside corner entrance and is only located where there is an inside 90 degree turn around the site so the entry is adjacent to the driveway. There are five (5) E units . The floor plan of each unit was described : Villa A has a 1 , 710 sf . 2-bedroom plan or a 1 , 960 sf . 3-bedroom plan. Villa B has 1 , 930 sf . Villa C has 2 ,025 sf . Villa D has 2 ,050 sf . Villa E has 2 ,090 sf . The patios are common areas because there are no individually owned lots . The is an envelope around each unit just large enough for placement of the units on the site . The Villas are similar to a townhouse development except that there are ten feet ( 10 ' ) between each unit . Each. unit has a patio or deck . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Two 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS: The exterior elevations of each unit were described . They have kept the same concept as the Townhouse buildings . They also used similar color schemes . Skylights , located in the bathrooms and great room , are optional . There are no windows on eleva- tions facing the side of another building , but where there is open space , there are windows on the side elevation. The exterior color schemes A through E are pre-chosen and people cannot intermix materials . Every unit has a different exterior and effort has been made regarding placement so that the stand- ards of the Monotony Code have been met . Materials consist of brick , roof shingles , aluminum siding, wood trim and white or almond front doors . The siding will either be Reynolds or Alcoa . (Both companies have colors that are very similar . ) Cedar siding , stained to match the aluminum siding is an optional up-grade . Cedar is lighter and gives a warmer feeling to the building. Pella window frames are white and the glass is clear . All Villas have full basements . The elevations were reviewed with regard to the Monotony Code . The Commissioners agreed that all five units would be considered to have distinctively different elevations . Placement of the units was discussed. It was agreed that they meet the Monotony Code . The addition of windows on the blank walls of Villa C, when it does not face another building , was discussed . Mr . Green said it would be possible to put a window in the bathroom on the first floor and he agreed to do so. Ch. Larsen commended Mr . Green on an excellent project . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Architecture and Materials for the Manchester Greens Villas A through E as submitted with the Color Packages as described in the booklet , with the stipulations agreed to by the petitioner . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Three 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Geno presented several landscape plans , which are included in the booklet . One for the overall site , another for the entrance area and plans for each individual unit . There is an unmanned guard house at the Manchester Greens entrance on Checker Road and Phase 2 has a similar guard house at the entrance on Church Road . The parking area is bermed and landscaped . a. Overall Site Landscaping : The parkway trees were discussed . Raymond Rigsby' s Review, dated May 27 , 1993 states that : " parkway trees should be spaced every forty feet (40 ' ) " and . . . . recommends that "the parkway tree spacing should be redesigned to provide forty feet (40 ' ) spacing , taking into consideration driveways and utilities . " Mr . Geno said they have a problem with meeting Mr . Rigsby' s requirement because of such things as the double driveways. They did take the overall length of all the parkways , divided it by forty feet (40' ) and there is the right amount of trees , but they are not spaced exactly forty feet (40 ' ) apart . They have provided a tree for every unit . Some are closer than forty feet (40 ' ) . There is heavy screening along the Police Station which consists of large evergreens including 10 ' Pines . 16 ' Birches and some shade trees . They did not completely screen out the golf course , so people could enjoy the view. Both parking areas are screened. There are some existing trees for which there is a tree survey. They will be saving as many trees as possible for screening. The property line next to existing homes will have some trees planted in the back yards of the Villas . All the cul-de-sacs are landscaped. Some larger trees have been used to accent key areas . Plant material was selected in accordance with the Village standards . Regarding Mr . Rigsby' s recommendation for more plant material in common areas . There is an asphalt walking path between some of the rear yards and two rest areas which will be landscaped. Mr . Geno was uncertain where additional planting could be done . The bike path also runs through this area . Mr . Rigsby also recommended addition evergreen materials to buffer the golf course to the west and residential to the east . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 . 1993 - Page Four The sidewalk in front of the Villas and the street are concrete. The sidewalks are set back twenty-one feet from the curbs and there is parking on the street . Ch. Larsen commented that there does not appear to be any place for much more cluster planting. There is no detention area on the site because the overall drainage is tied into the large lake on the golf course . The evergreen hedge around the police station has been continued and there is a chain link fence around the golf course . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plans for Manchester Greens 2 , as submitted , subject to the Village Forester ' s approval . The petitioner stated that the required number of parkway trees has been provided , but due to spacing of driveways and other elements , they cannot always be on forty foot (40 ' ) centers which is acceptable . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . b. Entrance and Front Parking Area: Residents to the east expressed concern about the parking area so there is a row of Arborvitae , Some Flowering Crabs and Austrian Pines along the property line . The sign area will be landscaped and the sign will not be illuminated. The rest areas will have benches with landscaping behind them. All planted areas will be covered with shredded bark. Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Entryway and Rest Area Landscape Plan for Manchester Greens 2 as submitted . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine, Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Five c . LANDSCAPING OF VILLAS: East unit will have a two inch (2" ) shredded bark mowing strip L./ around i t . Units A and C will have the same foundation plantings . Because of the bike path, the patio areas have been heavily screened with large plant materials . Com. Trilling questioned whether mulch mowing strip would be difficult to maintain because grass could start growing into the mulch and the bark could get into the grass? Mr . Geno responded that the bark will pack down and be even with the grass so the mower can go right over it . Shredded bark is different from shredded chips . There will be no edger , but there will be a weed blanket under the mulch. The association will maintain all the landscaping. Unit B has the side entry and it has been screened for privacy. The patio is also completely screened with large trees . Residents will be permitted to add to or change landscaping with the approval of the association. The window wells are covered . The entrance of Unit D is nicely screened and the patio area is screened as well as the back of the house . The inside entrance of Unit E is similarly landscaped with additional plantings along the garage and around the patio. Mr . Hruby, Director of Building and Zoning , questioned the use of mulch around all four sides of the units . Mulch has a tendency to keep the ground moist which is a condition that could encourage Carpenter Ants , Termites and Mold . He asked Mr . Green if this could be a problem since the buildings are wood frame construction. Mr . Green responded , "No because the wood frame of each building is at least 6" to 8" above the grade. There could be insect problems for the first year or two because the soil has been disturbed , but as soon as the soil settles , the Ants and Red Bugs will disappear The strip will enhance the plantings . Mr . Hruby commented that the weed strip could trap moisture. Mr . Geno agreed that some mulches do hold moisture and that is .,hy the weed blanket (not visquine) is only used under the mowing strip. A weed blanket breathes and it is three inches (3" ) deep. All the lawn areas will be sodded. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Six Mr . Hruby asked Mr . Green how steep the slope is from the building to the grass? Mr . Green answered that there is a minimum requirement of 1-1/2 to 2% because of the site grading on the side . There is a swale between the buildings . Com. Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plans for the Manchester Greens Phase 2 - Units A, B, C, D and E - as submitted . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . The street lighting will match the Village of Buffalo light standards . Other lighting fixtures will be a "purchaser ' s choice" item and a selection will be submitted for AC approval . 3 . FENCING: Mr . Green said there would be two types of fencing. There will be a six foot (6 ' ) cedar fence along the east property line . It ' s purpose is to screen the property that fronts on Buffalo Grove Road. Originally ( in 1989) , a green clad vinyl fence was approved for the golf course perimeter . Mr . Green asked if the fence could be upgraded to a six foot (6 ' ) ornamental metal fence with four inch (4" ) spacing around the whole golf course. He spoke to Carmen Molinero and he liked the ornamental fence better because garbage would not collect . The ornamental fence will be a continuation of the Police Station' s cyclone fence . There is nothing proposed for the south side of the eastern border . The neighborhood is well established and there is some existing landscaping. The number of units has been reduced , so the original impact has been reduced . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Ornamental six foot (6 ' ) high black metal fencing along the golf course and the six foot (6 ' ) traditional cedar fence along the eastern property line . (Motion was modified - See Page Eight . ) Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Seven Mr . Schar informed the petitioners that a variance may be required for the six foot (6 ' ) fences because the height limitation is of five feet (5 ' ) between residentially zoned `./ properties . The golf course is zoned residential . Mr . Green said the underlying zoning in unincorporated Lake County is Commercial , so the six foot (6 ' ) wood fence would be acceptable. Mr . Hoffman and Mr . Larsen of Red Seal agreed to reduce the height of the ornamental metal fence to five feet (5 ' ) . Ch. Larsen directed that the motion be modified to reflect this change . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of a five foot (5 ' ) high ornamental metal fence along the golf course and a six foot (6 ' ) high traditional fence on the eastern property line as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 4 . Miscellaneous Structures : a . Temporary Sales/Information Center : Mr . Green said the 32 ' x 10 ' Sales Trailer will be located where Unit #1 will ultimately go , on the north side of Manchester Court . Units 10 and 11 are scheduled to be the model units and there is adequate temporary parking . Color Scheme B, Almond Siding with Beige Gray trim (without the brick) will be used on the Sales Trailer . Mr . Green suggested that the fabric canopy be Dark Brown to be consistent with the roof tone . b. Guard House : Mr . Green said there has been a lot of debate over the guard house . Color Scheme A will be used. The drivit panel will be painted Navajo White and the brick will be Cloud Grey Velour which is the closest match to the existing brick on the other guard house . The window will be white and the sign panel will also be white . If Manchester Drive ever becomes a public street , there is an ordinance that states there cannot be a public structure in the right-of-way. The guard houses would be public structures . The guard house is not manned and in the original proposal of the Villas to the Plan Commission, the developer asked to not have to construct it . The Plan Commission' s final decision was to put it in because it gives traffic the intimation that Manchester Drive is not a public street and this will reduce the number of people who would use it as a cut through. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Eight Com. Trilling commented that an unmanned structure would give people the impression that the project is going under . Mr . Green emphasized the fact that it was the Plan Commission' s recommendation, not the developer ' s desire , that the guard house be constructed . Mr . Hruby asked if an entrance monument had been discussed? Mr . Green said it was important to the Plan Commission that the guard house match the existing guard house and he repeated his statement that the Plan Commission thought the guard house would help reduce traffic . Ch. Larsen said the guard house does not come under the purview of the Appearance Commission. The AC can recommend that it not be constructed because it is not necessary. Com. Cea made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials for the Manchester Greens , Phase 2 Guard House is submitted . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the two (2) miscellaneous structures Sales Information Center as submitted. Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Com. Cea said an unmanned guard house becomes an abandoned building immediately and he strongly opposes it . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the second guard house as presented. Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. A Straw Poll was taken: Whether the Appearance Commission does not see the value of the additional structure at the entranceway off of Church Road and question the value of the structure that exists off of Checker Road , since they appear to be abandoned structures because they are not manned or utilized . The Appearance Commission suggests that the Village Trustees allow the petitioner to obviate the Plan Commission' s request for this additional structure . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Nine Com. Cea asked Mr . Hruby what kind of policy the Village has with regard to abandoned buildings? Mr . Hruby responded that the guard house is not an abandoned building or an unoccupied structure . He would call it a structure that embellishes the development . To his knowledge , it does not present any hazard. The Plan Commission discussed the guard house at length and chose to recommend it to the Village Board for approval . It is in order for the Appearance Commission to recommend that it not be constructed and the Village Board will make the final determination. A YES vote would be in favor of recommending that the Trustees consider the recommendation that it is not necessary to have this structure there . A NO vote would mean that it is okay. Com . Lundine - Yes Com. Trilling - Yes Com. Cea - Yes Ch. Larsen - Yes 5 . Signs : Mr . Green described the three (3) signs being submitted for the development : a. Temporary Identification Sign to be located on Checker Road and would replace the existing Scarsdale sign. It is a V-shaped sign, each leaf being 12 ' x 24 ' . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Green that the size is too large . The maximum size permitted by the Sign Code is 120 square feet . Mr . Green agreed to reduce the size of the panels to 8 ' x 15 . Mr . Schar stated the size relates to the front footage of the property and this would have to be verified. It is also an off-premise sign. The colors of the sign will be Green with cream and black copy. b. There is a Similar 4 ' x 8 ' Sign in front of the Sales/ Information Center . It will be located perpendicular to Manchester Drive to the east of the access driveway into the parking area for the center . The color scheme will be the same . c . The Entrance Sign will be 4 ' x 8 ' and will have the same copy with the exception that lower panel will read Information Center . It will be single-faced located at the entranceway. The sign will be setback four feet (4 ' ) from the lot line because the lot line is setback 50 ' or 60 ' from Church Road. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Ten Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the three signs for The Villas of Manchester Green: 1 . Temporary construction sign as presented with the change in the size of the copy area to be 8 ' x 15 ' 2 . The Information Center Sign as presented. 3 . The Ground Sign on Church Road , as presented , is recommended as a single faced sign as presented , and should a variance be required , and is sought , the Appearance Commission would recommend a variance because it is within the required ten foot ( 10 ' ) setback . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Cea and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. Regarding the five foot (5 ' ) ornamental Golf Course fence , Mr . Schar recalled that there is a restriction in the Fence Code against fences on lots abutting Golf Courses . Mr . Green said he thought that there was a variance to that requirement was granted under the 1989 Ordinance for the sub- division. The fence was required. Mr . Schar to follow-up on this and keep the Appearance Commission informed. Ch. Larsen reminded Mr . Green to submit the light fixtures and wished him success for the project . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . The Broasterie has been informed that they have too many window signs again. 2 . When Ray' s Carpets was visited , it was not in violation. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 24 P.M. Respectfully submitted , ><VIA:Aj(1 Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 , 1993 - Page Eleven Special Presentation by Mr . Frank E. Hruby , Director of Building and Zoning . Mr . Hruby introduced Mrs . Carol Berman, Permit Coordinator . She is responsible for accepting . recording and processing all building permit applications . Mrs . Berman works with Mr . Schar and the Building Inspectors to assure that Buffalo Grove is a code compliant community. A recent poll published in New York listed Buffalo Grove among the 50 best places to live in the United States . The Appear- ance Commission can be proud of its part in making the Village aesthetically pleasing . Mr . Hruby commended Mrs . Shirley Bates , for her faithful service as Appearance Commission Recording Secretary. Ch. Larsen concurred . An Appearance Guide was distributed as a tool to help the Appearance Commissioners review the aesthetic aspects of building projects . Along with the Appearance Guide , the Commissioners were given a Zoning Ordinance , a Sign Code and a Fence Code . Mr . Hruby said citizens are most affected by the Zoning Ordinance . Mr . Hruby summarized each section of the Guide . He emphasized some of the most pertinent information and answered questions raised by the Commissioners . At the conclusion of the discussion , Mr . Hruby suggested that the Appearance Commissioners formulate a check list be to be used for site development . All elements of a review would be included , such as compatibility with the surrounding area, architecture , materials . roof top screening , trash enclosures , etc. Staff would be willing to work the Commission in the preparation of such a list . Mr . Hruby is preparing an amendment to the BOCA Code for roof top screening which will have standards applicable to Buffalo Grove . Chairman Larsen proposed giving annual awards to developers for the "Building of the Year" or "Best Design of the Year . " Mr . Hruby agreed this was a good suggestion and said criteria for judging does not have to be a new building. St . Mary' s steeple and the Salt Dome are among possible contestants . Separate awards could be given for best design, best landscaping, residential area , signs and other basic elements . Mr . Hruby will prepare some suggestions . Mr . Hruby announced that a review of the Municipal Code is taking placebeing done and one new provision is that the Appearance Commission will now require four (4) members to be present to constitute a quorum. Copies of the recently passed Master Change Ordinance I will be distributed to Appearance Commissioners . Mr . Larsen thanked Mr . Hruby for the presentation and added that the Appearance Commission has changed from an adversarial relationship with developers to one of a helpful nature . `' The- Workshop ended at 10: 45-_P. M.- (sb) , APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27 . 1993 - Page Twelve