1993-05-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY . MAY 13 . 1993 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P .M. on Thursday , May 13 . 1993 . The meeting was held in Room 24 of the Alcott Community Center , 530 Raupp Boulevard , Buffalo Grove , IL. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Larsen , A. Viehman and S . Trilling . QUORUM F . Weissman arrived at 8 : 05 Y. M. Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon , M. Cea and R. Lundine Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 22 , 1993 minutes were tabled because of Commissioner ' s absence . IV . BUSINESS A. Condell Acute Care Center - 150 Half Day Road Second Directional Sign on Easton Avenue __________ Ch. Larsen informed the Commissioners present that approval of an Acute Care Center directional sign at the corner of Half Day Road and Easton Avenue was recommended at the last meeting . They are requesting a duplicate sign to be located at the secondary road at the north end of the Fire Station property . There were no objections . Com . Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the second directional sign on Easton Avenue for the Acute Care Center , matching the previously approved sign on Half Day Rd . at Easton. Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . B. Concord Place on Arlington Heights Road - Full Review: Architecture . Materials , Landscaping . Lighting and Sign Mr . Doug Buster . Bloodgood Sharp Buster Architects & Planners . 3436 N . Kennicott , Suite 2b0 , Arlington Heights . IL 6u004 ( 708) 253-0404 described the Concord Place which will be located on Arlington Heights Road between lremont Way anc. Heritage Way . 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS : The homes will be attached and there are two ( 2 ) ranch types homes - ranch over ranch - and three (3) townhomes . There will be approximately five ( 5 ) different configurations : i tri-piex . 2 five-plexes and 2 six-plexes . Monotony will be minimized and the buildings will be ciustered around loops . never in a straight line . Floor plans were distributed showing how the rear configuration is varied with many jogs , vertical fireplaces and attractive window treatment a . Colonial Beige Aluminum Siding accented with Cedar Shingles stained to match the siding to carry out the monochromatic theme of The Crossings , Heritage Place and Spoertein Farm. b . White trim on windows , posts . fascia and soffits , etc . c . Roof shingles - Driftwood textured with touches of beige , grey and brown. d . Front doors - Forest/Hunter Green for contrast . e . Garage corners - Stone veneer with a finished cut look will be light with some rust color added . Garage doors will be white paneled wood . f . Windows - Muntins are permanent between 2 layers of glass . Screens on the lower sash are removable . g. Fireplaces - Exterior are siding to match the building and they have aluminum corner boards . h. Balconies - Pressure treated wood , natural not stained . Mr . Schar informed the representatives that the maximum height of the patio fences would be six feet ( 6 ' ) without a variation. Mr . Glen Rutledge , Executive Vice President of Operations . Concord Development Corporation , 1540 East Dundee Road . Suite 350 , Palatine , IL 60067 ( 708) 776-0350 , said that fencing will be installed on the units that have an exposed patio at the end of the building . Center units do not require a screen. The fences will be painted white with lattice or vertical boards . It was agreed that they will not exceed six feet ( 6 ' ) in height . Ch. Larsen commented that he would not want to have the Concord buildings taller than the Crossings and he asked if a fire wall is necessary between the units: Mr . Buster responded that the walls are now fire rated and will be between floors and in the attic area . There are only 91 units so there will not be a clubhouse or swimming pool . He said that Buffalo Grove has many recreational amenities , youth centers . pools , etc . There will be a condominium association . Ch. Larsen said The Crossings has a clubhouse and pool that can be rented for special events . He complimented the developers on a quality project . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13 , 1993 - Page Two Com . frilling made a motion to recommend approval of the Concord Place Architecture and Materials as submitted . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Robert La Hale , Pugsley & La Haie . Ltd . Landscape Architects 24414 N. Old Mc Henry Road , Lake Zurich , IL 60047 ( 708)438-0013 . made the presentation. He said model area landscaping was previously approved . He described the site which is entirely surrounded by pavement and said the emphasis was on perimeter landscaping . Flowering Crabs and Austrian Pines and other trees with varying degrees of growth. Ash and Locust trees for quickness . Maples for color are slower growers . Various types of shrubs were used for the outside areas witn consideration to seasonal color and quickness of growth. They wanted to create a pleasant environment for the Concord Place residents as well as people passing by . The proposed commercial area to the north will be screened . Ch. Larsen asked if the parkway trees at the north end wi i be the same as the existing trees in the islands and on the other side of the street? Mr . La Haie did not know what trees are existing . but he agreed to match them. Com . Weissman arrived at 8 : 05 PM and was briefed on the proceedings . Ch. Larsen asked how deep the retention area would be and would it have landscaping? Mr . Rutledge did not know for sureā€¢ but it will be deep enough for an aerator and it will have standing water in it . Staff has required the edge to be treated so it will not erode . The banks will not be too steep and there will be a safety ledge before the full depth of the water is reached . They will comply with Staff requirements . The pond is part of the storm system and some of the water to the north drains into the pipes then out across the street into the main waste water system. Mr . La Haie recalled that the Staff recommendation was to plant grass around the edges . Rip wrap is difficult to maintain. Ch. Larsen said the Crossings will appreciate tine improvement because it should help complete the drain on Fremont Way and should help alleviate The Crossings ' flooding problems . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13 . 1993 - Page Three The bike path system was described . It cuts across the project from the west , goes south to Heritage Way . The Village Forester ' s Reviews , dated May 10 , 1993 , are attached . They state the plant material is acceptable and the overall plans are excellent . Mr . Ray Rigsby , Supt . of Public Works Operations , recommended approval by the Appearance Commission. Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plans as submitted for Concord Place , subject to the Village Forester ' s review and approval . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling , Weissman . Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: The same coach light will be used at the front entry and the on the garages . It is cut glass with a black frame and 40 watt bulbs will be used on a photocell , so they will be left on all night . They are a low maintenance item and are high impact PVC . They will be mounted to the stone on the sides the garages . The lighting on the streets will comply with the Village code requirements pursuant to the Engineering Departments ' approval . `.J Com. Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the Light Fixtures for Concord Place as submitted . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Viehman, Trilling and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 4 . SIGN: Mr . James E. Vanderploeg , Contracts Manager of Concord Development , described the entrance monument which will be situated diagonally at the corner of Fremont Way and Concord Lane within the small landscaped area . It will be approximately 9" to a foot wide and six feet ( 6 ) in height . it will be a single faced wooden sign with a metal cap shaped to the arc . The inset will be dark green painted wood with raised white letters and the copy is accented with a MDO raspberry outline . The developer ' s logo and name of the project . Concord Place . will be identified . A temporary sign was previously approved near the corner but it will be moved to the model area before the permanent sign is constructed . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13 , 1993 - Page Four Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the permanent Concord Place ground sign at the corner of Fremont Way and Concord Lane , as submitted . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYL - Frilling . Viehman, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Ch. Larsen thanked the developer for choosing Buffalo Grove and wished them success . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . There are to many signs at the Broasterie and Rays Carpets . 2 . Mr . Frank Hruby will give a presentation at the next AC meeting . Ch. Larsen asked that some Sign Criteria books be prepared for distribution on May 27 . 1993 . 3 . Trustee Bruce Kahn is the new AC Liaison to the Village Board . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 30 P. M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13 . 1993 - Page Five