1992-10-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION `./ VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 , 1992 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7,: 30 P.M. on Thursday, October 22 , 1992 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon, F. Weissman, S. Trilling, R. Lundine and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent : A. Viehman and M. Cea Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Brian Rubin, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 8 , 1992 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Trilling and seconded by Com. Lundine . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Trilling , Lundine NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention IV. BUSINESS A. Fire Station #26 , Busch Road at Highland Grove Drive Full Review: Elevations , Materials , Lighting, Landscaping Fire Chief Thomas Allenspach, Deputy Chief Joseph Wieser , Mr . Mark Bruzan, KLLM Architects , 2157 N. Damen Avenue , Chicago , IL 60647 (312) 235-8700 and Mr . Kenneth Nyenhuls , Alter Design Builders , 3000 Glenview Road, Wilmette IL 60091 (708) 256-7700 were present . Chief Allenspach said the plans and design for the proposed addition to Fire Station #26 on Busch Road have been under consideration for over a year . At the direction of the Village Board , the project has been kept extremely cost efficient . Option A, with the parking lot located at the rear of the site , was originally submitted to the Plan Commission, but after two neighborhood meetings were held , Options B and C were developed : Option B - The parking lot would be located on the west side of the building with the driveway opposite Hobson Drive . Option C - The parking lot would be located to the west and north sides of the site with the driveway opposite Hobson Drive . Chief Allenspach described the floor plan. It is important to have the addition contiguous to the Fire Station because the classroom, the physical training room and the three front L./ offices are basically used by the fire-fighters and/or people who respond directly to a fire call . They must have quick access to the fire-fighting apparatus floor where the fire- fighting equipment is kept . The rest of the addition is for offices and will make it possible to combine the administrative offices which are now located in Fire Stations #25 and #27 . The main entrance to the administrative addition is on the south side of the building. There is an entry into the classroom at the southeast corner with some exits on the east elevation. Option A is the least expensive and was pursued throughout the planning operation. It is important to keep the fire operations separated from the administrative operations . In-station train- ing is done to the rear of the station in the middle of the parking lot , i . e . testing of hoses , practice raising ladders , etc . and they wanted to keep public traffic away from the area. Parking is needed for shift change and for emergency call back . Because of neighborhood resistance , the existing recycling bin will be removed from the area and will be located at another site . It was provided for residents of condos and apartments who do not have curbside pickups . After the neighborhood meetings , Option A was revised and Option B has developed into the best plan. An informal poll was taken at the last Plan Commission meeting . Option B will be presented at the public hearing Wednesday, October 28th, and will be recommended to the Village Board on November 2nd . The Village Board will make the final decision between Option A and Option B, or possibly Option C. Chief Allenspach requested Appearance Commission review of just the building and materials . The parking lot , parking lot light- ing , landscaping and signs will be presented at a later date . He will ask for Village Board approval contingent upon AC review and recommendation of the items listed. A landscape plan for Option A was prepared and reviewed by Ray Rigsby. His comments , dated October 20 , 1992 , will be incorporated into the final plan. Ch. Larsen asked why Option A was a problem? Chief Allenspach said they were asked to maintain an open space to be used by neighborhood children. It was assumed that this area was to the west but they were informed at the first work- shop with the Plan Commission that the play area is to the southwest . In fact , Option B was revised after the October 21st Plan Commission meeting and the parking lot has been moved to the north in order to maximize the open area . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1992 - Page Two Ch. Larsen asked if the need for any other ingress is foreseen for large equipment? Chief Allenspach replied "No . " The fire station is fixed and will be segregated from public drive-thru traffic . The parking lot , (off Highland Grove Drive) will only be used for staff cars and visitor ' s cars , never heavy fire equipment . Com. Weissman asked how many staff people there are and what time will they be arriving? He expressed concern about the backup of cars on Highland Grove Drive entering Busch Road. He observed that Option A would eliminate this possibility. The Chief said there are eight (8) staff members and their hours are 8 : 30 A.M. to 5 : 00 P.M. A traffic signal at the intersection has been included in the future Busch Road plan. This point has not been discussed before . Com. Lundine recommended that the dumpster area be screened. ELEVATIONS and MATERIALS: Mr . Bruzan described the elevations and presented samples of the materials . A list of the materials is attached. The proposed addition will be a continuation of the existing building. The profile of the building will be low with the classroom area raised one foot ( 1 ' ) . The building is compact and very energy efficient with no basement . The face brick will be mixed browns with a beige fascia and soffit system that project over the doorway. The brick addition that was put on the existing building matches perfectly so it should not be a problem to secure the same brick at this time . The windows have bronze colored wood frames with clear insulated glass . The storefront entryways are bronze tinted aluminum with clear glass . The 4 ' to 4-1/2 ' rooftop equipment screen will be constructed of beige pre-finished ribbed metal to match the fascia and soffit . The equipment will be located near the center of the building as far back from the face of the building as possible and the screening will be minimized. The need for rooftop screening was discussed. There is a short parapet but it is less than twelve inches ( 12" ) in height . The existing building has a mechanical room, but it is more economical to put the equipment on the roof of the addition. Because the elevation of Busch Road is about six feet (6 ' ) lower than the building and because the fire station is surrounded with two story houses , it was concluded that rooftop screening is necessary. It will match the soffit and will blend in with the design of the building. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1992 - Page Three Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations and materials as submitted for the addition to Fire Station #26 on Busch Road , with the stipulation that the final site design, Option A, B or C, will be submitted to the Appearance Commission for review and recommendation. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Lundine , Trilling , Weissman, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Com. Trilling reminded the petitioners to add the dumpster screening. Ch. Larsen recommended a board and batten fence . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Larsen reported that Mark Drugs (Strathmore on Rt . 83) has covered the windows with ads . Mr . Schar will have them reduced . Ch. Larsen expressed appreciation to Trustee Rubin for staying after the Boy Scout ' s tour was completed. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Voice Vote was AYE Unanimously. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1992 - Page Four