1992-09-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS ih�1 SLAY SLYIEMt3LR 2.1 . 19�+2 I . CALL 1U ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 P . M. on Thursday . September 24 , 1992 at the Village Hall . 50 Raupp Blvd . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon . A . Viehman M. Cea , S . Trilling and E . Larsen. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : F . Weissman and R. Lundine Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Ed Schar . Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: William Reid . Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 10 . 1992 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com . Trilling Roil Call Vote : AYE - Viehman. Cea . Trilling and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , i abstention . Minutes of September 10 . i992 were approved and will be placed on file . IV . BUSINESS Fahey Medical Center - 88 E. Dundee Road Sign Face Modification (Former Buffalo Grove Medical Center) Mr . Roger Howe . Parkway Sign Co . , Inc . . 7318 W. Route 120 . Mc Henry . IL 60050 ( 815-385-O825 ) made the presentation. The shingled top portion of the existing sign will be removed . The sandblasted redwood Fahey Medical Center sign with a beige background and black copy will be mounted between the existing brick pillars . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the sign face change requested by Fahey Medical Center . 88 L . Dundee _-toad as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Gordon . Viehman . Cea , Trilling . Larsen NAY - None .„/ Motion. Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Village Hail Expansion - 50 Raunp Boulevard Exterior Elevations A and B : _Eigr_ting and Landscapin_2 Planning Commissioner Jeff Berman was present to observe . Mr . John Green . President . and Mr . Terry Frisch . Partner , Systems Design Group . Ltd . . 5999 New Wilke Road . Suite 208 . Roiling Meadows . IL b0008 ( 439-5800) were present . Mr . Green said two concepts have been prepared for the exterior of the Village Hall building . The Appearance Commission has been asked to comment on both concepts and make a recommenda- tion to the Village Board of Trustees . The Board wiii make a final decision. The Village will be complying with the accessibility standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that went into effect on January 26 , 1992 . There are fourteen ( 14) different facilities throughout the Village and most of the work will consist of interior remodeling . The Village Hall must be made accessible within the next 3 years . The Village has a Capitol Improvement Program which calls for expansion of office space in the Village Hail Building over the next 3 to 5 years . The decision was made to put both projects together and several plans were developed . The size of the building will be expanded to the east to accommodate the need for a larger finance department and a new council chamber . The FLOOR PLANS were described . It will be necessary to install an elevator in order to make the existing building accessible . The elevator will replace the existing women ' s washroom on the upper level and bay window on the lower level . Ail areas will be accessible and yet can be gated off for security . The SITE PLAN was described . It reflects the comments in the Landscape Plan Review submitted by Mr . Ray Rigsby , dated September 23 , 1992 . The walkway to the entry of the council chambers will be connected to the existing southeast walkway and a new southwest walkway . The Village Campus is a shared parking facility and total of 26 parking spaces will be added . Studies made during all possible times of day and during ail types of meetings indicated the proposed parking is adequate . The Plan Commission proposed a landscaped island at the north- west corner of the site , to break up the asphalt area and Provide a designated drop-off lane adjacent to the lower level entry where the elevator is located . Automatic doors are not required by the ADA and will be a budget consideration. To consider the entire east facade as a new facade . several exterior and chamber concepts were developed and presented to the Village Board . The Trustees eliminated Concept C . an octagonal shaped facility and were evenly suiit on Concepts A and B. The floor plans are interchangeable with the elevations . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Two The site plan indicates 3 lighting standards that match the existing golf course and police station lights , except that the height will be 20 feet instead of 25 feet . One of these lights is located on the parking island in the northwest parking lot . As recommended by Mr . Rigsby . the flag poles will be relocated toward the east in front of the finance expansion wing . The existing brick will be matched as nearly as possible . but there will be a slight difference from elevation to elevation. Exteriors were developed that would relate to some elements of the Village . Models were used to illustrate the concepts . CONCEPT A is designed to be consistent with the new Post Office and Police Station . The front elevation has high peaks with gabled roofs . The corners of the council chambers are stepped back for relief . A new facade has been created for the face of the building . Materials are described on the attached list : I . Brick - Indian Red Velour to match the existing lower level . Only the red tone would be used on the front and the full color range would be used around the sides with a continuous belt course along the face of council chamber and finance department addition that forms a masonry arch, with plastic or glass windows . that creates a gateway into the entry court area of the building . 2 . Windows - The bottom of the council chamber windows is about nine feet ( 9 ' ) above the floor and the top of the windows is about seventeen ( i7 ' ) above the floor . They will be high over the podium area. There will be windows inside the building at the corners of the north and south sides for accent light . There will be exterior soffit lights and courtyard lights . The windows in the finance wing will be similar but smaller and they will be blacked off because they are located in the attic space , but will have evening lighting to give the same effect as the council chamber . Concept A will be very consistent with the rest of the Village campus . Mr . Green recommended Pella windows with dark bronze cladding . The existing siding will be repainted the same color and the roof shingles will match the existing shingles - GAF . Royal Soverign , 240# Class A. The elevator shaft will be the same Indian Red Velour brick . There will be a continuous Buff Limestone course that matches the limestone on the existing building . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Three CONCEPT B - The existing building moves very easily into a "prairie school' feel . Considering that the entire east facade will be added , they suggest replacing all the existing windows \./ on the upper level with Pella windows that have real muntins . There will be hip roofs with a 3 ' + eave on the council chamber and a 2 ' + eave on the finance wing . The wings will have a sculptured brick panel that steps out from the main columns of the building and the windows are set farther back to create 3 different planes . The outside corners of the buildings will be cut out to give relief and create a planter shelf . A courtyard entry has been designed with a small square gazebo structure that would be 8 ' x 8 ' inside and 12 ' x 12 ' outside . The roof line will be half way in between the council chamber and finance wing . Mr . Rigsby has suggested expanding the court by moving the gazebo and pulling it out away from the building toward the east and the south . creating a larger entry area . There are variety of locations that would make the concept work . It could also be aligned with the walkway from the south. Mr . Green said that when the gazebo is moved out and away . it tends to get smaller . He recommended altering the scale so that the highest cave line would be the eave of the gazebo keeping the base consistent with the raised brick panel of the finance wing . Materials will be consistent with Concept A and are described on the attached list : 1 . Brick - The same Indian Red Velour . using the full range to soften the textured elevation . 2 . The same Indiana Buff Limestone . 3 . The same roof shingles - GAF . Royal Soverign . 240 Class A. 4 . Matching siding stain. 5 . Windows - Pella wood clad casement windows with Prairie Pattern muntins . Color of frames could be Tan or Green. All existing windows will be replaced . Mr . Green concluded by saying Concept A brings the building to the campus and Concept B brings the building together . Ch. Larsen said the Village Campus buildings do not have to look the same . The window treatment and gazebo give the build- ing more of a monasterial look than a prairie school look . Mr . Green responded that the refined quiet look is intentional . The Village Campus buildings do not have to look the same . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Four Comments from Commissioners : Com . Gordon: Concept A would be appropriate if the building was going to be built from scratch . but it is a western front and he is opposed to a fake front . Much of B.G . is done this way . Concept B has successfully picked up the only character the building has with the hip roof and it enhances the prairie style . Concept B completes the building and it is not necessary to tie it in with the Police Station, etc . The Village Hall is a special building . The smaller gazebo fits the style better and he prefers the original location because it would be better to walk through it rather than walk past it . It could be pulled farther forward . Ch. Larsen commented that the ground cover with concrete decking should be maintained around the gazebo area . Com . Viehman: Agreed the court concept should be maintained with the gazebo located in a more recessed fashion. Mr . Green said they want to have a seating area within the courtyard with the gazebo as an entrance . Com . Viehman: Concept A is too heavy and looks added on. Concept B is more appropriate because it blends the building together . The Village Hall should have its own identity and not imitate the Police Station. Com . Trilling : Asked whether the windows would be fixed and commented that these Pella windows cost about 22% more than standard Pella casement windows . Mr . Frisch replied that they would be casement windows and these are not custom windows . They are a standard style . Mr . Green explained that there was a meeting with the people who do the video taping of the Village Board meetings . They recommended eliminating the windows on the east and west sides of Concept B because they would have to be blanked out for daylight taping during the summer months . It is easier to blank out one window than three . The Board is concerned with this aspect because of expanded use of video in the future . Com. Trilling : Commented about the HVAC unit and transformer on the north elevation. Could they be located on the roof or could there be a brick wall to screen them? Mr . Green responded there is only one fiat roof area on the new building . There is a basement in the council chamber area where the electrical service and the HVAC units can be located . Much of the existing plant material can be moved and it will be used to make a dense screen. APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 , 1992 - Page Five Com. Cea : Agreed Concept A is a Hollywood set and is only visible from the east . It loses its impact from Lake Cook Road because only a smaii element is seen. Concept B' s prairie type architecture is best because Buffalo Grove is a residential community . lie suggested doing something with the mansard roof on the south elevation. Mr . Green said they were also concerned with the impact along Lake Cook Road . The wall was so long and they broke up the elevation with a small brick wing . New brick will be used as the corner is turned and people will not notice the change . The mansard roof was part of the renovation done two years ago . It screens equipment and nothing can be done to change it . Ch. Larsen commended the effort that has been made to continue the basic prairie look of the building . He expressed concern about the windows with all the sections because they will become a maintenance cost factor . He prefers the smaller gazebo and suggested relocating it at the intersection with benches on one side . Mr . Green said they have the opportunity to move the walk so that people could come from both directions and then through the gazebo . The courtyard can be adjusted accordingly . There will be benches inside the gazebo and hopefully people wiii enjoy sitting out there . Com . Gordon suggested pulling out the sections under the windows to permit the planters to be carried out into the landscaping which is characteristic of prairie architecture . Mr . Green was not opposed to this suggestion and said they would only have to increase the width about four inches . He said there would have to be some cost considerations . The Appearance Commissioners agreed CONCEPT B was favored . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of Village Hail - Concept B . elevations and materials as presented with the comments and suggestions discussed and recorded . Mr . Green asked which color of window frames was selected? The Commissioners agreed that the green clad windows were preferred . if not cost prohibitive . The tan would be okay. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Gordon . Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION \.,r September 24 . 1992 - Page Six LIGHTING : The proposed light fixtures would match the Pericone Senes at the Golf Course and Police Station except that the poles would be twenty feet in height . Com . Gordon said he has seen lights that would complement the prairie school house theme of the building better than the proposed fixtures . Mr . Green replied that he is aware of this . but these lights are primarily for the parking area , and are not relative to the building , per se . The other lighting used for the building and to highlight the landscaping will be subdued . It was important to him to have all the campus parking lot lighting be the same . Ch. Larsen agreed . There are only three pole lights to be considered and one is in the rear parking lot . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the parking lot lighting for the Village Hall Expansion as submitted . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roil Call Vote : AYE - Viehman . Cea , Trilling . Larsen NAY - Gordon Motion Passed - 4 to i LANDSCAPING: Robert E. Beaupre , Landscape Architect with Mr . Bo ' s . Inc . . 11 Cosman Road , Elk Grove Village . IL 60007 (439-4324) said they will continue the prairie feel of the building and they will be salvaging as much of the existing plant material as possible . He has met with Mr . Ray Rigsby ' s staff to decide which plant material and can be successfully transplanted . The Village has agreed to allow the landscape contractor to stockpile and maintain the usable stock near the golf course pump house . This transplanted material will be used in the less conspicuous areas and new material will be used to highlight the front areas of the new facade . The air conditioning units/transformers . etc . will be screened with the saved materials and will recover from transplant shock within a year . Mr . Beaupre described the proposed "prairie concept land- scaping in detail . The horizontal lines of the new finance wing will be accentuated by using plant material of graduated heights , varying colors and different textures . The horizontal lines will be carried out into the areas away from the building by using trees with horizontal branches . The timber wails will be lined with plant material but they will be broken up to eliminate the straight line effect . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Seven The planted flower beds will be curved for a natural free flow- ing look that wiii support the architectural style . The corners of the building wiii be softened with shrubs and flowers . but the center area of the buildings will left open so that the facade wiii not be hidden. Taller evergreen shrubs and flowering trees will enhance the entrance area . None of the plants will ever grow up to the height of the windows and the center of the building will be left open. The courtyard area and the flag pole area will have a flagstone walkway to contrast with the concrete sidewalk. Ground cover will grow under the benches in the gazebo area . The site lines out to Lake Cook Road will be kept open so that people will see the Village Hall . The parking areas will be accented with a mix of salvaged and new plant materials . Com . Gordon expressed concern about the height of the bushes near the entrance area . He would not want people to be cramped . or feel like they are being 'attacked by a plant'" as they approach the building . Mr . Green agreed and said they wanted to use natural plants to avoid creating a corridor or walled effect . Mr . Beaupre added that they used the higher plants to differ- entiate from being outside and being inside the courtyard . Ch. Larsen commended Mr . Beaupre for designing a very nice landscape plan. He affirmed that the flag pole area has been relocated to the east side of the building as recommended by Ray Rigsby. Mr . Green said the island in the rear parking lot is still under discussion. The Plan Commission requested it but it could present a maintenance problem and Mr . Rigsby would prefer to have it removed . A copy of the Landscape Plan Review - Village Hail . dated September 23 . 1992 , is attached . Ch. Larsen said the Appearance Commission would recommend in favor of the island , and leave the decision to the Trustees . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Village Hall Landscape Plan as submitted . subject to the Landscape Plan Review prepared by Mr . Ray Rigsby . Supt . of Public Works Operations , with the exception of the removal of the island in the rear parking lot . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Trilling . Cea , Gordon . Viehman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Eight Com . Gordon made an additional comment about the council chamber windows with regard to the video taping . lie would prefer to keep them on the east and west elevations . It would compromise the architecture to eliminate them for about six meetings a year and would not be justified . Com . Viehman agreed and said the cameras could be adjusted . Chairman Larsen had to leave at 9 : 00 P. M. and asked Com . Gordon to chair the remainder of the meeting . Ch. Larsen said he is in favor of the Winberie ' s proposal . C . J . B. Winberie/800 W . Lake Cook Road - Enclosure of Patio Area Mr . Christopher Lachman , Lachman Enterprises , 2000 Lee Road , Suite 120 , Cleveland Heights . Ohio 44118 ( 216-932-2280) represented the Stouffer Restaurant Companies . A roof enclosure is being proposed for the existing patio area at J . B. Winberie ' s on Lake Cook Road to expand its use for approximately one month at each end of the season. The patio area is popular but some people do not like sitting in the sun. They have asked Leber-Brown , Architects . to design a roof enclosure . Mr . Richard Brown described the proposal : The patio is located at the northwest corner of the restaurant . The area was previously modified with the addition of some stone piers and a trellis , but sections are still in the sun. People like to sit outside but not in the sun . With the proposed roof structure , the area could still be used on warm days even if there is a light rain. The existing piers and walls , that enclose approximately 1 . 000 square feet , will remain. The existing trellis that is over about half of the rear will be replaced with a roof that covers the entire area . Nothing below the plane of the walls will be changed . The existing light fixtures will be rearranged to line up with the architectural elements of the roof . The roof has been notched for interest and the tops will be capped off with a small light fixture , not meant to illuminate the area . The existing light fixtures will be painted an accent color . The main lighting will be recessed in the ceiling and there will be small candles on the tables . The ceiling will be 12 ' high with bulbs that can be turned up for cleaning the area . The roof structure will be rough sawn timbers and the fascia will be rough sawn cedar , with tudor boards painted brown. They want to reinforce the English Pub look of the interior . APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Nine Com . Viehman expressed approval of the proposal . The area is very attractive and the roof lights may draw attention. He often has Sunday brunch there and people do not sit in the sun. Ch . Gordon commented that there may be cooler days when people would enjoy the warmth of the sun . Mr . Lachman replied they only want to increase the use of the patio area for a few extra days in the season. On warm over- cast days . people do not want to take a chance that rain will force them inside and the roof will help eliminate this possibility . The landscaping will not be changed . The exterior walls will not be altered . There are high sections and low sections that create different areas that allow personal preference . Com . Trilling made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed roof system as presented for J . B. Winberie ' s . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll, Call Vote : AYE - Viehman. Cea , Trilling . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . a✓ ANNOUNCEMENTS None . IV . ADJOURNMENT Com . Cea made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 9 : 20 P .M . Respectfully submitted . ,4024.,:)ee,40, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 24 . 1992 - Page Ten