1992-08-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1992 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 36 P.M. on Thursday , August 13 , 1992 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F . Weissman, M. Cea . S . Trilling , E. Larsen. Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon, A. Viehman and R. Lundine Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: William Reid , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 23 , 1992 - Motion to approve the minutes of July 23 , 1992 as submitted was made by Com . Cea and seconded by Com. Trilling . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Cea , Trilling and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Minutes of July 23 , 1992 were approved and will be placed on file . Ch. Larsen announced that three (3) Signs for Reservoir 2 have been submitted for AC review and asked for a motion to add this item to the Agenda under New Business , Item D. Com . Trilling so moved and Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was AYE Unanimously . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Woodland Commons Ground Sign Review • Dominick ' s - Zale Companies Mr . George Woock , White Way Sign Company . 1317 Clybourn Avenue , Chicago , IL 60610 ( 312/642-6580) made the presentation. :1:2111 Mr . Gregory Jenkins , Architect , and Ms . Christy Wiegel of Zale Companies were also present . auri The three (3) Woodland Commons ground signs were recalled for Appearance Commission review because they differ from the signz that were recommended for approval on September 26 , 1991 . Mr . Woock attributed this discrepancy to miscommunication. He presented a colored rendering of the sign as it was proposed : Woodland Commons was shown as black back lit letters on a white 4:::) drivit background . Dominick ' s was to be orange and green cut . out letters on a black metal background . ACE Hardware and three other major tenant panels were to be white cut out letters on a black metal background . Mr . Woock used an overlay to show the existing sign which has Woodland Commons as presented . ACE Hardware , Michael ' s Red Hots and two other black metal tenant panels are as presented . Dominick ' s . however , is orange and green cut out lettering on the same background as Woodland Commons . Mr . Woock explained that the original presentation was made by the architect and the developer . White Way was not represented at that AC meeting and it was assumed by the developer that White Way had obtained approval of a background color change for Dominick ' s but White Way was not made aware of this responsibility . The sign was constructed . per instructions from the developer . to display Dominick ' s on the same back- ground as the Woodland Commons portion because orange and green colors would not have shown up as well on a black background . The Appearance Commissioners were asked for acceptance of the signs as they have been constructed and erected on Half Day Rd . Ch. Larsen explained for the benefit of the new commissioners that the AC had worked very diligently with the petitioner to come to an agreement regarding the sign structure . They were permitted to have an oversize sign because their architect , working with the Village , incorporated certain recommendations into the sign that made it acceptable . Woodland Commons was to have the reverse channel neon letters on the beige color background because it gave identification to the shopping center and at night the letters are silhouetted . Dominick ' s and the other major tenants were to be a contrasting color , but Dominick ' s indicated to the Zale Group , by letter dated November 18 , 1992 , that they would not accept the black background . When the lease was drawn up , Dominick ' s was per- mitted to have a plexiglas cut out sign on a light background . The sign was constructed with one half white stucco background and one half black metal background. Ch. Larsen expressed his opinion that he would prefer to have the sign all one color , and recommended that the whole sign be changed to the beige stucco . Dominick ' s could remain as it has been constructed . The ACE Hardware and Michael ' s Red Hots panels could have red letters or different colored letters . ;:to The choice would be left up to the developer . Mr . Woock said that in his opinion the sign is beautiful as it is and Dominick ' s would be very unhappy if the background was changed to black . 11111.14 Ch. Larsen said he understood and agreed that the Dominick ' s sign would not read as well on the black background , but the other stores would also read better if they were on the light 4:1111: background . APPEARANCE COMMISSION 4:::) August 13 , 1992 - Page Two Ms . Wiegel asked if all the other tenant panels would have red letters on the light background . Ch. Larsen replied that the choice would be the developer ' s . The color could be the same or could be different . They could ail be orange to match Dominick ' s if one color was preferred or each tenant could choose its color . After discussing various options . Mr . Woock suggested Tabling the matter until the next meeting . Ch. Larsen had no objection to giving them time to discuss the situation and consult their tenants . He repeated his statement that the Village had worked with Zale to develop a nice looking sign, but what they got was a sign that looks sawed in half . Mr . Bud Babbitt . Zale ' s construction superintendent , was present and asked if they have the option to reconstruct the sign as originally approved? He confirmed that Zaie honestly thought the change had been approved or they would not have had the sign contractor proceed without Village consent . He commented that there would be considerable expense involved in changing the 24 tenant panels from black metal to the beige drivit material . (Each double faced sign has 8 tenant panels . ) Ch. Larsen said the sign could be changed to comply with the approved design. The AC realizes the ramifications involved in going back to a major tenant with such a request . He asked Ms . Wiegel if it is Zale ' s desire to Table? If not , the AC will make the necessary recommendation to the Village Board . Ms . Wiegel summarized their options : 1 . Change all the lower panels to beige and leave Dominick ' s as it is . 2 . The plexigias letters could be red or any color . 3 . Change Dominick ' s background color to black . Ms . Wiegel said they would like to have time to consider the options , determine the cost of making the changes and come back to the next AC meeting . Com . Cea made a motion to Table the Woodland Commons signs to August 27 . 1992 . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Cea , Trilling and Larsen NAY - None Motion to Table Passed - 4 to 0 . The item will be first under Old Business . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 , 1992 - Page Three B. Sargent-Welch Inc . - Lots 54 to 64 Covington Corporate Center on Commerce Court Elevations/Materials - Tabled on July 9 . 1992 `.J The AC did not approve of the bland color of the materials that were presented on July 9 , 1992 and the item was Tabled to permit further consultation with the clients . Stephen Rankin. Architect . 320 North Michigan Avenue , Chicago . IL 60601 (312/899-0002) presented and described the site plan. The ownership situation has changed . Sargent-Welch was to be a tenant in the park but they will now own the building . He said the AC ' s comments were well founded and they have shown their clients different color combinations . Sargent-Welch has a corporate philosophy that is very low-key and very restrained . They resisted a color on the building , but did agree to a series of grey tones . One vice-president referred to the building as a " tuxedo" - very elegant and very refined . The elevations will have five (5) tones of grey, ranging from black window frames on the office portion; charcoal grey on the coping of the building ; with three sets of medium grey reveals (resembling pin-striping) . The doors will be lighter grey and concrete panels will be cool grey. The office portion will be smooth panels and the warehouse portion will be raked panels with vines planted on each side of the loading docks that will grab hold of the texture and cover them. Mr . Rankin said the total height of the reveals on the office section will be 9 inches . There are reveals around the top and between the windows . They are made up of 3 groups of 3 each. The glass will remain solar grey , non-reflective . Ch. Larsen commented that the AC ' s concerns have been addressed and he is satisfied with the changes . Mr . Rankin said they are very pleased with the results of their negotiations and added that the building is more appropriate for the surroundings . Com. Cea and Com . Trilling agreed the building is much better . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the Sargent-Welch building at Covington Corporate Center on Commerce Court , as submitted . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman . Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Mr . Rankin was asked to submit a written list of actual names and numbers of the grey colors to the Building Department . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 , 1992 - Page Four V. NEW BUSINESS A. New Age Sports - Neon Window Signs Grove Court Shopping Center Mr . Bob Angarola , Owner of New Age Sports , 775 S . Buffalo Grove Road , ( 520-5800) described his business . It is an upscale sports store that sells memorabilia , cards , clothing and a small line of sporting goods . He requested approval of five (5) neon signs to enhance the storefront . They would be eighteen inches ( 18" ) square and they represent the sports logos of the major Chicago sports teams . i . e . Bears , Bulls , Cubs , Blackhawks and Sox . A letter of approval , dated July 28 , 1992 , and signed by David L . Rhodes , Property Manager of Brian Properties , Inc . was submitted with the request . The signs would be constructed by Vincent Signs (766-8855) . The storefront has four (4) glass panes and the signs would probably be suspended from the drop ceiling to prevent harm to children. Com . Weissman said signs are limited to name and nature vs . brand . The word "BEER" is permitted , but not the name of a beer . He questioned whether these logos would be considered brand names or national trademarks and would they be in violation of the Sign Code? Mr . Angarola responded that this was questioned by Staff and it is his position that he is not selling sports teams , per se . He would be using the signs to promote a sports concept . Ch. Larsen commented that team signs can be purchased at the ball parks but questioned whether is would be permissible to have them made by Vincent Signs . The style may be somewhat different that what is legally approved . Mr . Angarola said has not done any research concerning the use of licensed registered products but he has seen them on display in similar stores in the city. Ch. Larsen referred to the Sign Criteria , Section V. Prohibi- tive Types of Signing . Items M and N could be applied : M. Signs with exposed source of lighting or self- illuminating signs on or within the building if they can be seen from without . N. Signs on windows or doors which are illuminated . Mr . Angarola noted that there are neon signs at the store next to his and at the liquor store . Did they have approval ? APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 . 1992 - Page Five Ch. Larsen said these stores did not have AC approval . The signs at the liquor store were removed from the window and were hung at the rear of the store . Aside from this , the Building Department does not enforce leases . The AC reviews and approves the Sign Criteria for shopping centers , but it is up to the landlord of the property to enforce the criteria. These signs do not meet the Sign Criteria and the AC cannot approve them unless the Sign Criteria is modified . Mr . Angarola asked for direction. Would it be advisable for him to seek to have the Sign Criteria amended? Ch. Larsen said having the Sign Criteria changed is one option or the signs could be hung on the wall away from the windows and the Village would not take any action against them . There is a restriction in the Sign Code that only permits 33% of the window area to be covered . The AC has no problem with the designs of the signs but Mr . Angarola was cautioned that he could have a problem with the sport team owners . Mr . Angarola understood this possibility. He said he has tried to meet all the Village ' s requirements and wants to run his store "by the rules . " Ch. Larsen expressed appreciation to Mr . Angarola for having the signs reviewed and wished him success . B. Giordano ' s - Recommendation for variance 270 N. Mc Henry Road at Town Center Mr . Thanos Kourliouros , Restaurant Operations Manager of Giordano ' s enterprises Inc . , 308 W . Randolph, Chicago , IL 60606 (312/641-6500) requested approval of a wall sign on the south elevation that faces the interior roadway . The were no questions or objections . Com. Cea made a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board to grant a variance for Giordano ' s to have a second sign on the south elevation, as submitted . Com . Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Mr . Kourliouros was informed that Tuesday, August 18 , 1992 is the application cut-off date for the September 15 , 1992 ZBA meeting . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 , 1992 - Page Six C . Cellular One - Arbor Creek Lot 1 Full Review: Elevations/Materials/Landscaping/Lighting Mr . Tim Kaufenberg , Director of Network Engineering introduced the project . This building will be the 5th facility of its kind . It is a main transmitting switching station for all the cell sites in the perimeter area . The whole building is fed by fiber-optic cable from IBT, so there will be no need for a tower to be located on the property now or anytime in the future . With this technology , using IBT' s facilities , the use of cellular phones is more cost effective . The B.G. location was chosen for its proximity to the IBT facility in Northbrook . The capacity of this switching center , in its mature state , will be sufficient to handle up to 60 cell sites . 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS : Mr . John G. Cordogan, AIA , Cordogan, Clark & Associates , Inc . . 111 West Downer Place , Aurora , IL 60506 (708/896-4578) made the presentation. Mr . Tony Astrella represented Cellular One . The eighteen foot ( 18 ' ) high building will be constructed with pre-cast concrete with projecting bays and a cornice with two bands of red granite that break down the massiveness of the building . There will be no exterior identification signs on the building . a . The base will be red precast concrete made with red and grey aggregate mixed into the concrete . b . The lighter yellow color is a mixture of white limestone and sand colored aggregate . c . Polished granite accent pieces will match the base and banding . d . Door frames , window frames and coping will be rust colored aluminum with a keener finish. e . Glass will be Solar Bronze (grey tinted in nature) . f . The roof top units are concealed behind the precast top screen toward the rear of the building . The materials are simple in nature and are combined to make an elegant classic building . Ch. Larsen commented favorably on the front entrance with the columns and skylight . The Commissioners agreed . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the Cellular One Building at Arbor Creek as submitted . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 . 1992 - Page Seven 2 . LANDSCAPING Mr . Cordogan said the Landscape Plan has been developed to accent the building entryway with evergreen and deciduous trees `•/ along the southern border . Low level flowering ground covers will be used at the base of the building . They will comply with the Village Forester ' s Review , dated August 14 , 1992 , regarding the additional screening of the parking lot and additional Scotch Pines along the southern exposure . They will contact Mr . Rigsby concerning the comment about parkway trees along Barclay Boulevard and will comply with his recommendations . There were no questions or comments from the Commissioners . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted by Cellular One subject to the Village Forester ' s Recommendations . Com. Cea seconded the motion Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: Cuts of the lighting fixtures were reviewed and a photometric plan was submitted . There is no public access to the building . There are three types of dark bronze lighting fixtures : 1 . Low level bollard lights around the building 2 . Parking lot lights on 18 foot aluminum poles 3 . Low level building lights for security of the workers Metal Halide (white) lights were proposed and Ch. Larsen asked that the light source match the surrounding business park . Mr . Cordogan agreed to this stipulation. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as submitted by Cellular One , subject to the Village Engineer ' s Review of the photometrics and with the stipulation that the light source will match the neighboring color . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Ch. Larsen welcomed Cellular One to Buffalo Grove . APPEARANCE COMMISSION �.J August 13 , 1992 - Page Eight D. Reservoir 2 - Signs on Arlington Heights Road Trustee Reid described the site and location of the signs . Three (3) signs were submitted to identify the site as Reservoir #2 , the Pumphouse and the Welihouse : BG -1 is a temporary construction sign: BG-3 and BG-4 are permanent building ID signs . The signs will be single faced and the posts will be painted white . Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the temporary construction sign and two ( 2) building ID signs as submitted for Reservoir #2 on Arlington Heights Road , per the site plan. Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea . Trilling , Lundine NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Schar announced that Mr . Hruby will try to schedule the Intro- lductory Workshop in September . Ch. Larsen said he would not be able to attend on the 16th or 17th. The Commissioners agreed that it would be preferable to schedule the Workshop on a regular meeting night . VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 55 P. M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Ba es , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 13 . 1992 - Page Nine