1992-06-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JUNE 11 , 1992 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 32 on Thursday , June 11 , 1992 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon, F . Weissman, A. Viehman and E. Larsen QUORUM Commissioners Absent : None Bldg . Dept . Liaison: James F . Kelly , Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: William Reid , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 14 , 1992 minutes were postponed until after the business meeting . IV . OLD BUSINESS A. Harris Bank - Half Day Road and Buffalo Grove Road Recommendation for variance to install a Wall Sign on the east elevation Presentation was made by Mr . George Woock , White Way Signs Co . Ms . Nan N. Beckman, Asst . V. P. of the Harris Bank Barrington, 201 S . Grove Avenue , Barrington IL 60010 (382-4000) Mr . Woock described the Harris Bank as a free-standing building located at the northwest corner of the Woodland Commons Shopping Center at Half Day Road and Buffalo Grove Road . Since the two wall signs were installed on the walls facing the right-of- ways , many people have commented that they do not realize the building is a bank . It looks like a bank with a drive-thru , but there is not sign to indicate that it is a bank building . Photographs of the bank and existing signs were presented . The proposed sign is identical in size , layout and colors to the existing signs , and will be installed on the east elevation. He requested that a recommendation for variance be made . Ch. Larsen commented that a set of letters over the drive-thru would offer better identification. Mr . Woock replied that this has been considered and rejected . Com . Weissman made motion to recommend to the Village Board and to the Zoning Board of Appeals that the Harris Bank in Buffalo Grove be granted a variance for the purpose of installing an additional wall sign on the west elevation of the building located at Half Day Road and Buffalo Grove Road , as presented . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Jay 'n Bee Office Solutions , Inc . Ground Sign - 230 Lexington Drive Mr . George Pullman , Vice President of the company , made the presentation. He affirmed that the Jay 'n Bee sign will replace the existing Washburn International Inc . sign. Only the face is being changed . The structure remains the same . There were no questions or comments . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the new Jay 'n Bee Office Solutions , Inc . sign at 230 Lexington Drive , at the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center . as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon,. Weissman, Viehman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . C. Woodland Commons Ground Signs Dominick ' s Color Change Mr . Gregory Jenkins , Architect . was not able to be present and asked that the item be Tabled until June 25 , 1992 . V . NEW BUSINESS A. Shoney' s (Wag ' s Conversion) - 51 Mc Henry Road The Grove - Route 83 and Lake Cook Road Full Review - Elevations/Materials/Signs Mr . Robert N. Blessing , Chief Operating Officer of Lunan Family Restaurants , Inc . 4247 George Place . Schiller Park . IL 61076 (678-2032) made the presentation. He explained that they acquired 29 WAG' S Restaurants last year and they became a fran- chisee of Shoney ' s in the Chicago area . Fourteen restaurants have been converted so far and the Buffalo Grove Wag ' s will become Shoney' s in August of 1992 , with about $260 ,000 being invested in the process . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 11 , 1992 - Page Two Shoney ' s is a family operation with separate menus for Kids and Senior Citizens . They do not serve liquor and will not be open 24 hours . The Buffalo Grove Wag ' s staff of 35-40 people will be maintained and about 60 new people will be employed . 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS : They will be changing the Wag ' s image to Shoney ' s by using new contemporary subdued colors . An atrium will be added , staying within the column lines of the existing building , and the interior will be renovated using new contemporary colors that are compatible with the exterior colors . The kitchen will be completely reorganized . Samples of the awning fabric and building colors were provided . The building , including the brick , will be repainted with Glidden exterior latex paint . Colors will be teal blue , maroon and beige . After the glass atrium is constructed , the awning fabric is placed on top of the glass . The atrium has been designed to withstand the Chicagoarea snow loads . etc . Com. Gordon expressed concern with the maintenance of the exterior paint on aluminum. He recommended thorough cleaning of the surface before application. Ch. Larsen commented that if the paint is applied when the temperature is 50 degrees or over , it will adhere . Mr . Blessing described the power wash and application process and said it would not be to their advantage to have the paint deteriorate . Some of the buildings in the area were completed before this past winter and the paint is still in good condition. When the remodeling takes place , the restaurant is kept open for three weeks while the atrium and freezer are added . The outside freezer is unique in that it is a stucco material , making it look like part of the building . They close on a Saturday night for a four day period while the mechanical changes , booths , carpeting , tile , etc . are completed . Then employee training takes place during the next four days . They reopen, as Shoney ' s , after the eight day period . Reconstruc- tion of the Buffalo Grove Wag ' s is scheduled for August . 2 . SIGNS : Mr . Blessing said they will replace the existing sign faces on the building , the monument sign on Lake Cook Road and The Grove entrance sign with the Shoney ' s logo . The colors are compati- bile with the building . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 11 , 1992 - Page Three Ch. Larsen asked if there is a sign on the northeast corner of the building? If so . it is not shown on the drawing . Li Mr . Blessing responded that there is a sign on that wall and all existing signs are to be replaced . He apologized for the oversight . Com . Wiessman made a motion to recommend to the Village Board and to the Zoning Board of Appeals that the name change from Wag ' s to Shoney ' s , on the building located at Route 83 and Lake Cook Road . including the ground sign and The Grove pylon sign, be approved as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the elevation changes , including the addition of the glass atrium with the awnings and the freezer , materials and colors , as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman. Gordon. Viehman , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . D. Riverwalk Permanent Ground Signs Recommendation for variance . Mr . Tim Beechick , Partner with Hamilton Partners , made the presentation. He referred to the 1991 meeting that was held with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Appearance Commission. The size and location of a permanent monument sign that would appropriately announce and identify the project in light of the future overpass over Milwaukee Avenue . The original sign proposed was 31 feet in height and this was rejected . The sign has been scaled down to 24 feet in height and two locations are being requested : One ( 1 ) on Lake Cook Road and one ( 1 ) on Milwaukee Avenue . One sign has been located at the far eastern edge of the project because there is a right turn entry at that location. This entry will remain after overpass is constructed . Secondly , with the grade separation , it would not be feasible to locate a sign any closer to Milwaukee Avenue . The sign on Milwaukee Avenue has been located about half way between the overpass and the entry on Riverwalk Drive . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June li , 1992 - Page Four The sign as depicted on the revised sketch will have a four foot (4 ' ) granite base that will match the granite base of the building. The address , 2150 E. Lake Cook Road , will be in black lettering . The balance of the sign will be metal and will be charcoal grey to match the roof of the building as well as the roof of the stair towers and monuments on the lower portion of the building . The lettering will be white , and it will be back lit , for visibility after dark . The lettering on the sign will be Riverwalk and Zenith for the time being . There is ample room on the sign for at least one other major (anchor ) tenant , with two smaller spaces used to feature tenants of a semi-retail nature . They would submit additions to the signs to the Appearance Commission for review. Comments from Commissioners : Com . Viehman verified that the Riverwalk and Zenith letters are both 14 inches in height . Mr . Beechick said they do not want telephone numbers on the sign and asked that the temporary sign be permitted to remain. Ch. Larsen said the permit for the temporary sign should be renewed when necessary. Com. Gordon questioned if the address is the same for the whole building? Mr . Beechick ' s response was that there is no address on the building now, and they just tell people to look for the tall building and they have had no complaints . If they want to add any copy to the sign or numerals on the building , they would be submitted to the Appearance Commission for approval . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the materials and aesthetic values of the Riverwalk double-faced pylon signs , 24 ' in height by 15 ' in width by 3 ' in depth: and further recommend to the Village Board and Zoning Board of Appeals that the required variances required for height and total square footage of each individual sign be granted . The variance is strongly recommended in view of the fact that the Petitioner has been willing to work with the ZBA and the AC to resolve the unfortunate and unique situation caused by the highway being elevated in front of the property. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Viehman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 11 . 1992 - Page Five E. Winchester Estates - Route 83 . North of Bank Lane Permanent Signs - Recommendation for variance Mr . Michael Larsen, V. P. of Red Seal Development made the presentation. He described the proposed monument sign to be located on Route 83 . It will be masonry and stone . The sign at the entrance to the subdivision from Bank Lane will be sandblasted wood . The background will be white with blue letters and logo . Mike Larsen said he has calculated the distance between the proposed sign and the small Seigle ' s sign will be about 62 feet away. Ch. Larsen commented that the small Seigle ' s sign is located on a right-of-way that is not in the Village , Mr . Harry Seigle had an agreement with Mr . Perrillo , the owner of the former pig farm , to put the sign up . The Village never issued a permit for the sign and it is not on Village property , so the proposed sign does not require a variance . The Seigle ' s sign is an off-premise sign. Mr . James Kelly said that Mr . Schar has been involved with this situation and would have to make the final decision It was Mike Larsen' s understanding that the Seigle ' s sign is going to be moved approximately six feet (6 ' ) east . Ch. Larsen asked why the entry sign is going to be thirty feet from the intersection? He asked the reason for the variance? He cited Chatham and Lexington In The Park as examples of multi-family zoned developments that were required to have a variance because they have two signs within 250 feet of an existing sign; not because the signs were supposed to be against a wall and/or meet the set back of the zoning district in which they are located , pursuant to Sign Code , Section 14 . 20 . 010 . He added that Seigle ' s sign is not a legal sign. The bank sign is on the opposite side of the intersection at Bank Lane and it does not count . There are more that 250 feet the bank sign and the proposed permanent monument sign. Mr . Kelly said he would review the situation with Staff and inform Ch. Larsen and Mr . Mike Larsen of the final decision. Ch. Larsen said the entry sign does not require any variance . The Commissioners had no questions or comments . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 11 , 1992 - Page Six Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Winchester Estates construction and materials of the monument sign as depicted , and positioned as indicated on the plat of survey. It is further recommended that a variance be granted , if it is determined that a variance is required . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the entry sign on the east side of the Winchester Estates driveway as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Approval of May 14 , 1992 Minutes - Com . Viehman commented that the minutes have some blank spaces (names and phone numbers) that need to be filled in. Also , on page 4 , the word "not " should be changed to no (questions , etc . ) Com . Viehman made a motion to approve the May 14 , 1992 minutes as corrected . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Viehman. Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Minutes will be corrected and placed on file . B. Ch. Larsen welcomed Trustee William Reid as the new Village Board Liaison and said his input will be appreciated . Mr . Reid confirmed that President Mathias is aware of the need for AC Commissioners and they should be appointed soon. C. Ch. Larsen asked about the 2 black houses at Westchester I and II . Was black an approved color? Mr . Kelly will research. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 31 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 11 , 1992 - Page Seven