1992-01-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY . JANUARY 23 , 1992 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 45 P.M. on Thursday . January 23 . 1992 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 12 , 1991 - Com. Viehman made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Viehman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 1 abstention. December 12 , 1992 minutes were approved and will be placed on file . III . BUSINESS A. Mobil Oil Signage - Dunkin' Donuts Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road Since Mobil will not be represented . Item A was discussed last . B. Condeli Medical Building - Signage 150 Half DaY_Road Representatives were Patricia Austin , V . P . of Outreach Services ; Casey Frankiewicz , Legat Architects , 24 N . Chapel Street . Waukegan, IL 60085 ; Ken Peterson from Condell Hospital : and Ken Clays from Poblocki & Sons , Sign Contractor , P. O. Box 04665 , 620 South First Street , Milwaukee , WI 53204-0665 . 1 . Building Siena e Mr . Frankiewicz presented colored zerox copies of the signs and described the construction specifications (attached) . a . Signage on the north side of the building facing Rt . 22 will consist of extruded aluminum , non-illuminated 12' letters stud mounted to the building . Color will be deep green to match the aluminum window frames . b . Signage on the front of the building facing Willow Pkwy. will be on the canopy. Recessed light boxes were described on Page Two of the specifications . The letters will be punched face and will appear to be white during the day with a silhouette effect when illuminated at night . 2 . Ground signs Main I . U. Sign on Route 22 , 27 feet from the south property line and 28 feet off the west property line . The double faced sign is 6 ' wide by 12 ' high and is internally illuminated . Background color - Pantone #468 C . Beige to match brick . Green directional band - Pantone #350 C . The building is not located on a corner and the main entrance is on Willow parkway . There are vacant parcels to the west . Condell Acute Care Center , Open 24 Hours - Red Ail other lettering will appear to be black during the day and white when illuminated at night . Secondary directional sign at Willow Parkway will be 4 ' x 7 ' is internally illuminated and is similar to the main identification sign. Ch. Larsen commented that Pablocki & Sons manufactured similar signs for the Village Campus and they do not transmit enough light at night . He suggested adding more light . There was a question about the number of signs that would be permitted on the elevations of the building . After discussion it was determined that the Acute Care Center and the Physicians/ Dental Offices are two separate tenants with a demising wall between them. They have separate leases , therefore , two signs should be permitted . Each physician also has their own lease . There is no signage on the west elevation, but the building does front on two dedicated right-of-ways , therefore , all the signs were deemed to be permissible under the Sign Code . Ch. Larsen observed that the ground sign on Route 22 could be moved to the east in contemplation of additional ground signs when the property to the west is developed . The Sign Code requires a distance of 250 feet between ground signs , or a variance is necessary. The Fire Station to the east could also request a sign. The representatives agreed to consider this information. Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the signage requested for Condell Medical Building and Condell Acute Care Center , as submitted , with the stipulation that they are separately demised premises , as stated by the petitioners in conformance with the requirements of the Sign Code for multiple signs on one building . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Two 3 . Site Lighting Photometrics Mr . Frankiewicz explained that the previously submitted photometrics were not consistent with the scale of the drawing . The poles are 25 feet in height . See letter and exhibit dated December 16 , 1992 (attached) . The bulbs have been changed from 400 watts to 250 watts . The fixture would have a vertical lamp and there would be no spillage off the property . The fixture will probably be a spider type . but either of the two shown produce the same photometric measurement . High pressure sodium lamps that give an orange glow were proposed . Since there are two parcels between the site and Woodland Commons , it was agreed that the lights would not conflict with the shopping center lights which were thought to be metal halide (white ) . The fire station has wall pacs but no parking lot lights . The street lights have metal halide (white) lamps . The petitioners said they would give some consideration to the light source options and inform the Building Department of their decision. Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the lighting for the Condeil Medical Center as submitted . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Cali Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman , Gordon. Larsen L NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Children' s World , Busch Road and Route 83 Full Review: Elevations and Materials : Landscaping . Lighting and Sig_na e Representatives were Dean Kelley , Abbott Contractors , Inc . , 1890 Techny Court , Northbrook , IL 60062 ; Lawrence Basil , A. I .A. . Basil Architects . 181 Waukegan Road , Northfield , IL 60093 ; Mark Polinko , A. S . L.A. . Landscape Architect . ILT Company Inc . . 21055 N. Weiland Road , Prairie View . IL 60069 : and Laurie Daniels of Children ' s World . Mr . Basil described the site plan. The parcel is triangular shaped located on the south side of Busch Road at Route 83 . A 1-story professional building will be constructed on the west side of the site and Children' s World on the east side of the site . Materials for both buildings will be identical using masonry with asphalt shingled roofs . Both will have a colonial flavor and will be a logical transition area for Route 83 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Three 1 . MATERIALS . for both bui ldljgs :_ a . Asphalt Shingles - Burnt Sierra Blend , Heavy weight �../ b . Brick - Sun Ray Driftwood Blend Valour c . Combination fipon and drivet material - White d . Pre-fabricated fipon collar - White e . Shutters - Prefinished wood f . Gutters and trim - Colonial white aluminum g . Sliding windows will have clear glass The Professional Building will have similar details . with three (3) demising main sections with separate entrances from the parking lot . The center section can be divided . There were no questions and the Commissioners agreed with Ch. Larsen' s comment that the buildings are very attractive . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the Professional Office Building and Children' s World as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon. Weissman , Viehman , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O . 2 . LANDSCAPING: L./ Mr . Polinko described the landscape plan. There are trees existing on the property and every effort will be made to save and maintain them , per Mr . Ray Rigsby' s recommendations in the memo dated January 16 , 1992 . They will use snow fencing , pruning of the canopies , fertilization of roots and root trimming to preserve the trees within the parking area . There will very little disturbance of most of the trees because they are outside of the building line . This area will be snow-fenced until the finish grading occurs with the final landscaping is done . The landscape plan is very open. The parking area , north of Children' s World , has been screened with a low berm planted with shade trees . A berm has also been used on the south border to screen the adjacent property to the south. Because of the limited space there is very tight planting of the formal hedges . Dwarf plantings have been used because of the low elevations of both buildings . The open area to the west of the professional building permits larger the plant material . They want some variety , so to compliment the existing shade trees on the south and north, they will transplant some of the existing ornamental trees . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Four Mr . Rigsby memo states that 'parkway trees will also be required along Busch Road and Route 83 . " Mr . Polinko said it might be over-planted if trees are added . He also expressed concern about safety and visibil- ity as well as possible liability. The site does not allow for background and foreground trees . There are also street lights that dictate where trees can be planted . With the expansion of Route 83 , existing parkway trees would have to be moved , so it would be better to put them in later . Ch. Larsen understood this reasoning and Trustee Marienthal agreed that it should not be necessary to put in parkway trees until after placement of the road has been determined . He asked the developer to agree to have trees planted in the future . Ch. Larsen commented that this will become a major inter- section and said he did not think any more trees are needed . Some intersections are being blocked by the growing trees . Com. Gordon observed that there will be a large park along Route 83 and there should not be trees every forty feet (40 ' ) along a park . Mr . Polinko said they can move some of the shade trees on the berm to permit additional evergreens , per Mr . Rigsby' s recommendations . They will substitute a 'Superform Maple" for the Acer Rubrum "Red Sunset Maple . " He will discuss the Landscape Plan Re- view with Mr . Rigsby and conform with Village requirements . The playground fence will be a black vinyl , open cyclone . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan for the Professional Building and Children' s World at Busch Road and Route 83 as submitted , with the stipulation that the recommendations made by Ray Rigsby are taken into consideration. The Appearance Commission agrees with the petitioner that the parkway trees on the Route 83 side . should be waived or post- poned until such time as the intersection has been designed . Petitioner agrees to add evergreens to the berms on the Busch Road side and will substitute a "Superform Maple" for the Acer Rubrum "Red Sunset ' Maple . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION \./ January 23 , 1992 - Page Five 3 . LIGHTING: The ground light fixture and photometric plan were reviewed . The fixture will be rectangular , with metal halide bulbs and the poles will be 32 feet in height . The lighting is for security and will not be left on all night . The lights will be on a timer set to go off after the Professional Building is closed. Com. Weissman observed that there are homes , with second story bedrooms , across the street and the poles may be too high. Residents will be concerned with the loom. Mr . Dean Kelley said the lights are directed downward and there will be little spillage of light . Ch. Larsen commented that there are existing street lights and asked what the height of these poles would be? Mr . Jim Kelly estimated the height of the street lights to be 24 ' to 28 ' and said he can confirm the height with the Village Engineer , if necessary . Mr . Kelley responded that if their lights were lower , they would have to have additional lights . The plan has been designed to have very little fluctuation in intensity which reduces the amount of glare , or apparent brightness , that is seen. Com. Weissman said the residents will probably get more light from the street light on Brandywyn Lane , so these should be all right . Mr . Kelley agreed to work with the with Village Engineer with regard to the height . because they want to be good neighbors . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Fixture and Plan submitted for the Professional Building and Children' s World , with the stipulation that the photometrics and the height of the poles be subject to the Village Engineer ' s review and approval . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Gordon , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Six 4 . SIGNAGE: Ch. Larsen informed the petitioner that two ground signs would be permitted , but the Sign Code requires them to be spaced 250 ' . He suggested combining the signage into one ground sign located near the entrance , but closer to the intersection . Mr . Kelley said Children ' s World is proposing a semi-ground sign only six feet ( 6 ' ) in height and eight feet (8 ' ) across . He is aware of the 250 ' requirement and understands that they could apply for a variance . He agreed to consider alternatives . Com. Weissman made a motion to Table the signage for Children' s World . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. A. Mobil Oil Signage - Dunkin' Donuts Dundee and Buffalo Grove Roads Stuart Shore , Director of Marketing for Mobilmedia Corporation. P.O. Box 592 , Park Forest , IL 60466 was not able to be present . He was excused from coming by Frank Hruby , Director of Building and Zoning , because the main purpose of the AC review is to determine the need for a variance and make a recommendation to the Village Board . Chairman Larsen concurred . The petitioner is requesting a change of face on the pylon sign. The bottom panel that now reads "Car Wash" will be changed to \./ Dunkin' Donuts with Wash $1 . 00 below. Sign face changes are permitted . The station will be selling Dunkin ' Donuts (not making them) inside the Mobil Mart and they have been required to apply for a new business license . The petitioner is also requesting the addition of signs that read "featuring Dunkin' Donuts" on the east (right ) and west ( left) elevations of the building . There are existing Pegasus discs on these elevations that will be relocated . These discs were deemed to be architectural features , not signs , when the Appearance Commission reviewed the signage on May 30 , 1985 . The Building Department has determined that the signage will require a variance . The business license , Mobil Mart/Dunkin' Donuts , qualifies the signs to identify the name and nature of the business . The signs were discussed and the Commissioners agreed with the Building Department ' s interpretation that a variance would be required for the Dunkin' Donuts sign on the west elevation because it will face the car wash and not a right-of-way. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Seven Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend to the Village Board approval of the Mobil Oil pylon sign face change at the corner of Dundee and Buffalo Grove Roads that would permit the addition of Dunkin' Donuts above WASH $1 . 00 ; and the addition of the 3 ' x 6 ' Dunkin' Donut sign on the east elevation as requested ; with the added recommendation for a variance , if necessary . for an identical 3 ' x 6 ' Dunkin' Donut sign on the west elevation. Pegasus discs to be relocated as depicted on the drawing . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Weissman. Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. V . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Mr . Kelly reported that the background color of the Harris Bank signs is dark bronze as recommended . B. Com. Weissman informed Mr . Kelly that there are two towing signs in the parkway at Spoerlein Farm that should be removed . If the signs are illegal , Mr . Kelly will inform the management company to have them removed. ADJOURNMENT Com . Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 59 P.M. Respectfully submitted , At^,111ri5,42-' Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 23 , 1992 - Page Eight