1989-09-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1989 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:39 P.M. on Thursday, Sept. 28, 1989 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno, R. Gordon and E. Larsen. QUORUM. Cam. Silbernik arrived at 7:50 P.M. Commissioners Absent: E. Bremner and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Building Inspector: Ed Schar Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley, Trustee �I . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sept. 14, 1989 - Can. Gordon made a motion to approve as submitted. Cam. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno Motion Passed - 3 to 0, 1 abstention. Minutes of Sept. 14, 1989 approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Landis and Gyr Powers, Inc. , Full Review Mr. Sheldon Dobrin, Friedman, Dobrin and Associates, Ltd. , 105 Revere Drive, Suite A, Northbrook, IL 60062 (564-5480) made the presentation. Landis and Gyr Powers, located at the Covington Corporate Center, is expanding. A new facility will be constructed West of the existing building on Deerfield Parkway. It will be a 30,000 sf. 2-story office building; and the second stories of the two buildings will be connected with a bridge. The first floor will not be occupied at this time. 1 . Architecture/Materials: A colored rendering was distributed. The new building mill be simple and will be compatible with the existing building. It will be a combination of precast concrete panels and synthetic plaster material with bronze glass and aluminum. The bridge structure mill be vaulted glass with metal on a synthetic plaster base, with sufficient driveway clearance for future truck maneuvering. Materials mere described: 1 . Precast concrete panels with uniform vertical grooves. It is natural concrete with Kraemer Rock that changes color in the sunlight. 2. Contrasting panels are synthetic plaster with a sandblasted finish. Color mill be Desert Taupe. 3. Windows and Bridge - Bronze glass with dark bronze anodized metal frames. 4. Roof top units mill be located toward the rear of the building and mill be screened. 5. The rear mall will be blank because a future 30,000 sf. addition could be built. 6. 100 parking stalls mill be provided with room for future parking to the rear. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Landis & Gyr Powers new facility as presented. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Gordon, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Silbernik (arrived at 7:50 P.M. ) Motion Passed - 4 to 0, 1 abstention. 2. LandscaPina The plans were described by Ted Tecza, Adam Tecza & Sons, Inc. 36 W 730 Mc Donald Road, Elgin, IL 60120 (742-3320) Landscape development mill be a continuation of the existing plantings, in terms of carrying the berm across the parkway to provide screening for the new proposed parkway and for the future parking. Plant material is of similar nature. Douglas Firs mere introduced to vary the evergreens with shade trees and ornamental trees located on the parkway. Most of the detail plantings are concentrated around the entrance. There will be a large 4" caliper Scarlet Maple, about 16 feet tall, and a Columnar Maple that could grow to be 45 feet tall, in front of the building. Evergreen ground cover and flowering perennials complete the planting by the bridge and east entry. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 28, 1989 - Page Two Trees will be added to the the sodded parking island so that there mill be 2 Ash, 3 Locusts and 2 Ash. The front areas will be sodded and the remaining lawn areas mill be seeded. Ray Rigsby's review, dated Sept. 28, 1989 recommends approval. Ch. Larsen suggested adding a small band of sod along the west side of the curbed parking area.] Mr. Dobrin said there is some discussion of expanding the parking area west to the driveway of the next building. If this is not done when this building is completed, he agreed to the sodded strip. Com. Silbernik made a notion to approve the Landscape Plan as submitted for the new Landis & Gyr Powers building, subject to the Forester's Review and Approval (9/28/89). Can. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Silbernik and Larsen NAY - None ?lotion Passed - 5 to 0. 3. Lighting: A photometric study was submitted. The existing parking lot lighting is sufficient for the east side of the property. One new matching pole light mill be added to the south side. Can. Bruno made a motion to approve the Lighting as submitted for the Landis and Gyr Powers, Inc. expansion building. Can. Silbernik seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Silbernik and Larsen NAY - None ?lotion Passed - 5 to 0. B. Arlington Toyota Expansion. Dundee Road Presentation was made by Randy Jostes, Consultant for the owners, with Jaydos & Assoc. , Architects Ltd. , 414 North Orleans, Chicago, IL 60610 (828-9848) and ?lark Albrecht, Parts and Service Director for Arlington Toyota. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 28, 1989 - Page Three The service department mill be expanded to the east by one half. The body shop, which exists to the rear of the service department mill be moved to a new free standing building to the east. A new entrance canopy mill be added to the showroom and to the east side of the showroom. The existing site mill not be changed. Parking mill remain the same. A new chainlink fence mill enclose the dumpsters. 1 . Architecture/Materials: a. The materials for the body shop mill match the existing building. The north and west sides mill be fluted block; and the south and east sides mill be metal siding. b. The north face of the new service addition ( facing Dundee Road) will be the fluted block, matching the existing showroom and new body shop. Above the concrete mill be drivit material, painted white. c. The rest of the building mill be metal siding. d. Doors mill be insulated steel painted grey to match the paneling. e. Railing for the handicap ramp will be painted grey. Mr. Hatt asked if this was the plan submitted and approved by the Plan Commission? Mr. Jostes replied, "Yes." There mill be a paint storage roam that mill meet the code requirements. Very little paint is stored on site. Cam. Bruno made a motion to approve the addition to the service area; and a nem body shop, including the dumpster area; and the two new entryway canopies, as submitted by Arlington Toyota on Dundee Road. Cam. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Silbernik and Larsen NAY - None Notion Passed - 5 to 0. 2. Landscaping: Mr. Jostes described additions to the existing landscaping. Planter islands mill be added to the front of the nem body shop with plantings on the east side and additions to the existing buffer area. Mr. Rigsby•s Review, dated Sept. 28, 1989, states the plan is acceptable, if the Honey Locusts are 2-1/2 inch caliper. Mr. Jostes agreed to this stipulation. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 28, 1989 - Page Four Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted by Arlington Toyota, subject to the Village Forester's review and recommendation. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Silbernik and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 3. Lighting: Mr. Jostes said the 18 year old lights will be replaced with new fixtures on the existing bases. Two new fixtures will be added between the existing three lights in the front showroom area; and three new fixtures will be added to the south of the existing fixtures on Arlington Heights Road. The poles are square with shoebox fixtures. The new building will have wall pacs for security lighting. Com. Silbernik questioned the need for additional pole lights on Dundee Road. Ch. Larsen said the photometrics show too much light crossing the property line, but Mr. Jostes indicated that the two bottom lines on the photometric plan are lineal readings from 0 to 400 feet, not foot candles. The highest foot candle readings are only up to 186 and 196. Mr. Jostes said the new fixtures throw the light forward and the actual total illumination may be less than the existing lights. The lights will be on timers set to go off at 2 A.M. Mr. Robert Jaydos, the architect, said the Elsco Fixture has been used for 40 or 50 other automobile dealerships. A near zero reading can be picked up about 8 to 10 feet from the pole. The head can be rotated so that the light can be cut off at 6 to 8 feet and this pole light is very effective. There will be little, or no, spilloff to Dundee Road. Ch. Larsen commented that the existing lighting gives a high glare and the recessed fixtures will probably be better than the old ones. Some light will show, but without the glare. Com. Silbernik still objected to the two additional poles on Dundee Road. Com. Ehrhardt and Com. Bruno said they had no problem with the lighting as proposed, as long as spillage is controlledr APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 28, 1989 - Page Five