1989-07-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JULY 13,1989 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Laren called the meeting to order at :35 P.M. on Thursday, July 13, 1989 at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: E. Bremner, D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno, F. Weissman and E. Larsen. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent: R. Gordon and M. Silbernik Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 22, 1989 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Bruno and seconded by Com. Weissman. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None 1 ABSTAIN - Bremner and Ehrhardt Minutes of June 22, 1989 were approved and will be placed on file. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Lot 28 on Hastings Lane, Commerce Center Lighting/Landscaping - Tabled on June 22, 1989 1 . Lighting: Michael Palmisano, First Palm Corp. , 1315 Oakton Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (364-7500 ) presented cut sheets of the lighting fixtures to be used on the building. Lumark Wal-Pacs, 175 Watt Metal Halide fixtures with a gray finish were proposed. Two ( 2) lights are to be on the rear of the building and one ( 1 ) light over each of the loading docks. They will have photo cells, and will go on at dusk and go off at dawn. Ch. Larsen asked that the light source be High Pressure Sodium to match the other light at the Commerce Center. Mr. Palmisano agreed to the change and selected 150 Watt HPS. Mr. Matt asked that the fixtures on the north aide of the building be shielded to prevent the light spread from leaving the property, so that it will not shine into the homes across Pauline Avenue. Mr. Palmisano agreed to order the shields as requested. Ch. Larsen informed Mr. Palmisano that lights will be required at the mandoors on the rear elevations. Mr. Matt suggested adding a third fixture, and that should give the mandoors the proper foot candles of light. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the three light fixtures on the rear elevation of the one story building on Lot 28 at the Commerce Center; and one fixture over each of the loading docks. Wal-Paks to be manufactured by Lumark, #175 High Pressure Sodium with restriction shields, so that no illumination bleeds off the property. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2. Landscaping: Mr. Matt explained that the landscap ing ping was Tabled on June 22, 1989 because there was a question about the parkway trees that are shown on the Master Plan for the Commerce Center. Mr. Rigsby was consulted and the required parkway trees have already been installed along Pauline Avenue. The revised landscaping plan for Lot 28, was reviewed and accepted by Mr. Rigsby on June 21 , 1989. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Landscaping plan as submitted for Lot 28, Commerce Center, subject to Ray Rigsby's Review dated June 21 , 1989. Con. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. ( It was noted that the guard rail for the loading docks will be inside the building and will not be seen from the outside. ) APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Two V. NEW BUSINESS A. Airborne Express - Ground Sign 975 Deerfield Parkway - Covington Corporate Center Brian Walther, M S Signs, 330 Georgetown Square, Suite 204, Wood Dale, IL 60191 ( 860=0190 i presented a color rendering of the proposed sign. It will by 10 ' x 4' and the colors of the copy will be Red, PMS #185, and Black on White Background. The letters will be formed and will project about 2 inches. Com. Bremner suggested review of the location because the site plan shows the sign behind some trees. Ch. Larsen informed Mr. Walther that the posts will have to be 42" deep and there is a required 10 foot setback from the property line. He also suggested coating the aluminum tubes with asphalt for preservation. Mr. Walther said the posts will be steel , not aluminum. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Airborne Express sign as submitted with the following revisions: 1 . Footing depth to be 3'6" ( 42" ) 2. Posts to be steel (not aluminum ) Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Bruno, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. B. Konami - Two (2) Ground Signs 900 Deerfield Parkway - Covington Corporate Center Mr. Frank Pellegrini, of Konami Corporation, made the presentation. Konami is a hardware/software company. He described the proposed signs and said the bases will be landscaped. Colors will be: Orange - PMS 151 , Red - PMS 185, Black on a White Background. The sign faces will be relocated from the former location and will be attached to new aluminum, or steel, backgrounds. Ch. Larsen informed Mr. Pellegrini that there is a problem with the size of the 8' x 26" sign. It is two large to be considered an exempt directional sign and only 1 ground sign is permitted per parcel . Also, the 2 signs would be too close together, if located as indicated on the site plan. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Three Ch. Larsen auggeste►d making the 8'x 26" sign a wall sign on the first alcove (changing the direction of the arrow ); and adding a small directional sign near the driveway. The directional sign cannot have the name or any advertising on it. Mr. Pellegrini agreed to consider the suggestions. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the ground sign ( #2) as submitted. Should the petitioner so desire, sign #1 may be used as a single faced wall sign, without the posts, located on the southwest indent of the building. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. D. Que Pasa Restaurant - Vestibule and Lounge Addition Mr. Charles Conlon, of Charles Conlon & Associates, Ltd. , Architects, 6400 Chestnut Street, Morton Grove, IL 60053 presented a letter of approval from Mary Hymen. He reviewed the history of Que Pasa, when it was converted from JoJo's several years ago. The facade was covered with staccato paneling wainscot and painted, with red and green stripes added. The addition will be identical. The brick will match the existing kingsize brick. The parrot window will be relocated to the east elevation, and will have the same brick rollock framing. The lounge will be enlarged and the new vestibule will be moved out 5 feet. The existing doors will be used and some windows will be added. The building will be squared off. Only the ground cover will be disturbed, not the green area. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Que Pasa Restaurant addition as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. `..� APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Four D. Ridgewood Townhomes - Entrance Sign Location - On Pauline, Between Dogwood and Hazelwood Representatives of the Association were not present, but Ch. Larsen saw no problem with the sign, as described in the exhibits. The Commissioners agreed it was acceptable. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Ridgewood Townhomes Association request for a V-shaped, 3' x 6 ' entrance sign, as submitted, per the exhibits. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. E. Manchester Greens - Townhomes Elevations/Materials/Site Plan Presentation was made by John Green, Systems Design Group, Ltd. 5999 New Wilke Road, Suite 208, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. Mr. Green reviewed the previously approved elevations and materials of the condominium buildings; lighting and land- scaping of the entire site; ground signs, guardhouses and recreation buildings. He also reviewed the site plan. The development will be located between Checker Road and Church Road; East of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course and West of Buffalo Grove Road. The five condo buildings will be adjacent to the golf course. The six (6) townhome buildings will be along the eastern portion, adjacent to single family homes. A color rendering was presented. There will be 4 - 3 unit buildings and 2 - 4 unit buildings. The 4 - unit buildings will have the first unit repeated on the other end. The floor plans were described. The townhomes will be large 2-story units, all with 2-door, 2-car garages. The Chicago brownstone style of the condominium buildings will be retained. The same brick, brick coursing, stained cedar siding, stone and stone sills will be used. The roof will be pitched with dormers and gables to break up the roof masses. Com. Larsen asked about the large blank brick elevation that will usually be used next to each other with the exception of the end unit facing Checker Road. This amount of brick will not be attractive. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Five Mr. Green agreed and suggested that all these elevations be modified with a continuation of the brick coursing and the repetition of the arched brick relief pattern between the windows. Right side elevation will have the brick keystone and brick rowloc treatment around the window. This treatment was acceptable to the Commissioners. Lighting: Mr. Green distributed cut sheets of the Coachlight fixture by Sternberg, #21 LF W CTA. It will have a matt white color finish with amber glass. The same fixture will be used at all the garage pillars, at the front and rear doors. Exterior Materials List: Mr. Green presented and described the materials board. A list, dated June 30, 1989 was also submitted: The kingsize brick #1110, mfg. Texas Clay Industries, and Stone, Standard Buff Indiana Limestone will match the condomin- ium buildings. The casement windows will be Off-White, mfg. by Weathershield. Single french doors, near the bay windows, open to the patios. Trim will be Navajo White, . Cedar siding finish is Cedar Colored Olympic Stain. Asphalt Shake Shingles - #330, mfg. by Globe Industries, Inc. Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the elevations and materials for the Manchester Greens Townhomes, as submitted, with the exception of the left side elevation which the petitioner agrees to modify with additional brick pattern. The petitioner also agrees to treat the windows on the right side elevations with the keystone and brick rowloc around the window. And the belt course mill be extended as discussed. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Weissman, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Cam. Bruno made a motion to approve the Light Fixture as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Bruno, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. �./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Six Ch. Larsen asked John Green about the V-shaped sign on Busch Road. There seems to be different copy of each sign, one for Manchester Greens and one for Scarsdale. Mr. Green had no knowledge of the signage. Mr. Matt was asked to research the approved copy and sign permit. VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS The following announcements were made: 1 . The roof of the Hilcrest Motel is Slate Grey as designated in the minutes. It is darker than the AC envisioned. 2. The light shields of the Federal Express building have been approved and will be installed soon. 3. The post of the small metal village directional sign on Lake/Cook Road is still leaning. Coen. Bremner recommended that the sign be straightened, if it is needed; or removed. 4. Com. Bruno reported that the window signs at Spoerlein Farm have increased again. b. Ch. Larsen reported that the Learning Post at Plaza Verde has about 90% window coverage. 6. Ch. Larsen reported that the Pulte ads for Cherbourg emphasize that skylights may be placed wherever they are desired. He recalled that the AC limited skylights to the rear elevations. Some units have several skylights in front. 7. Com. Weissman has been questioned about the berms at Cherbourg. They are being landscaped on the Pulte side. Will landscaping be provided on the Highland Point side? VII . ADJOURNMENT. Cam. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Ehrhardt seconded. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 13, 1989 - Page Seven