1991-12-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , DECEMBER 12 . 1991 CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Ed Larsen, the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Charisse Bruno at 7 : 40 P.M. on Thursday . December 12 , 1991 , at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : C. Bruno , R. Gordon, F . Weissman and A. Viehman QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : E. Larsen and D. Ehrhardt Bldg . Dept . Liaison: James Kelly , Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 21 , 1991 - Page Seven - Country Court Awnings Com. Gordon, referring to his comment about there being some pastel blue detailing on the center , said he has seen color and it is more of a steel blue . He was uncertain how the color will blend with the proposed teal blue/green awnings . Motion to approve the November 21 , 1991 minutes as submitted , with the above noted comment , was made by Com. Gordon and seconded by Com. Weissman. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman , Gordon and Bruno NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Minutes of November 21 , 1991 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. Mobil Oil Signage - Dunkin' Donuts Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road Cancelled . B. Michael ' s Chicago-Style Red Hots , Woodland Commons Variance recommendation for sign on the south elevation The presentation was made by William Mc Donald , Signs of Distinction , 149 S . Wheeling Road , Wheeling , IL 60090 . Mr . Mc Donald explained that the Michael ' s space , H 5 & 7 is on a corner of the building . A variance for a second wall sign on the south elevation is necessary . The proposed sign is identi- L cal to the approved sign on the west elevation and would give exposure to west bound traffic on Half Day Road . Mr . Mc Donald explained that Zale intended to permit Michael ' s to have the second sign and was written into the lease . The location is similar to the Blockbuster Video sign that was granted a variation on the southwest elevation. Ch. Bruno said she is familiar with the shopping center and agreed it is difficult to see the signs on the west elevation when approaching on the angle of Half Day Road. She asked Mr . Kelly if there were any comments from the Building Dept . ? Mr . Kelly responded that the sign requires a variance because the sign does not technically face the right-of-way as defined in the Sign Code . There were no other comments or objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board of Trustees that a variance be granted Michael ' s Chicago-Style Red Hots that would permit a second wall sign on the south elevation , with the stipulation that the sign is per the exhibit . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman . Gordon and Bruno NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet December 17 , 1991 . ..'' C . Windbrooke Apartments on Busch Parkway - Detached Garages The presentation was made by Larry Basil , Basil Architects , 181 Waukegan Road , Suite 101 , Northfield , IL 60093 ; 441-9600 . Ch. Bruno informed Mr . Basil that because a change in the annexation agreement is required , the Appearance Commission will review the proposed garages and make a recommendation, but it will not be sent to the Village Board before the Plan Commission holds the public hearing. He said he understood this would be a preliminary review of the concept of the proposed garages . He was asked to study the possibility of adding garage amenities to Windbrooke Apartments and will appreciate having the aesthetic review before going to the Plan Commission. Other apartment complexes in the Chicago- land area that are finding that garages are a helpful means of attracting tenants who want to keep their vehicles protected . Eight detached garage buildings have been recommended . Some would be double-loaded from the existing asphalt and some would be single loaded . There would be one row of garage doors . Three goals were important in selecting the locations for the buildings . 1 ) The view , because they did not want to encroach or constrict the open feeling when driving through Windbrooke . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 12 , 1991 - Page Two 2) They wanted to avoid relocation of the underground utilities i . e . storm sewers , sanitary sewers , etc . This was done . 3) They did not want to disturb any landscaped areas . When the final version of the site plan has been completed , they hope to have the Theodore Brickman Co . add landscaping . The garages will be constructed with the same exterior materials as the existing buildings : Buff colored aluminum siding , light brown/beige asphalt roof shingles , with off-white corner boards and rake boards on the eves . A list of manufacturers will be provided when exact materials are selected . The existing shutters and windows will be matched . The garage doors will be a flush design, perhaps a rough sawn finish masonite product to add some texture , but they will not be a raised panel type of board. Mr . Basil submitted a colored rendering of the view when driving north, showing proposed garage building #2 set into the exist- ing landscaped berm. This is a single loaded , 8-bay garage . The existing refuse areas have been incorporated into the garage structures with matching siding , without roofs . They will have cedar double-leaf gates for access into the refuse areas . Com. Gordon asked if the garages would have to come back for final Appearance Commission approval after the Plan Commission has recommended the annexation amendment? Mr . Kelly replied that if significant changes were made , the Appearance Commission would be asked to review them. Mr . Basil said he does not anticipate any problem with location or landscaping . There are 236 units with 85 proposed garages . Ownership wants to phase the construction of the garages , so that after one group is rented , they will build more , etc . Ch. Bruno commented that this was done at Twelve Oaks in Arlington Heights and it has been very successful . Com. Gordon agreed the concept is good , but observed that Garage #1 , the largest building with 17 bays , is the first thing that is seen when entering Windbrooke . He does not object to the proposal , only the location of this one building . Mr . Basil explained that the view is of the gable end , which is the smallest elevation. The garages are stepped back toward the west and the tenant ' s bedrooms overlook them. The combination of the landscaping and the offset changes the perspective . Mr . John Rockey, representative of Rreef Funds , Oakbrook , IL was present . He said that questionnaires have been sent out and the response of the existing tenants has been very good . Prospective tenants have been seeking garages and have chosen other locations because they are not yet available . Renderings have not been placed in the rental office . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 12 , 1991 - Page Three The various garage locations were reviewed. Com. Gordon observed that Garage No . 5 is in close proximity to the building and asked what that elevation of the apartment building is like? Mr . Basil said this was considered and he does not think there are any windows on the end elevation. Photographs of the exist- buildings were distributed and discussed . Com. Weissman asked what the cost differential between flush garage doors and raised panel doors would be? Mr . Basil estimated that on a door-by-door basis the cost would be approximately $200 . 00 , but when multiplied by 85 , it would be a considerable difference . Com. Weissman expressed the opinion that raised panel doors would enhance the entire project and that the cost would be recouped within a short period of time . Ch. Bruno agreed and Mr . Basil said that from an aesthetic point of view, this is correct . Mr . Basil said he would submit an estimate for raised panel doors to the owners . Com. Gordon asked Mr . Kelly about the Building Code regarding fire walls . Would the garage bays be permitted without fire walls? Mr . Kelly responded that the type of construction has not been reviewed by the Building Department . Mr . Basil said that this issue was discussed with Robert Pfeil , Village Planner , Dominic Saviano , Fire Marshall and Richard Kuenkler , Village Engineer . The later editions of the BOCA Code has eliminated some of the party wall restrictions . They were concerned about using dry walls because of maintenance and so they are proposing cyclone fencing between bays , to provide some security and be less of a maintenance issue . Com. Weissman suggested using dry wall on one side because it would give people the opportunity of putting in shelves for storage . Mr . Basil said they wanted to discourage using the garage area for storage of anything except vehicles . Regarding landscaping , Mr . Basil said they are not removing any plant material and any addition landscaping will be submitted for review. APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 12 , 1991 - Page Four LIGHTING: The location of exterior lighting fixtures , shown on Sheet A-2 , was reviewed . There will be no additional post lights . There will be timed lights on the inside of the garage . When the garage door opens , the light goes on for a short period of time . They can be programed to remain on for as long as four minutes and there will be power outlets to be used for trouble lights , etc . Mr . Basil said they also want to discourage any auto repairs . Com. Gordon said he has no problem approving the concept and aesthetics of the proposed garages but said he was reluctant to give complete approval before the Plan Commission meeting . Com. Weissman suggested giving the Plan Commission preliminary approval of the concept , aesthetics and lighting , etc . , then after the re-annexation has been granted , the Appearance Commis- sion can make a final recommendation to the Village Board . Mr . Basil agreed and said this was his original understanding of the purpose of the aesthetic review. Com. Viehman made the following recommendation to the Plan Commission regarding the garages proposed for the Windbrooke Apartments : 1 . The Appearance Commission has no problem with the concept of the proposed garages , including the use of materials that match the original construction, i . e . colors of roof , siding . trim, etc . 2 . The Appearance Commission recommends that the flush garage doors be changed to raised panel doors . 3 . No landscaping is to be removed and any additional landscaping will be submitted for AC review. 4 . The proposed lighting is appropriate for the aesthetic concept of the garages . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Bruno NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. Note: Regarding the location of the garages , Com. Viehman commented that Mr . Basil ' s explanation and agreement not to disturb existing landscaping and underground drainage . etc . limited the placement of the buildings . The off-set design and raised panels would aesthetically break up the monotony. APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 12 , 1991 - Page Five Ch. Bruno had no reservations about placement , but agreed it would be better to permit the Plan Commission to address this issue , considering the greater advantage to the tenants to be able to have a garage . Copies of these minutes will be dis- tributed to the members of the Plan Commission. Com. Weissman agreed that garages will be advantageous and raised panel garage doors would break up the mass of the buildings . Mr . Basil commented that there are other features to be seen at the entrance , such as the gazebo to the right . The natural screening will soften the effect and when driving through the apartment complex , people will only have a glimpse of the garag- es . Com. Gordon stated that it is really the responsibility of the Plan Commission to review the over-all site plan. He agreed that the proposed stepped back arrangement , due to the topo- graphy , will help the aesthetic view considerably. D. Children' s World - Rt . 83 and Busch Road - Full Review Cancelled . V . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Kelly was asked to verify that the Harris Bank signs have a dark bronze background. They appear to be black . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Bruno adjourned the meeting at 8 : 37 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 12 , 1991 - Page Six