1991-11-21 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1991 I . CALL TO ORDER Com. Charisse Bruno called the special meeting to order at 7 :40 P.M. on Thursday, November 21 , 1991 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , C. Bruno , R. Gordon, F . Weissman, A. Viehman and E. Larsen (Ch. Larsen arrived at 7 : 50 P.M. ) (Com. Weissman left at 8 : 15 P.M. ) Bldg . Dept . Liaison: James F . Kelly, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 24 , 1991 - Com. Gordon made a motion to approve as submitted Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon and Viehman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Minutes of October 24 , 1991 approved and will be placed on file . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Old Farm Village - Revised identification sign Corner or Busch Road and Weiland Road Presentation was made by Ed Handelman, President of the Home- owners Association, %Highcrest Management , 755 Janes Avenue , Suite 3202 , Woodridge , IL 65017 . Attn: Ms . Maxine Lustig . A new drawing has been submitted that includes colors . The size has been reduced to 108-1/4" x 41-3/4 ' - totaling 31 . 45 sf and now meets the 32 sf size limitation of Sign Code , Section 14 . 20 . 010 B - Multiple Family Identification signs . The height has also been reduced to five feet (5 ' ) and meets the require- ment of Sign Code, Section 14 . 20 .010 E. The required 25 ft . setback will be met . The base of the sign will be landscaped. There were no questions or objections . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Old Farm Village identification sign as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno . Weissman, Viehman NAY - None Motion passed - 4 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS A. Mid-America Real Estate Sign - Chase Plaza Southeast corner of Lake Cook entrance Ms . Peggy Sheehan, Mid-America Real Estate, Two Mid-America Plaza, Suite 330 , Oak Brook Terrace , IL 60181 (954-7300) made the presentation of the corporate sign they propose to erect at the southeast corner of the Lake Cook entrance to Chase Plaza . There are three (3) vacant stores on Arlington Heights Road and people do not see them because of the hedges . The sign will attract brokers scouting stores for retailers . The sign will only be left in place until all the store are rented. The 6 x 6 sf . sign will be double faced . Posts will be 4 feet , painted white and the sign will be set back ten feet . The Mid- America colors are PMS 027C (Blue) and 362C (Green) on White background with the telephone number background PMS 381C . There were no questions or objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Mid- America leasing sign for Chase Plaza as submitted , with the stipulation that the poles are painted white . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman and Viehman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen (arrived during discussion) Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Ch. Ed Larsen chaired the remainder of the meeting . B. First United Realty Sign for Williamsburg Estates Old Arlington Heights Road Ms . Sophia Braurer , First United Realty , 210 W. Northwest Hwy. , Arlington Heights , IL 60004 (253- 3800) was present . The sign will be 4 ' x 8 ' and posts will be 1 ' painted white . It will located in front of the model on Lot 13 at Williamsburg Estates There were no questions or objections . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the First United Realty sign as submitted. Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Two C. Hilton Garden Inn (Formerly Crest Hil ) Sign Face Changes Presentation was made by Joseph Wilson, General Partner of Hilton Garden Inn, 900 Lake Cook Road , B.G. , IL 60089 and Robert Bogart , Federal Sign Corporation. Mr . Bogart described the sign faces . The background will be white with dark blue lettering , PMS 302 . The logo is a fading out letter H and the color is Red , PMS 200 . The base will have a texcote finish that resembles concrete - color tan. Mr . Bogart asked for the option to paint the cabinet either white or matching the dark blue. There were no objections . Mr . Wilson said the design is the new corporate logo for all Hilton Garden Inns . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the sign face changes as submitted for the Hilton Garden Inn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . D. Talman Home Federal Savings - Directional Sign Face Change George Woock , White Way Sign and Maintenance Company, 1317 N. Clybourn Avenue , Chicago , IL 60610 (312) 642-6580 explained that the Talman Home Bank wants to add Cash Station to the drive-in entrance sign. There is an existing wall sign. There were no questions or objections . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the sign face change of the Talman Home drive-in sign as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . E. Harris Bank - Wall Signs Buffalo Grove Road and Half Day Road Presentation was made by George Woock , White Way Sign and Maintenance Company , 1317 N. Clybourn Avenue , Chicago , IL 60610 (312) 642-6580 and Mr . Robert Sharp, Bank Officer . Mr . Sharp explained that the original Harris Bank wall signs were approved consisting of individual letters . Photographs of the completed building were submitted. After the building was constructed , the architect realized the two walls were offices . APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Three It would not be possible to bring the electric service into the building without marring the walls , so they are proposing box signs with routed out copy. At night , the appearance will be similar to the individual letters . The letters will be white on a black background . The directional signs will have black copy on white background . Ch. Larsen observed that the black background would not be compatible with the brown tones of the building and he suggest- ed a bronze anodized aluminum background . This would also match the window mullions . The metal edging on the entrance signs could also be dark bronze anodized aluminium. The Commissioners agreed with the changes and the representa- tives did not object . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Harris Bank signs as changed from individual letters to box signs with the stipulation that the background of the wall signs and the metal edging on the three entrance signs will be dark bronze anodized aluminum to match the window mullions . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . F . De Grazia Company - Corporate Office and Bank Site For Sale or Lease Sign - Rt . 83 and Buffalo Grove Road Mr . Jack Metzger , Diamond Outdoor Advertising , 1200 E . Golf Rd. P. O. Box 121 , Des Plaines , IL 60016 (827-1771 ) presented a color rendering and described the sign and location. It will be a single faced 10' x 12 ' sign. Colors will be #116 ivory and #144 green with a stained cedar plywood base . It will be situated per the site plan with a minimum setback of 14 feet from each right-of-way. The background of the sign will be painted grey. The back of the sign will be against bushes . There were no questions or objections . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the sign as submitted by the De Grazia Company at Route 83 and Buffalo Grove Road , subject to meeting the setback regulations . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Com. Weissman left at 8 : 15 P.M. to attend Park Dist . meeting. APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Four G. Angus Chemical Company - Identification Sign Postponed until after Item J . H. Country Court - Awnings Postponed until end of meeting. I . Roslyn Woods - Prairie Road Additional Models and Elevations Presentation was made by Mr . Robert Nielsen. V. P. of Hoffman Homes , 300 Park Blvd . , Suite 515 , Itasca , IL 60143 (250-7878) . Mr . Neilsen reviewed the October 1990 submittal of 6 models on 44 lots , zoned R-4 , averaging 11 , 500 square feet . This is the first project that includes a conservatory of nursery trees . Of the 6 models , 4 have been successful but the 2 highest priced models have not sold. ' They would like to delete models 65 and 67 ; and replace them with models 20 and 42 . A site plan was presented and Mr . Nielsen explained how the Buffalo Grove Monotony Code is met by pre-establishing models on specific lots and so informing the marketing people. Drawings of the six (6) previous models and elevations were exhibited . Models 65 and 67 were removed and replaced with models 20 and 42 , named The Cherbourg and The Beaumont . Each of the new models has three (3) elevations . They range from 2 , 337 sq. ft . to 3 , 168 sq . ft . After comparing the models and elevations , it was agreed that there is no problem with the Monotony Code . Mr . Nielsen said 37 of the 44 lots have contracts , so only 7 lots are left . As to the status of the project , construction of the houses is underway , curbs will be put in this week and asphalt will be poured next week . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of Hoffman Homes substitution of all elevations of Models 65 and 67 with Models 20 and 42 as submitted. Each model having 3 elevations . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed 5 to 0 . J. Grove Court - Ground Sign Face Change on Buffalo Grove Road Mr . David Rhodes , Brian Properties , 2045 S. Arlington Hts. Rd. , Arlington Heights , IL 60006 (640-1500) described the existing sign. It consists of two panels . The top one is 6 'x 10 ' reading: GROVE COURT. Below the main panel is a 3 'x 10 ' panel reading: Royal Home Entertainment Center , a business that is no longer a tenant at Grove Court . APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Five Mr . Rhodes said the sign has been re-designed with the Grove Court portion, 1/3 of the sign, to be 3 'x 10 ' and three lower panels , each 2 ' x 10 ' , with two tenant names on each panel . The sign will be exactly the same overall size . Two major tenants are shown on the diagram and Mr . Rhodes doesn ' t know what other tenants will be displayed. Com . Gordon asked how important it is for tenants to be identi- fied on such a sign. He is concerned with giving 2/3 of the sign to 6 feature tenants . There is no actual major tenant . Mr . Rhodes said such signs are helpful to the tenants . It is difficult to design such a sign because they don' t actually know how many tenants will be occupying the center . Stores can lease more than one space. Ch. Larsen commented that the steel structure is not being changed so the AC cannot dictate the size of GROVE COURT. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the remodeling of the Grove Court ground sign as submitted with no more than six tenant panels . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Viehman, Larsen NAY - Gordon ABSTAIN - None Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . Com. Gordon said he is concerned because the tenant panels have been made a larger portion of the sign than the center name . G. Angus Chemical Company - 1400 E. Lake Cook Road Identification Sign John Johnson, C. Johnson Sign Company , 9615 Waveland Avenue , Franklin Park , IL 61030 presented a new diagram of the sign. He showed a color rendering and described it . The background will be cream with green lettering and Hamilton Partners Development will be gold on green. The four foot (4 ' ) posts will be cream to match the background . The sign will be single-faced and will be situated on the planted berm on the east side of the driveway parallel to Lake Cook Road . It will meet the required twelve foot ( 12 ' ) setback . There were no questions or objections . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Angus Chemical Company identification sign as submitted . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon, Bruno , Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to O. APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Six H. Country Court - Dundee Road and Betty Drive Review of Proposed Awnings Mr . Kelly said Marshall Atlas , owner of Country Court and president of Atlas Realty Company, 666 Vernon Avenue , Glencoe , IL 60022 , called to say he could not come to the meeting . A color rendering of the Country Court Shopping Center . with a sample of the proposed teal blue/green awning , was reviewed . The identification signs above the awning are red. Com. Gordon recalled that some of the detailing on the center is a pastel blue and the proposed teal blue/green will not blend. Ch. Larsen commented that the awnings will improve the center . The fabric must have UL listing. The Commissioners were in general agreement that the awning will improve the appearance of the center . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed awning for Country Court Shopping Center as submitted . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno , Viehman and Larsen NAY - Gordon Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Kelly said Frank Hruby , Director of Building and Zoning , is going to schedule a Sign Code Workshop for the purpose of clarifying some of the ambiguous language . The AC commissioners were asked to submit suggestions to Ed Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner , for consideration. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com . Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted , 24.44L:Ateill Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 21 , 1991 - Page Seven