1991-10-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY . OCTOBER 10 , 1991 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 47 P. M. on Thursday . October 10 . 1991 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : R. Gordon , A. Viehman and E. Larsen QUORUM PRESENT Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt , C . Bruno and F . Weissman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: James Kelly , Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sept . 26 . 1991 - Commissioners who attended are absent . Com. Gordon made a motion to TABLE . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE Unanimously . Minutes of September 26 . 1991 TABLED. HIV. BUSINESS A . El Burrito Grande - Wall Sign Plaza Verde at 1365 W. Dundee Road Mike Graff , Owner and Penny Hughes . Hughes & Son Signs , P.O. Box 367 , 652 W. Terra Cotta , Crystal Lake , IL 60014 (815 ) 459-1887 . The letters are not Helvetica Medium. They are orange with red stripes , green trim caps and green returns . The store- front is 18 feet in length and the sign will be 14 feet . The sign has the approval of Eric Maletsky , Plaza Verde Manager . but does not meet the written Sign Criteria for two reasons : 1 . Letter style is limited to Helvetica Medium. 2 . The color green is not on the approved list . Ch. Larsen and the Commissioners had no objections . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the El Burrito Grande at Plaza Verde as presented . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon. Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . B. Pumping Stations - Reservoir #2- Arlington Heights Road Renovation and New Construction - Full Review The presentation was made by Mr . Gregory Boysen. Director of Public Works ; Bruce Jacobs and Eric Uries , Strand Associates ; 910 W . Wingra Drive . Madison , Wisconsin 53715 (608) 251-4843 . Mr . Boysen summarized the proposed construction of a new Reservoir and renovation of Pumphouse #2 . Implementation of this project is necessary for the maintenance of high quality water service to the Village . It is one of a multiple group of long-range planned projects for the water system . The first phase of the project was the construction of Reservoir #7 and this is the second phase . The new pumphouse building will house the standard equipment that will economically utilize the water capacity of the existing facility. The original pumphouse building will be retained to accommodate the existing well and maintain the chlorination equipment for the Village water . Renovation will include a new roof and new screen wall installation around the existing transformer . There may be an opportunity to eliminate the transformer . The existing driveway will be improved. A new recreational parking lot is also being proposed as part of this project to serve the playground , soccer field and other recreational activities . Due to current funding limita- tions , the Park District may not be able to implement the construction of the parking lot until a later date . In this event , the area will be prepared as much as possible now , so that future modification will require minimal expense . The Village has been well satisfied with the excellent plan- ning design and construction phases of the past projects that Strand Associates have completed and they have been retained for this project . Bruce Jacobs , Project Engineer , described the Village water pumping stations numbered 1 , 2 . 6 and 7 . Station #7 is now under construction and Station #2 will be followed with improvements to Station #6 . If demands continue to increase at the maximum projected rate . an eighth station will be necessary . Presently , the Village is attempting to implement the water conservation ethic among the population and this should significantly decrease the maximum rates of demand . Improvement of Stations #7 and #2 should be adequate to pro- vide water through 1995 , followed by the improvement of Station #6 and that should be adequate until the year 2000 Mr . Jacobs described the site plan. The access to the existing pumphouse will be repaved and an area to the west will be paved to provide an access area to the well maintenance equip- ment . The chlorination facilities will be improved . A new roof will be added and the wooden section of the building will be replaced with brick and block . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 10 . 1991 - Page Two The pumping capacity will be provided at the new building at south end at the reservoir . This building will house four (4) 100-housepower pumps , piping , flow meters , chlorination equipment and an emergency generator in the event of power failure . Overflow improvements will be made on the east end of the reservoir and a new storm sewer will be installed to conduct overflow away from the overflows to the storm sewer . If funds are not available to provide the parking lot for the Park District , the site plan will be modified and the proposed extended parking lot will be left as a grassy area. 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: a . Brick - Reddish color , Glen Gery , #847 - Rawhide b . Louvers and fascia - Dark bronze aluminum c . Vertical metal siding - Colonial red d . Roofs of both buildings - Teak e . Sections on the east and north sides of the existing pump house are to be replaced with brick and block. f . A double door will be installed next to the deep well for a skylight to provide access to the deep well in case it needs to be pulled for maintenance . A contrasting color for the soldier coursing , of use of a ground face tile (8" x 16" ) in place of the soldier coursing was discussed . It was agreed that matching brick , projected 1 /2 inch, would give the building some detail and keep its residential appearance . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the new pumping station #2 and existing wellhouse as presented . with the 1 /2 inch projection of the brick soldier coursing . as noted . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s Review , dated October 8 , 1991 . is attached . Mr . Ray Rigsby requests that the landscape plan be approved as submitted . Com. Viehman so moved . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to O . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 10 , 1991 - Page Three 3 . LIGHTING: The wall mounted light fixtures are E8 Deep Shielded so that they are completely cut off . The luminaire housing wraps down and around the bulbs , so that light is thrown only two feet (2 ' ) from the building at 2 footcandle power . There will be soffit mounted lights at the rear of the existing building but they should not cast any glare . There are lights along the Arlington Heights Road side . Should the Park District proceed with their part of the project and want any stanchion lights , Ch. Larsen asked that they be submitted to the Appearance Commission for review and approval . Mr . Boysen said that to his knowledge no lights are being proposed but . should this change . he agreed to submit them. Com . Gordon made a motion to approve the Lighting for the Pumphouse No . 2 project as submitted . Com . Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman. Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . NOTE: When Mr . Schar reviewed these plans , he observed that the height of the fence surrounding the transformer is over five feet (5 ' ) . I (Shirley Bates ) informed the petitioners that the Fence Code limits height to five feet . Mr . Uries said the transformer is not high and they could meet the limitation. Mr . Uries described the proposed screening . The front end (west elevation) will be brick to match the walls and the sides will be wood louvered slats stained dark brown to match the dark bronze aluminum . In the event that the transformer is eliminated , the fence will not be necessary . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Larsen announced that the Village Board approved the Woodland Commons ground signs . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 47 P.M. Respectfully submitted , �./ Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 10 , 1991 - Page Four TO: Ed Scharr, Acting Deputy Building Commissioner FROM: Raymond 0. Rigsby, Superintendent of Public Works Operations DATE: October 8, 1991 RE: LANDSCAPE PLAN REVIEW - BUFFALO GROVE PUMP HOUSE #2 Ed, the Public Works Department staff has worked very closely with Strand Associates Inc. in developing the landscape plan for the new pump house on Arlington Heights Road. The plan consists of foundation plantings on the west and south side of the building. Foundation plantings on the north and east elevations cannot be planted because of the reservoir location and the need to move around this end of the building to remove and repair pumps. Planted berms have been provided to screen the parking lot from the residents to the east. Plant material proposed to the south and west of the parking lot should provide adequate screening of the lot. The lot is not intended to be used after dark. Norway Maples and a Colorado Blue Spruce are located to the east of the building to interrupt the long building line while providing color in the fall. I respectfully request that the Appearance Commission approve the landscape plan as submitted. If yo .ave any questions regarding this landscape plan, please let me kn.,. hAd Ra on' i Rigsby ROR/vk