1991-06-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JUNE 13 . 1991 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 F. M. on Thursday, June 13 , 1991 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , F . Weissman, R. Gordon , A. Viehman and E. Larsen. Quorum Present . Commissioners Absent : C . Bruno Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Acting Deputy Building Commissioner Building Inspector : James Kelly III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 23 . 1991 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com . Weissman. Motion seconded by Com. Viehman. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman, Gordon , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Minutes of May 23 , 1991 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. Sports Express Chernin Shoes Sign Face Change - Plaza Verde The presentation was made by Steve Vavrek , North Shore Sign, 1925 Industrial Drive , Libertyville , IL 60048 (708) 816-7020 and John Reid , General Manager of Chernin' s at Plaza Verde . Mr . Vavrek described the proposed additional signage to be mounted east of the existing sign. Sports Express will be non-illuminated (matching) red letters with bronze trim caps . A special area has been remodeled to feature sports equipment . Ch. Larsen recalled that this is an anchor store and the original signage for Chernin' s Shoes was approved by Marvin Hymen, former owner of Plaza Verde . When a variance for a ground sign was denied , Chernin' s elected to put up the maximum size permitted by the Buffalo Grove Sign Code (5 ' 8-1/2" x 65 ' ) . The proposed sign has been approved by Eric Maletsky , President of Malet Realty , Authorized Agent for Buffalo Grove Associates . `./ This will be a pilot sign and if the advertising is successful , it will be used at their other stores . The Plaza Verde Sign Criteria was reviewed and Ch. Larsen informed the petitioners that the proposed signage does not meet the specifications of letter style (Helvetica Medium) or size (two feet 2 ' or less) and is more than the signable area. The Appearance Commission can make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals to review the signage and the ZBA can recommend that a variance be granted by the Village Board . A suggestion was made that window signs could be used if they do not exceed the allowed 1 /3 amount of window coverage . After conferring , Mr . Vavrek and Mr . Reid requested that a recommendation be made for a variance . They will be using Sports Express in their advertising and the sign is necessary. It was determined that the sign will be within the store frontage area . It is lower than the Chernin' s sign band . Ch. Larsen asked if the size of Sports could be reduced from a total height of seven feet ( 7 ' ) and if Express can be reduced from 30 inches down to 24 inch letters and the total length be reduced from 33 feet to about 25 feet? The Sign Criteria specifies 24 inch maximum sized letters . Other Plaza Verde signs two feet (2 ' ) in height can be seen from Dundee Road . Since Mr . Vavrek and Mr . Reid do not have the authority to agree to make any changes . They requested a recommendation for a variance relative to the proposed sign as submitted . They will relay the AC' s suggestion to reduce the size and , if necessary, a compromise could be made with the Zoning Board . Ch. Larsen responded that the AC may not give a positive recom- mendation for the sign as submitted and it would be better to go to the ZBA with a reduced sign. He suggested moving the Express letters closer together and reducing the total height of Sports . He also commented that non-illuminated letters would not be seen at night , so the sign would be useless during fall and winter evening shopping hours . The Commissioners discussed the sign and agreed that it is too large for a favorable recommendation to the ZBA for variance . Mr . Reid understood and asked for the recommendation of a variance for the sign as presented . `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Two Com. Ehrhardt made a motion in opposition of recommending a variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board for the Sports Express addition to the Chernin' s Shoes sign, as submitted to the Appearance Commission. It was further stated that the AC would probably be in favor of a variance if the sign was to be reduced by 20% to 25% ( for that area) . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion in opposition to variance passed by vote of 5 to 0 . Representatives were informed that an application for variance can be obtained at the Building Department . The filing dead- line date for the July 16 , 1991 ZBA public hearing is next Tuesday , June 18 , 1991 . B. Steeple View Condominiums - Entrance Signs on Lake Cook Road Review for recommendation for variance to ZBA Dennis Hughes , H & H Management , 15 East Palatine Road , Prospect Heights , IL 60070 (708) 808-1818 , made the presen- tation. The proposed signs will be 5 ' x 2 ' with 2 ' posts . They will be constructed of redwood with stained copy. Colors will be blue copy on a brown background with brown posts . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Hughes that a variance is necessary for one of the signs because they would be less than 250 feet apart at the entrance on Armstrong Drive . A permit could be issued for one sign before the variance is granted . The Appearance Commissioners had no objections . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of a variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board of Trustees for the Steeple View Condominium entrance signs as submitted. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Three C. First American Bank - Security Lighting Mr . Robert Hill and Mr . John DeMarco . First American Bank , 1 Bank Lane , B.G. made the presentation. Mr . Hill explained that security lighting at all First American Banks is being increased for. several reasons . After several robberies occurred and a woman was killed while using a cash station machine , an ATM Task Force Advisory Committee was established by Alderman Burke and Police Supt . Leroy Martin. An ATM security check list was published as a result of the study and First American reanalyzed the lighting at all 19 locations . The following changes have been instituted : 1 . Cameras have been installed that record all activity in and around the ATM booths . 2 . Drive up ATM windows have been installed at all locations . 3 . All interior vestibule units have card access entry doors . 4 . All obstructions , including landscaping , have been removed. The lighting is the last phase of the increased protection for the Buffalo Grove facility. Interior lighting has also been increased and cameras also record vestibule activity. The Appearance Commissioners had no objections or questions . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of additional security lighting as submitted by First American Bank . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D. Humana/Health Care Plans/Michael Reese 400 Mc Henry Road , Wall Sign on the East Elevation George Del Cotto , Construction Manager for Michael Reese Health Plan, with Matacha Associates , 4 S. Walker Avenue , Clarendon Hills , IL 60514 (708) 920-1641 described the box sign and said it will be the only identification on the building. The front of the building faces north and the sign will be on the east elevation toward Mc Henry Road . Felt green letters which stand out from the sign and will have a white lexan background panel with white neon tubing that will give the sign a halo effect . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Four The Commissioners discussed lowering the sign to the brick portion of the building , but decided it would be obscured by the berms and landscaping . Ch. Larsen observed that the proposed letters will appear to be black at night and said it will be very difficult to get light through the Cross/H if constructed as described . He suggested a routed out sign face that would permit light to come through the green letters . Mr . Del Cotto said the developers had seen the Little Company of Mary Hospital sign and want the same effect . They hope to open the facility by August 1st and need the sign by that time . A sign company has not been chosen and the bids have not been clarified , so he cannot definitely say how the sign will be constructed. Ch. Larsen made a sketch of the Cross/H suggesting a way to construct it . He explained the construction to Mr . Del Cotto . The Cross/H could be built as one 4" deep perimeter box . The solid portion would be metal and the cross portion would be white plastic with painted stripes . The box would have neon inside that shines out the back creating silhouette lighting. The rest of the letters would be also be silhouette illumin- ated . He suggested covering the back of the letters with clear lexan to keep the birds from building nests . This type of sign would be very nice . The back of the sign could be scalloped to fit the brick courses and since the background is to match the brick , he suggested lowering the sign so that it is just above the first course ( leaving one stripe) . Mr . Del Cotto agreed that Ch. Larsen' s diagram was helpful . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the sign for Humana/Health Care Plans/Michael Reese , as described and depicted on the drawing , with the stipulation that it be positioned low enough to rest upon the first alternate color of the brick coursing . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Five E. Roslyn Woods Sales Trailer - Hoffman Homes Lots 26 & 27 , West of Prairie Road Mr . Robert Nielsen, Vice President , Land Development and Engineering , Hoffman Homes , 300 Park Boulevard , Suite 515 , Itasca , IL 60143-2633 (708) 250-7878 , described the sub- division. The property is triangular shaped , zoned R-4 , and consists of 44 lots . It is situated west of Prairie Road , south of the Mormon Church property and bounded on the west by railroad tracks . Six models are being offered , ranging from 2 , 300 to 3 , 200 square feet and the price range of $237 , 000 to $295 ,000 . They have 15 contract purchasers . The land was formerly part of the Fiore Nursery and has a large conservatory area from which trees will be marked and saved , or transplanted to locations within the subdivision, or Buffalo Grove parks . The 24 ' x 48 ' sales trailer will be located on Lots 26 and 27 . The double trailer has a porch with twin canvas covered peaks connected by a lattice trellis over the doorway . Mr . Nielsen presented photographs of a similar trailer used at Burr Ridge . The entryway will be constructed with weather treated wood and the canvas awnings will be maroon color . The front area will be bermed with trees and shrubs . A landscaping plan was not submitted but there is an inventory of all the Fiore trees and the Village Board was very specific in requiring the trees to be protected and kept within the area or transplanted elsewhere in Buffalo Grove . An Austrian Pine was moved to the center of Roslyn Court for accent . The Commissioners had no objections to the proposed trailer . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Sales Trailer as submitted by Hoffman Homes for Roslyn Woods . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Mr . Schar distributed copies of the Williamsburg Estates Color Packages . The developer , Carl Kupfer , has requested mixing the approved colors in different combinations to meet the preferences of purchasers . There have also been requests to eliminate the shutters from some houses . The Commissioners had no objections to the proposal . APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Six • Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the changes to the Williamsburg Estates Color Packages as requested , including elimination of shutters on some models . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman , Gordon , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Ch. Larsen distributed an announcement from Chipper ' s Restaurant that a 15% discount will be given to all Village Commissioners upon presentation of their identification cards . C. Mr . Schar introduced James Kelly , Building Inspector , who was present to observe how the Appearance Commission functions . Jim was welcomed ! D. Mr . Schar has tried to contact Nissan about the excessive window signs , but the person who is responsible has not been available . E. The Broasterie has filled their windows with signs again. F . There is a real estate sign on a fence at Thompson Blvd . and Buffalo Grove Road advertising a Scarsdale house for sale . Mr . Kelly was asked to look for the sign and remr've it . G. The Village Board approved the tcmporary sign for the Harris Trust at Woodland Commons , but Mr . Schar does not know where it will be located because of the 250 foot distance require- ment . The Woodland Commons temporary signs are going to be changed and could be repositioned. H. The Buffalo Grove Appearance Commission CONGRATULATES THE CHICAGO BULLS on winning the NBA CHAMPIONSHIP FOR 1991 . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Z•Ja — Shirley Bate Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 13 , 1991 - Page Seven