1991-02-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 , 1991 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 32 P.M. on Thursday, February 28 , 1991 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , Richard Gordon, A. Viehman and E. Larsen. QUORUM PRESENT. C. Bruno (arrived after roll call ) Commissioners Absent : E. Bremner and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Acting Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 14 , 1991 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Gordon and seconded by Ch. Larsen. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Larsen and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Ehrhardt and Viehman \ ' Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 2 abstentions . Minutes of February 14 . 1991 approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Michael Reese Health Plan - Ground Sign Representative not present . Reviewed after Item B. B. Harris Bank - Full Review of Buffalo Grove Facility Buffalo Grove Road at Route 22 Representatives : Chas . Tonge , President and Chief Executive Officer/Harris Bank in Barrington IL 60010 at 201 South Grove Avenue, (708) 381-4000 The Buffalo Grove Facility will be a Branch. John Mayes , Architect of several Harris Bank buildings , 851 Addison, Elmhurst , IL 60126 (708) 782-0225 . Pepper Construction will do the building. Mr . Mayes described the site plan. The building fronts on Route 22 , facing South, with the drive-up lanes in the rear. They will be seen from Buffalo Grove Road. At the end the drive-up canopy there is a mechanical/dumpster enclosure where paper is held for 30 days and then shredded. The HVAC equipment , located on the roof , will be fully screened. 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS:. The South elevation is the main entry. The foundation is cut stone which will match the drivit material at the top of the building . Brick and glass are the primary building materials . The roof is flat with a metal mansard . The drivit and mansard match the Woodland Commons shopping center buildings . East and West elevations include the drive-up lanes which are supported with brick piers . There is also an ATM machine under the canopy. The metal mansard screen extends the full length of the drive-up to give some height to the appearance of the building . The North elevation has an exit door and lunch room window, but is mostly brick because of the mechanical /dumpster enclosure , described above . 2 . COLORS: Mr . Mayes explained that Dominick' s has requested that the colors be Beige Tones similar to their standard colors , but Harris prefers to keep their usual deeper colors that represent the dignity and stability of a bank . Samples of the following complimentary materials were submitted: a. Cut stone and drivit - Matching Beige tones b. Brick - Carolina Ceramics Chestnut , D. S. c . Bronze Aluminum - Window mullions and mansard screen d. Glass - Bronze tone These colors have been submitted to the developers and the Plan Commission and there have been no objections . Photographs of other Harris Bank buildings were submitted and Mr . Mayes stated they would prefer to keep the Harris image . Ch. Larsen agreed that the darker colors were in better keeping with the marketing objectives of a bank , and they also make the building appear to be a little lower . Com. Gordon commented that the lighter colors look washed out . Com. Ehrhardt and Com. Viehman also preferred the darker color scheme . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the Harris Bank facility, as requested. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon, Viehman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 28 , 1991 - Page Two 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Tonge made the presentation. The parkway trees are being provided by the developer of Woodland Commons . Harris will use the same landscape materials that are being used within the rest of the property. Foundation plantings are intense and the area will have a sprinkler system installed to insure growth. The Village Forester ' s recommendations , dated Feb. 25 , 1991 , were noted and Mr . Tonge said they have no objection to making the substitutions Ray Rigsby suggested. All Harris Banks are well maintained and have won garden club awards . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plans submitted for the Harris Bank Facility, subject to the Village Forester ' s recommendations . The petitioner agrees to incorporate the suggested changes . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Viehman, Ehrhardt , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 4. SIGNAGE: Mr . Mayes presented the signage and said that it is his under- standing that the Harris Bank does not fall under the PUD agreement for the Woodland Commons because this is an outlot . The Village Sign Code permits signage on the street elevations . They cannot have a free-standing sign because it would be too close to the shopping center sign. There are wall signs on South and West elevations . They would like to have some identification on the North elevation facing Buffalo Grove Road and the shopping center . If a variance is necessary they will make the proper applica- tion. Ch. Larsen suggested duplicating the sign on the South elevation, with the Harris Lion logo , on the East Elevation and said the AC could also recommend a variance for a free-standing sign at the entrance on Buffalo Grove Road where it would improve the traffic flow. The size of the sign would be determined by the total amount of frontage. The distance from the Woodland Commons sign would also have to be determined. The frontage was estimated to be 150 feet on Route #22 and 227 feet on Buffalo Grove Road , totaling 327 feet which would qualify for an 80 square foot free-standing sign. Mr . Mayes said consideration would be given to Ch. Larsen' s comments . `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 28 , 1991 - Page Three Com. Gordon observed that there is a lot of landscaping on Route #22 that could block out the sign on the front elevation. Ch. Larsen proposed including the Harris Bank on the Woodland Commons sign and Mr . Mayes agreed to discuss this possibility with the developer . Ch. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the wall signs as presented for the South and West elevations of the Harris Bank building, per White Way Sign Company exhibit . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Ehrhardt , Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno Motion Passed - 4 to 0, 1 abstention 5 . LIGHTING Mr . Mayes indicated that the standards , fixtures and bulbs will match the rest of the Woodland Commons . A photometric plan was submitted that follows the shopping center ' s values. He has been informed that the manufacturer may be changed and if so , the Harris Bank will also change their type of lighting to match. There will be under canopy lights for the ATM machine that will remain on all night for security. The rest of the lights will be on timers . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting as submitted by the Harris Bank , subject to the Village Engineer ' s review. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno , Ehrhardt , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. A. Michael Reese Health Plan Ground Sign - 400 Mc Henry Road The sign was reviewed without representation. It is a temporary construction sign subject to the B-5 Ordinance. The size, 40 square feet , is in compliance with the Buffalo Grove Sign Code ' s limitation of 64 square feet . The reverse side and the posts should be painted White . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 28 , 1991 - Page Four Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the Temporary Construction sign as submitted for the Michael Reese Health Plan, subject to the B-5 Ordinance , with the stipulation that the reverse side and posts be painted White . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Ehrhardt , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. C. Buffalo Grove Post Office - Temporary Construction Sign Mr . Schar asked the AC to review the sign. It will be located on Buffalo Grove Road. It is 32 square feet . Ch., Larsen asked that the total height be eight (8) feet and the color of the posts be Cream to match the background of the sign. Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Buffalo Grove Posts Office as submitted with the stipula- tions that the height be eight (8) feet , and the back , edges and posts be painted Cream. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bruno, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Larsen extended the appreciation of the Appearance Commission to Charles Matt , former Building Department Liaison, and wished him well in his future endeavors . Ch. Larsen announced that Ed Bremner has sold his home and is planning to relocate in Carmel , IN (near Indianapolis) in May. He is resigning as Appearance Commissioner , effective immediately. His term expires in April of 1992 and a replacement will be sought . The Combined Workshop with the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding signage for developments such as Riverwalk will be held on Tuesday, March 19 , 1991 after the regular ZBA public hearing. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 28 , 1991 - Page Five VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 26 P.M. Respectfully submitted , c �c Shirley Bates AC Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 28 , 1991 - Page Six