1991-01-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1991 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 35 P . M. on Thursday , January 10 , 1991 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , R. Gordon , F . Weissman, A. Viehman and E. Larsen QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioners Absent : E . Bremner and C. Bruno Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 13 , 1990 - Com . Ehrhardt made a motion to approve as submitted . Com. Gordon seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman, Viehman Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 2 abstentions . Minutes of December 13 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. Carlyle of Buffalo Grove - Off-premise Sign Southwest corner of Weiland and Aptakisic Roads Bernie Wasmer , Duo Signs . 94 E . Dundee Rd . , Wheeling , IL 60090 ( 537-6220) made the presentation. The sign was erected under the misconception that the property was located in Lake County . Mr . Wasmer submitted photographs of the sign and asked for a temporary permit that would allow the sign to remain. It is 8 ' x 15 ' and meets the requirements of the Sign Code . Lexington Development owns the property and a letter of approval must be submitted to the Building Department before a permit will be issued . Section 14 . 20 . 080 specifies a six (6) month time period with renewal contingent upon reappearance before the AC . The Commissioners had no comments or questions . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the off-premise sign as submitted by Ed Schwartz & Company for Carlyle of Buffalo Grove for a period of six (6) months . `./ Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Roslyn Woods - Hoffman Homes Development Sign - Prairie Road Jack Metzger , Diamond Signs , 1200 East Golf Road , P. O. Box 121 , Des Plaines , IL 60016 (827-1771 ) made the presentation . The 10 ' x 12 ' double-faced sign, with boxed ends , will be located on the west side of Prairie Road between Port Clinton Road and Route 22 . Colors will be White background with PMS #295 Blue lettering . The cedar part will be stained Olympic Cape Cod Grey . The Commissioners had no comments or questions . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Roslyn Woods marketing sign as presented . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman , Gordon, Viehman and Larson NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C. Chipper ' s Restaurant - Directional Sign Lake Cook Road and Raupp Boulevard George Woock , White Way Sign , 1317 Clybourn Avenue , Chicago , IL 60610 (312-642-6580) requested a change of face for the existing Chippers/Golf Course directional sign. The sign will have a Bronzetone aluminum face with a film that changes the color of the copy to Green at night . "Open year round" will be White cut out lettering . The color was chosen by Staff , probably because the Chippers wall sign is also Green. The Commissioners had no questions or comments . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Two Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the refacing of the Chippers Restaurant sign as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Viehman, Weissman , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D. Illinois Bell Telephone Facility Buffalo Grove Road and Checker Drive Representatives were : Lawrence P . Basil , Basil Architects , 81 Waukegan Road , Northbrook , IL 60093 (441-9600) ; Mark Polinko , ILT Co . Inc . , 21055 N . Weiland Road , Prairie View , IL 60069 (459-3510) David M. Swanson. Illinois Bell , 255 W. Randolph St . , Chicago , IL 60606 (312-727-5750) Michael Vondra and Michael Glenn, Abbott Contractors , 1890 Techny Road , Northbrook , IL 60062 ( 272-8220) Mr . Basil described the Site Plan . The property is located next to the elementary school , on the east side of Weiland Road and north of Busch Parkway. It is on the southeast portion of the former Greenhouse property. Construction will consist of a 38 , 600 sf . building with a cul-de-sac entryway off Weiland Rd . There will be a 2 , 000 sf . storage shed behind the building . There is a substantial amount of natural buffering along the perimeters of the property including a heavily wooded area to the south next to the Windbrooke Apartments . Photographs were submitted and described . Aptakisic Creek runs through the area . The front of the building , entryway and parking area , including the islands , will be landscaped . The parking lot area and drive area will be paved with asphalt . The rear vehicle and equipment storage area will be gravel . The detention area lying to the south and east will be enclosed with a six foot (6 ' ) chain link fence for security purposes . The fence continues along the property line to the northeast corner of the building . The school asked for a solid screen so a six foot (6 ' ) cedar board-on-board solid fence is proposed from the southwest corner of the property , along the south property line , up to the chain link fence . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Three 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS : Because of the location the elevations of the building differ substantially from the typical IBT garages : a . Front and sides will consist of Rose colored "Piccolo Split " masonry block , with a Beige (mocha) precast horizontal facade band at the top . b . Rear of the building (east elevation facing the rail - road tracks) will be a Light Cream color fluted pre- finished steel panel . c . Glass - Bronze reflective . d . Frames - Medium bronze anodized aluminum frame . e . Overhead Doors , Gutters and Downspouts - Light Cream . Roof pitch is 23 ' 6" down to 19 ' at the gutters . g . Roof top equipment consists of two (2) small 3-ton residential size A/C condensers located at the center of the building and they will not be seen . A line-of- sight drawing was submitted . h. The 20 ' x 60 ' unheated storage shed at the northeast corner of the property will be a pre-engineered building and the color will be Light Cream. The Commissioners had no comments and no objections . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Illinois Bell Telephone Facility as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon , Viehman, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Polinko described the Landscape Plan and said their objectives were to use large scale shade trees , evergreens and ornamental trees to soften the elevation of the building , provide year around color and screen adjacent property. Low maintenance foundation plantings will be used at the base of the building. The lawn area will be seeded and the banks of the detention area will be hydro-seeded . There is a marsh area along the southeastern edge of the detention. The Village Forester ' s Review , dated January 8 , 1991 , states : "Overall , this is an acceptable plan, and I would recommend approval by the Appearance Commission. " APPEARANCE COMMISSION `./ January 10 , 1991 - Page Four Ch. Larsen recalled that when Windbrooke Apartments were brought in , Mr . Rigsby walked through the wooded area and recommended saving of some of the plant material . From the photos it appears to require more purging . Most of the trees `./ are deciduous and do not provide much screening in the winter . The large storage area to the rear will be used for trailers , trenchers , cable reels , poles , sand , gravel . etc . This equip- ment will be used for street service . The fence was discussed . The Zoning Ordinance requires solid fences around storage areas to separate industrial from residential districts . The Pian Commission requested a chain link fence around the detention area because there could be a maintenance problem. The decision was to be left up to the AC . Chain link fencing is proposed across the front between the wood fence and the building . Ch. Larsen expressed concern about the view of the storage area from the street and proposed solid wood with a gate , instead of cyclone fence . Mr . Swanson explained that there is a wide gate at this point and a wood fence would be very heavy . There are two industrial lots between the street and the IBT property . Because there is substantial landscaping screening the parking lot , it was agreed that the view of the storage area is not a concern. Marc Schwartz , Batler & Schwartz , was present . He represents Ron Bartelstein, Concrete Doctor , owner of the property to the north. This property is from 3 to 6 feet higher than the IBT parcel . He asked the AC to consider the screening of the storage area with respect to the future view from the Concrete Doctor ' s property , which is in the process of being annexed . Both properties are industrial . Ch. Larsen asked the IBT representatives if they would consider raising the height of the chain link fence to eight feet (8 ' ) along the north property line? Slats could be added in the future , if the view is obtrusive . Mr . Swanson explained that the purpose of the fence is for security around the storage area and the height would not change the impact on the adjoining property . The Concrete Doctor has gravel pits looking north from IBT property. Mr . Schwartz responded that their concern is for the three (3) vacant acres that are as yet undeveloped . Mr . Swanson said he would not object to a height of eight feet (8) and if someone wanted to slat it and maintain the slats . He would ask for a "hold harmless" commitment . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Five Com . Gordon commented that the developer of the adjoining property could provide screening if he does not like the view . Com. Weissman added that if slats are not desirable , then the `./ neighboring property owners could successfully use evergreens . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted for the Illinois Bell Telephone Facility , with the stipulation that the fence along the north property line would be increased to eight feet (8 ' ) in height . If . in the future , the contiguous property owner to the north so desires , he would be responsible for inserting slats and to provide maintenance . A hold harmless agreement would be executed between the parties . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Viehman , Gordon, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . It was noted that the fence is for security purposes and since the hedge row is so dense . the Plan Commission suggested that the fence be located 10 feet ( 10 ' ) inside the property line where it would eventually be hidden by the vegetation. Mr . Matt informed the petitioners that it will be the responsi- bility of IBT to maintain the property up to the lot line . The representatives agreed that this stipulation be added to the motion. The fence will follow the floodway and will be located as shown on the site plan. 3 . LIGHTING: Two types of lighting fixtures were proposed and a photometric plan was submitted . a . Double pole mounted fixtures at locations A , C and D. The painted poles would be 28 feet in height . Lamps will be 400 watt HPS. At location. A , in the parking area , the fixtures will be horizontal . At locations C and D, around the storage area , the fixtures wiii be tilted 15 degrees above horizontal to eliminate spillage off the IBT property. b . Wall pacs at location B will be mounted horizontally. Lamps will be 150 watt HPS . These lights will be left on all night . -/ APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Six The distance between the IBT property line and the nearest Windbrooke building is 325 feet . The lights are along the iot • line and would be facing north away from the apartment build- ings . The lights around the storage area are on a photo cell `./ and on a timer . They will go off before 10 P.M. but , during emergency situations , they will be turned on temporarily . Mr . Swanson also noted that IBT will have a gas island in the storage area , but it would be removed if and when IBT leaves . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting fixtures as submitted for the IBT Facility , with the stipulation that the photometric data will be reviewed by the Village Engineer . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll. Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon , Viehman , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 4 . SIGNAGE: There will be one wall sign mounted to the west elevation. It will be internally illuminated . The frame will be anodized aluminum with an IBT Blue acrylic plastic face . Ch. Larsen questioned whether "An Ameritech Company" can be illuminated because the letters are very small . (about 4" ) Mr . Swanson was uncertain whether all the letters or just the star and line are to be illuminated . He agreed to submit more definite information to the Building Department . Mr . Matt will bring it to the AC for approval before issuing a permit . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the IBT signage as submitted , with the stipulation that "An Ameritech Company" will not be internally illuminated . Any changes must be submitted to the AC for approval . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Viehman , Gordon , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION \./ January 10 , 1991 - Page Seven E. Deerfield Bakery - Buffalo Grove Road and Checker Drive Marc Schwartz , Batler and Schwartz , 355 W . Dundee Road , Suite 200 , B.G. IL 60089 (541-8900) represented the developers . He introduced Charles Bennett and William Aumiller of Aumiller Younquist , Architects , 800 East Northwest Highway , Suite 104A, Mt . Prospect , IL 60056 (253-3761 ) ; Kurt Schmidt , developer/ owner and Ms . Ruth Ann Buckley , Landscape Architect . Mr . Bennett described the site plan. Deerfield Bakery will be located south of Checker Road on the east side of B.G. Road . The west curb cut will be for customer parking and the east curb cut will be for receiving and employee parking . Some of the walkways will feature landscape pavers which are stamped and stained concrete patterned after a cobblestone streets . Other walkways are concrete and the parking lots will be asphalt . 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS: The north and west elevations are the main facades . There is a drive-thru portico on the front elevation for pick up orders . a . Standard size face brick - Red . b. Textured drivit material - Cream (#07 Sunset Yellow) c . Tudor timber trim - Dark stained wood . e . Roof - Asphalt shingle with cedar shake look - Brown The south elevation (facing unincorporated residential ) has been revised , at the request of the Plan Commission, and will have the same stucco with timber trim . The east elevation will have metal garage doors painted to match the timber trim. d . Windows - Dark wood frames with clear glass . e . Oven vents - Centered on the flat depressed roof with other roof top units and will not be seen. Deerfield Bakery is not a restaurant , but will have a few tables for coffee and doughnuts . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials as submitted for the Deerfield Bakery . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman , Viehman, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Eight B. LANDSCAPING: Ms . Ruth Ann Buckley made the presentation. The Village Forester ' s Review , dated January 8 , 1991 , states : " I will not recommend approval of this landscape plan until these issues are addressed and the landscape plan is revised . " (Mr . Rigsby objected to the removal of trees from the site . See copy attached . ) Ms . Buckley commented that the architects have developed an English Country Residential style building and some of the existing plants do not blend in with this English countryside setting . They are more in keeping with the modern Town Center Development to the east and some of the shrubs will be relocated to that area. They have developed a year around good-looking site using perennials , annuals and native grasses . There is a large amount of landscaping being proposed and there will be color all year . Regarding the existing evergreens , a careful site inventory has been taken and some of the trees are too large to successfully relocate . Many of these evergreens are clumped . They are ill-formed because they have open sides that could only be used against a brick wall . Ch. Larsen commented that the landscape plan is elegant and has 50% more shrubbery than would be required . He recommended that most of the site be sodded . Com. Gordon asked about Mr . Rigsby ' s comments regarding the trees on the south side of Checker Drive and Ms . Buckley said they will be keeping the 4 Lindens at the entry. Checker Road has been designated as a service road into the Town Center and will not be a dedicated street . The Commissioners agreed that they liked this plan and would prefer the site to be landscaped as a private parcel apart from a service road look . It was noted that the Post Office site across Checker Drive will also have a lot of landscaping . Ch. Larsen suggested that the developers discuss the matter with Mr . Rigsby before the Jan. 21st Village Board meeting . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Deerfield Bakery Landscape Plan as submitted . Com . Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Viehman, Gordon, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Nine 2 . LIGHTING: a . Three 30 ' light standards will illuminate the perimeter and the foot candle levels are . 5 or less . b . The building will have gooseneck fixtures (no cut sheets were submitted) . They will illuminate the signage on the north elevation and enhance the architecture of the north and west elevations . c . There will be service lights in the rear . All lighting fixtures will compliment the architecture of the building . Ch. Larsen commented that placement of lighting fixtures on the building could detract from the architecture , and recommended cross illumination from the throw lights behind the shrubbery . Mr . Bennett responded that one problem is that the lights would be coming across the driveway and could shine into the windows on the front elevation. Mr . Matt suggested accent lighting that would wash the walls . Ch. Larsen asked that the height of the light standards be lowered to 25 feet to match the rest of the Town Center . The post office lights are also 25 feet . Mr . Bennett agreed that they do want soft lighting and agreed to have the lighting Tabled until they can be more specific . 4 . SIGNAGE: a . A 60 sf . pylon sign, 20 feet high and set back 20 feet will be located on Buffalo Grove Road . It will be a half circle design , internally illuminated . The posts will be wood encased steel pipes . There will be landscaping below the sign so the height is needed . b. The painted 12 ' x 7 ' wood wall sign on the north elevation, facing the drive , will be illuminated by the gooseneck lighting fixture , previously described . c . The shingle sign on the front portion of the building will be 6 ' x 3 ' 7" and hang from heavy timber . When the logo has been determined , copies will be submitted to Mr . Matt for AC approval . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the signage as submitted for Deerfield Bakery. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Viehman, Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 10 , 1991 - Page Ten V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Mr . Matt reminded the Commissioners that the Riverwalk Combined Workshop with the Zoning Board of Appeals was continued until `./ next Tuesday , January 15 , 1991 at 8 : 00 P . M. Ch. Larsen commented that the Sign Code permits adequate signage or a variance can be granted for this one unique development . 2 . Since only one item, a wall sign for J . B. Winberie ' s , has been submitted for January 24 , 1990 , it was the consensus of the AC to postpone its review until the February 14th meeting. 3 . Com . Gordon will represent the AC at a meeting with the Plan Commission to discuss a multi-family development on the Maintenance Garage West property on Wed . 1/16/91 at 3 P. M. Ch. Larsen asked Com. Gordon to give the AC a report . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch . Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 45 P . M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Ba es AC Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION �,/ January 10 , 1991 - Page Eleven