1990-12-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , DECEMBER 13 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 35 P.M. on Thursday . December 13 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , E. Bremner , C. Bruno , R. Gordon and E. Larsen. QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioners Absent : Weissman and Viehman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until after the business meeting . IV. BUSINESS A. Amoco Station Renovation , Rt . 83 and Buffalo Grove Road Mr . Lloyd Keene , Amoco Construction Department , made the presentation. During peak hours the station is very crowded and customers have to wait in line . Because they are losing business , Amoco is proposing to add twenty-seven feet (27 ' ) to the canopy and two gas dispensers on the east side . The appearance of the station will not change and the stripe will not be extended . The total of six (6) dispensers will improve efficiency and prevent customer back up . There will be no changes to the landscaping . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the renovation of the Amoco Station at Rt . 83 and Buffalo Grove Rd . as submitted . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bremner , Gordon and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno (arrived after presentation began) Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention • B. Dutch Maid Cleaners - Wall Sign at Village Plaza Representative not present . Sign was reviewed after agenda items were completed . See Page Four . C. Barry' s Ribs & More Wall Sign on West elevation facing Ellen Street John Munich, owner , made the presentation of a wall sign to be located on the white stucco panel of west elevation. It will be visible to traffic traveling west to east . The sign will be hand carved redwood , and the whole background area will be covered . The signage area is 12 ' 8" x 6 ' , but because there is a ground sign, the 20% coverage limitation applies to the wall sign. Mr . Matt computed the permitted signage area to be 40 sq . ft . Mr . Munich was informed that he could apply for a variance or reduce the copy area by eighteen inches ( 18" ) on each side . Mr . Munich asked if he could paint the sign on the stucco? Ch. Larsen said he could not personally recommend a hand painted sign on the existing white stucco background , but individual cutout redwood letters could be mounted to the wall . Another material that could be used for the letters would be injection moulded plastic . Mr . Munich was given the option to select a smaller framed redwood background or individually mounted letters . Mr . Matt said the permit application must be submitted with specific dimensions and material selection. the size of the sign, either the redwood background '-.ith lettering , or the letters on the wall . should be no more than forty (40) sq . ft . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the Barry ' s Ribs & More wall sign on the west elevation , facing Ellen Street , as discussed , with the stipulation that specific plans are to be submitted with the permit application. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bremner , Gordon, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 , 1990 - Page Two D. Governors Commons - 1111 Lake Cook Road OMNI Youth Services - Signage The presentation was made by Steve Vavrek , North Shore Sign, 1925 Industrial Drive , Libertyville , IL 60048 (708) 816-7020 and Jay N. Rosenbloom, Director of Business & Finance , OMNI , 1111 W. Lake Cook Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (537-9079) . Mr . Rosenbloom' s business card was submitted showing letter style and colors . Photographs of the property were also submitted . OMNI Youth Services now owns the building at 1111 Lake Cook Rd . Signage is being proposed for two locations : 1 . The white plastic numerals on the existing brick monument will be replaced with individual cast aluminum letters : Governors Commons 1111 Lake Cook Road 2 . The sign on the building will be internally illuminated ivory channel letters , mounted on a raceway which will be sprayed to match the brick . The signage area will be about 5 ' x 3 ' . Some of the space in the building will be rented and the brick monument with "Governors Commons" will identify the building with the address . The existing V-shaped temporary rental sign will be removed . Sign Code , Section 14 . 20 . 090 , Category 2 : limits wall signage to 20% of the wall sign background. Sub-section B specifies that wall sign background will be computed on the area between the lintel and the floor level of the floor above on a multi- storied building . Therefore , the OMNI sign should be centered between the first and second floor windows . Mr . Rosenblum said that this will be the OMNI corporate head- quarters and no other building signage would be permitted . The tenants identification will be on the brick monument signage . Ch. Larsen requested that the color of the raceway truly match the brick or be sprayed black to match the shutters . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the signage as presented for the OMNI Youth Services building and signage on the existing brick monument to read : Governors Commons 1111 Lake Cook Road Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon . Bremner , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - Bruno Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 . 1990 - Page Three Mr . Matt asked that the permit application for OMNI Youth Services be submitted with a detailed site plan , showing the specific building location and the exact signage dimensions . E. Vanny ' s Cafe at Chase Plaza (Formerly Ritzy ' s Cafe) Harry Giotis , owner , said the new signage will replace the existing signs located on the west and south walls . It will be the same size but the new signage will be mounted to a raceway . The brick will be repaired where the old sign was attached. The existing name will be removed from the awnings and may be replaced with Vanny' s . Any damaged awning material will be replaced . The ownership is not changing , but Vanny is the new manager . Com. Gordon made a recommendation to approve the signage change from Ritzy ' s Cafe to Vanny ' s Cafe as submitted . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bremner , Gordon , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Dutch Maid Cleaners - Wall Sign at Village Plaza A letter from Dana Hanthron , Assistant Property Manager , dated October 24 , 1990 states : "All (signage) criteria has been met with the exception of the letter style . If the Village of Buffalo Grove approves your letter style , which I understand is the company-wide logo , the Landlord will also agree to this style of lettering . " The letter was addressed to Mike Haskins , Dutch Maid Drycleaners , 1122 Waukegan Road , Glenview , IL 60025 . Ch. Larsen commented that subsequent sign criteria has not required identical letter styles . There were no objections . Com . Bruno made a recommendation to approve the sign as submitted for Dutch Maid Cleaners at Village Plaza . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Bremner , Gordon, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . `-/ APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 , 1990 - Page Four Mr . Matt added one item to the agenda and made the presentation. E. Canterbury Fields - Dartmoor Homes Temporary Sales Center Dartmoor Homes has proposed construction of a temporary sales center that will be a semi-permanent building that will be movable . When the Canterbury Fields subdivision is sold out , in approximately 18 months , the building will be donated to the Village . The structure will replace the existing sales trailer that is located north of Route 22 on the east side of Buffalo Grove Road , just past the Woodland Commons Shopping Center . The trailer will be removed when the sales center is completed . A site plan was not submitted , but one will be required when the building plans are submitted to the Building Department for review and approval . Landscaping will be installed by The Brickman Group. The Village Forester ' s Review , dated December 13 , 1990 , states : "Overall an excellent plan. " Ch. Larsen noted that the landscape plan calls for the lawn areas to be seeded . He recalled that the lawn area around the models was to be sodded . The Commissioners agreed that sod would be better because of the amount of foot traffic around such a building . Com . Gordon commented that the plans describe the construction materials , but colors are not specified . Ch. Larsen suggested the motion include a stipulation that only colors and materials previously approved for Canterbury Fields should be used . The Commissioners had no other comments or objections . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the Canterbury Fields ' Temporary Sales Center as submitted , with the following stipulations : 1 . Lawn areas should be sodded , not seeded . 2 . Materials to be used are those that were previously approved for Canterbury Fields . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Gordon , Ehrhardt , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 , 1990 - Page Five V. ANNOUNCEMENTS On Tuesday , December 18 , 1990 , there will be a joint workshop with the AC and ZBA Commissioners following the zba public hearing to discuss development of sign code modifications to permit larger signs for projects with the scope of Riverwalk . In the near future ( 1992?) there will be an elevated inter- section at the corner of Lake Cook Road and Milwaukee Avenue . APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 8 , 1990 - Com . Bruno made a motion to approve as submitted . Ch. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner , Ehrhardt and Gordon Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 3 abstentions . October 25 , 1990 - Com. Gordon recalled the discussion on Page Six about the landscape buffer between the Hoffman property and the Morman church property. The motion specifies buffering to be provided as needed , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review, dated October 5 , 1990 . Mr . Nielsen had agreed to provide some shrubbery be added to the buffer . Com. Gordon' s question was , would "shrubbery" be considered a heavy buffer screen, or should Junipers , etc . be specified? Mr . Matt responded that Mr . Rigsby ' s is monitoring the landscaping and buffering very closely. The shrubbery will have to conform with Ray ' s recommendations . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the October 25 , 1990 minutes as submitted . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner , Bruno and Larsen Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 3 abstention Signage at Spoerlein Commons Ch. Larsen asked if the 3rd sign, in the center of the eastern office portion, is in conformance with the sign criteria? Mr . Matt said yes it is in conformance because there is a common hallway from the front to rear of the building . Each professional : The dentist , chiropractor and podiatrist has offices within the hallway and qualify for signage . Mr . Matt said State Farm is requesting additional signage on the north side of the office . APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 . 1990 - Page Six APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 8 , 1990 - Com. Bruno made a motion to approve as submitted . Ch. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner , Ehrhardt and Gordon Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 3 abstentions . October 25 , 1990 - Com . Gordon recalled the discussion on Page Six about the landscape buffer between the Hoffman property and the Morman church property. The motion specifies buffering to be provided as needed , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review , dated October 5 , 1990 . Mr . Nielsen had agreed to provide some shrubbery be added to the buffer . Com. Gordon ' s question was , would "shrubbery" be considered a heavy buffer screen , or should Junipers , etc . be specified? Mr . Matt responded that Mr . Rigsby ' s is monitoring the landscaping and buffering very closely. The shrubbery will have to conform with Ray ' s recommendations . Com . Gordon made a motion to approve the October 25 , 1990 minutes as submitted . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner . Bruno and Larsen Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 3 abstention V. ANNOUNCEMENTS On Tuesday , December 18 , 1990 , there will be a joint workshop with the AC and ZBA Commissioners following the ZBA public hearing to discuss development of sign code modifications to permit larger signs for projects with the scope of Riverwalk . Mr . Matt said he researched the vinyl awnings at Dundee Point (Striker) and they conform with what was submitted to and approved by the Building Department . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Bruno made a motion to adjourn. Chairman Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 50 P.M. Res ctfully submitted , azarZy Shirley B es Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 , 1990 - Page Six sb Mr . Matt said he researched the vinyl awnings at Dundee Point (Striker) and they conform with what was submitted to and approved by the Building Department . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Bruno made a motion to adjourn. Chairman Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 50 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley B es Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION December 13 , 1990 - Page Seven