1990-11-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . ILLINOIS THURSDAY . NOVEMBER 8 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 42 P. M. on Thursday, November 8 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : C . Bruno , F . Weissman , A. Viehman and >. _'. E. Larsen QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioners Absent : E. Bremner , D. Ehrhardt and R. Gordon Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Building Commissioner � -" Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee . III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 25 , 1990 - Deferred because of Commissioner ' s absence . r:, IV . BUSINESS A . Amoco Station Renovation `;- Route 83 and Buffalo Grove Road (17-7-7) Deferred until December 13 , 1990 at request of Amoco . B. Parkchester Estates - New Model #408 :`' John Green, Systems Design Group Architect and Planner , OW- 5999 New Wilke Road , Suite 208 , Roiling Meadows , IL 60008 (708-439-5800) made the presentation. Scarsdale Development has elected to discontinue the old 3-bedroom #400 model , which is 5 years old , and replace it with a new 3-bedroom #400 model . Drawings of the exterior elevations were described and charts of a`ll elevations were submitted. The new style will match the size , scale and price of the old model . It will be a Manor style , #408 , similar to Manor style #308 , with brick on the front elevation, higher roof , and front porch. The old model had no brick , but the new model will offer brick on the garage and on the 2-story section, with a semi- circular window in the master bedroom on the second floor . The same materials and colors , terms and conditions , previously approved for Parkchester . will be maintained . The Monotony �../ Code will be met . A new separation schedule was submitted . A 4th-bedroom option will be offered , with the roof lifted behind the garage . The height of the peak is about 4 feet without the bedroom , and with the bedroom it will be about 2-1/2 feet higher . There will be a setback of about 4 feet from the front of the porch to the front facade of the garage . Com . Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of Model #408 as submitted by Scarsdale Homes for the Parkchester Sub- division, with the stipulation that all previously approved materials , terms and conditions will ue met , including the Monotony Code . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Air Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Bruno , Larsen NAY - Nonc ' Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . '1 r C. Barclay Boulevard , Lot 27 at Arbor Creek Business Park Full Review John White , Harris & Kwasek Architects , Inc . 4811 Emerson Ave .E" 3''` Palatine , I1 60067 (303-1155) made the presentation. The proposed spec building will consist of 22 ,000 square feet .,`f c' of office/warehouse space at the Arbor Creek Business Park . ,. 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS: �__ a The warehouse will be precast concrete panels , with -- horizontal reveals . The color will be Agate Grey. Dock doors will be recessed painted to match the 13 pre-cast grey color . b . The glass will be tinted grey . c . The aluminum framing , fascia . column colors and pipeguards will be Burgundy - Glidden No . 79-75 . d . Drivit over the office facade and reveals will be light grey. The Commissioners had no questions or comments . Com . Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Architecture and Materials for Lot 27 , Barclay Boulevard , per color/material selection list , as submitted . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bruno , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 8 , 1990 - Page Two 2 . LIGHTING: The lighting will consist of 1 bollard and 3 wall pacs , as listed on the material selection list . The bollard will be burgundy aluminun and the wall pac fixtures will be painted to match the pre-cast concrete . Light source selection was Metal Halide . Mr . White said that they do most of the buildings with Metal Halide . Metal Halide and HPS are combined in the area . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend the Lighting for Lot 27 , Barclay Boulevard , as submitted with the stipulation that the light source will match whichever is more predominate in the surrounding area . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman , Weissman, Bruno , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . "' Mr . White said they will submit signage and screening for any 4 '~ roof top units after the building has been leased . There is parking for about 25% office use with the potential for 50% office use , and expansion of the warehouse . ' " Pi 3 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s Review , dated Nov . 7 , 1990 lists several recommendations . Mr . White agreed to comply with the recommendations . J Mr . Matt noted that there is no dumpster area shown on the landscape plans . Mr . White said that if the tenant requires an outdoor dumpster area , they will submit necessary screening for AC approval . It would be an aluminum enclosure , painted the burgundy color . Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted for Lot 27 , Barclay Boulevard , subject to the Village Forester ' s Recommendations . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Weissman , Viehman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 8 , 1990 - Page Three V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Mr . Matt presented a request from Lou Malnati ' s for an improved Carry Out Addition that will provide a more energy efficient , comfortable pick-up vestibule . It is 70 square feet . The existing roof structure will remain and the enclosure will be constructed with materials that match the existing building . The door swings are being checked so assure compliance with Building Codes . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the additional enclosure to the Lou Malnati ' s carry-out entry as submitted , subject to the Building Department ' s review of the swing of the doors . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Bruno , Weissman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . = B. Plaza Verde - The manager has been contacted about the ;. Prudential Realty box sign. C. The setback of the 1st American Bank sign on Mc Henry Road meets the code requirement vs . height . 0114411/1114 VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Chairman Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 14 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bat s Recording Secretary sb `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION November 8 . 1990 - Page Four