1990-10-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , OCTOBER 25 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Eddie Larsen, the meeting was called to order and chaired by Commissioner Dennis Ehrhardt at 7 : 45 P.M. on Thursday, October 25 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , F . Weissman, R. Gordon and A. Viehman. QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioners Absent : E. Larsen , E. Bremner and C. Bruno Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt Deputy Building Commissioner Also Present : Gregory Boysen, Public Works Director Raymond Rigsby , Director of Public Works Operations III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 13 , 1990 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com. Gordon. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Viehman and Ehrhardt NAY - None Minutes of September 13 , 1990 approved as submitted and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. PACE Construction Signage - Busch Road and Commerce Court Representative (not present ) is Rosemarie Truppa , Division Manager of PACE, Capital Planning and Grant Administration, 550 W. Algonquin Road , Arlington Heights , IL 60005 . Mr . Matt read the memo from William R. Balling , Village Manager , dated September 20 , 1990 acknowledging that this construction sign has been placed without AC approval . It is a federally mandated sign and Mr . Balling asked that it be reviewed and approved if it meets the Village standard . Mr . Matt added that as a federally mandated sign it would be considered an exempt sign and it is smaller that the property frontage on two streets would permit . There was no discussion. Com . Gordon made a motion to approve the PACE construction sign as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Grove Animal Hospital - Wall Sign Route 83 and Buffalo Grove Road _ Dr . Ronald Price , D.M.V. , Box 545 , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 summarized the 14 year history of the hospital and explained that when it was renovated (with B.G. permits) the sign was installed on the East wall facing Buffalo Grove Road . Photographs of the signage were presented. The sign consists of six and one/half inch (6-1/4" ) cut out wood letters with 2 small animals , about 18" x 30" totaling 24 square feet . The letters , cat and dog are cut out of exterior plywood , stained and sealed , screwed and glued to the wall . There was no discussion. Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the sign as submitted by Buffalo Grove Animal Hospital . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon , Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Woodland Commons - Buffalo Grove Road and Route 22 Temporary Construction Signage and Lighting Christopher Coleman, Director of Marketing , The Zale Group, 100 Lexington Drive , Suite 100 , Buffalo Grove , IL (537-9191 ) . 1 . Temporary Development Sign: Mr . Coleman described the site plan showing the location of Zale ' s existing Doubletree sign and Coldwell Banker leasing sign. He requested the Woodland Commons sign be permitted near the corner of Route 22 and B.G. Road . He said it is constructed of plywood and it meets the height/set back requirements of the Sign Code . Colors are Red copy on White background with White posts . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Two There were no objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Woodland Commons temporary development sign as presented. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon. Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 2 . Lighting : The parking lot lighting had been Tabled on The fixtures will be Luxmaster Classic , Series 400 . The bulbs will be High Pressure Sodium and Mr . Coleman stipulated that the height will be in compliance with the Development Ordinance . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Woodland Commons Parking Lot Lighting at as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Gordon , Weissman , Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. D. Dundee Point - Revision of Sign Criteria Representative (not present) is Mike Prost , Joseph Freed and Associates , 1000 Capitol Drive , Wheeling , IL 60090 (215-5500) . Mr . Matt explained that the only change is on the second page , Exceptions : No . 3 - "one or two lines of copy , equal to 50% of the signable wall area height . " The first draft did not include "two lines" but both of the major tenants ' signs , Kuppenheimer and Peterson' s have two lines of copy . There were no objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Revised Sign Criteria for Dundee Point as submitted . Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Gordon, Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Three E. Hoffman Homes - Full Review Prairie Road , South of Mormon Church Property Robert J . Nielsen, Vice President , Land Development and Engineering , and Steven R. Sandelin , Architectural Coordinator , Hoffman Homes , 300 Park Blvd . , Suite 515 , Itasca , IL 60143 (250-7878) and Charles Stewart , President , Urban Forest Management , Inc . , 2381 S. Foster Ave . , Wheeling IL 60090 (577-6668) made the presentation. Mr . Nielsen described the 18-1/2 acre site , consisting of 44 lots which is located between the SOO Line Railroad , on the west side of Prairie Avenue . It was approved by the Plan Commission on Sept . 26 , 1990 . They have been working with Staff and the Plan Commission to preserve many of the 700 usable trees left on the heavily wooded site , which was part of the Fiore Nursery. About 400 of these trees will be used for screening and the remaining trees are to be used by developers in Buffalo Grove . 1 . Elevations/Materials/Color Packages/Monotony Code : Mr . Sandelin said each of the six building plans have elevations . As he described each model , they were reviewed with respect to the Monotony Code : a. #29 - 2459 sf . c . #30 - 2714 sf . c . #43 - 2660 sf . d . #67 - 2971 sf . e . #73 - 3168 sf . f . #65 - 3451 sf . All elevations were considered different with respect to the Monotony Code . Each house has 4 bedrooms , 2-1/2 baths , basements , fireplaces , family rooms and breakfast rooms . They all have brick first floors with aluminum soffits , fascias , etc . All houses have AC, finished painted garages , sod all around , pre-mfg . oak stair treads and risers , insulated glass with grills on all 4 sides of the house . There will be no skylights on front elevations . All chimneys are brick (no pre-fab option) . There are options , such as dens that are convertible to bedrooms , etc . Minimum lot size is 8750 sf . R-4 but they average is about 11 ,000 sf . Average lot width is 75 feet . They will use the same materials and offer the same color packages that were approved for Hoffman' s Amberly subdivi- sion. There are 18 different color packages , including three (3) that are being offered in Barrington, Bartlett and Schaumburg . Color package lists were distributed and color boards were was shown , with the exception of combinations nos . 1 , 2 , 5 and 8 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Four Ch. Ehrhardt commented that some of the siding colors are similar and informed the Hoffman representatives that these colors are to be separated to conform with the Village ' s Monotony Code . Mr . Sandelin agreed . The Commissioners had no objections to the proposed Hoffman Homes subdivision - Roslyn Place . Com . Viehman made a motion to approve the Building Elevations , Architecture , Materials and Color Packages as presented by Hoffman Homes with the stipulations noted in the discussion. Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 2 . Landscaping: Mr . Stewart described the proposed Landscape Plan. They will not be offering specific trees on lots except for the parkway trees . The Village Forester ' s Review, dated October 5 , 1990 , states : Mr . Rigsby has reviewed the inventory and the plant material on site and concur with the recommendation of Urban Forest Management Incorporated . Mr . Stewart said there are no on-site material suitable for the parkways , so these trees will be provided from an outside source in accordance with the Development Ordinance . After a complete inventory of the material available , a concept plan was developed using some 400 of the trees as a landscape screen along Prairie Road and along the railroad. There is some existing vegetation along the RR tracks and more will be added . They will work with Staff to provide proper screening where necessary . The plants that appear to be within the detention area have been relocated near the property line closer to the Morman Church. The detention areas to the north and south will be planted . Much of the plant material is suitable for buffering , but it is not specimen material . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Five Com . Weissman noted there is nothing along lots 20 and 21 . He asked if they would include some plantings along these lots . Mr . Stewart responded that some of these trees are large , and they could not match them . They could plant smaller stock that they have , such as Junipers , but nothing is specifically planned at this time . Mr . Rigsby commented that the Morman Church is not planning to provide any screening. When their plan was submitted , they said Hoffman would be putting in shrubs . Mr . Nielsen agreed to stipulate that they would provide some shrubbery to be added to the buffer . Com . Weissman made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted by Hoffman Homes , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review, dated October 5 , 1990 , with the stipulation that buffering will be provided as needed between the Morman Church along Lots 20 and 21 . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed- 4 to 0. 3 . Lighting: Cut sheets for exterior lighting for the houses were submitted with the presentation. There were no comments or objections . Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the front , rear and eve lighting as submitted by Hoffman Homes . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Six F. Lot 51 at Corporate Grove - For Sale Sign Mr . Tim Mc Carthy , Parvin-Clauss Sign Co . , 1016 N. Ridge Ave . , Lombard, IL 66148 described the 14-1/2 acre sight , Lot 51 at the Corporate Grove . The colors will be Beige background , with Black , Blue and Brown graphics as shown. Mr . Matt said the sign will replace the existing Sportmart Coming Soon sign. There were no comments or objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the For Sale for Lot 51 at The Corporate Grove as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . G. The Grove Shopping Center Replacement of Garbage Enclosures Mr . John Rockey , Operations Manager , The RREEF Funds , 2625 Butterfield Road , Suite 147E, Oak Brook , IL 60521 (571-2300) presented photographs of the existing garbage enclosures and the new style , with a sample of the vinyl strips . He described the proposed DuraScreens , which are chain link fences with horizontal Fiberglass Fillerstrips . The existing wood enclosures deteriorate and replacement of the wood slats does not give a good appearance . They were granted a permit to change one dumpster , but when they applied for a second permit , it was determined that AC approval was necessary , because the wood enclosures had been approved with the original submittal . The new structures are maintenance free and keep their appearance . Because of the high cost of replacement , $1 , 800 each , Mr . Rockey requested a time span of two years to complete the changes . They will replace 3 in 1991 and 3 in 1992 . Com. Weissman commented that the horizontal strips do not screen the dumpsters inside the enclosure . He suggested the Combination pattern as shown on the brochure . Mr . Rockey agreed to this suggestion and also agreed to redo the slats in the existing dumpster . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Seven Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the replacement of the screening for the garbage dumpsters at The Grove Shopping Center , as submitted . with the stipulations that the Combin- ation Pattern will be used for all the new enclosures , and the modification of the existing enclosure . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . H. Reservoir #7 - La Salle Lane , Full Review. Architecture/Materials/Landscaping/Lighting Greg Boysen, B.G. Public Works Director , introduced Mark Oleinik , P. E. , Bruce Jacobs , P. E. and Rad Hawkos of Strand Associates , Inc . Engineers , 910 W. Wingra Drive , Madison, Wisconsin 53715 (608) 251-4843 . 1 . Architecture/Materials : The site of the proposed addition to Reservoir #7 was described by the Project Engineer Bruce Jacobs . It will consist of a 1-1/2 million gallon reservoir , along with piping improvements , additional pumps in the existing pumphouse , meters , discharge line , etc . To the west of the pumphouse , a 1 , 000 watt generator pump will be installed which will be surrounded on two sides with a brick wall to reduce noise and screen the sight from the residents to the west and south of the project . The reservoir will be constructed of reinforced concrete with brick facing to match the existing pumphouse . Larger size brick will be used because it is in keeping with the scale of building and it is also cost effective . Mr . Jacobs described the brick details : quoins at the corners , pilasters evenly spaced across the structure , soldier coursing above the corbel brick to off-set the centers between the pilasters . There will be no mechanical units on the roof top. Only vents are required. The Commissioners had no comments or objections . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Eight Com . Weissman made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials as proposed for the new Reservior #7 . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Chairman Larsen arrived during the presentation, but did not participate in the voting. 2 . Landscaping: Mr . Hawkos described the site location: To the north - the creek and recreational park land. To the west - proposed residential area. To the south - residential property on Thompson Boulevard back up to areas adjacent to La Salle Lane To the east - residential property on Lyon Drive back up to the reservoir itself . Restraints include an existing detention area that will be maintained . The site drainage will not be altered . The proposed concept seeks to improve the character of the site and provide a visual screen between the reservoir and the residential properties . Chairman Larsen arrived during the Landscaping discussion. He was unavoidably detained and could not contact anyone . The plantings consist of a mix of deciduous and evergreen materials . Evergreens will be massed to provide a solid screen and the deciduous trees will interspersed . The area next to Lyon Drive has partial views of the building because the residents did not want to lose the feeling of openness . The same treatment will be given the area to the west , where plantings will be on a small berm . The Village Forester ' s Review, dated October 23 , 1990 states : "Staff has worked closely with Strand Associates in developing this landscape plan It is my recommenda- tion that the landscape plan be approved as submitted . " The Commissioners had no comments or questions , APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Nine Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the Landscape Plan for Reservior #7 as presented , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention. 3 . Lighting: High Pressure Sodium lamps are to be mounted to the exterior of the new reservoir near the top of the parapet . It will match the existing lighting . There will be three (3) fixtures on each side . They are the extended wall mounted style . Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the Lighting as proposed for the Buffalo Grove Unit 7 . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Viehman , Ehrhardt NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . I . United States Postal Facility - Full Review Architecture/Materials/Landscaping/Lighting Greg Boysen, B.G. Public Works Director , said the Village is participating in the construction of the Post Office in co- operation with the U . S . Postal Service . The Village has obtained Mc Lennan and Thebault to design and manage the construction of the project . Mc Lennan and Thebault , Inc . 1771 Commerce Drive , Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 (228-6700) was represented by: Scott Clements , V. P. of Business Development ; Ken Lattanzi , Project Manager ; and Andrew Jones , Sr . V. P. Also present : Julius Kwasek , Harris & Kwasek Architects , Inc . 4811 Emerson Avenue , Palatine , IL 60067 (303-1155) . Ron Rehling, RRA, P.O. Box 592 , Batavia , IL 60510 (879-0577) Fred Gleave , Program Manager/Architect , U . S. Postal Service , Facilities Service Center , 222 S. Riverside Plaza , Suite 2000 , Chicago , IL 60606 (312-765-4995) . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Ten 1 . Architecture/Materials : Mr . Kwasek presented a color rendering of the Post Office building and said it will be located at Buffalo Grove Road and Checker Drive , next to the Town Center . There will be 3 parking areas : a . The patron ' s area to the south and in front of the facility will include a drive-by lane for dropping off mail . b. A brick wall enclosed area for postal vehicles . c . A parking area for postal employees next to the Village Green. The architecture and materials will be compatible with the Town Center buildings . Some of the similar elements are the brick detailing , arched top windows , metal roof , and the tower detail has been repeated for the entrance . The brick soldier coursing around the building and the stone caps have also been repeated . Mr . Lattanzi presented the two colors of brick . #313 and #316 by Taylor . The lighter color will be used for the field of the building and the darker color for accent . The standing seam metal roof will be Forest Green. The windows will be insulated green glass . The aluminum frames will be green. The miscellaneous painted metal work will be dark green, Pratt-Lambert #1475 . The cut limestone will be natural color (not drivit ) . There will be no roof top units . The height of the tower entrance will be approximately 18 feet . The stone and metal will be 6 ' - 7 ' higher The roof of the building meets the tower and forms the vestibule . The windows project about 3/4 inch. There will be berming and plantings added to screen the building and lettering will be on the west wall . The Commissioners had no comments . Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the Architecture and Materials of the Postal Facility as presented . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon , Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen (under contract to do signage for the Post Office in Aurora) Motion Passed 4 to 0 , 1 abstention. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Eleven 2 . Landscaping: Mr . Rehling described the Landscaping and the use of berms throughout the entire site . The berms will vary between 2 and 5 feet . Their purpose is to provide foundations for the plantings and to provide channeling for water flow to prevent standing water on the site . A sidewalk will lead from the shopping center to the front door of the post office and will proceed south to the existing sidewalk along the bike path on B. G. Road. The concept of the landscaping is to mix deciduous trees with ornamentals and evergreens . Hardy materials will be used . There is a large open area to the north with grouped plantings that require little maintenance . More formal plantings will be used to the west . Because they want to keep a corridor open around the building for security reasons , there will not be any foundation plantings . The Commissioners had no comments or questions . The Village Forester ' s Review , dated October 23 , 1990 states : "I would recommend that the proposed landscape plan for the United States Postal Facility be approved as submitted . " Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the Landscape Plan for the Postal Facility as presented , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review and approval . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Ehrhardt NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention. 3 . Lighting : Mr . Kwasek described the Lighting shown on the site plan. The fixtures closely match the ones used throughout the rest of the Town Center Development . Cut sheets of the fixtures and photometrics were included in the packet . a . #30 , 1000 watt Metal Halide on 25 foot poles . b. #124 175 watt Metal Halide on 16 foot poles . c . Exit doors will have small incandescent lights APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Twelve The poles and fixtures will be dark bronze and the poles will not exceed the height at the Town Center . The Commissioners had no comments or questions . Com . Gordon made a motion to approve the Lighting for the Postal Facility as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Ehrhardt NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Ch. Larsen asked Ray Rigsby to summarize the Hoffman Homes/ Morman Covenant that was included in the AC packet . Mr . Rigsby said he , Bill Raysa , Bill Balling , and Bob Pfeil met with members of the Hoffman Group to work out something that would be enforceable without being too restrictive on the residents who may want to put structures such as birdbaths , birdhouses , decks , sheds , patios , etc . on their property. The Tree Conservatory will be a minimum planting group . The landscape plan that was reviewed tonight does not specify how the covenant will be formulated . The way it is outlined . Mr . Rigsby will go out in the field to inspect the plantings and try to straighten them out to form one solid buffer along Prairie Avenue . They do not want anything planted within the utility easements . Problems could arise when residents move and trees are removed . The Covenant has been given back to Hoffman to redraft . When it is resubmitted . it will be sent to the AC for review . When the plan is developed , Hoffman will give B.G. a lot by lot inventory of what is on each site and that will become part of the covenant , with the minimum planting groups that are to be on that site at all times . Residents will have to replace any trees that are removed . Mr . Rigsby concluded by saying they want to work with Hoffman to help develop a plan without restricting what the residents can put on the site . The Covenant will be recorded with the plat and will be transferred from ownership to ownership . Potential buyers will have to be notified . APPEARANCE COMMISSION `-/ October 25 . 1990 - Page Thirteen B. Ch. Larsen asked if garbage enclosures are required to have gates because The Crossings want to put in a dumpster enclosure and he asked Mr . Matt to inform him about any requirements . C. Ch. Larsen asked about the Sign Criteria for Plaza Verde . He recalled that all small letters were to be non-illuminated . He questioned the small letters for Prudential Realty on the west end . The word ." the" is in a white box with black letters next to the blue letters . Mr . Matt will look into the situation and correct any violation VI . ADJOURNMENT Com . Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Com. /Ch. Ehrhardt adjourned the meeting at 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 25 , 1990 - Page Fourteen