1990-09-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 35 P. M. ON Thursday , September 13 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , E. Bremner , R. Gordon, F . Weissman, A. Viehman and E. Larsen. Commissioners Absent : C. Bruno Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt Deputy Building Commissioner Building Department : Ed Schar Housing and Zoning Inspector Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the August 23 , 1990 minutes as submitted . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Gordon, Viehman, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Ehrhardt and Weissman Minutes of August 23 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. Que Pasa Mexican Restaurant - Revision of Signage Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road Joseph Montenegro , 4900 N. Elston Avenue , Chicago , IL 60630 (545-4444) made the presentation. Que Pasa is requesting individually illuminated letters to be mounted on the north and west elevations . Upper case letters would be 24 inches and lower case letters would be 16 inches . Color would be #2283 Red Plexiglas with Red neon, returns and trim caps , mounted on a raceway painted to match the building background. The existing sign is white with green lettering , mounted on the green mansard roof . Mr . Matt advised the Commissioners that a sign on the west exposure of the building require a variance because there is no right-of-way frontage on that side . Que Pasa is a separate parcel and has a ground sign on Arlington Hts . Rd. Mr . Montenegro verified that the purpose of installing a sign on the west elevation was to give Que Pasa exposure to traffic going east on Dundee Road . Ch. Larsen explained that the AC can recommend approval of the signs on the north and east elevations , and make a recommendation for approval of a variance for the sign on the west elevation as a trade-off for the sign that is per- mitted on the east elevation, facing Arlington Heights Rd . There were no comments or objections from the Commissioners . Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the wall signs on the north and east elevations of Que Pasa Mexican Restaurant . Should the petitioner desire a variance for moving the sign on the east elevation to the west elevation, the Appearance Commission hereby recommends in favor of such a variance to the ZBA and the Village Board of Trustees . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Ehrhardt , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Mr . Montenegro was informed that the cut-off date for filing applications for the October 16th ZBA meeting is Tuesday, September 18 , 1990 . He was advised to call for information. B. Michael Reese Health Plan Building - Outlot at Town Center Full Review - Architecture/Materials/Landscaping/Lighting Marc Schwartz , Attorney with Batler and Schwartz , represent- ing Michael Reese Health Plan and Melvin Simon & Associates . He introduced Ira Rosenberg, V. P. of Michael Reese Health Plan and George Matocha , Matocha Associates , Four So . Walker Avenue , Clarendon Hills , IL (708) 920-1641 . When the proposal was presented to the Plan Commission, it received a unanimous recommendation to the Village Board for consideration at a Workshop. Mr . Rosenberg reviewed the history of Michael Reese Health Plan. It was founded in 1972 in cooperation with the Michael Reese Hospital , but it is not separate from the hospital . There are 240 ,000 members in the organization. The Buffalo Grove facility will be a primary care center with physician who specialize in internal medicine , pediatrics and obstetrics/gynecology. APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 13 , 1990 - Page Two Half of the proposed 11 ,000 square foot building will be constructed first and when the membership reaches 5 ,000 to 7 ,000 , the other half of the building will be added along with other specialty services . Initially , it will be open about 48 hours a week , increasing to 60 hours per week . He described the site plan. The building will be located at Pauline and Buffalo Grove Road . Only members will be served and there is no walk-in traffic , so the facility can handle approximately 18 ,000 members . Mr . Matocha described the building , and said it had to be compatible with the Town Center . 1 . ARCHITECTURE/MATERIALS: a. Bricks are the same sizes as Town Center . Colors and coursing are very similar . (Entry columns are not banded . ) b. Metal Siding - Dark Green (also used for roof top screening enclosure) c . Window frames - Green d . Windows and spandrels - Green tinted glass There is a one foot parapet all the way around the building and the roof top equipment is setback 32 feet and a small amount of the equipment screen will be seen from the ground . The screening is a requirement of the Plan Commission. The signage on the rear elevation will be box signs . The signage on the front of the building will be stenciled on glass and there will be a ground sign. Signage is not part of this presentation. Com . Bremner made a motion to approve the Architecture and Materials as submitted for the Michael Reese Health Plan. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Ehrhardt , Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 2 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s Review, dated September 6 , 1990 recommends using a Thornless Hawthorne variety. Mr . Matocha agreed. He said they would meet the Town Center requirements for the plantings along the perimeter and there will be an 8 foot bike path tying into the park ' s system. `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 13 , 1990 - Page Three No plantings are shown along the rear of the property , because of the future plan to increase the size of the building. Plantings on the island in the parking lot are subject to relocation when the building is finished. Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the Landscaping for the Michael Reese Health Plan as submitted , subject to the Village Forester ' s Review and Recommendations . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Ehrhardt , Gordon, Weissman, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: The lighting has been designed to match the Town Center . A cut sheet of the fixture and a photometric plan was submitted. There will be lighting at the entryway under the canopy. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Lighting as submitted by Michael Reese Health Plan. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Gordon, Ehrhardt , Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Toyota - No recent contact has been made , so certified letter will be sent . 2 . Woodland Commons - Temporary signs have been put up without AC review and Zale has been instructed to remove them. 3 . Spoerlein Commons - There is an red neon insurance sign in the window at the far east end. It says Allstate or State Farm. Is this advertising , or name and nature? The sign is very large and could cover more than 33% of the window. 4 . Seigle ' s has stored dirt , rocks and fertilizer in front of the store and can be seen from the street . Mr . Matt recalled that as long as the merchandise is stored inside the fenced area, the Board said it is OK. APPEARANCE COMMISSION September 13 , 1990 - Page Four 5 . First American Bank - Ch. Larsen observed that the new sign appears to only be 12 feet from the property line . It is v." about 20 feet high and will probably require a variance . Mr . Matt said they have not called for a final inspection. He will research and inspect the site . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 35 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION �/ sb September 13 , 1990 - Page Five