1990-08-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting of the Appearance Commission to order at 7 : 30 P.M. on Thursday, August 23 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , C. Bruno , R. Gordon, A. Viehman and E. Larsen QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 26 , 1990 - Com. Viehman made a motion to approve as submitted Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Minutes of July 26 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS Ch. Larsen announced that Item B. Williamsburg Estates would be moved to the end of the agenda at the request of the petitioner . A. Barclay Station - Exterior Building Entry Lighting Ken Poulsen, V. P. Construction, Trammell Crow Residential , 9450 w. Bryn Mawr Avenue , Suite 550 , Rosemont , IL 60018 submitted a cut sheet depicting the anticipated exterior building entry fixture for Barclay Station Apartments . There were no comments . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the Barclay Station exterior building light fixture as submitted. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously C. Century 21 - 275 W. Dundee Road (New Location) Full Review of Renovated House Bud and Bernice Berth of Century 21 , currently located at 301 W. Dundee Road, B.G. (541-8100) , made the presentation. John Swierk , Direct Design Ltd. Architects , 4917 W. Glenbrook Trail , Mc Henry, IL 60050 (815) 385-3430 was also present . Mr . Berth explained that they intend to convert the building , located at the corner of Dundee Road and Betty Drive , from a single family house to a residential real estate office . The property has been annexed and rezoned B-3 . The interior will be extensively remodeled , but the residential character of the building and property will be preserved . At the direction of Village Engineer , the parking lot will be located at the rear and the entrance will be on Betty Drive . The property to the rear is in Wheeling and is zoned residential . 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: The garage will be converted to office space. The entire roof will be removed and replaced with asphalt shingles . This is the only exterior alteration. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations and remodeling of the existing house located at the corner of Dundee Road and Betty Drive as submitted . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. • Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2 . LANDSCAPING: Ch. Larsen informed Mr . and Mrs . Berth that the sign, located within the planted island, would have to be at least 10 feet from the lot line . He suggested moving the entire island back and closer to the corner for better visibility. The height of the sign is limited by the setback . A 10 foot high sign must be set back 10 feet , and for each additional foot in height , the setback also moves back 1 foot . The square footage is determined by the total amount of frontage . The changeable copy board is not permitted. The Sign Code also stipulates that signs are spaced 250 feet . Mr . Matt will verify the distance and determine whether the sign requires a variance. The Village Forester ' s review, dated August 15 , 1990 , states the Redtwig Dogwood is susceptible to canker and dies back to nothing if it is not properly maintained . Mr . Rigsby suggests making a substitution. Mr . and Mrs . Berth agreed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Two Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping for the new Century 21 office at the corner of Dundee Road an4 Betty Drive as submitted with the following stipulations : 1 . The island surrounding the pylon be moved back to meet the proper setback location for the sign. 2 . Substitution of the Redtwig Dogwood at the rear property line , if necessary, per Forester ' s Review. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: One 28 foot pole mounted shoebox fixture and one 15 foot pole mounted shoebox fixture will be located in the parking lot . Design #125 with a black pole to compliment the roof color . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting as submitted for the new Century 21 office, subject to the Village .Engineer ' s review and approval . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 4. SIGNAGE: See references to pylon sign under #2 . Landscaping. If the entrance sign is under 4 square feet , it does not require review and approval by the AC. Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board and the Village Board , approval of a variance to allow the 6 'x 10 ' double-faced standard corporate identification sign for the new Century 21 office with a 10 ' setback , as required by Code . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Three D. Woodland Commons - Dominick' s Roof Top Equipment and Screening Ira S. Carpman, Architect/Store Planning & Development for Dominick ' s , 333 Northwest Ave. , Northlake , IL 60164-1696 (562-1000) made the presentation. He described the photos of the condensers which will be screened with textured cedar siding that also acts as a sound baffle. There will be 2 individual HVAC units that are mill finished polished aluminium that requires no maintenance . They could be painted to blend with the sky. They prefer not to screen them because of the possibility of creating leakage in the roof . The units will sit toward the center of the building and will not be seen from the front because of the high canopy. There is no parapet on the rear elevation and they will be seen by residents in the 2 story buildings to the rear , but screening would not be helpful . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the screening for Dominick ' s smaller condenser units and the mill finished aluminum large HVAC units , as presented. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D. Woodland Commons Shopping Center Canopy Colors/Landscaping/Fence Ray Skiera , Director of Purchasing , The Zale Group, 100 Lexington Drive , Suite 100 , B.G. 537-9191 presented a sample of the canopy material . The Dominick ' s canopy will be the corporate colors #2662 Red and #2030 Green. Colors of the remaining canopies will be Dominick ' s Green, Blue , Buff Beige and Hempton Red . Not every store will have a canopy. They will be used at the building breaks for accent and Zale will coordinate the colors . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Skiera that the Building Department requires the canopy material to be fire resistant . He does not recommend duck material because it does not keep its appearance. Mr . Skiera responded that Zale would be responsible for maintenance of the canopies . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Four 1 . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the six awning covers at Woodland Commons , including Dominick ' s . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to` 0. 2 . LANDSCAPING Gary Blanford , Landscape Architect with Alan L. Kracower & Associates , Inc . 100 Lexington Drive , Suite 150 , B.G 537-6262 explained that the concept drawings approved in 1988 have been revised but they retain the basic plan - Sheet 1 . The street tree plantings along the right-of-way are the same but the entrance way has been changed - Sheet 2 . Because of the grade change from the sidewalk , a boulder wall has been added to create a plateau for the entrance sign on Route 22 . More evergreens will be included with a mix of annuals and plant materials . The trees will be lined up evenly. Sheet 1 - Along the rear property line , the original plan was to have plantings on both sides of the fence . Because the fence was on a berm , the plants on the inside (next to the service drive) would not benefit the residential side , so most of these shrubs have been transferred to the opposite side of the fence. Some of the evergreens have been left on the inside with the shade trees. The effect will be similar . The walkway configurations have been redesigned and the planter areas in front of the Dominick ' s store have been removed because of the use of the area by shoppers and carts , etc . The park theme has been retained , but the shapes of the planters have been changed (planter areas have been enlarged - Sheets 3 and 4) . Plants will be mixed for color and variety. Some planters are at grade and some will have 6 inch curbs . The areas will have slight berming for drainage and depth for bulb planting. The entrance sign, which will be set back twenty feet (20 ' ) , will have shrubs around the base and ornamental trees to the rear . The parking islands will have ground cover (polygonum) instead of sod. The shade trees in front of the stores have been replaced with ornamental trees . Most of the plant material will be new stock because the Fiore supply has been depleted. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Five Ch. Larsen observed that the frontage of the shopping center would qualify for two 120 square foot signs . Mr . Skiera thought the PUD agreement provides for three (3) entrance signs . The signage will be presented at a later date and sizes will be verified . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the changes to Landscaping Plan as submitted for the Woodland Commons Shopping Center , in agreement with the Village Forester ' s review and recommendations , dated August 15 , 1990. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 3 . Stockade Fence Mr . Skiera described the fence depicted along the rear berm and noted that it would have metal poles per the PUD agreement Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the stockade fence at the rear of Woodland Commons as presented . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Mr . Skiera mentioned that the packet included the color key and manufactures of the materials that will be used for the Woodland Commons buildings . The colors were approved at the July 26th AC meeting and the list will be filed for reference. B. Williamsburg Estates - Four Additional Models Gene Kripak, Planning & Marketing Director of Tamcor , Ltd. 3150 Skokie Valley Road , Highland Park, IL 60035 , 433-4128 and Kris Cozzo , Construction Manager were present . Mr . Kripak stated their purpose is to add four (4) homes to the previously approved models . The Sales Trailer was opened about six (6) weeks ago and they have had many requests for a ranch style, a cape cod with a first floor master bedroom, and smaller two-bedroom houses . The original houses were 2 , 400 to 2 ,800 sq. ft . with 3 & 4 bedrooms , but interest has been from people who are scaling down after children have left the home. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Six The four (4) new models have the same architectural character and will create variety . All the houses will have basements and a fireplace. There is a total of thirteen ( 13) lots. One ( 1 ) spec house is being constructed and one ( 1 ) lot is under contract , with two (2) reservations . The same colors will be offered , but some combinations have been added , and the Monotony Code will be met . Colored renderings were described: 1 . Langbury - 2 story traditional , with aluminum siding, or optional brick on the first floor . 2 . Canterbury - Cape Cod Model with a brick first floor . The master bedroom is downstairs and there are 3 bedrooms upstairs . 3 . Rosebury - Ranch style with 2 bedrooms and a den. 4 . Saxton - Two story with all aluminum siding. It has 3 bedrooms and it is more economical to build a 2-story than a ranch. The first models that were approved all had brick fronts on the first floor , but young couples who are looking to purchase their first home cannot afford the brick. Ch. Larsen commented that if the purchasers bought expecting the development to be brick , they might object to completely sided models. Mr . Kripak replied that all these drawings have been available since the Sales Trailer opened six (6) weeks ago. Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the four (4) additional models as presented by Williamsburg Estates , on Old Arlington Heights Road , with the stipulation that they comply with the Monotony Code using the same materials and color packages that were previously approved . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno, Gordon, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Mr . Kripak asked that they be allowed to provide a five (5) foot fence as an option on any lot . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Kripak that fences are permitted in accordance with the Fence Code , and do not require AC review APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23 , 1990 - Page Seven V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Matt reported that : 1 . Red Carpet sign on Dundee Road (Lieberman' s) has been removed. 2 . The new Toyota ground sign was constructed illegally about 190 feet from the Toyota sign on Dundee Road . They were advised at the AC meeting that the sign would have to be on Old Arlington Heights Road. The sign was "misplaced" after specific conversations with the sign contractor . If the illegal sign is not moved within a couple of weeks , tickets will be issued . There are 5 Thursdays this month, so the next AC meeting will be Sept . 13th. Some business has been submitted and items will be taken up until August 30th. Ch. Larsen may be out of town 9/13 . Frank Hruby , Al Viehman and Chuck Matt attended the Sign Codes of the 90' s Seminar last week and found it extremely beneficial . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 00 P.M. • Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb L.,/ APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 23, 1990 - Page Eight