1990-07-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY - JULY 26 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 35 . P.M. on Thursday, July 26 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , C. Bruno , R. Gordon, F. Weissman, A. Viehman (appointed 7/16) and E. Larsen QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt Village Board Liaison: Bruce Kahn, Trustee Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Also present : Ed Schar , Bldg . and Zoning Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 14 , 1990: Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Gordon and seconded by Com. Bremner . Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno and Viehman Minutes of June 14 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file. B. June 28 , 1990: Motion to approved as submitted made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Bruno. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner , Weissman, Viehman Minutes of June 28 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Woodland Commons , Zale Group - Change of Color Scheme Ray Skiera , Zale Group, 100 Lexington Drive , Suite 100, Buffalo Grove , IL 60089-6931 (708) 537-9191 presented a color board with the original White color scheme . He explained that Dominick ' s has been become a major tenant . They have had problems with White Brick . Acid bleeds through and it discolors . Because of this , Dominick ' s has resolved not to use White Brick at any other shopping center . Mr . Skiera presented an alternate color scheme using Buff Tones . The brick , drivit , and precast concrete around the rear will be varying shades of tan. The trim (doors and windows , etc) will maintain the white color . The aluminum roof panels are cream color . Exact brick and colors were not designated. Woodland Commons features awnings but colors were not known. Mr . Skiera agreed to bring in an awning sample when he returns to present the Sign Criteria. There were no objections . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Colors Changes for Woodland Commons as presented by The Zale Group , with the exception of the awnings . Petitioner will return with samples of the awning fabric and colors , for approval , at a future AC meeting . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bruno, Gordon, Bremner , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Mr . Skiera agreed to provide the Building Department with a material list of the approved colors . B. Indeck at 1130 Lake/Cook Road - Wall Sign John C. Johnson, C. Johnson Sign Co. 9615 Waveland Avenue , Franklin Park , IL 60131 (708) 678-2092 made the presentation. Hamilton Partners , Inc. , Buffalo Grove Business Park , 1130 Lake/Cook Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (708) 459-9225 per letter dated July 24, 1990 , have requested an identifica- tion sign on the 1130 Lake/Cook Road building, next to the numbers at the third floor level . This is a unique situation as Indeck will be occupying most of the space in the building and may ultimately be involved with an ownership interest in this building. Mr . Johnson described the proposed sign. The 36 inch letters will be Gold to match the numerals , on the dark brown brick building. The letters will be back-lighted. Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Johnson that , if the drawing is to scale , the 36 inch height may not meet the 50% limitation of the Sign Code for wall signs . Height is measured from the top of the windows to the top of the lintel . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Two Ch. Larsen recommended that the letters have a polycarbonite backing to prevent birds from nesting. Mr . Johnson agreed. Mr . Matt said he has researched the signage for the Buffalo Grove Business Park, A number of variances have been granted for ground signs , with all indications that ground signs are preferable for this type of development , which is zoned 0 & R (Office and Research) , permitting one 32 sf . sign per parcel . Ch. Larsen quoted from Sign Code, and in the I - Industrial zoning district , signs of 3 sf . per lineal foot are permitted. The proposed sign is 60 sq. ft . , and could not be permitted in an 0 & R District . Mr . Johnson commented that the 1130 building is setback so far from Lake/Cook Road that a ground sign would never been seen. Com. Gordon expressed concern that this might be setting a precedent for future similar signage . Com. Bruno agreed . Ch. Larsen said the AC can review the aesthetics of the sign and recommend a variance for the sign. If a variance is not approved , signage of 32 square feet could be approved. The sign is attractive and would appear white , with a halo effect at night . Mr . Johnson said he would relay this information to Hamilton Partners to determine if they want to pursue a variance , or reduce the size to 32 square feet . Com. Viehman made the following motion: I move we recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village Board of Trustees , that a variance be granted that would permit the signage as requested by Hamilton Partners , for Indeck on the 1130 Lake/Cook Road building at the Buffalo Grove Business Park. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. It was noted that a variance is recommended , based on the demonstration of hardship, i . e. the building set back from Lake/Cook Road; the dependability of the corporation; and the quality of the signage. Should Indeck not stay in the building, the variance would be terminated. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Bruno , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Mr . Johnson was informed that the variance could be heard by the Zoning Board in September , and the application dead- line is August 21 , 1990 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Three C. Buffalo Grove Montessori School - Wall Sign No representative was present . The sign was reviewed after the regular business was completed . See ANNOUNCEMENTS-Item B. D. Lou Malnati ' s Pizzeria - Screened Porch Addition of vinyl panels to enclose porch for winter use . Marc Malnati , 6649 N. Lincoln Avenue , Lincolnwood , IL 60645 (708-673-0800) summarized his letter , dated July 9 , 1990 . It explains that they have many occasions to use the screened porch as a party facility. They would like to affix vinyl panels (to match the roof awning) over the screened portion and use the area all year around. The material would be tightly snapped over the screened panels to enclose it for patron use , and provide protection for the porch from the weather . The material is Prismax - #1142 , Dark Green, which is UL rated to meet fire requirement . It is opaque , but would allow for some shadows to be seen. Trustee Kahn questioned whether clear vinyl could be used? Mr . Malnati responded that they were advised that the clear vinyl would not weather well and would have to be replaced often. The wood window frames are the rust color . Mr . Matt informed the AC that the porch is located on a flood plain and is approved for seasonal use only. It does not comply with BOCA Codes as a permanent structure , and if the `./ AC recommends approval of the vinyl panels , Malnati ' s would still have to comply with the Building Department ' s interpre- tation of the Code , as far as heating is concerned. Mr . Malnati responded that there would be certain days when they could not use the facility. Patrons are informed of the possibility that the porch might be cold. Last year the screens were temporarily protected with white canvas . Ch. Larsen said the code would not prevent the area to be boarded up and painted . It is a permit question. Mr . Matt recalled that the Plan Commission, Village Board and Appearance Commission approved porch as a temporary screened in structure , to be used during warm weather . In order for the area to be used as requested , there may have to be a change in the wording "seasonal use. " Ch. Larsen said the AC review is only for aesthetics , and the vinyl panels will look better than what was used last winter . Building Department approval is a different matter . Shutters were discussed , but it was determined that there would be no satisfactory way to attach them. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Four Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the addition of Dark Green, Prismax #1142 , vinyl covers over the windows of the temporary structure , at Lou Malnati ' s Pizzeria on Buffalo Grove Road , as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Ch. Larsen a recommended using a "boater ' s method" of attaching the vinyl panels and Mr . Malnati agreed. E. Lot 2 - 851 Checker Drive - School District 214 Construction of House as Building Trades Project Presentation was made by Tim Haggarty, Building Trades Instructor for School District 214 , c/o Prospect High Sch. , 801 W. Kensington Rd. , Mt . Prospect , IL 60056 (255-9700) . Mr . Haggarty said that the School District has purchased the property and the house will be constructed by students . It will be a one-year project . A fine student prepared rendering of the house was presented and the materials were described: a. Roof - Sierra, Timberline asphalt shingle that will simulate wood shakes , Barnwood or Weatherwood b. Redwood Siding - Olympic Semi-transparent stain #911 Note: Redwood Siding is being used because Cedar Siding has some undesirable characteristics , such as knots falling out , and woodpeckers are known to go after insects in the cedar . c . Cedar (or Redwood) Trim Boards - Opaque Fawn d. Brick on Front elevation - Standard size • e . Windows - Thermo pane, with bronze tone frames and removable muntins Com. Weissman observed that the area over the garage is very plain and suggested changing the peak vent to a circular vent . Ch. Larsen recommended a 1/2 circle louvered vent , to match the top of the bedroom window. Mr . Haggarty agreed. The area is a storage attic. Ch. Larsen observed that the height of the chimney stack behind the garage must comply with Code. It must be 2 ft . higher and 10 ft . away from the highest part of the building. It is difficult to determine the distances from the drawing. Mr . Haggarty and School District #214 were commended for the \ - proposed project . �•r APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Five Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations , materials and color selections for the School District #214 Class Project , as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . F. Barclay Station - Trammell Crow Residential - Full Review Architecture/Materials/Landscaping/Signage/Lighting Presentation was made by Mark N. Tennison, J.D. Partner , and Ken Poulsen, V.P. /Construction, Trammell Crow Residential , 9450 W. Bryn Mawr Ave . , Suite 550 , Rosemont , IL 60018 (708) 671-2888 ; and Larry J. Peterman, APA - By Design Inc . , 8600 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue , Chicago, IL 60631 (708) 714-0500. Mr . Tennison described the site plan. Barclay Station will be constructed on a portion of the Santucci property , located at Milwaukee Avenue and Deerfield Road. The project is an 89 acre PUD, includes approximately 150 ,000 sf . of retail space, 3 outlots , a restaurant , office building and hotel , a 2 . 1 acre site to be dedicated to the Village, 34 acres of detention/ retention lakes , and 352 units of multi-family housing. Trammell Crow will be constructing the road , all the lakes , the fire station site and Barclay Station (apartments) . A short movie was shown of a similar development , Ascot Glen in Bloomingdale , using the same materials and colors . Being a rental property, the high quality, long lasting materials will keep its appearance for many years . The buildings are 3-story and the property includes a club house/pool area , tot lot , volley ball court and an 8 foot bike path tied into the park system. The masonary entrance signs are illuminated. 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS: a. Brick - Holman, Cheyanne, T.C. Blend #1 , Oversize 3-1/2" x 11 " because the buildings are large b. Siding - Grey Vinyl by Certainteed , weather-tight c . Trim Boards - 4" x 6" Cedar d. Roof - Dark Grey Composition Shingles , Class A e . Windows - Insulated by Alenco , lights not divided , screens are vinyl (no rust) f . Rails - Pre-finished Cedar g. Decks/Posts - Pressure treated cedar Trammell Crow retains ownership of its rental property and the buildings will be maintained by the management office. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Six There are 3-story buildings and some drop to 2-story on the ends . The 1-car garages have steel overhead doors , pre- finished baked enamel , with vinyl siding and cedar framework. Inside the garages , 2-car bays are separated by 6 foot cyclone fencing. Garages have keyed doors for emergency entrance . The louvers that are seen on each unit , are magic pac furnaces , with no flues . They are painted to match the siding or brick background. Ch. Larsen said he relates large , single color buildings to army barracks . Mr . Tennison responded that Trammell Crow prefers the consistency of one color and the buildings have been staggered to prevent the appearance of barracks . The ground floor units are adaptable for the disabled , per the Fair Housing Act . Stoops are level with the finished floors and all bathrooms will accommodate wheel chairs , etc. Their architects interpret the law and the units comply as much as possible . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval the Trammell Crow presentation of the Barclay Station Elevations , Materials and Color Selections as submitted. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Viehman, Gordon, Weissman, Bremner and Larsen. NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Peterman said the landscape plan has been developed for off-site viewing (from the south and from Deerfield Road) as well as on-site viewing. Trees and evergreens have been supplemented with larger shrub materials . There are berms around the detention pond and the abutting the single family development to the south. Existing trees are being used to off-set the berms . Emergency access area are in compliance. The Village Forester ' s Review, dated July 19 , 1990, states : "Overall , the landscape plan is acceptable . . . .with certain exceptions . " Mr . Peterman agreed to meet Mr . Rigsby' s requirements and will provide identification of " 16 BACT" not listed in the legend. The plant material is large scale consistent with the size of the buildings . Smaller scale plantings will be concentrated around the clubhouse/pool area and around the entrance signs . Balcony plantings are permitted. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Seven Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Land- scape Plan as submitted for Barclay Station, subject to the petitioner ' s compliance with the Village Forester ' s Review. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Bruno , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3 . SIGNAGE: Signage was described at 3 locations on Deerfield Road. One on each side of the main entrance and one to the south. Barclay Blvd. will be a dedicated street , so one sign will require a variance . The third sign complies with the Sign Code frontage requirements . The monuments will be matching brick with accent brick and stone caps . Colors per the submitted diagram. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of two Barclay Station monument signs , as submitted , for the west sides of the entry ways , with the further recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Village Board for a variance for a third monument sign on the southeast corner of the intersection at Barclay Boulevard and Deerfield Road . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Bruno , Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 4 . LIGHTING: Three types of lighting fixtures were depicted on the site plan: a. 20 foot bronze pole lights with 250 watt HPS bulbs for the parking areas . Concrete bases will be 6" above grade, do the height will be 20'6" . The lights will have lens covers so lights will not shine into units , or disturb neighboring residential property. b. Wall sconce lights with 70 watt HPS bulbs for the garages c. 12 foot bronze pole lights with 100 watt HPS bulbs at the entrance on Barclay Boulevard APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Eight There will also be exterior building entrance lighting with bronze finish, that will compliment the type and style of the buildings . The entrance lights will probably be rectangular `./ and they will light building address numbers . Balcony lights are small 7 inch globes on black fixtures , individually operated by each unit . The Village Engineer has been consulted , and a photometric review has been submitted , but no report was available. Com. Gordon asked if the bike path and tot lot would have light? None are proposed. Com. Bruno said she would like to see the building lighting. Mr . Tennison agreed to submit cut sheets , with choices for AC approval . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting as submitted for Barclay Station, subject to the Village Engineer ' s photometric review, and the stipulation that the petitioner provide cut sheets of building lights . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Bruno, Viehman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. There will be model units , but no model area. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Cambridge Plaza West - Sign Criteria Modification Mr . Lenchner has requested the color of the lettering on the wall signs be changed from Dark Bronze to Red. Com. Viehman so moved and Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Nine B. Buffalo Grove Montessori School - 590 Ellen Drive Representatives were not present , but the diagram was reviewed per the letter , dated June 28 , 1990, written by Chas . Breit of The Signery, 1201 B. Elmhurst Road , Prospect Hts . , IL 60070 (541-6654) . Non-illuminated plastic letters to be installed over the door . There was a question about zoning, but it was determined that the property is located in the B-1 District and is permitted. The apartments to the south on Ellen Drive are in Wheeling. Com. Viehman made a motion to approve the sign for the Buffalo Grove Montessori School as submitted. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Viehman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Mr . Matt announced that no business has been submitted for the August 9th AC meeting. Ch. Larsen welcomed Al Viehman to the AC and said there will `.� be an introductory session with the Bldg. Dept . in Sept . Ch. Larsen invited the AC Commissioners to attend a Seminar conducted by the National Electric Sign Assn. on August 16th, from 1 :00 PM to 4 : 30 PM at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. The topic will be sign ordinances and there will be a trade show in the evening featuring new signage in the evening . Contact Ch. Larsen to make reservations before August 1st . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Bruno made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9: 35 P.M. Respectfully submitted ,1uaati_w ;044&Av Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 26 , 1990 - Page Ten