1990-06-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , I.LLINOIS THURSDAY , DUNE 28 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Ed Larsen called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 : 30 P. M. on Thursday , June 28 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : C . Bruno . R. Gordon , L . Larsen . QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : E. Bremner . D. Ehrhardt , F . Weissman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt . Deputy Bldg . Commissioner Building Inspector : Ed Schar Village Board Liaison : Bruce Kahn , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 14 , 1990 - Commissioners who attended are not present . Motion to Table made by Com . Bruno , seconded by Com . Gordon . Voice Vote : AYE - Unanimously . Minutes of June 14 , 1990 TABLED. IV . OLD BUSINESS A . Lincoln Club . 1701 Johnson Drive - Entrance Sign William Mc Donald , Signs of Distinction , 149 S . Wheeling Road , Wheeling , IL 60090 , described the sign and its location . Two single faced signs will be attached to the existing brick monument . The pennants are non-illuminated , fabricated aluminum , painted on both sides . The ►rick pier is 20 inches in depth and the signs will have illuminates; routed out aluminum faces . Com . Gordon and Com. Bruno had no objections to the signage , with the pennants . as proposed . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Lincoln Club remodeled sign , as submitted , with the stipulation that it meet the set back requirement of 10 ' from the right-of-way . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno . Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . V . NEW BUSINESS ` A . Hatachi America . Ltd . = Signage onDeerfield Road Paul Tylman , Alphabet Shop , 300 Elgin Avenue , Elgin, IL 60120 , (708) 888-3150 , made the presentation. The 12 ' x 4 ' (48 sf . ) sign will have a Hatachi Red background and posts , with White copy . The lettering is not centered and reflects the corporate identity . Mr . Tylman showed the panel a page from the corporate manual . The red is similar to cardinal red . Ch. Larsen informed Mr . Tylman that the setback requirement is 10 feet , but he replied that the chosen location is situated on a berm. It will be off the main driveway . The directional sign - 30" x 48" is too large to qualify for an exempt sign. The reveal could be moved up to meet the required 4 sf . limitation. Signs are measured from the reveal . Mr . Tylman thought this would be acceptable with Hatachi . The posts are standard extruded aluminum . Com . Bruno made a motion to recommence approval of the two signs for Hatachi America on Deerfield Road , as submitted . Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon . Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . B. First United Realtors - _ ioereinCommons Irene Stowers said First United Realtors . 1201 Me Henry Road , is located on the north side of the center . They moved in about a month ago , but have no signage . Mr . Matt explained that the sign criteria for Spoerlein Commons does not permit logos . A new sign criteria is being prepared , and will be submitted for AC approval . The sign including the logo will be in a can , mounted on a raceway . The background will be White . Copy will be Red block letters , with red clear neon tubing . The eagle will be out- lined with Grey . First United will be 18 inch letters and Realtors . wi I l be 12 inch letters . Com . Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the letters and logo . as submitted', by First. United Realtors . 1201 Mc Henry Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon . Bruno and Laren NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . APPEARANCE.. COMMISSION June 28 , 1990 - Page Two C . Crest Hil By Hilton - Lake/Cook Road - Sign Face Change Mr . Greg Lundgren . Director of Operations for Crest Juli , presented new drawings . The size of "By Hilton" is being increased by 50% to give better identification . The colors will be the same . Com. .Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Crest Hi i face change as requested . f Com . Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon . Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . D. Bank of Buffalo Grove - Dundee and Buffalo Grove Road No representatives were present , Tut there were no objections . The sign c.Dl:*@r the front r`' ? have 12 inch , White molded letters on thejdl. background . The box sign over the drive-thru will be Black copy on a White background . . Com . Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the two signs as submitted by the Bank of Buffalo Grove . Com . Bruno seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno . Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS The Zale Group submitted a letter . dated June 22 . 1990 , requesting a color change of materials for Woodland Commons Shopping Center . No representative was present . Because the letter indicated that colors (plural ) were to be changed . the Commissioners asked that Zale be notified to be represented at the next meeting . Zale will not be held up if the color item is postponed A motion to Table was made by Com . Bruno . seconded by Com . Gordon . Voice Vote : - AYE Unanimously . Mr . Matt said only one sign has been submitted for the July 12th meeting . A draft of the Aesthetic Excellence Award should be ready for NC review soon. Ch. Larsen decided the next meeting will be held July 20 . 1990 . 1 All parties are to be notified . APPEARANCE ARAN( E COMMISSION June 28 , 1990 - Page force VII . ADJOURNMENT Com . Gordon made a motion to Adjourn . Com . Bruno seconded . Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 10 P. M . Respectfully submitted . Shirley Bates Recording Secretary • APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 28 . 1990 - Page Four