1990-05-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , MAY 10 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P.M . on Thursday, May 10 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , C. Bruno , F . Weissman and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt , R. Gordon and M. Silbernik Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Bldg . Commissioner Public Works Director : Greg Boysen was also present . III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 26 , 1990 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com . Bruno and seconded by Com. Bremner . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Minutes of April 26 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . Minutes of April remain Tabled because of Commissioners ' absence . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Churchill Lane , Single Family - New Model Mr . Jim Meigs , Production Manager of Lexington Homes , 1156 Shure Drive , Arlington Heights , IL 60006 (253-9770) made the presentation. He displayed drawings of all the existing Churchill Lane model elevations . Most of the houses , built so far , have had 3-car garages . The new model , #3595 , basically 3 ,000 sq . ft . , is somewhat smaller and less expensive than the existing models . All the materials and colors will be the same as previously approved . Model #3595 will be offered with a 3-car option by extending the roof line and keeping the same exterior treatment . Elevations could be reversed , depending upon the configuration of the lot and the customer ' s preference . There are 84 lots in the Churchill Lane Subdivision, with only 20 left to sell . Considering the restrictions of the Monotony Code , not many of the #3595 models can be built , but it will be a premier model in some newer subdivisions . Ch. Larsen indicated that Elevation C , Series #3595 and Elevation C, Series #3600 are very similar . The other commissioners agreed . All the other elevations will be considered different with respect to the Monotony Code . Mr . Meigs said they have been using a combination of semi- transparent and solid body stain on the cedar siding . They have had some problems with the semi-transparent stain and would like to offer customers the semi/solid option. The colors would remain the same : White , Brown, Cape Cod Grey and Weathered Barnboard . There were no objections to this request . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the new Churchill Lane Model , Series #3595 , for Lexington Homes as submitted with the stipulation that Elevation C , Series #3595 and Elevation C , Series 3600 , will be considered similar with respect to the Monotony Code . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of solid color stains to match the semi-transparent stains , that were previously approved by the AC, with the understanding that the choice will be left up to the builder ' s clientele . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS Ch. Larsen announced that due to a special request , Item D would be taken first . v. Cambridge Plaza West - Ground Sign and Sign Criteria Buffalo Grove Rd. So . of Dundee Joe Cheney , North Shore Sign, 1925 Industrial Drive , Libertyville , IL 60048 (816-7020) made the presentation. Maurice Lenchner , developer of the plaza , was also present . 1 . Ground Sign: The top panel will have the plaza name and there will be 5 tenant spaces . There are 6 stores , but one tenant has taken two spaces . Unused tenant spaces will have blank panels . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Two Size - 4 ' x 6 ' with 4 ' posts ; Total Ht . - 8 ' Posts - 5" x 5" square , Dark Bronze Tubes Colors - Panels will be Ivory with Dark Bronze copy. Top panel will be reversed with the name - Cambridge Plaza West . The preferred location would be just south of the driveway , about 242 feet from the Schwinn Bike Shop sign. Ch. Larsen reminded Mr . Cheney that the Sign Code requires 250 feet spacing between signs . The Bldg . Dept . would make the determination if a variance is required . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the aesthetics of the Cambridge Plaza West directory ground sign as submitted , with a recommendation to the ZBA for variance , if required . Com . Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bremner , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 2 . Sign Criteria for Cambridge Plaza West Each tenant will be permitted one 1 ' 2" x 8 ' 0" single face illuminated box sign, to be installed above the doorway. Cabinets will be dark bronze . Background will be ivory , with 4-1/2" dark bronze copy. Com . Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Cambridge Plaza West Sign Criteria as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . A. 1st Nationwide Bank , 1191 N. Mc Henry Road - CASH STATION Terry Doyle , Doyle Signs , P. O. Box 1068 , 232 Interstate Rd. , Addison, IL 60101 (312-543-9490) made the presentation. He requested approval of one 2 ' 3" x 2 ' Cash Station Sign, with Logo , to be located near the entrance on Route 83 and one exposed 1 ' 6" x 4 ' 6" box sign on the wall next to the doorway on Route 83 . Colors to be "Cash Station Green. " Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Cash Station Signs as submitted by 1st Nationwide Bank . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bremner , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Three B. Shell Station Ground Sign - Dundee Road Face Change to sign previously granted ZBA Variance . Terry Doyle , Doyle Signs , P. O. Box 1068 , 232 Interstate Rd. , Addison, IL 60101 (312-543-9490) made the presentation. The sign was granted a variance for distance to the property line , and now the station owners have asked to have Car Wash included in the copy . The total size remains the same . Mr . Matt has reviewed the sign. He stated it conforms with the Sign Code and the variance . The size of the Shell Logo was reduced and "Car Wash" was added above the logo . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the addition of "Car Wash" to the previously approved Shell ground sign , on Dundee Road , as submitted . Com . Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bruno , Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. The Arbors Condominiums - Ground Sign on Dundee Road Recommendation for Variance to Zoning Board of Appeals Jack Metzger , Diamond Outdoor Advertising , 1200 E. Golf Rd . Des Plaines , P.O. Box 121 , Des Plaines , IL (827-1771 ) made the presentation. Greg Lambert , Condo Assn. President was also present . The Arbors had a fence , with individual letters , on both sides of the driveway. The fence has been removed and replaced with landscaping. One section with "ARBORS" has been left on the east side of the driveway and they want to replace it with a single faced sandblasted sign. A variance is required because the sign will be 173 feet from the medical building to the east . Colors : Background - Pilgrim Red Lettering - Ivory Inset Line - Ivory Leaf - - - - Medium and Dark Green Dimensions : 44" x 96" with 6" x 48" Old Oak Dr . panel below Ch. Larsen suggested moving the sign west so it will be closer to the driveway. It would still require a variance . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of a variance for The Arbors Condominiums sign as proposed . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Four E. Village of Buffalo Grove , New Fire Station Route 22 and Easton Avenue - Full Review Fire Chief Thomas C. Allenspach gave a brief history of his nine month relationship with Buffalo Grove . Based on Buffalo Grove ' s potential growth, the Chief ' s evaluation of the Village fire services , has led to his recommendation to establish two more fire districts , one to the north and , eventually, one to the east . After the districts were defined , the existing fire stations were studied to determine what would make them more functional . A task force of eight fire fighters was formed , and neighboring fire stations were visited. Tonight ' s presentation is the result of the architects ' refinement of the task force ' s basic objectives and floor plans . The design team was represented by: John Thebault , President , and Ken Lattanzi , P. E. Mc Lennan & Thebault , Inc . 1771 Commerce Drive , Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 (708-228-6700) ; Julius Kwasek and Robert Sebak , Harris & Kwasek Architects Inc . , 4811 Emerson Avenue , Palatine , IL (708-303-1155) ; and Ronald Rehling , Landscape Architect , P.O. Box 592 , 2S311 Deerpath Road , Batavia , IL 60510 (708-879-0577) . Mr . Thebault described the site plan. The building was designed around the proposed internal floor plans submitted by the task force . The south elevation faces Route 22 , the west elevation faces the Woodlands Commons (commercial ) , the north elevation faces the Fiore residential property and the east elevation faces Easton Avenue . The basic concept of the building is transitional because it had to be speci- fically functional as well as compatible with the community. The property is situated on a possible wetland , and for this reason, the building has been located totally away from the wetland area , which has been appropriately landscaped . 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: a. Brick : Taylor , #371 - Autumn Blend Wirecut , Utility Size b . Windows : Wood clad casement , with clear glass c . Roof : Asphalt , Dark Brown, Timberline GAF d . Trim: Cedar , Pratt & Lambert Plantinum stain (over windows , doors , etc . ) e . Fascia : Stained dark brown f . Metal Doors : Painted to match Platinum g . Residential heating and A/C units will be used , with the condensors at the rear of the building . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Five The Commissioners had no questions . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for the new fire station on Rt . 22 and Easton Avenue , as submitted . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Bremner , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Rehling described the landscape plan, which meets the functional requirements and the aesthetic considerations of the site . Easton Avenue is bermed and lined with street trees . The exposed parking areas are screened with shrubs . The fire station patio area is enclosed with screening. The residential buffer area is bermed and planted. The front entry has been left open because the exiting yehicles require an unrestricted view . Aesthetically , various trees and shrubs have been chosen that are tolerable to both water and drought . The species are somewhat different from the usual plantings . Disease resistant Lincoln Elms have been introduced. Other hardy ornamental and native shrubs have been used to provide seasonal color and beauty that compliment the building . The Village Forester ' s Review, dated May 9 , 1990 recommends elimination of , and substitution for , the Redtwig Dogwood on the east side of the detention pond ; and the Red Chokeberrys on the berm around the deciduous trees . Mr . Rehling commented that Redtwig Dogwood trees were chosen because they take very little maintenance , but he agreed to the make the substitutions requested by Mr . Rigsby . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan, for the new fire station, as submitted , with the stipulation that the petitioner will accede to the Village Forester ' s recommendations regarding the Redtwig Dogwood and Red Chokeberry ; and the elimination of the berms on the east and west sides of the site . Com . Weissman seconded the motion. �./ Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Six 3 . LIGHTING: Mr . Lattanzi described the proposed lighting : Type A fixtures will be located along the west property line - 2 in the rear parking lot and 1 near the front driveway. Poles will be 30 feet in height . The source will be High Pressure Sodium. The photometric study indicates that there will be no light spillage outside the property lines . Because of the nature of the facility, it was undetermined if the lights would remain on all night . They could be regulated by a timer . Type B fixtures are bollards , located around the visitors parking area and at the front door . Some Antique Brass residential light fixtures will be included at the front and rear entry doors , and at the patio door . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting as proposed for the new fire station, with the stipulation that the Village Engineer approve the photometrics . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Ch. Larsen complemented the design team on the architecture of the building and the fine presentation. F . Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn. Lot 34 - Buffalo Grove Commerce Center Ronald R. Larsen , Mc Lennan & Thebault , Inc . , 1771 Commerce Drive , Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 (228-6700) made the presentation. The original site plan includes this area as " future expansion. " The proposed addition will match the existing brick . There will be no landscaping changes , except for the addition of some grass . Two matching wall pacs will be added to the west wall . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the new building addition as proposed for expansion of the Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn. , Commerce Center , Lot 34 . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bruno , Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Seven VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Cambridge Commons - Change of parking lot lighting fixtures . Mr . Matt distributed copies of a letter from William Simpson requesting a change of the parking lot light shoe box fixtures from two to four heads . The area is dark at night and the customers have complained . There were no objections or discussion. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the change of the parking lot light fixtures at Cambridge Commons Shopping Center , from two to four heads , as proposed . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Village Green Park District Sign Mr . Matt distributed copies of the sign being proposed by the Park District for the south end of Town Center , near the gazebo and band shell by the park lake . The sign would be cedar routed 4 ' 3" x 5 ' with a Rotary Club emblem at the top. The background of the sign would be Light Grey with a White Buffalo Grove Logo and Lettering . Supports will be 6" x 6" painted to match the background . The base will be landscaped . The Rotary Logo would be 18" in diameter . The copy would have a Navy Blue background with Gold Copy. The Village Shield will be 12" x 12" including the buffalo . The Appearance Commissioners discussed the colors because White Lettering on a Light Grey background would not be legible and the size of the Village logo is too small . Com. Bremner said there is a Village park sign at Arlington Heights Road and Checker that is Light Grey with Black copy. Ch. Larsen suggested Light Grey background with Blue and Gold copy to match the Rotary Club emblem. Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval -of the proposed Rotary/Village Green sign, with the recommendation that the background color be Light Grey with Charcoal Grey or Blue copy. The Buffalo Grove emblem could be have some white copy , such a White Buffalo with a Dark Outline . The border and the posts could be White . The Rotary emblem colors to be as presented. Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Eight C. Dominoes Pizza - Chase Plaza Young people have been seen holding an advertising banner on the median. They do not have a permit to do this . Because is also dangerous , the police should be notified . D. Wendy' s is going for a variance . Seigle ' s did not agree to have a combination sign. The Seigle ' s ground sign has been installed at the proper setback for the height . VII . ADJOURNMENT Com . Bruno made a motion to adjourn. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 15 P.M. -Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , AC Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 10 , 1990 - Page Nine