1990-04-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 26 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7: 40 P.M. at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . on Thursday , April 26 , 1990 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , C. Bruno , R. Gordon and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt , M. Silbernik , F . Weissman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Village Board Liaison: M. O'Malley, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 22 , 1990 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Gordon and seconded by Com. Bruno Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 Minutes of March 22 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . April 12 , 1990 - Tabled because of Commissioners ' absence . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Glenco Engineering , Inc . - Ground Sign 170-180 Lexington Drive - Commerce Center Mr . Richard Landuyt , Glenco Engineering , 721 W. Algonquin, Arlington Heights , IL (392-2492) distributed copies of the Plat of Survey , a photograph of the new building . The proposed sign is an existing sign that will be moved to the new location. It will meet the set back specifications of the Sign Code , 12 feet from the front sidewalk and 35 feet from the entrance sidewalk . The sign is 12 feet long and the total height from the ground will be about 3-1 /2 feet . It is back lit and all metal construction. It is single faced and may be situated on a slight angle for visibility from Lake/Cook Road . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Glenco Engineering ground sign as submitted subject , to the set back regulations of the Sign Code. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bremner , Bruno , and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS A. Churchill Single Family - 3 Car Options Mr . Jim Meigs , Lexington Homes , 1156 Shure Drive , Arlington Heights , IL 60006 (253-9770) made the presenta- tion. He began describing the 7th model to be constructed at the Churchill subdivision, located north of Aptakisic Rd. and Brandywyn Lane . It is the 3575 Series , about 3 ,000 sf . , slightly smaller that the other models . Color packages will be the same as previously approved by the Appearance Commission, on August 11 , 1988 . This model is being offered with a 3-car option. The garages will be off-set about 1 foot from face to face . The model can be flip-flopped , and Ch. Larsen commented that it would not look proper if the garage elevation is on a corner . Mr . Meigs did not have copies of the other models and the Commissioners could not recall the previous elevations . Mr . Matt suggested this item be Tabled until the next meeting. Mr . Meigs was asked to return May 10 , 1990 with color renderings of the other models and elevations . Mr . Meigs said they were hoping to market the model soon, because there is a market for this size , but he agreed to return with renderings of all the other elevations . Com. Bremner made a motion to Table the new Churchill Model , #3595 , until May 10 , 1990 . Seconded by Con. Bruno . Voice Vote : AYE - Unanimously . B. Striker Lanes Plaza - Awnings/Signage/Sign Package Mr . Marc Schwartz , Attorney, Batler and Schwartz , 355 W. Dundee Road , Suite 200 , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (541-8900) made the presentation. 1 . Awnings : Mr . Schwartz reviewed the previous discussion about the color of the awnings . The owners want to maintain a separate identity from The Plaza of Buffalo Grove and did not want the same green awnings , with red/orange striping . Blue was chosen because it is a compatible color , but now that they have Kuppenheimer as a potential tenant , the color Blue is necessary, because that is the signature color of the Kuppernheimer Corporation. Mr . Brian Gordon of Joseph Freed and Associates ; and Mr . Jerry De George , V. P. of Kupperheimer in charge of Planning , were present to answer questions . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Two Copies of photographs of several Kuppenheimer stores were distributed . Of a total of 140 stores , approximately 85% have street frontage and all the stores have blue awnings . If they are not permitted to have a blue awning , they will not execute the lease . The space involved is over 20% of the center and will be similar to the store at Golf and Algonquin, which generates approximately $3 ,000 ,000 per yr . This business is important to the Village of Buffalo Grove . The space involved will be the store closest to Buffalo Grove Road. T)e windows wrap about 12 around the corner , but there is an expanse of about 50 feet between the last green awning and the first Striker Plaza awning. Com. Gordon commented that he has driven up and down Dundee Road , and there will be a view of both colors of awnings . Ch. Larsen said he is not being influenced by the loss of the Kuppenheimer lease . Green and Blue are both in the same color family, and he was not personally opposed to Blue at the last meeting . Mr . Matt asked what size awnings are proposed? There are smaller awnings at The Plaza on the Dundee Road side and they do not have a Red/Orange stripe , because if the same scale was used , the stripe would be very narrow. Mr . Brian Gordon responded they will be the same size as the smaller awnings , and will have no stripe . Ch. Larsen agreed this would be better because of the size of the sign band . He asked what PMS Color would be used? Some standard vinyl awning color charts were submitted , including Marquee Company . Ch. Larsen said there are several choices available and he suggested Royal Blue , by Prizmax , Advanced Vinyl . Signmaster also has a nice blue . Regarding lettering on the awnings , Ch. Larsen stated this would change them from awnings to awning signs . Because the names will be above the storefronts , he did not recommend any graphics on the awnings . Mr . Schwartz agreed . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the color Blue for the Striker Lanes Plaza , with the stipulation that the awnings be vinyl and the Blue similar to Kuppenheimer Blue as shown. Com. Bremner seconded the motion Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bremner , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Three 2 . Striker Plaza Ground Sign Mr . Schwartz described the location on the site plan. It will be 250 feet away from any sign, on an island to the west end of the parking lot . The size has also been changed to meet the requirements of the Sign Code . No variances are necessary. The sign will have 3 tenant panels and the name of the center , similar to The Plaza sign, with no top emblem The color will be blue with white lettering. Ch. Larsen advised they to use dark midnight blue adhesive vinyl faces on the sign, because blue cannot be painted satisfactorily. The pole will be a matching blue . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the pylon identification sign as submitted for Striker Plaza , with 3 tenant panels and 1 plaza identification panel . Sign to be deep blue (matching the awnings as closely as possible) with white reverse lettering . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno , Gordon and Larsen. NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 3 . Sign Package : Ch. Larsen commented that Sign Criteria should be made part of the leases , but the Village cannot be expected to enforce some of the restrictions . After discussion, the following modifications were agree upon: B. 1 . Change Preliminary to Identification (Sign) . Change Illustration - T. S . C. -1 : Two lines of copy will be permitted ; 1 line of 24" letters ; or , 2 lines of 12" letters with 3" in between (5 ,000 sf . spaces are permitted larger letters , F. 3 . ) F. Change Primary to Identification (Sign Criteria) F . 2 . . . . . returns with painted "dark bronze" finish and strike "match sign face" F . 3 . Exceptions (strike to Signband) Both sentences referring to 50% , should read : "50% of the signable wall area height . " F . 4 . Strike "side" - Add "demised tenant line . " APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Four F. 7 . Typo - si should be is . F. 8 . Strike " If" - Capital Visible code and they shall be painted (add "and" ) H. a. should be #1 . #2 . Will not be enforced by BG. T. S. 0 1 - New drawings are to be submitted depicting 1 line and 2 lines of signage . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the Sign Criteria as revised for Striker Plaza, with the stipulations that it is rewritten, including new drawings to replace T. S. C. -1 ; and vinyl samples of the awnings be submitted to the Building Department . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bruno, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Lot 27 - Commerce Center - Full Review Presentation was made by Seth Pines , Ladehoff & Pines , Inc . 1300 Skokie Highway, Suite 101 , Gurnee , Illinois 60031 (708-336-2121 ) . 1 . ELEVATIONS and MATERIALS : The building will be 8 , 100 square feet including 1 ,000 sf . of office space and the remaining 7 , 100 sf . of warehouse . a . Brick - Utility Size , Carolina Ceramics - Chestnut b. Mortar - Standard , to match drivit c . Drivit - Natural White d . Windows - Grey, non reflective e . Frames/mullions - Clear anodized aluminum f . Spandrels - Lower portion - Tinted insulated glass Upper portion - Opaque g . Overhead doors/mandoors - Painted to match brick . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials , as presented for Lot 27 at the Commerce Center . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon, because he is related to the architect . Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Five 2 . LANDSCAPING: New plans were distributed that reflect Mr . Rigsby' s recommendation for landscaping along Pauline Avenue , per Village Forester ' s Review dated April 25 , 1990. Mr . Pines agreed to add berms with the plant material to provide an adequate landscape buffer between the commercial and residential properties , per Mr . Rigsby' s Review. Com . Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping as submitted for Lot 27 , Commerce Center , pursuant to the Village Forester ' s Review. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention 3 . LIGHTING: There will be two (2) exterior HPS wall pacs , mounted on the West wall . The street lighting is adequate for the parking area . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting as submitted for Lot 27 , Commerce Center . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Bremner and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention NO SIGNAGE was submitted at this time . Mr . Pines said most of the buildings have vinyl or painted letters on the doors . D. PACE Park and Ride Facility - Full Review Entrance on Commerce Court , South of Busch Parkway Presentation was made by Rosemarie Truppa , Regional Manager , and Vicki Wong , Staff Manager , from Capitol Planning Office for PACE, 550 W. Algonquin Road , Arlington Heights , IL 60005 (364-7223) . Mr . Truppa gave an overview of the proposed bus terminal and parking facility. There will be four (4) bus routes using the terminal , and parking spaces for approximately 96 cars . A bike path will be constructed through the site and bike racks will be provided. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Six Construction cost will be about $560 , 000 , including about $60 ,000 for the proposed landscaping. Steve Sugg , Staff Architect with Ciorba Group , Inc . , 5507 N. Cumberland Ave. , Chicago , IL 60656 ; and Migual D'Escoto , Landscape Architect , 53 West Jackson, Suite 335 , Chicago , IL 60604 (312-663-9550) were also present . Mr . D' Escoto described the landscaping plan that has been reviewed by the Village Forester . Mr . Rigsby states the Village will be assuming the responsibility of maintenance. He recommended screening of the facility from Busch Pkwy . An L-shaped planted berm will be used to screen the corner . Within the center of the bus turn around , there will be a utility/washroom facility for the use of PACE employees only , and appropriate plantings will be provided . There will be a hedge of Canadian Hemlock between the bike path and the sidewalk . Shrub groups will be used within the islands . Several trees will be relocated along Commerce Ct . The entire site will be hydro-seeded. Mr . D'Escoto said they are considering using concrete , or large stones at the ends of the large island , where there will be light poles . There is some cost to be considered . Ch. Larsen suggested adding a straight the bike path strip between the V at the East side . Mr . D'Escoto explained that this would be the area where a future train station would be located . It was noted that the train stop is about 4 years in the future and the area would have to be fully reconstructed . Ch. Larsen said he would abstain from voting because his company supplies signage for both PACE and METRA. Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan for the PACE facility, subject to the Village Forester ' s Review, dated April 25 , 1990 Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Gordon and Bruno NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention Note : The bike rail will be secured to the ground . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Seven 2 . LIGHTING: The thirteen ( 13) light poles will be 25 feet in height and will match the golf course parking lot fixtures . The lighting has been reviewed by the Village Engineer . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting , as submitted , for the PACE facility , subject to the Village Engineers approval . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Bruno and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention 3 . SIGNAGE: All directional signs will be under 4 square feet and are exempt . The PACE entrance sign will by 5 ' x 10 ' mounted on 6" x 6" wolmanized wood posts . Colors will be the PACE corporate colors , with white posts . The sign will be located at the corner of Busch and Commerce , and will meet the set back requirements of the Sign Code . Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the PACE ground sign as submitted. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bruno and Bremner NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen 4 . UTILITY FACILITY (Washroom) : Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Utility/Washroom Facility for the PACE service area. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Bruno NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Eight VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS No Chrysler information to report . VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Com . Bremner seconded the motion. Voice Vote - Aye Unanimously Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 10 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted , CLZa=__ Shirley Bate , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 26 , 1990 - Page Nine