1990-04-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VVILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1990 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7: 37 P.M. on Thurs. April 12, 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Ehrhardt, F. Weissman, E. Larsen Commissioners Absent: E. Bremner, C. Bruno, R. Gordon and M. Silbernik Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner E. Schar, Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley, Trustee II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 22 , 1990 - Deferred because of Commissioners' absence. Motion to Table made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Ehrhardt. Voice Vote - Aye Unanimously IV. BUSINESS A. Hitachi Facility - Precast Color Change 900 Deerfield Parkway - Covington Corporate Center Mr. Sheldon Dobrin, Friedman, Dobrin and Assoc. , Ltd 105 Revere Dr. Office Plaza - A, Northbrook, IL 60062 (708-564-5480) presented a rendering of the building and a colt IC lit tilO lflUlflhl COlOt C1COt1Qfl ill concrete block - Summer Grey. When it was fiela tested, the owners were not satisfied because they want the the color to match the brick. They have selected a special mix that will match. The mortar is natural. The Commissioners agreed that the color change was better. Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the substitution of the precast color, for the Hitachi Building at 900 Deerfield Parkway, as presented. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Weissman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. B. Glenco Engineering, Inc. - Ground Sign 270-280 Lexington Drive - Commerce Center Representatives not present. Item will be rescheduled for April 26, 1990 . C. Highland Oaks - Ground Sign Busch and Weiland George Woock, White Way Sign Co. , 1317 Clybourn Ave. , Chicago, IL 60610 (312-642-6580) presented the site plan and described the proposed sign. The grade drops down into the parking area and the sign will be mounted on 8 ' 8" posts with the back leg extended. The sign will be 8 ' 4" x 16' with a metal cabinet. It will have lexan face panels with the copy painted on from the interior. The top portion of the copy (Highland Oaks) will be #437 Red and the tenant panels will have Black letters. The columns will have metal covers with Stucco- tex metal covers. No color specified. Com. Weissman questioned the management company name and phone number shown on the bottom line. Mr. Woock explained that this panel is not meant to be permanent. Ch. Larsen recalled that there are two other temporary leasing signs on the property, and he informed Mr. Woock that they will have to conform with the 250 ' spacing rule. These signs have six-month permits and the locations would be reviewed when extensions are granted. Mr. Matt said there are leasing signs in the store windows with the management information. The AC could request that the two existing leasing signs be removed. Mr. Woock replied that he thought the owners would agree to remove the signs, but Ch. Larsen did not think it was necessary to make this a stipulation to the motion. The bottom panel could be used as a tenant panel when all the stores are leased. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Two Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Highland Oaks 8 ' 4" x 16 ' x 17 ' (height) , permanent ground sign, with one temporary panel, at the corner of Busch and Weiland, as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. D. Wendy ' s - Full Review Mc Henry Road - South of Bank Lane Presentation was made by Mike Minnich, Engineering Dept . and Daniel Scurek , Director of Planning, Upper U . S . Region with Wendy' s Int ' l , Two TransAm Plaza Drive , Suite 330 , Oak Brook Terrace , Il 61081 (932-9400) 1 . ELEVATIONS and MATERIALS: The front of the building will face Mc Henry Road. This is a new design that was created for Buffalo Grove . It is similar to the Wendy' s in Darien. a . Brick will be standard size - Glen Gery Rosewood b . Mortar will be natural color . c . Awning, no writing - Wendy' s Red/Orange color d . Drivit material - Stucco finish e . Storage Module - Drivit material f . Exposed neon around top of building above the awning is an architectural feature . There will be two single strips - Red and Yellow. Mr . Matt said the neon strips would be permitted if it is properly protected as specified in the Nat ' l Electric Code . g . Windows - Dark bronze frames and mullions . h. Red Wall Tiles around pick-up window and front door are 8" x 8" Interamics Aurum Metalloid i . 8" Strip under window - matching drivit material APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Three Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials , as submitted , for Wendy' s on Mc Henry Road within the Seigle' s Development . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s Review, dated 4/12/90 , states that Paragraph I of the general notes and specifications should be changed from Lake Zurich to Buffalo Grove . a. Austrian Pines are to be 8 feet in height and the number will be increased to screen the two buildings along the berm. b. The detention area landscaping will be completed , by agreement with Seigle ' s and in accordance with Mr . Rigsby ' s recommendation. There is a dumpster area . The enclosure will be constructed with concrete blocks covered with brick veneer , with a gate . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval the Landscaping , including the dumpster area , as submitted by Wendy' s (Seigle ' s Development) with these stipulations : a . Plantings will be added to the detention area b . Austrian Pines are to be 8 feet in height c . More Austrian Pines will be implemented along the north berm to screen the full length of the two buildings . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: The lighting will be the same as Seigle ' s and the bank building , including the same light source - white . Height of the poles will be 18 feet , same as Seigle ' s . Mr . Matt asked that the neon outline lighting , on the building , be included in the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Four Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting for Wendy' s as submitted , with these stipulations : 1 . Parking lot lighting is subject to the Village Engineer ' s photometric review. 2 . A wall pack is required at all man doors . 3 . Lighting includes the neon strips around the top of the building. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 4. SIGNAGE: There will be a ground sign and two wall signs . a. Ground Sign The pylon sign will have Wendy' s and the logo , but will not read Old Fashioned Hamburgers . It will require a variance if it is closer than 250 ft . to the Seigle ' s sign. The distance to the bank sign appears to be sufficient . The height of the ground sign is just over five feet (5 ' ) but it must be setback a minimum of ten feet ( 10 ' ) from the property line , or a variance for setback will be required . It was noted that the 10 foot location would be within the detention area and a suggestion was made to create a peninsula for the sign. It could also be 10 feet high. If the sign is moved to the northwest corner of the property it would probably require a variance from the bank sign. Another possibility would be for Seigle ' s and Wendy' s to compromise and relocate both signs , spacing them 250 feet apart . Seigle ' s has been granted a variance for a directional sign at the entrance on Bank Lane . b. Wall Signs : The Sign Code permits one wall sign on the front elevation, but the second sign on the south elevation will require a variance . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Five Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees , approval of the aesthetics of the ground �./ signage for Wendy' s (Seigle 's Development) with the stipulation that it meets the distance requirements of the Sign Code. If a variance is required , this recommendation is to be carried forth to the Zoning Board of Appeals. If the height is increased , the characteristics of the sign are to be maintained, and the brick base increased . Furthermore , a recommendation made to approve the wall sign on the front elevation, consisting of the letters and Wendy' s logo. It is also recommended that the petitioner be permitted a variance to allow an additional set of letters and logo on the south elevation. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . Mr . Matt noted that the directional signs shown on the plans are larger than the Sign Code allows without permits . If they are four sq . ft . (4 sf . ) or less , they are considered exempt signs and do not require permits . He will discuss this with the petitioners . 5 . Screening of Roof Top Equipment : Mr . Minnich presented a drawing and described the roof of the building. There is a sixteen inch ( 16" ) parapet and a standing seam roof that will completely screen the cooling equipment . The standing seam roof will match the beige drivit material . The color was discussed and the Commissioners recommended a darker color that will blend with the brick. Mr . Minnich agreed. No motion was made , but Ch. Larsen asked that a copy of the exhibit be submitted to the Bldg. Dept . and advised him to bring samples to the Village Board. E. American Needle and Novelty, Inc . - Full Review Lot 16 , Corporate Grove - SE corner of Busch and Barclay Mr . Marc Cable , Architects P. C. 3000 Dundee Road , #201 , Northbrook, IL 60062 (205-1221 ) made the presentation. L APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Six 1 . ELEVATIONS and MATERIALS: �./ The building will be masonry and stone , with natural grey mortar . A color package chart was submitted . a. Brick is Pink/Rose Color - Utility size , wire cut by Carolina Ceramics b. Stone is Buff - Indiana Limestone , smooth c . The entrance is a fluted stone arch, with bronze frames and clear glass . d. The lower portion of the building will be Buff color split-face block, stained at the factory. e . All doors and trim will be bronze aluminum. f . Roof top equipment will be screened by the four foot (4 ' ) stone cap over the front entrance . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Material for American Needle and Novelty Co. , at Busch Rd . and Barclay Blvd . , as submitted . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . `./ 2 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s Review, dated 4/12/90 , stated the plan, which includes a curved brick walk , is excellent . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping for American Needle and Novelty Co. , as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: There will be three (3) Lumark 22"x19"x8" wall pacs on the west wall and a photometric plan was submitted . They will have 250 watt , metal halide light source . There is also be one round Lumark wall fixture over the dumpster , near the overhead door . Ch. Larsen advised Mr . Cable that if the Corporate Grove lighting is High Pressure Sodium , he should match it . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Seven Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting for American Needle and Novelty Co . , as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 4. SIGNAGE: Mr . Cable described a temporary sign to be constructed on the southeast corner of Busch and Barclay. It will have maroon lettering on an aluminum background. They will meet the setback and height requirements of the Sign Code , and will submit a permanent sign at a later date. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to recommend approval of one temporary construction sign for American Needle and Novelty Company as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . The Chrysler/Plymouth sign on Old Arlington Heights Road has not been repaired. The owner does not seem to want it , and the corporation has not replaced the faces . Mr . Matt will write the owner a letter , asking for removal by a specific date . 2 . Doyle Signs has requested Car Wash to be added to the Shell sign on Dundee Road. This sign was granted a variance and Mr . Matt will research the ZBA minutes to determine if the sign requires another hearing before the ZBA. If the size of the sign meets the Code requirements , it should not require another variance , but should be reviewed by the AC before a permit is issued. 3 . Ch. Larsen commented that Barry' s has added a temporary light bulb on a post , next to the sign, because the neon is out . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Eight VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 40 P.M. Respectfully submitted , 6- Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12 , 1990 - Page Nine