1990-03-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , MARCH 22 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P.M. at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . on Thursday , March 22 , 1990 . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , C. Bruno , M. Silbernik , R. Gordon and E. Larsen QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt and F . Weissman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Bldg . Commissioner Ed Schar , Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 8 , 1990 - Com. Bremner noted that the Roll Call for the approval of the February 22 , 1990 minutes was incorrect . He was present . Com. Gordon was not . Ch. Larsen commented that on Page Five , relative to the existing evergreen hedge : Mr . Rigsby ' s Review, dated March 8 , 1990 is ` ' correct . The hedge may be removed by the residential developer . �! Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the March 8 , 1990 minutes as amended . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bremner , Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Silbernik and Bruno Motion passed - 3 to 0 , 2 abstentions . Minutes of March 8 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS Before the regular business was conducted , a presentation was made by Michael Rylko , Director of Parks and Recreation. He distributed a site plan and photographs of a SCULPTED CONCRETE BUFFALO that has been made available to the Village by Fran Volz , noted Arlington Heights resident . The buffalo was originally made for Buffalo Grove High School , but they declined to accept it because of possible vandalism . The buffalo has been on display at Central and Golf . It is about 7 feet in height and 3 ,000 lbs . The Park District would like to put it up at the northeast corner of the new maintenance garage , where it is being stored . It will be erected in front of the angled wall , under the lighted wall sign, within the existing shrubbery. The Buffalo Grove Garden Club will develop a flower bed around the buffalo . It is on a cement pedestal and will have a cement footing . Com. Bruno asked if the Village Board has seen the buffalo? Mr . Rylko responded that he was advised to come to the AC first . Com. Silbernik commented that this is a unique sculpture , but he would have liked to have had the opportunity to see it . Ch. Larsen commented that the existing illumination will probably light the buffalo , but the lettering is not legible and recom- mended the addition of fixtures in the soffit (overhang) area. Mr . Rylko agreed additional lighting would be helpful . He added that the buffalo will not be painted . It will be sealed , so if it is sprayed with paint , etc . it will be easy to clean. Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the addition of the Fran Volz sculpture of a buffalo at the northeast corner of the Buffalo Grove Park District Building at the corner of Raupp and Lake/Cook Road as presented. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Silbernik , Bruno , Bremner , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . A. Bank of Buffalo Grove - Roof Re-model Mr . Dave Curtis , President of the Bank of Buffalo Grove , 10 E. Dundee Road ; and Mr . Mark Perlman, Empeco , Inc . , 450 Skokie Blvd . , Suite 601 , Northbrook , IL 60062 , (708) 498-2402 were present . Mr . Perlman presented a model of the bank and described the proposed construction. The parapet wall will be removed and a truss system will be used to erect a new pitched roof . The shingles will be Class A Fiber Glas to simulate cedar shakes . Mr . Curtis will select the color from a selection of earth tones . The HVAC system will be removed from the roof and placed on the ground , near the building, at the northeast corner of Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road . A lift station is also located in the area. There is some existing landscaping and more evergreens and shrubs will be added . The roof of the drive-up facility was considered for the HVAC equipment , but it is not structurally strong enough. The gable is a decorative window , set into the cedar siding. The white trim will be repainted , and white Fypon Dentils will be installed around the eves for additional colonial effect . The existing chimney will be removed and the roof vents will be painted out to match the roof color . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Two Com . Silbernik a made a motion to recommend approval of the addition of a gabled roof at the Bank of Buffalo Grove , 10 E. Dundee Road , as submitted . The petitioner will be allowed to select from the color range chart submitted by Timberline by GAF . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bruno , Bremner , Silbernik , Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Mr . Matt advised Mr . Perlman to submit plans to the Building Dept . for review, but a permit will not be issued before the next Village Board Meeting , April 2 , 1990 , when the item will be placed on the Consent Agenda. B. Arbors Condominiums - Ground Sign This item was removed from the Agenda at the petitioner ' s request . C. Lincoln-Woods Subdivision, called Williamsburg Estates Full Review - East side of Old Arlington Heights Road Presentation was made by Mr . Carl Kupfer , President of Tamcor , Ltd . , 3150 Skokie Valley Road , Highland Park , IL 60035 (708) 433-4128 or (708) 775-1010 ; Mr . Duane Linden, KLLM Architects , Inc . , and Charles Crump , Total Concept Land Design, Inc . Both Mr . Linden' s and Mr . Crump' s offices are located at 2157 N. Damen, Chicago , IL 60647 (312) 235-8700 . Mr . Kupfer described the 13 lot subdivision on a 3-1/2 acre site , situated north of the Mill Creek Condominiums , and south of the Chrysler and Toyota dealerships , on the east side of Old Arlington Heights Road. The theme of the development is colonial and there will be four (4) distinct architectural styles : Formal Traditional Colonial , New England Style , Country Colonial , and English Country Style . The price range will be $275 , 000 and up. The proposed entrance monument was withdrawn. The Public Works Dept . objected to it being in a single family devlopment , because of maintenance problems . 1 . ARCHITECTURE AND MATERIALS: Mr . Duane Linden described the site plan, elevations and materials . The buildings are all 2-story , with five (5) basic floor plans , and options are permitted . The geometric configuration of the lots has been used to pre-determine design variations , i . e . garage swing , etc . The buildings were identified as horizontal , diagonal , parallel , or deep. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Three The Monotony Code will be controlled by the sales , through variation in design and selection of color packages . �./ The first floor front elevations will be brick . Four Color Package Charts were distributed . There will be combinations A, B and C for each architectural model . The following standard materials will be used : a . Brick b. Rough textured aluminum siding c . Tudor siding will have Olympic stain d . Trim will be color coordinated Colored elevations of the four styles were presented and samples of the materials were shown. One change was made: Formal Colonial - Combination A lists the shutter colors as #18 - Green; #22 - White ; and #25 - Red ; with #1 Blue siding . #18 was incorrect . It should be #19 - Almond . #20 - Blue was substituted for #25 - Red. The shutters for the Formal Colonial will be #19 - Almond ; #20 - Blue ; and #22 - White . Ch. Larsen asked how the lot plan will relate to the actual purchasers ' choices? Mr . Linden explained that the first person to buy can select a floor plan (with options) , an architectural style and the color combination package . The basic floor plans are pre- determined by the geometric configurations of the lots . Purchasers will be limited to the architectural style and color package that will meet the Village Monotony Code . There will be no 3-car garages . There will be 13 different sets of plans submitted to the Building Dept . There are two houses fronting on Arlington Heights Road . Both the front and side elevations (facing Old Arlington Court) will be brick and both elevations will have shutters . The model will be constructed on Lot 12 and Outlot A is the detention area that will be dedicated to the Village . Ch. Larsen asked the developer to stipulate that Elevations B and C are similar and cannot be built next to each other or across the street from each other . Mr . Kupfer agreed . He added that they have taken all the marketing factors into consideration and do not expect to have any problems meeting the Monotony Code . Elevation D - Addition of louvered vent over the garage . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Four Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Models , Elevations and Color Combinations as submitted for the Williamsburg Estates Subdivision, with the change of Color Combination A - Formal Colonial to read : Shutter colors to be #19 , 20 , and 22 . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Silbernik , Bremner , Bruno NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Krump , Total Concept Land Design, distributed new landscape plans . The site has some existing young vegeta- tion that is not considered valuable enough to keep , but there are several existing 6" caliper trees that will be transplanted along the South and East property lines , where visual buffering is needed . A 5 foot (possibly 6 ft . ) wood fence and shrubbery will be installed along the south property line . Any trees that can be maintained will be protected with snow fencing. The Mulberrys will be taken out , but they \ , hope to save some of the larger Siberian Elms . 0- The Village Forester ' s Review dated March 19 , 1990 has been discussed with the developers . Mr . Rigsby does not recommend using the Siberian Elms in the parkway , or in the outlot A. Shrubs and trees that can tolerate water will be used around the outlot . Mr . Rigsby recommended the parkway trees be spaced 40 feet apart , and this is shown on the new landscape plan. The species are acceptable . Along Old Arlington Heights Road and at the entrance , flowering type trees have been chosen, and will be enhanced with evergreens . The owner of the houses along Old Arlington Heights Road will be responsible for maintaining the shrubs and trees . The permanent entrance monument has been deleted , and the Mulberry Trees will also be deleted from the revised plan. Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted by Williamsburg Estates , subject to the Village Forester ' s Recommendations , to which the developer has acceded . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Silbernik , Bruno , Bremner NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 1 abstention. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Five Com. Silbernik , was not feeling well and excused himself . 3 . MARKETING SIGN Mr . Kupfer described the proposed temporary sales sign. It will be located on the northwest corner of Lot 13 and will be V-shaped. It will have White copy on Dark Green background . The 80 sf . size conforms with the signage permitted for the frontage on Old Arlington Heights Road . The sign will be mounted on 6" x 6" wolmanized wood posts . The posts will not be painted because they will be greenish color and will harmonize with the sign colors . Com. Gordon made a motion to recommend approval of the V-shaped Marketing Sign as submitted for Williamsburg Estates . Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Bruno and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. 4 . LIGHTING FIXTURES Mr . Kupfer said they will meet the Village Ordinance for the standard Buffalo Grove street lighting . The front door and garage door fixtures will be brass , design #915 . The rear fixtures will be a simple ball shaped fixture . Com. Bruno made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Fixtures as submitted for Williamsburg Estates . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Bruno NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. No skylights are shown on the renderings . Ch. Larsen asked the developer to stipulate that skylights would be limited to rear elevations . Mr . Kupfer agreed to so stipulate . Ch. Larsen explained that he abstained from voting because his firm has done work with KLLM Architects , and he did not want to vote for or against them. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Six V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Matt said the "hidden" Hidden Lakes sign has been removed . Ch. Larsen advised Mr . Matt and Mr . Schar that there is an existing sign on the west wall of the Arlington Toyota building, that should be removed, if the old front elevation letters are moved to the west elevation as approved by the AC on March 8th. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bruno seconded . Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 05 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22 , 1990 - Page Seven