1990-03-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THURSDAY , MARCH 8 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting of the Appearance Commission to order at 7 : 45 P.M. on Thursday, March 8 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Bremner , R. Gordon, F. Weissman and E. Larsen QUORUM Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt , C. Bruno and M. Silbernik Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Ed Schar , Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 22 , 1990 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Bremner and seconded by Com. Weissman. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Minutes of February 22 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. Citicorp Savings - 105 West Dundee Road Sign Face changes to Citibank Steve Buelter , Sales Coordinator , Acme-Wiley Corporation, Signs and Systems , 2480 Greenleaf Ave . , Elk Grove , IL 60007 (364-2260) made the presentation. The name of Citicorp Savings is being changed to Citibank . The following changes were requested: 1 . Pylon Sign - The top portion will be removed and a new plastic graded blue film will be installed , with the new name , CITIBANK, and the Logo. The size , colors and electric wiring will remain the same . 2 . 24 Hour Banking Sign - The plastic film will be changed to PMS #301 solid blue . 3 . Front Elevation - Existing 18" blue letters and logo will be replaced with 24" white letters and logo with blue returns , a reduction of 2 sq . ft . Mr . Buelter said his company did not recommend white letters on the off-white background , but white is the corporate color and the letters will be illuminated. �/ Ch. Larsen asked Mr . Schar to verify the height of the fascia. It would have to be 4 feet in order to have 24 inch letters . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the new faces and letter changes from Citicorp to Citibank , 105 W. Dundee Rd. as submitted . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Toyota - Sign Face Changes and New Signage Randy Jostes , President of Total Consulting Management , 1N. 060 Partridge Drive , Wheaton, IL 60188 (682-1592) and Mike Elbrecht , Parts Director for Arlington Toyota , Inc . , 935 W. Dundee Road , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (394-5100) made the presentation. Mr . Jostes reviewed the site plan, indicating the addition \/ to the service dept . and the body shop. The directional signs must be changed to coordinate with the new construction. An additional ground sign and additional wall signage was requested. There will be a wall sign over the body shop and over the parts department . The existing non-illuminated letters on the front fascia will be removed and relocated to the west side of the building. New illuminated red letters will be installed on the front fascia. The background color is light grey. Ch. Larsen observed that the proposed letters for the front of the building were a different letter style and advised Mr . Jostes and Mr . Elbrecht that . thick and thin letters will not illuminate well , especially in cold weather . He advised them to use the standard Toyota font , which is Helvetica Medium, and clear red neon, with 60 electrodes . Mr . Elbrecht had no objection to this suggestion. The directional signs will be changed appropriately. They are considered exempt signs . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Two The new ground sign will be located at the corner of Dundee and Old Arlington Heights Road . It will be 250 feet from the existing ground sign. It will be 5 ft . x 14 ft . and will be 7 feet from grade to the top of the sign. The base will be a drivit material to match the building or concrete block . It will be landscaped . Mr . Jostes said the Sign Code Table relative to property frontage qualifies Toyota to have these two signs . Ch. Larsen asked Mr . Schar to research the total signage that is permitted for the amount of Toyota ' s frontage , and verify the amount of wall signage relative to the west wall . Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the additional signage as requested by Toyota , including : 1 . a second ground monument sign 2 . replacement of existing fascia letters with neon illuminated red letters , with red returns 3 . relocation of existing letters to the west wall - - 4 . 2 small , 2 ' 2" x 4 ' 3" , single faced accessory wall signs (Body Shop and Retail Parts) Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Gordon, Weissman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Port Clinton and Prairie Roads - Full Review Richard Worthen, Physical Facilities Representative of the Church (%Bob Kaufman Machinery Corporation, Greenwood and Sand Streets , Waukegan, IL 60087 ; 312-360-9170) and Evert Lindberg , Project Architect , 1301 West 22nd Street , Oak Brook , IL 60521 (708-574-8300) made the presentation. 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: Mr . Lindberg described the site plan. The 1 story , brick , 24 ,000 sf . building is situated on an angle facing Northwest at the corner of Prairie and Port Clinton Roads . The asphalt parking lot will accommodate 225 cars . The plan is a basic building design that is constructed by the church all over the world . There is a similar building in Schaumburg . Each building is modified to fit the site . Porticos and eves have been added to this design, and the ends of the building have been lowered to keep it in more of a residential scale. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Three Brick detail has been added to the facade and along the ends , with soldier courses around the windows . Limestone blocks have been used for trim. `./ The spire (Prairie Road side) is textured aluminum. It is 50 feet high. The poles are welded together , mounted on a concrete base and surrounded with a planter . a . Brick - Iron Spot , Wire Cut , Dawson #507 Velour , supplied by Bran Clay Products . It is a uniform brown color . b. Natural Mortar c . Limestone Trim d . 300 lb . dark brown asphalt shingles e . Windows - Dark bronze anodized aluminum f . Soffit and trim will be painted to match the limestone . The building is temperature zoned for energy conservation. The four sides are identical except for three mechanical equipment areas , which are screened with stepped brick enclosures that permit air circulation. The stacks on the rear elevation will be painted out to match the roof . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials as submitted by the Latter Day Saints Church. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Gordon, Weissman, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 2 . STORAGE PAD/TRASH ENCLOSURE: There will be a 14 ' x 20 ' storage shed located at the southwest corner of the parking lot constructed of matching brick with matching shingles and soffit material . The door will be painted out the trim color of the main building. There will be an 8 ' x 20 ' cedar enclosed area for a dumpster . Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Storage Building and the Dumpster Area as submitted for the Latter Day Saints Church. Com . Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Bremner , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Four 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Lindberg described the plan. A buffer area has been created along the south property which will separate the parking lot from the future residential area to the south. The area has been bermed and some existing trees have been incorporated into the site , more berming with additional plantings have been located along the property line between the site and the railroad track . The flat detention area will be seeded and used as a recreational area. The site can accommodate 225 cars . On a normal Sunday , about 60 - 70 spaces will be used . Twice a year , conferences will be held for all area congregations , and the parking lot will overflow into the Vernon Township area. A group of Norway Maples will be left standing along Port Clinton Road with an 8 foot bike path circling through them. Mr . Lindberg noted that Paragraph 5 of Mr . Ray Rigsby ' s Review , dated March 8 , 1990 is incorrect . It states : "An existing evergreen hedge . . . 35 ' from the property line , may be removed by the developer of the parcel to the south. A landscape buffer will be required between the church and the residential area. . . . " According to the Annexation Agreement , the developer of the residential must either keep the hedge , or replace it with an equal or better number , of equal or better quality of shrubs closer to the property line . This site was once the Fiore Nursery and there are 3 ,000 trees/shrubs on the property. As many of the trees as possible will be used on site , and the rest will be given away. Plants will be moved to a holding area , by Williamson Nursery and relocated after construction. Recommendation No . 4 of Mr . Rigsby' s Review states that : "The Right-of-Way along Port Clinton and Prairie Roads should be sodded - Ord. 16 . 50 . 120" Mr . Lindberg said this was not their original intention, because they are on a budget , but they will comply if necessary. Paragraph 3 of Mr . Rigsby' s Review suggests the use of snow fencing to protect existing plant material . Mr . Lindberg agreed and thought this was an excellent suggestion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Five Com . Bremner made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted by the Latter Day Saints Church, subject to the Village Forester ' s Recommendations , dated March 8 , 1990 . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Bremner , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 4 . LIGHTING: A photometric plan was submitted , with the light fixture . The location of the lighting fixtures is shown on the site plan. They will dark , bronze , aluminum , standard , shoebox, double headed , style , with high pressure sodium bulbs . Light will be shielded from the rear , so that light will not project below the can. The poles are 14 feet high. There is also some under soffit canopy lighting. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Lighting as submitted by the Latter Day Saints Church. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Bremner , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 5 . SIGNAGE: The only sign will be a wall sign attached to the building to the left of the entry . It will be illuminated with a soffit light . It has bronze letters on a stucco background . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the building sign as submitted by the Latter Day Saints Church. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Gordon , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Six V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Weissman noted that the "f" has been omitted from the Youth Center Sign. The sign reads "Village o Buffalo Grove . " VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bremner seconded. Voice Vote was AYE Unanimously. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8 , 1990 - Page Seven