1990-02-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 37 P.M. on Thursday, February 22 , 1990 at Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , E. Bremner , R. Gordon, F . Weissman and E. Larsen. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : C. Bruno and M. Silbernik Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Building Commissioner Ed Schar , Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 8 , 1990 - Page 4 , #2 . Chrysler - Ch. Larsen' s comment about Lexan should read: "The tradename is Lexan, manufactured in Louisville , KY. by General Electric . " Strike the last sentence . Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the Feb. 8 . , 1990 minutes , as amended . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon and Ehrhardt Motion Passed - 3 to 0. Minutes of Feb. 8 , 1990 approved and will be placed on file . IV. BUSINESS A. First American Bank Corporation Installation of Automatic Teller Machine with Signage Presentation was made by Robert Hill , Executive Vice-President of the Corporation. Also present were Ted Thompson, President of the B.G. Lake County Bank ; and John De Marco , Vice-President and Overseer of Fixed Assets and Buildings for First American Bank Corporation, 975 Busse Road , Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 (640-6770) . Mr . Hill said a recent study of electronic banking services revealed that many consumers prefer a drive-up type of automated teller machine , due to the safety of being able to stay in the automobile . First American will be installing kiosks at 15 locations around the Chicago area . Mr . Hill presented a miniature kiosk and described its place- ment . It will be installed in the far outside lane under the drive-up canopy. This lane is not being used. Currently, there is a drive-up ATM through the wall in the first lane , but it has caused traffic congestion with the drive-up drawer that is in the same lane . The Cash Station green color on a white background is part of their trademark and the "cirrus" identifies the location as part of the national network . Cash Station lettering will be used on the north side , facing Bank Lane ; and in smaller letters on the the east side , which is the short end , facing Rt . 83 . There will not be a sign on the drive-thru canopy. Com . Weissman asked if the entire kiosk becomes a sign because it will have First American Bank lettering on it? Mr . Hill explained that the building itself is necessary for the environmental protection of the machine. It is used for the storage of receipt paper , etc . and there is also a shelf for counting currency. For security, Illinois Armored will be servicing the structure . The kiosk is only 36 inches wide , with a quarter cylinder that swings out for servicing. Ch. Larsen said he would not consider the structure a sign and recalled that there are no wall signs on the bank building. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the addition of the Cash Station Kiosk to the First American Bank on Rt . 83 as submitted . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Bremner , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Striker Plaza on Dundee Road - Full Review: Elevations/Materials/Lighting/Landscaping/Signage The presentation was made by Mr . Marc Schwartz , Batler and Schwartz , 355 W. Dundee Road , B. G. , IL 60089 (541-8900) representing Joseph Freed and Associates , Inc . developer . Brian Gordon, Marvin Goldblatt and Chuck Kramer were also present . Mr . Schwartz described the Striker Lanes site . The plans have received unanimous recommendation from the Plan Commission to the Village Board on Jan. 31 , 1990. The basic footprint of the building is unchanged , and approximately 10 ,000 square feet of retail space will be added to the west end . Parking for 140 cars will be provided . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1990 - Page Two The Village has asked that the plaza , to the east side of the existing Bison Restaurant , be retained as open space . Also at the request of the Village Staff , the facade of the project will be in keeping with the Plaza of Buffalo Grove , but the awning color will be Royal Blue with a Red highlight stripe , in order to create a separate identity. 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: Mr . Kramer said the exterior of the building will be the same white drivit (synthetic stucco) material . There is a 4 foot grade difference between the bowling alley and the west end of the existing building. A false soffit will be added to screen the roof top equipment from the front and from the residential areas . A parapet along the smaller stores will also screen AC and roof top equipment . Com. Gordon said he understood the Staff ' s desire to have the centers harmonious , but the proposed awning colors are not harmonious with the existing , Green with Red stripe , awnings . Ch. Larsen observed that the Plaza awnings are illuminated and asked if the new awnings would be illuminated? Mr . Kramer responded that they are not illuminated. They are opaque cloth with lights underneath them . Windows with awnings will rap around the east side of the building a distance of about 10 ' to 12 ' with about 35 ' to 38 ' of blank drivit wall . Several color combinations were discussed . Ch. Larsen mentioned Rust with Cream is popular , and added he would prefer to have the new awnings illuminated . Mr . Freed ' s representatives conferred . They agreed to change the colors of the awnings and make them illuminated , but said they wanted some time to study the color issue . They were asked to bring in some samples for comparison. Review of the MATERIALS continued : The roof cap will be drivit material . The fascia will be 2-1/2 to 3 feet . Exact dimensions have not been determined . The height of the letters , shown on the fascia above the canopy , was more than the 1/2 permitted by the Sign Code . In order to have 24 inch letters the fascia would have to be 4 feet . The canopy could be shortened. The squares over the Petersen Interiors ' entrance will be a glass material with framework . They are not glass blocks . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1990 - Page Three There is a 1 to 2 inch accent line over the Petersen Interiors , that will be the same color as the drivit . The rear of the building , abutting The Arbors , will be standard split-face block . There is an existing 6 foot fence . Com. Bremner recalled that the rear of the Plaza at B. G. addition, abutting Oak Creek , was a matching drivit material . This is called Thoroseal and Mr . Kramer agreed to apply the same finish treatment to all the split-block . There will not be a loading dock at the rear of Petersen Interiors . This will be a display room •and deliveries will be made from a stocking warehouse . There will not be any windows on the west wall of the building . Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials for Striker Plaza as submitted , with the stipulation that the petitioner will return with color samples of the awnings , using an alternate color combination. The roof top units will be screened with the parapet . The height of the parapet wall will probably be increased 1 foot to achieve a sign band height of 4 feet over the majority of the center . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Com. Gordon commented that since the awnings are an integral part of the whole elevation design, he would have a problem approving the elevations without them. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Ehrhardt , Bremner , Larsen NAY - Gordon (for reason stated above) Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . 2 . LIGHTING: A photometric study was submitted. Three 30 foot pole lights will be installed along the front of the building, with wall mounted fixtures along the rear and west sides . The fixtures , toward the north and west , are designed to throw light down and not up toward the apartment buildings . The boxes are sloped with a cut off distance of 20 feet . The fixtures are a standard cast aluminum shoe box type with HPS lamps . Mr . Matt questioned whether the 30 foot height was permitted by the Development Ordinance and if the Plaza lights are sodium vapor? APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1990 - Page Four Ch. Larsen said sodium vapor will change the colors , and said he thought the lights at the Plaza and Taco Bell are all metal halide . Mr . Schwartz said they would stipulate that the lights will match The Plaza and Taco Bell ; and that the height of the poles will conform with the code . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Lighting for the Striker Plaza Retail Center as submitted with the following stipulations : a . the lighting source will match the Plaza and Taco Bell , and b. the height of the poles will conform with the Village codes . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt , Bremner , Gordon, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 3 . LANDSCAPING: The Village Forester ' s memo , dated Feb. 14 , 1990 , was reviewed . Mr . Rigsby recommendations includes the provision of shrubbery for screening of the cars parked in the front area. Mr . Schwartz said they would comply with Mr . Rigsby' s review. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Landscaping of the Striker Plaza as submitted , subject to the recommendations of Raymond 0. Rigsby, Supt . of Public Works Operations and agreed to by the petitioner . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Bremner , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 4 . SIGNAGE: Ch. Larsen asked that a written Sign Criteria be submitted for AC review. Copies should be given to tenants with their lease and a letter of approval from the owner should be submitted with the application for signage . It is the responsibility of the owner to enforce the provisions of the criteria. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1990 - Page Five The pylon sign was discussed. The height must equal the required setback distance , i . e . 18 ' height and must be set back 18 ' from the front property line . It must also be at least 250 ' from the existing signage on the same side of the street . There will be 3 tenant spaces on the sign and the copy will be individual letters on a white background . Colors are to be coordinated with the colors of the awning that will be presented at a later date . A technical question arose whether ground signs are required to have the name of the retail center indicated? This center has not been given a specific name . Sec . 14 . 20 .030 will be reviewed and an interpretation made by the Administrator . Petersen Interiors and J. Freed Design are shown as examples . Mr . Schwartz said each individual tenant will submit their individual copy for approval . Ch. Larsen noted that the height of the Petersen Interiors wall sign must also meet the Sign Code specifications and be 1/2 the height of the background area. Mr . Schwartz asked that the signage be Tabled . They will write up the Sign Criteria and comply with the Village regulations . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to Table the Striker Plaza signage . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Voice Vote was AYE Unanimously. The signage will be submitted for review at a later date . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. High Point Plaza/Grove Shopping Center Landscaping Some additional landscaping for High Point Plaza and The Grove Shopping Center entrance has been submitted to Mr . Rigsby for review and has been approved , per Feb . 13 , 1990 memo . Dead plant material at the entrance will be removed and replaced. Improvements also include alteration to the western detention pond . The Commissioners did not deem it necessary to see the plans . Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Village Forester regarding the revision of the High Point Plaza/Grove Shopping Center landscaping , as proposed . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Gordon, Bremner , Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1990 - Page Six VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Bremner made a motion to adjourn. Com. Gordon seconded . Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9 : 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted , � 4 Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION �./ February 22 , 1990 - Page Seven