1990-02-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes . APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 P.M. on Thursday, February 8 , 1990 , at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Larsen, E. Bremner , M. Silbernik and F . Weissman. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : D. Ehrhardt , C. Bruno and R. Gordon Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Bldg . Commissioner Ed Schar , Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley , Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. December 28 , 1989 - Motion to approve as submitted made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Silbernik. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Silbernik , Weissman, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bremner Motion Passed -- 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. Dec . 28 , 1989 minutes approved and will be placed on file . B. January 25 , 1990 - Tabled , because of Commissioners ' absence . IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Congregation - B'nai Shalom Ground Sign - Aptakisic Road Mr . George Woock , White Way Sign Company , 1317 Clybourn Ave . , Chicago , IL 60610 , (312) 642-6580 , made the presentation. Mr . Martin Korman, Temple representative , was also present . The sign will be 31-1/2" by 6 ' 1 " totaling 16 square feet . cabinet will be bronzetone extruded aluminum with white letters . The base will be 28-1/2" and will be painted Beige . The temple is located in the R-7 Residential District and the setback requirement is 25 feet from the lot line , but the proposed setback is 12-1/2 feet . Photographs were presented. If the sign is located just beyond the sidewalk , it will have good visibility from both directions . There is approximately 45 feet from the property line to the building. Ch. Larsen explained that the AC can review the aesthetics of the sign and make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a variance . Com. Weissman commented that 3 inches of the concrete base is above grade level , and asked if landscaping is required? Mr . Korman said that the base was designed in that way so that the grass can be kept trimmed neatly. Ch. Larsen asked if both sides of the property is zoned residential? Mr . Woock responded that there is one house west of the property, and the area east of the drive is undeveloped . A nursery is located across the street from the temple . The Serendipity development is farther east , past the wetlands . The sign meets the requirement of Sign Code , Sec . 14 . 20 . 010 , Sub-section C: size not to exceed sixteen square feet . Sub-section E: " signs may be detached if they do not exceed a height of five feet nor project into any required building setback area . " The sign is exactly five feet in height but Zoning Ordinance , Section 17 . 40 . 030 , Sub-section C requires a 25 foot minimum front yard setback . A variance for setback is required . The Commissioners had no objections to the proposed sign. Com. Weissman made the following motion: I move we recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals granting of a variance for the sign as requested by B'nai Shalom , to be placed 12-1/2 feet from the property line , which is 50% of the required 25 feet . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner , Weissman and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Silbernik Motion Passed - 3 to 0 , 1 abstention. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 8 , 1990 - Page Two V. NEW BUSINESS A. KONAMI - 900 Deerfield Parkway �•./ Ground Sign/Face Change Mr . Andrew Chang explained that in order to make the sign more readable , they want to enlarge the white letters (KONAMI) and make them 2 inches in depth. The logo will remain the same size and colors , but all the copy will be respaced There were no objections or comments . Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the sign face change as submitted by Konami , 900 Deerfield Road , at the Covington Corporate Center . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Bremner , Weissman, Silbernik , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Vernon Township - 2900 Main Street Lighting of southeast softball field �./ Mr . William E. Peterson, Vernon Township Supervisor , 23450 N. Main St . , Prairie View, IL 60069 (708) 634-4600 , made the presentation. The property was annexed into the Village in November . There is lighting at one baseball diamond and the request is for lighting another diamond . They have no plans to add lights to the third diamond. Mr . Peterson added that the proposed lighting was included in the annexation agreement and has been approved by the Village Board and the Plan Commission. The lighting system will consist of four cast concrete poles (same as the other diamond) with special lamps that will cut down light spillage from the diamond into the nearby residential areas . One side of the diamond backs up to the railroad tracks , one side backs up to the Vernon Township property which is a large corrugated metal building, and the lights that will face west will be 400 ' to 500 ' from the nearest residential property . Ch. Larsen asked what time the lights will be turned off? Mr . Peterson responded that the existing lights are usually off by 10 : 30 P.M. On rare occasions , the games last longer . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 8 , 1990 - Page Three Mr . Matt asked what zoning surrounds the area , and how close the nearest house is to the property line? Mr . Peterson said that the area surrounding the property is zoned residential . The closest house is in the unincorporated area to the south of the diamond , with the community service building in-between. Zale properties (Woodlands and Double- tree) are at least 500 feet to the west . When sales are completed , Vernon Township hopes to get another small parcel of land to be used for additional parking . There is a 150 foot buffer and a third baseball diamond between the proposed lighting and the Zale property . The lights are designed to illuminate the diamond with a spillover of not more than 100 feet . The poles are on the base lines with the light geared to go toward center field , which about 270 feet away. The lamps are tilted so that the light begins to fade away about 30 feet from the diamond. Mr . Peterson said the lighting system is expensive , but it was chosen because of the residential location of the fields . As the lamps on the other diamond need replacement , they will be replaced with these fixtures . Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the lighting as submitted by Vernon Township for the southeast baseball diamond , with the stipulation that if there is a future spillage problem, proper shading would be utilized to control the spillage into the residential areas . Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Silbernik , Bremner , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Health Mart (Mark Drugs at Strathmore Shopping Center) is being developed into a national chain, and the sign is still being reviewed. 2 . Chrysler - No response from Mr . Clifford as to replacement . Ch. Larsen commented that polycarbonate is the best material for sign faces because it should not break . The tradename is Lexan and it is manufactured in i4N44l ;3TN for General Electric . �L a-manuf ^.t?.�re6 acry-1 c sign fa6gSr c 3 . Relative to the Hidden Lakes off-premise sign, a letter is being prepared for the property owner . All of the Hidden Lakes ' signage is being reviewed. There are still some units and the models to be sold . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 8 , 1990 - Page Four 4 . Trustee Mr . O'Malley commented that the Village is still withholding final approval for Federal Express until some issues are resolved , including Federal Express light shields , \./ and screening for the Zierk ' s Furniture and 600 Lake/Cook Rd. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Silbernik made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Voice Vote : AYE Unanimously. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 8 : 20 . P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates , Recording Secretary sb • APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 8 , 1990 - Page Five