1990-01-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 , 1990 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Ch. Ed Larsen, the meeting was called to order by Com. Martin Silbernik at 7 : 37 P.M. on Thursday, January 25 , 1990 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : D. Ehrhardt , R. Gordon and M. Silbernik Commissioners Absent : E. Larsen, E. Bremner , C. Bruno and F . Weissman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Charles Matt , Deputy Building Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley III . APPROVAL OF MINTUES December 28 , 1989 - Tabled because of Commissioners ' Absence . \ e. OLD BUSINESS A. Farmers Insurance , Michael J. Gleason 976 S. Buffalo Grove Road Tabled . A Sign Package is being prepared by the developer , but has not been submitted. If the sign meets approved criteria , it will not require AC review. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Talman Home - Cash Station Sign, Change of Location George Woock , White Way Sign Company, 1317 Clybourn Ave . , Chicago IL 60610 (312) 642-6580 presented a photograph of the existing sign. He described the proposed new sign face and the new location. The Cash Station copy will be changed from double line to a single line , to meet new requirements . The existing cash station sign will be removed from the brick wall and will be replaced over the first drive-up stall on the west elevation. It will be 1-1/2 feet from the end of the canopy with a 9 inch border , top and bottom. It will be 7 feet from the Talman Home sign on the same canopy. Colors will remain green on a white background . No comments , questions or objections . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the copy and location changes in the Cash Station sign at Talman Home as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon and Silbernik NAY - None i Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . B. Congregation B'nai Shalom - Ground Sign on Aptakisic Road Tabled until the next meeting at the request of petitioner . C. Arbor Creek Business Centre - Lots 16 and 17 Full Review - Lots 16 and 17 Materials/Elevations/Landscaping/Lighting/Signage Ms . Stephanie Hayford , Vice President of Marketing ; Klefstad Companies Inc . , 4444 W. Montrose Avenue , Chicago IL 60641 ; (312) 777-7300. The property fronts on Asbury Street , and will be situated on the East side of the lot with the offices fronting on Asbury. The docks will be on the west side , with parking to the west and front area. J Mr . Matt asked if the 8 foot chain link fence surrounds the property? Mr . Harry Spila , Architect , responded that it encloses the truck driving areas , returning with the gate within the property lines . The room began to fill with smoke ! ! ! - RECESS about 8 P.M. tIpt II The meeting reconvened about 8 : 30 P.M. after firemen determined it was safe . A heating unit on the roof had burned out and was smoking . There was no fire . A review of the Fence Code , Section 15 . 20. 060 confirmed that 8 foot fences are permitted along property lines in nonresiden- tial areas . Mr . Matt asked about the solid inserts in the fence . Ms . Hayford responded that the covenant will not allow inserts . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 25 , 1990 - Page Two 1 . MATERIALS/ELEVATIONS: a. Brick , office portion - Utility Size , Carolina Ceramics , Color - Teakwood , a brown/grey blend , with grey mortar . b. Precast concrete warehouse portion - Stained grey. c . Glass - Solarcool Bronze , tinted - not reflective . d . Mullions - Dark bronze anodized aluminum e . Roof top units - Dark bronze anodized aluminum f . Metal dock doors , mandoors , rails - Painted , dark bronze The height of the office portion is 14 feet , and the height of the warehouse , which is setback , is 26 feet . The ware- house will be heated with indoor unit heaters . The elevations were reviewed and found to be acceptable . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Materials and Elevations for Arbor Creek Business Centre , Lots 16 & 17 , as presented. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon and Silbernik NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . 2 . LIGHTING: Lighting source will be Sodium Vapor and there will three types of lighting: a. Shoebox fixtures , along the west property line , will be mounted on 30 foot poles , within the 8 foot green area. The height is necessary for the parking area. b . Shoebox fixtures , on the islands in front of the building , will be mounted on 20 foot poles . c . Shoebox wall pac fixtures will be mounted 20 feet high on the west side of the building . Mr . Matt said the 30 foot poles may not be permitted . The Village Engineer should review the lighting and it must comply with the codes and the development agreements . Ms . Hayford agreed to reduction of the height , if necessary. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 25 , 1990 - Page Three Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Lighting for Lots 16 & 17 , Arbor Creek Business Centre , as submitted , with the exception, that if the development agreement calls for a specified maximum height of the lighting poles , the three (3) 30 foot poles will be replaced with poles of the specified height . Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt and Silbernik NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 4 . LANDSCAPING: The Landscape Plan Review , dated January 12 , 1990 , recommends reduction of the Green Ash trees ; and gives specific varieties for species proposed . Ms . Hayford said they have seen Mr . Rigsby' s review and have revised the landscape plans . Nine (9) of the Green Ash trees will be replaced with Austrian Pines or European Lindens . Pines have been added to the West elevation. Mr . Matt asked that a copy of the revised landscape plan, dated January 23 , 1990 , be submitted with a letter to Ray Rigsby , describing the substitutions . Ms . Hayford agreed . Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the revised Landscape Plan, dated January 23 , 1990 , reflecting Mr . Ray Rigsby' s recommendations , as submitted . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Ehrhardt , Gordon, Silbernik NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. 4 . SIGNAGE: A 4 ft . x 8 ft . single-face temporary sign was presented . It will be made of 3/4" plywood . Background will be cream. The lower half will have the Klefstad identification, with the logo and copy in the Klefstad corporate color blue . The upper portion will read : Future Home of Graebel Vanlines , with logo and slogan in Blue and White , the Graebel corporate colors . APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 25 , 1990 - Page Four Com. Silbernik asked that the 4 foot poles be painted the Klefstad blue color for contrast . The sign will be located in the green area in front of the building, east of the driveway, parallel to the street . Ms . Hayford said they will return for AC approval of the permanent signage at a later date . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the construction sign as presented for Lots 16 & 17 at Arbor Creek Business Centre Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Gordon, Ehrhardt and Silbernik NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS The December 28th announcement items were discussed : 1 . Health Mart took over Mark Drugs at the Strathmore Shopping Center . The sign is not individual letters , and it is backlit . It will be checked to see if it complies with the Sign Criteria. \wd 2 . Tropical World (Plaza) is expanding. 3 . Lotte Furniture - The permit will be checked to see if it included the logo . 4. The Zierk ' s roof top screening is being installed. It will match the screening on the 3-story building. 5 . All the Federal Express parking lot shades have been _ installed , but some light is being emitted between the shades and the fixture boxes . Mr . Beechick said he will have neopreme gaskets installed between the new shades and the box of the fixture, weather permitting . 6 . The Chrysler ground sign on Old Arlington Heights Road is still boarded up. Mr . Matt will check the intentions of Clifford Chrysler in regard to the sign. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 25 , 1990 - Page Five Mr . Matt reported on the following signs : 1 . The two abandoned signs at Country Court (Wizards and Koenig & Strey) have been removed . 2 . The Arlington Club sign, west of 400 W. Dundee Road , on Lot 4 at Windsor Ridge , is scheduled for removal . Trustee O'Malley asked about the Property For Sale signs at Town Center . Are they on the parkway? VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Com. Silbernik adjourned the meeting at 9 :05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, (!i9; ac;071421-0-- Shirley Bat Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 25 , 1990 - Page Six 4