1983-12-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS. , DEC. 22, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1983 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: B. Gibbs, E. Larsen, D. Wehring and D. Hardt. C. Cea arrived at 8:04 P.M. QUORUM PRESENT Commissioners Absent: K. Krippes and L. Koclanis Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 8, 1983 - Com. Wehring made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen, Wehring and Hardt. Nay - None Abstain - Gibbs Minutes of December 8, 1983 were approved and will be placed on file. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Anden Corporation- - Le Parc Sales Area, Signage Mr. Jerry De Grazia presented a site plan showing the proposed sales area with parking spaces indicated and the location of the temporary sales trailer. There will be additional parking area after the Model is opened. The parking lot will be stone until the road is put in and then the parking area will be asphalt. At this time the parking lot will be landscaped. It is doubtful if the landscaping can be put in before spring, but they will do what they can as soon as possible. Com. Wehring made a motion to approve the Le Parc Parking Area with temporary landscaping as presented by Anden Corporation. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call- Aye: Larsen Wehring Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Signage - Mr. De Grazia said that he has reviewed all signage with the Staff and it has been decided that the only variation that will be needed is for approval of two signs. The location of the permanent entrance walls, etc. will be considered part of the PUD agreement. A ZBA variation will be sought in January 1984. Temporary Construction Sign 10' X 12' sign at the S. E. Corner of the site will be repainted. It now reads "Northwoods." The new sign Le Parc will be at a right angle to Lake/Cook Road with an arrow. It is a double faced sign. Colors will be 330 Green, 202 Burgandy, 497 C - Dk Brown; w/White. Two smaller, similiar signs will be at the corner of Lexington Drive and Lake/Cook Road. They will read Model Information with arrows and will be 4' x 6 ' signs. They will be double faced. (Eliminated for larger sign below.) An off-premise sign on the industrial property was requested; but if the owner, Mr. Ron Benark does not approve it; Mr. De Grazia would like to put it on his property. It will be 4' x 6' and will say Model Information with an arrow. It will be located at the entrance to Le Parc. Signage on the sales trailer will consist of a 5' x 5' Le Parc logo only. Ch. Hardt said that off-premise signs are approved with the consent of the owner of the property where the sign is to be located. A letter is needed. Permits are issued for a period of 6 months with option for renewal , the conditions of Sec. 14.20.080 must be met. Landscaping would be required. The square footage of directional signs was discussed. Mr. De Grazia has requested 4' x 6' signs . This is quite small . Com. Larsen suggested that larger signs would be allowed; up to 10' x 12' on the SW Corner , and would also be an off-premise sign. Com. Gibbs made the following motion : I move we approve the following signage for Le Parc presented by Anden Corp. as follows: A. One 10' x 12' double-faced sign; Off-premise sign West af-the SA corner of the property. B. One 10' x 12' double faced sign on the South ;East corner as presented, must meet set back req. C. One off-premise sign, 4' x 6' to be located at the corner of Lake/Cook and Lexington Drive, on the Industrial Property, provided that permission in writing is obtained from the owner. This sign must meet all specifications of Sec. 14.20.080. D. Logo only on the rear of the sales trailer. Size to be 5' x 5' and colors to be the same as specified in the discussion. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Larsen Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Cea Motion Passed 4 to 0, with 1 abstension APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1983 - Page Two V. NEW BUSINESS A. Edward Schwartz & Co. - Devonshire II Parking Lot with Temporary Sales Trailer Mr. Ken Rodeck presented a drawing of a standard Williams trailer which will be 2-tone green to be located on the corner of Route 83 and Devlin Rd. There will be approximately 12 parking spaces. The trailer will be skirted, with wood stairs. The trailer will be temporary, 6 - 8 months until the models are built. Sales will then be moved to the model . After discussing the location of the trailer on the plat submitted, the AC asked that it be moved to the opposite side, away from Devlin Road. Mr. Rodeck agreed with this suggestion. The sign will also be moved to the East side of the lot where it will meet the set back requirements. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Sales Trailer for Devonshire II with the stipulation that it be located on the East side of the lot at the corner of Devonshire Road and Devlin Rd. with the appropriate set back from Devlin Rd and the side lot line, from Model A. The trailer will be standard Williams 2-tone green and the wood stairs will be painted to match the dark green. The trailer will be skirted. The parking lot will be gravel as shown with 12 parking stalls with timber wood stops. Remainder of lot will be sodded grass. The sign will be re-located to the. East property line the appropriate 10' set back. Sign to be 8' x 15' billboard. The permit to be issued for a period of 6 months for the trailer with renewal permitted upon re-appearance before this Commission, at which time the AC could request some landscaping. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Cea Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Wehring Motion Passed 4 to 0, with 1 abstension. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1983 - Page Three B. F.P.C. Corporation - Wall Sign at Buffalo Grove Commerce Center Mr. Mike Kamins presented a sample letter that he would like to attach to the South elevation of the building. They are standard 10 inch acrylic letters that are the same as the sign at Merchandising Inventives. Mr. Kamins asked if he would also need a permit to put the address numbers over the garage door. No permit is needed for this purpose. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve 18 inch White acrylic letters for the F.P.C. Corporation to be placed on the South (side) elevation of the building as presented. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Gibbs Cea Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Larsen Motion Passed 4 to 0, with 1 abstension. Com. Larsen does business with F.P.C. Corporation. C. Long Grove Confectionery Co. - Buffalo Grove Commerce Center Joel G. Caplan; Sherman Gerber, Architect and Mike Tarnow, Landscape Arch. Mr. Gerber made the presentation of the Architecture, Materials and Colors. The building will be located on Lexington Drive on a corner lot. It is a rectangular building with the offices located in a triangle portion at the front corner. This portion will have a metal roof, with dark bronze metal windows. The area will be bermed up to the windows. The building is masonary, with no windows except in front. The bricks are King-size with a texture and a range of colors. Mortar will be colored to match the brick. Windows will have tinted glass. Coping will be aluminum to match the roof. The roof vents will not be seen because they are set back to the center of the building and there is a 1 foot parapet around the buidling. The front door will be bronze aluminum; and it may be necessary to add an exit to meet the code requirements. There will be interior downspouts. Refuse will be compacted inside the building. There will be bumper posts at the loading dock, painted to match the building. Com. Wehring made a motion to approve the Architecture, Materials and Colors of the Long Grove Confectionery building as proposed. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen, Gibbs, Cea, Wehring and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1983 - Page Four Long Grove Confectionery cont'd Lighting Lighting will consist of three mercury vapor fixtures to be located at-the overhead door, one on the South side of the building and one on the East side (rear). Mr. Gerber agreed to meet the code requriements about the placement of the lights. If additional fixtures are needed they will be the same type. The building lights will be wall mounted. There will be two light standards in the parking lot; one in front and one located about 2/3 of the way back. The lights are similiar to the wall lights. The standards will be 14 ft. tall and set in concrete bases. The fixture is a double headed fixture with mercury vapor bulbs. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Mercury vapor, 100 watt-321 medium size wall lights for the three wall brackets as submitted by the Long Grove Confectionery Co. and - Two - 14 ft standards with double lamp fixtures for the parking lot; and - One additional light over the service door on the East elevation; and - Recessed lighting in the soffit over the office area on the West side of building. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Larsen Gibbs Cea Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Landscaping A Landscape Plan was submitted and Mr. Tarnow described the proposed landscaping. The front area will be sodded from the building line to the curb. The side and rear areas will be seeded. The plan shows 6 previously approved street trees as well as three additional trees along the parking lot side. There is also a large tree to be located near the entrance, with plants lining the concrete walkway. The trans- former will be screened. The rear island is gravel . Com. Wehring made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping for The Long Grove Confectionery Co. as presented, with the installation caf-gravel in the .Perkingi�lad, Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Gibbs Larsen Wehring Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1983 - Page Five Long Grove Confectionery cont'd Signage - Mr. Gerber presented the identification sign, to be made of u laminated wood with the letters carved into the sign. The sign will be dark bronze to match the roof. It is a low sign, 4' from the ground and the size of the sign is 6" wide and 24' long. It is landscaped front and back as per landscape plan. The Logo will be the house only without lettering over the building. Com. Cea made a motion to approve the Sign for The Long Grove Confectionery Co. as presented. Com. Wehring seconded the motion. It was noted that the sign will be lighted with two low level flood lights. Locks will be provided to prevent them from being moved to shine on the street. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Ce a Larsen Wehring Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS It was noted that the Datsun lights are very bright and should be re-directed to shine only on the parking lot. White lights would not be so bright. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Wehring made a motion to adjourn and Com. Larsen seconded it. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Resp c fully submitted, Shirley Bate Secretary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1983 - Page Six • . ' F., V 1. ill