1983-10-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS., OCT. 27, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. on Thursday, Oct. 27, 1983 at the Village Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, K. Krippes, E. Larsen, L. Koclanis, D. Wehring, and D. Hardt. QUORUM. Commissioner Absent: C. Cea Building Department Liaison: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. ; Deputy Bldg. Com. Village Board Liaison: Mr. Gary Glover, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 13, 1983 - Ch. Hardt asked for additions and/or corrections. Page Two - Motion at top of page: 1. Add - or across the street. Page Five - Steepleview Condos, Paragraph 4: Strike - (each end allowing)- insert: 'on the board and batten; ' Com. Larsen made a motion to approve the Oct. 13, 1983 minutes as amended. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Krippes Larsen Nay = None Abstain - Wehring Gibbs Minutes of Oct. 13, 1983 Approved. Hardt IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Trammell Crow - Lake/Cook Road - Face Change Mr. Tim Beechick presented the copy change for the temporary construction sign on Lake/ Cook Road. Only the top four lines will be changed to read: NOW LEASING 1110 LAKE-COOK ROAD OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FALL 1983 There will be no change in the phone number or the Developer's name. Mr. Beechick said there was a mix-up with the sign man and the sign has already been painted. The office called to apologize. The colors will be the same. A standard blue is used on all the Trammell Crow signs and the sign will be painted out and repainted. The only change that will be made to the sign on Arlington Heights Road will be to change the word 'Spring' to 'Fall. ' These are temporary marketing signs and will eventually be replaced with monument signs. Com. Wehring made the following motion: I move we approve the sign changes as requested by Trammell Crow for the 1110 Lake Cook Road temporary signs on Lake/ Cook Road and Arlington Hts. Road. Signs are approved for a time period of six months under Sec. 14.32.020 of the Sign Code. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Krippes Wehring Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. B. All Suburban Dental Center - 313 W. Dundee Road Mr. Rio presented a diagram and cut sheet showing the proposed lights to be attached to the free standing sign. Two fixtures will be mounted on a single Y bracket, and will be focused to direct light on the drive- way in front of the building, and the parking lot; not on Dundee Road. Com. Larsen suggested mounting the lights on the end of the sign instead of the top. Mr. Rio agreed and also agreed to paint the bracket to match sign. The lights will be on only during office hours and for perhaps an hour later. They are needed for the security of patients. They will have 400 watt mercury vapor lights. Com. Larsen said that the size of bulbs does not make a difference in the light area. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve two - 400 watt mercury vapor - lights, attached to the South i end of the sign on the top edge away from Dundee Road; facing the build- ing. Color to be the .same as the sign cabinet. Lights to be focused so that no lights project on- to the traffic on Dundee Road, or onto the adjoin- ing property. Com. Wehring seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 27, 1983 - Page Two C. Lexington In The Park - Arlington Heights Road 1-Club House and Pool Area - Architecture/Materials Mr. Mark Groundin, Lexington Development Corp. Purchasing Dept. , made the presentation. He had a picture of the project in Schaum- burg and said the B. G. project will be identical. The building materials were described as follows: 1. Aluminum Siding - Halifax Grey, U.S. Steel 2. Cedar Shakes - Natural (will weather) 3. All exterior trim - Wood painted Olympic White 4. Doors and Shutters - Blue Mink 5. Windows - White to match the Lexington/Park windows 6. Coach Lights at Doors - Fixture #5632 7. Recessed soffit light (6" sq.) over Bath House Door 8. Shingles - Chapel Grey 9. B-Vents - On rear elevation, will be painted Blue Mink 10. Gutters - Only over the porch on the front Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Lexington Development Club House as presented, with materials as stipulated in the discussion. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None 2-Pool Area Lighting There will be seven (7) pole lights surrounding the pool - #P 5301-31; poles to be 6' to 7' high. There will be no lights flooding the pool area. The building lights were discussed as part of the Architectural review. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve the lighting for the building and surrounding the pool area as submitted by Lexington Dev. Corp. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Koclanis Larsen Krippes Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 27, 1983 - Page Three Landscaping/Fence A photograph of the proposed fence was shown. It will follow the outline of the pool. Because the fence shown had points, Mr. Saviano said that these were not allowed by the Code, and Mr. Groundin agreed to meet requirements of the Village. It will be 5 feet high. The wading pool will also be surrounded with a similar fence, but not so high. There will be a gate to the wading pool from inside the pool area. There will be no gates to the main pool except from the bathhouse. Landscaping - Code 1 will be Showy Forsythia and Code 4 will be Arnold's Red Honeysuckle. Com. Wehring made a motion to approve the Landscaping for the Lexing- ton Development Clubhouse Area as presented with the stipulation that the Fence Posts will not be spiked. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: , Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None D. Levitt Homes - Elevation # of the B-B Unit Mr. William Baron, Architect with James Goldberg, described the exterior of the proposed B-B Unit building. This unit is selling better than the A Unit and they need variety in order to meet the Monotony Code. The first elevation change will have the following materials" 1. Color of siding - Chappel Grey 2. Shingles - Frosted Grey 3. Stacatto Board - White 4. Trim - White 5. Vents - Painted Grey 6. Trellis at front door - White The brick detail in this elevation will be White instead of the Red as shown in the drawing. The second color scheme follows: 1. Color of siding - Sandtone Brown 2. Shingles - Gingerwood 3. Stacatto Board White 4. Trim - Muscat Brown 5. Vents - Trim Color 6. Trellis at front door - Trim Color The trellises are open but extend some 4 feet from the doorway. Window muttons will be White and are not removable. Rear vents will be painted out to match the siding color. The original elevations had no stacatto board, but are basically aluminum siding. The changes will not affect the lot sizes. The 3 bedroom model is somewhat wider, but not deeper. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 27, 1983 Page Four Com. Wehring made the following motion: I move we approve the B-B Elevation No. 3 as submitted by Levitt Homes, with the stipulation that the Red Brick on the Grey rendering will be changed to White Brick. The development will meet the Monotony Code, according to the PUD agreement. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None Sales Trailer Mr. Wm. Baron:;, requested an extension of the time period for the Sales Trailer. Originally, they planned to put a design center in the model area double garages; but they find this will be too small. If they built another model it would cost $150,000.00. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve an extension of Levitt's Serendipity Sales Trailer for a period of 1 year with renewal if the area is well main- tained in good condition. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Wehring Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None Chairman Hardt commented that usually sales trailers are permitted only until construction of the model area; and it is possible that the Village Board will review the request from a view other than aesthetics. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS It was noted that there are some exterior trash containers at the Commerce Center that were not approved. Mr. Saviano said this is because construction is not completed. The Building Department is watching this carefully. Mr. Saviano presented the Public Hearing Sign that was constructed for use when variations are requested. It will be up for 15 days before the hearings. The AC Commissioners discussed the size and agreed that it is too large for residen- tial property. It was not certain if the AC petitioners will have to post the signs. A 2' x 3' sign would be large enough. This would be recommended to the Village Board. The Commissioners also agreed that the signs should be re- gulated:;with some uniformity. It would not be fair to some people to require a sign if others are not. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 27, 1983 Page Five VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, $0(2 Shirley Bates ecretary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 27, 1983 sb Page Six